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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw this yesterday on WHT (World Harvest Television, a Christian network that shows westerns on Saturdays). The film is only 61 minutes long, but with all the commercials WHT puts in, it seemed like 61 hours. The film starts off with two homesteaders and their son, coming to make a fresh start. The way these two present their dialogue is like something out of a high school play. They are ambushed by four meanies and the husband is killed. No more is heard of them after that. The scene turns to Matt Sanders, a good looking, but not so bright blacksmith and his trusty helper "Snowflake" (who btw is black and plays the typical stereotype of the day...slow-witted and slow talking). Snowflake's companion is his dog "Sparerib" Also inhabitants of the town are Judge Parker and his daughter Alice, whom Matt has 'a hankerin' for, but is too shy or too stupid to show it. Judge Parker is all for helping the homesteaders, which gets him a bullet, (along with Sparerib) for his trouble. In the longest dying speech ever, he tells Matt and Alice to continue fighting for the homesteaders. Matt's brother Phillip, an educated (and somewhat dickish) lawyer, comes back to town. He is immediately made Judge, now that there's a vacancy. Alice has a hankerin' for him, but Phillip has a hankerin' for power and teams up with the dishonest senator to drive the homesteaders out. There's more shooting, more long dying declarations and a horse gets shot (by Matt, after chasing after a robber, put up by the senator to steal money intended to pay the mortgage on Alice's store and pay for the goods.) To be honest, I was more upset about animals dying than I were the people. Anyway, Matt realizes that his brother is up to no good with the senator and after beating up his brother and flying through a glass window like Superman, he rounds up the homesteaders to clean up the town of all the baddies. In between all this fussin' and fightin', Phillip gets shot and makes another dying speech and "THE END" abruptly flashes on the screen. There is no resolution to the story, you don't know if the senator is tried and convicted, you don't know if Matt gets the girl or if Snowflake gets another dog. THAT'S THE ENDING! So, if you like westerns with a lot of gunplay, animal cruelty and insulting stereotypes, this is the movie for you. If not, stay away from this stinker. BTW, I still don't know what the title means. If it means "Single-Handedly Stupid", that's our hero.