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  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . "Spanky's" Ma warns him as MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE begins. "Mothers don't know anything about caves," the ghost of Spanky's Id retorts moments later. Since MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE raises an issue still pressing in Today's World, let's examine this question: ARE caves dangerous? A mom and her teenage son who live a few miles from my ancestral home made the national news on March 28, 2018, for getting stuck three hours that week in a malfunctioning Carlsbad Caverns elevator. My brother took me "spelunking" several times into caves with NO elevators (or electric lights). One was halfway down the Grand Canyon, and it had scat from a very large animal on the "floor" of its first large "room." Another was in California's Sequoia\King's Canyon National Park, where we squeezed through what nearly became a one-way crack on a dare from the underground guide ranger (as in, "Sure, you can crawl through that opening, IF you can fit--Tee Hee"). Plus, my brother told us at Thanksgiving about a time he was exploring alone, easing himself face-up through a narrow, almost water-filled rocky tube, and almost drowned when the back of his sweatshirt snagged on something jagged. So take it from Spanky's Ma, the mother at Carlsbad, and me: Caves ARE dangerous--REALLY dangerous!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    (SPOILER WARNING) MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE cannot be ranked among the funniest Our Gang films, although it has its share of laughs. In terms of thrills and chills, however, it's hard to top. One cannot help but share both the children's awe when they discover buried treasure in a cave and their horror when they encounter its occupant, a malevolent giant (R.E. "Tex" Madsen).

    Gus Meins' direction contributes greatly to MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE's success. With dark lighting, he conveys a forbidding aura to the cave setting. (Incidentally, that setting was built for the Laurel and Hardy feature BABES IN TOYLAND.) He conjures the wonder of the treasure discovery by depicting a gigantic chest- the first object found in the cave-that dwarfs the children. And Meins provides a stirring buildup to the giant's introduction. He displays an enormous footprint and an enormous chair that the Gang stumble upon. When the giant initially appears, his immenseness is emphasized by standing next to the tiny children. Voice actor Billy Bletcher's sepulchral grunts and growls enhance the ogre's menacing qualities.

    The sprightly musical score enriches the film. It consists of stock themes used in countless Hal Roach shorts but they're judiciously selected to fit the mood of the scenes, whether they call for slapstick, elation, terror, etc.

    MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE entertainingly provides a lesson in caution without preaching (unlike the later M-G-M Our Gang shorts). Spanky McFarland has disobeyed his mother's orders not to explore the dangerous cave and suffers the consequences when he and the others are trapped by the giant. When he wakes up in the comfort of his room and discovers the cave episode was just a nightmare, he demonstrates his enlightenment not with a speech but with a gag- socking his devilish alter ego. It's a highly satisfying ending worthy for such a remarkable film.
  • I am a crazed Rascals fan

    Yes, I admit it. I'll snap up every Our Gang comedy like a ravenous monkey, especially the installments featuring the adorable child actor Scotty Beckett. This film, considered by some critics to be one of the best in the series, was also rumored to have provided some basic story lines for Steven Spielburg's "The Goonies". It features a very young Buckwheat in contrast to an "aging" Stymie.

    The Little Rascals is an escape to yesterday for all of us. With it's simple childhood portrayal, in the midst of the depression, and Saturday morning memories, it is difficult to find people who are not interested in this remarkable series. If you have not seen any, what are you waiting for?
  • For a few films before this one, Buckwheat was a character played by a girl! This film marks the appearance of the real Buckwheat we have all come to know and sometimes love.

    This is one of the best Our Gang comedies. Unlike some, which seemed to have little in the way of plot, this one was very well written and didn't just rely on the kids being adorable to attract an audience. It all begins with Spanky being adorable (which was true in all his earlier films). His father talks about an article in the newspaper that says pirate treasure was recently discovered. Naturally, this gives Spanky an idea and he rounds up all the kids to go explore a nearby cave. However, when he returns home for a flashlight, his mother catches him and forbids him to go. He's defiant--resulting in him being sent to his room. Now I could tell you all about the rest of the film, but I don't want to spoil it. Suffice to say that it's a wonderful and rather dark fantasy film from here on. I especially loved Spanky talking with his rather nasty conscience--but the giant was also a sight you have to see! This film has what you want in a film--lots of laughs. While I normally think the Our Gang comedies aren't nearly as good as some of the other series from Hal Roach Studios (especially Laurel & Hardy and Charley Chase), this one is a definite exception. Well worth seeing and fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This Hal Roach comedy short, Mama's Little Pirate, is the one hundred thirty-second in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series and the forty-fourth talkie. After his father mentions a newspaper article that tells of found treasure, Spanky has the gang search for some in a nearby cave. I'll stop there and just say this short has plenty of laughs and thrills with the appropriate music to set the mood, provided-as usual-by LeRoy Shield. There are also some nice process shots of Spanky talking to his conscience and some nice props of oversized objects in the cave. Oh, and that cave was the same one used in Laurel & Hardy's Babes in Toyland which was also directed by the same man who helmed this short, Gus Meins. So on that note, Mama's Little Pirate is highly recommended. P.S. This was Billie Thomas' fourth appearance in the series but his first as Buckwheat who's depicted as a girl here! And Spanky's father was played by Joe Young, older brother of Robert Young of "Father Knows Best" and "Marcus Welby, M.D." fame.
  • I watched MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE, a short comedy offering from the Our Gang team, on a video compilation of Little Rascals efforts that Amazon Prime were kind enough to upload. It's an energetic if slight tale in which the team decide to hunt for some buried treasure inside a cave, only to get up to all kinds of hijinks with the people therein. It has goofy slapstick, exaggerated performances, and all of the childish humour you could hope for.
  • An OUR GANG Comedy Short.

    Against his mother's wishes, Spanky takes Stymie & the Gang treasure hunting in a dark cave. What MAMA'S LITTLE PIRATE finds there will be a big surprise to them all...

    Lots of fun & adventure in this little film. Highlight: the attack of the Giant (played by R. E. `Tex' Madsen, voice by longtime comedian Billy Bletcher). This was one of the films where Buckwheat is supposedly a female character.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Mama's Little Pirate" is an 18-minute live action short film from 1934. This one has sound, like all the other Rascals movies, but is in black-and-white. Spanky hears about how glorious and precious pirate treasures are, so he and the gang quickly are in search of one afterward. But what they find is probably not exactly to their liking. After all, a pirate treasure always has a pirate who does not want to lose it. This is where R.E. 'Tex' Madsen, one of the tallest men on the planet at that time, comes into play and his sheer size again makes him way more scary for the little boys. But story-wise, this is not a great film at all. Hands-down, the contents are enough for a 7-minute movie and there are several scenes in here where the pirate treasure search reference is almost lost, like before they meet the pirate especially. Overall, I give this one a thumbs-down, but I am a bit biased because I am certainly not a great Rascals fan. Then again, I cannot really see why grown-ups would find any of the scenes really funny. It's showy yes, but there is no depth at all. Watch something else instead.