Poll: Powerful Movie Scenes With Minimal Dialogue

As Norma Desmond once said, "We didn't need dialogue. We had faces." Though she may have meant this in a different context, we understood the subtext - sometimes, the most powerful moments in a film can be conceived without any dialogue at all. We often associate powerful movie scenes with some intense action or an intense exchange of words. However, these scenes had little to no dialogue and still resonated with us for being as iconic as they were silent. By the end, you may have felt emotionally drained or inexplicably moved, but the catch is that such was achieved without the primary usage of dialogue. So which of these powerful movie scenes, that had little to no dialogue, resonated with you the most? (Please note: TV shows, silent movies or scenes that are montages, like the introduction to Up (2009), though beloved by many, will be excluded from this list.) After voting, SPOILER: you may convey your thoughts here. Also vote for: MORE Powerful Movie Scenes With Minimal Dialogue


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