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  • Warning: Spoilers
    A young Simone Simon falls for her teacher (Herbert Marshall) in "Girls' Dormitory," a 1936 film set in a European girls' school where the teachers are Herr and Fraulein. When Herbert Marshall is the object of a girl's affections, you know this is an old one. Like the previous poster, this film made me feel old, too, but for a different reason - I didn't like seeing Ruth Chatterton thrown over for this babe! Simon plays a 19-year-old, but like "Ladies in Love" from the same time period, she looks like she's about 15. She's a total dazzler with those pouty lips, exotic eyes, sexy voice, and kittenish presence. She was a natural for "Cat People," that's for sure. And in real life, she was no less of a man magnet - even at an advanced age, she had plenty of male attention.

    Herbert Marshall plays the world's most absent-minded professor, failing to see that his colleague, Ruth Chatterton, has been in love with him for years and waiting for a marriage proposal. Similarly, he never catches on that Simon is in love with him either. In the story, Chatterton comes to Simon's defense when a love letter is found by one of the sterner teachers, and a move is afoot to expel her. Chatterton is a lovely actress, in her forties in this film. She only made a few other movies after this one, returning to her theatrical roots for the most of the rest of her career.

    Tyrone Power, then billed as Tyrone Power, Jr., as his son is today, has a small role toward the end of the movie. He's gorgeous.

    Girls' Dormitory is dated as all get-out, but worth seeing for Chatterton, Simon, and Power when he was beginning to find his place at 20th Century Fox.
  • This romance from 20th Century Fox and director Irving Cummings has Dr. Stephen Dominick (Herbert Marshall) teaching at an exclusive girls' school. He runs into trouble when both fellow teacher Professor Anna Mathe (Ruth Chatterton) and student Marie Claudel (Simone Simon) fall in love with him.

    I'm not quite sure why the women in this film fall so hard for Marshall, who remains largely stone-faced and monotone throughout. Maybe it's that British stiff-upper-lip poise. Chatterton is wasted in an underwritten role. Simone Simon, making her American movie debut with much attendant ballyhoo, is the main focus of the filmmakers, with many, many lingering closeups of her face filling the screen. The result is the kind of romance that, if one swapped out the musical score and replaced it with one more menacing, would easily be believable as a horror film, as Simone's unblinking stare beaming from her baby-doll face is a little disturbing. I watched this for Tyrone Power in one of his earliest roles, a very short bit at the end. Character actor John Qualen is the most memorable as a kindly groundskeeper, sporting long white hair and a droopy mustache despite only being in his mid-30s at the time.
  • aromatic-215 January 2001
    Herbert Marshall does his best with a foolish character and a melodramatic script. Simone is electric on the screen but the chemistry between she and Ruth Chatterton is far more compelling than between Marshall and either one of his leading ladies. I LOVED this movie when I was young, but cannot remember why. Seeing it now just makes me feel very, very old because the mores and standards promulgated are just so outdated.
  • planktonrules17 January 2009
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is a film that is mostly enjoyable and engaging until late in the film, when it becomes very, very creepy indeed! In fact, it's May-December romance is much more disturbing and creepy than the famous Ronald Reagan turkey, THAT HAGAN GIRL. How Herbert Marshall and the rest were able to get away with producing such a ridiculously flawed film is beyond me.

    The film starts off very well and a lot could have been made of the story. It all begins at a private girls high school in Austria, of all places. Marshall is the beloved head master of the school and practically all the young ladies are infatuated with him. One in particular, Simone Simon, is REALLY infatuated and it's pretty obvious to the audience though inexplicably Marshall and the rest are in the dark about this. Simone's infatuation is so great that she even writes love letters but doesn't send them. When a very prudish and self-righteous teacher finds one of the letters, they want to make an example of her--though she really hasn't really done anything and they have no idea the object of the letters is Marshall. In this inquisitorial climate, Marshall and some of the staff stand up to two vindictive teachers who seem to be on their own private witch hunt, of sorts.

    So far, all this is great entertainment. I can't see Marshall as being THAT sexy but this certainly wasn't a major issue, as he was very kind and possessed one of the most beautiful voices in film. However, completely out of the blue, the film falls off the deep end into very creepy territory. Although there was no indication whatsoever that Marshall would reciprocate, when he found out that Simone's letters were fantasy letters about him, he instantly declared his love for her!! This out of the blue declaration made no sense and coming from both a much older man AND one of her teachers really made my skin crawl. I am a male teacher about the same age as Marshall and I teach at a high school. I can assure you that NO ONE would find my declaring my undying love for any of students to be romantic or right in any moral sense. Heck, I'd likely make the TV news! Now I know times have changed and perhaps society might not have taken quite as strong a view about this back then, but even in the 1930s this is really, really weird and must have nauseated the audiences. In the final love scene that occurs just as the film is ending, many must have felt really annoyed or sickened. I know I couldn't enjoy this and saw Marshall's character as a bit of a pedophile.

    The only reason I could recommend this film at all is an early appearance by Tyrone Power near the very end. Power fans will no doubt want to see him, but I can assure them that his performance is bland and too short to satisfy.

    Finally, I can say only one more thing about the film----Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A May-December romance may not be to modern tastes, but there can't be many young women who wouldn't fall for a man like Herbert Marshall if he was their headmaster. He's devastatingly attractive here in an oblivious-to-his-own-charms, mild and scholarly kind of a way, with that legendary voice.

    The film is what it is in terms of being a product of its era. The rhythm of the scenes is different from what we are used to today. The social mores are obviously of another era. There's no way a schoolgirl of today would face an intrusive inquisition by the entire teaching staff for something as trivial as an unsent love letter, you can hear the 21st century lawsuits flying.

    But this was a different era, and it's a strange delight to just step back in time and absorb it all.

    Simone Simon is absolutely luminous on screen. The love scene is exquisite: from Marshall's rain-wet hair falling over his forehead to Simon's declaration that shakes him to the core.

    It's a sad film too. You can't help but feel for Ruth Chatterton, and even half wish he'd change his mind and discover his love for her instead of Simon, who is surely young and beautiful enough to love again. Apparently there's a 1931 German film where the headmaster does end up with this colleague. But here he doesn't, and is reunited with Simon in what feels like a somewhat rushed ending.

    Girls' Dormitory is only 66 minutes long: there's room for a better ending. More screen time and a subplot for Tyrone Power could have been interesting. Films have become longer each decade, but the average movie in the 1930s by one analysis I found was 96 minutes - half an hour longer. I'm not film historian enough to know why Girls' Dormitory is so short, but perhaps we may feel that its brevity adds to its charm.

    Anyway, this is one to enjoy and not agonise too deeply over. Simone Simon's character is 19 after all, and this is from an era where a girl would expect to marry soon after finishing school.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Girl's school professor Herbert Marshall is stunned to find out he is the recipient of love from one of his young students (Simone Simon). Ruth Chatterton is his friend who must help them defend themselves in this soap opera made during 20th Century Fox's first year after the merger of William Fox's studio and Darryl F. Zanuck's 20th Century Pictures. It was a secondary role for Ruth Chatterton in her last major year as a Hollywood star. The same year, she scored a major triumph as the selfish wife in "Dodsworth" (and an Oscar Nomination), and appeared in a fine now forgotten women's film, "Lady of Secrets". After two little seen British films, she was never once again on the big screen, making only sporadic appearances on TV years later. Herbert Marshall, a fine romantic actor, is supposed to be in his 30's here, but is obviously a bit older. It is a bit concerting to see Simone Simon chasing him and for him to fall prey to her charms. (Reverse that with Chatterton going after a much younger man, and in 1936, you'd truly have the Hays code going bonkers.) I was happy though that Simon was presented as sensitive and beautiful as the young innocent Marie, and was not at all cloying in her part. I thought with her voice, she would begin to grate after a while, but I was surprised that she didn't.

    Constance Collier, hit by a rock from a slingshot, later a pillow, which causes her skirt to fall down while searching for her glasses, faces all sorts of deserved indignities here. J. Edward Bromberg deserves more than the slap he gets from Ruth Chatterton. He is appropriately despicable, but gets his share of come-uppance from two other teachers who accuse him of taking out his own family aggressions on his pupils. Tyrone Power, whose DVD box set this title appears under, only has a cameo towards the end, and isn't even billed in the opening credits. It's basically a screen test that confirmed his chemistry with the camera. If you can get past the uncomfortableness of the story between Marshall and Ms. Simon, you might find this enjoyable. It is beautifully filmed and gives director Irving Cummings a chance to do something other than the musicals he would mainly be remembered for.
  • Since I watched Herbert Marshall's movies from later in his career first, I had no idea he was once a dashing leading man. Even when I watched him in The Painted Veil and Blonde Venus, he was portrayed as a cuckold husband, so I still didn't witness his leading man status. Why didn't I watch Girls' Dormitory first? I would have loved him!

    Girls' Dormitory sounds like a comedy from the music in the opening credits, but once the plot starts, it's clearly a serious drama. Herbert Marshall stars as the director of a girls' school in Germany, and he has a close friendship with one of the teachers, Ruth Chatterton. Everyone, including the school's groundskeeper John Qualen, knows Ruth has romantic feelings for Herbie, but he has no idea. Ruth's favorite student, Simone Simon has a crush on Herbie, and when she writes him a love letter, everything starts to spiral out of control. Simone has the good sense to throw away the letter, but a strict teacher, Constance Collier, digs through the garbage and finds it. Then, with another strict teacher, J. Edward Bromberg, they take Simone to task and try to expel her two days before graduation. Combined with the love triangle that's very engaging, the harsh reprimand of an innocent student is a very interesting storyline. The screenplay is smart and realistic, showing that some people are mean and want to punish regardless of consequence.

    If you blink, you'll miss "Tyrone Power Jr." in one of his first movies, so if you're only watching this movie for him, pick something else. This is Herbie's show, and he's every bit the dashing leading man he was in the 1930s. He's handsome, charming, sensitive, responsible, and romantic. I'm partial to May-December stories, so while I started out liking the movie, the quality of the film itself made me enjoy all of it. Simone's accent is very thick, and at times it's hard to understand her, but since this is her first American movie, it's understandable to cut her a little slack. Ruth Chatterton gives an understated performance, and you'd never believe she'd be capable of losing her temper in the same year's Dodsworth. Girls' Dormitory is a really great movie, with tension galore and a very appealing leading man. Try it out with your friends from school!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If it were not for the fact that Tyrone Power had a small role that caused Darryl Zanuck to take notice of him, Girl's Dormitory would well be forgotten as it should. I doubt such a film would have been done in an American setting. One was tried called That Hagen Girl and it nearly wrecked the careers of Shirley Temple and Ronald Reagan.

    Girl's Dormitory was also to be the debut of young French player Simone Simon and she plays one sly little minx who is going to a boarding school in Germany. A couple of days before graduation she writes and then discards a steamy love letter to an unknown lover. The house matron at the school, Constance Collier finds it and shows it to another teacher J. Edward Bromberg.

    Who then raises a big whoop-tee-do at the faculty meeting. Bromberg wants this immoral young lady made an example of and tossed from the school. Remember this is two days before graduation. Simon confesses to another teacher Ruth Chatterton that it was meant for Herbert Marshall the headmaster. Chatterton also has it for Marshall.

    After that the film moves right along the path of That Hagen Girl and looks just as stupid as Marshall declares his undying love for Simon. The man was a regular Jerry Lee Lewis, who'd have thunk it, Herbert Marshall.

    The most interesting character is the repressed J. Edward Bromberg who acts like the grand inquisitor. In an ironic twist of fate, he would face this in real life from House Un-American Activities Committee and would be the cause of his demise.

    Toward the end of the film, Tyrone Power playing a young nobleman tries to chat up Simon in a café. That small scene brought a lot of fan mail in and Darryl Zanuck who had just put together the 20th Century Fox merger knew he had a new male lead star who would be to him what Clark Gable was to Louis B. Mayer at MGM.

    So a star was born albeit in a strange birthplace. Girl's Dormitory I'm surprised made it through the omnipresent Code although no sex scenes took place. Other than seeing Ty Power's first real noticeable part, Girl's Dormitory has nothing to recommend it.
  • "Girls' Dormitory" is supposed to be a romantic drama, and many viewers may have expected that of it and seen it that way. It's based on a play, which I suspect may have had a slightly different plot. That would be a drama that was more of a cultural and social play. I say that because I could see that plainly in this film. Actually, it would be two cultural subplots.

    The most obvious one has much of the story of the film built around it. A teen-age girl in a Swiss girls finishing school wrote a letter that she never intended to send, expressing love for a man or boy. She threw it in the wastebasket, but a prudish, judgmental and mean woman professor found it. Some members of the faculty want the girl expelled just three days before she will graduate. Most of the faculty see it as a young girl's dream and putting her romance on paper.

    As the story plays out, the girl, Marie Claudel, confides in a trusted and well-liked Professor Anna Mathe, that the object of her letter was the school director, Dr. Stephen (Stefan) Dominik. Professor Mathe herself had been in love with Dominik for several years, and they had been close as she researched and helped him with a book he had just finished. The feelings of Mathe for Dominik is the closest this film comes to romance. The rest of what some may think as romance is little more than infatuation, adulation, and extreme naiveté. All of those apply with Miss Claudel, and the naiveté is even more extreme with Dominik.

    Most adults know about and understand infatuation. Indeed, many of us have experienced it ourselves when young. How many were attracted to or thought they were in love with a teacher - female or male? Marie has been in an all-girls school for all of her transition years into a young lady. The very girlishness of the girls there even at the age of high school graduation, shows their youthful immaturity. The students have little contact with or exposure to males other than members of their family and the school faculty. Marie has not even seen other young men, let alone dating or mixing with them in these few years.

    But the big problem within the story is the naiveté of Dr. Dominik. He has a scene with another older male professor, when Dominik refers to them as long-standing bachelors. In another scene, he is said to be 37 years old. So, here's a man who apparently has had no amorous interests or feelings at all for women. He's apparently not dated before, and his closeness with Professor Mathe has in no way tweaked any love interest or sexual attraction. Then, he's bowled over to find that Marie's letter was written with him in mind, and so now he suddenly is in love with her?

    In reality, this character never got out of boyhood in his own maturity. Such a sudden awakening to physical attraction on his part is his infatuation. And, his real immaturity shows in his not realizing that, even after noting that he is twice the age of Marie. And his not realizing that Marie, who has come into young womanhood physically in the past three years, is yet far from emotional and mental maturity.

    While there may have been some in the mid-1930s who saw romance in this movie, as there are now in the next century, I think most of the audience then would have seen this as a drama tragedy. The film ends, supposedly on a high note for the infatuated couple, and it leaves the audience, when it awakens from this fairy tale, to ponder its likely outcome in real life. A girl graduate marries the school director - if there was scandal over a girl writing a love note and throwing it away, just think what the gossip and suspicions would now be among the school board, parents and the public. And what of their future now? He will continue on as the school director, and she will be the dutiful wife at home? Or will she go off to study further, so that she and Stefan can converse by the fire over authors or educational topics? Or, will she become attracted to a young man or two whom she sees and meets in time?

    None of the acting here is particularly noteworthy. Herbert Marshall, with his usual reticent and demurring persona, is well suited for the role of Stefan Dominik. Most of the school faculty seemed somewhat wooden, even Ruth Chatterton. This film introduced Simone Simon as Marie, to American audiences. But she didn't resonate much with movie fans, and after a few films she returned to France.

    There is a scene with some humor when the faculty is discussing the mysterious crumpled love letter found in a wastebasket. Some of the dialog is humorous, but that even seems strange and out of place in this otherwise somber and slow drama. Here are those lines.

    Dr. Hoffenreich, "Your wife must treat you very badly." Dr. Spindler, "What?" Dr. Hoffenreich, "I've observed that teachers who are browbeaten at home are inclined to take their revenge in school."

    Dr. Wilfinger, "Anyone who pokes around in the garbage can shouldn't 't be surprised when he finds garbage."

    Dr. Spindler, "Have you ever noticed any boys hanging around outside waiting for girls?" Toni, scratching his head, "Well, yes. There's one good-looking young fellow that waits every day at the corner." Dr. Spindler, "Uh huh. And do you know for whom he waits?" Toni, "Certainly. For Frau Professor Wimmer." Professor Augusta Wimmer, 'You idiot! That's my nephew." Toni, "Well, I didn't say he was your sweetheart."
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Herbert Marshall and Ruth Chatterton star in this short film, in the early part of Tyrone Power's career. But it's Simone Simon's movie.

    In her first film role, she shines as a budding young woman in this college or school where they enter at 15 and graduate at 19, roughly. Miss Simon has that mystique of Garbo with the allure of Dietrich. Her innocence is not overdone and she gives a very effective and sincere performance as a dreamer in love with the schoolmaster, Herbert.

    Some may say it gets into melodramatics as it nears the end with the storm, the school board meeting, and the over-the-top teacher who wants a hearing over the misunderstood letter.

    But it provides solid entertainment for little over an hour, and I would recommend this sensitive movie for anyone who wants to discover Miss Simone Simon at her best.