User Reviews (12)

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  • William Farnum sends for The Three Mesquiteers to help him save his mining claim who some unscrupulous townspeople are trying to get a hold of. The villains are headed by town mayor LeRoy Mason.

    Mason proves to be a most resourceful villain. He kills Farnum and his little daughter and frames Wayne for the murder. When it looks like the Duke and Crash and Lullaby are going to get out of the frame, he gets a lynch mob going.

    This is the second film that I've seen where the Duke was the object of a lynch mob. In Range Law where he's also accused of murder, he's almost lynched as well. Marshal Buck Jones saves him in that one.

    LeRoy Mason played a lot of western villains and he gives the Mesquiteers a run for their money. He thinks pretty fast on his feet and it's a less nervy member of his own gang that ruins all his plans.

    How does Wayne get out of it? All I can say it's a rescue worthy of some of the serial cliffhangers.
  • bsmith555211 February 2001
    "Santa Fe Stampede" is one of many Three Mesquiteers films made by Republic in the late 30s and early forties. The trio in this outing consisted of John Wayne, Ray "Crash" Corrigan and Max Terhune. For Wayne, this was the third of eight Three Mesquiteer films he appeared in and was his final "B" western series prior to his emergence as a major star.

    As usual the title of the movie bears little or no resemblance to the plot of the picture. The "Santa Fe" of the title is "Santa Fe Junction" and there is no stampede to be found, or for that matter, no cattle.

    What the film does have is a great cast. Wayne, Corrigan and Terhune look comfortable in their hero roles. Former silent screen star William Farnum, with his stage trained voice and elocution, plays the boys' friend and partner. The chief villain is played by Republic's busiest bad guy of the period, LeRoy Mason. In his gang of henchmen are such "B" western stalwarts as Charlie King, Bud Osborne and Dick Alexander. Tom London also appears as a marshal.

    In the video I watched, issued by Republic Pictures Home Video there are three minutes cut out. The key scene deleted involves the fate of the Farnum character and his young daughter, which some must have thought was too disturbing for young audiences. But I do not understand why the video didn't contain the complete version.

    Nevertheless, "Santa Fe Stampede" is a good way to spend an hour.
  • coltras3530 May 2021
    The Mesquiteers capture a horse thief who escapes justice through a crooked judge. They gather signatures urging the governor to investigate but a friend with the petition is murdered. Stony is accused.

    There's no stampede as the title suggests but there's the usual formulaic story of the 3 mesquiteers coming to the rescue, tackling a crooked mayor, shootout, fisticuffs, however the death of Wayne's friend and the young girl adds some sombreness and drama - the plot twists and turns. Wayne is framed, and a lynch mob - with women among the men demanding him dead - is formed. The highlight is the burning of the sheriff's office where Wayne is imprisoned and it's also dynamited.

    A good entry featuring the three fast galloping heroes.
  • Michael_Elliott14 March 2008
    Santa Fe Stampede (1938)

    *** (out of 4)

    In 1935 Republic Pictures started their low-budget western series featuring The Three Mesquiteers with Powdersmoke Range and would end it with 1943's Riders of the Rio Grande. Various actors graced the screen as the trio but the best known films are those with John Wayne whose first appearance was in 1938's Pals of the Saddle. Wayne would make a total of eight Mesquiteers films with Santa Fe Stampede being the third.

    The Three Mesquiteers--Stony (John Wayne), Tucson (Ray Corrigan) and Lullaby (Max Terhune)—are asked by a friend (William Farnum) to help keep some bad guys off his property. These bad guys are being controlled by the town's greedy Mayor who knows that a gold mine is on the property. When the local Judge offers no help it's up to the Mesquiteers to help but after the friend is murdered the Mayor makes it appear that Stony killed him in order to take over the mine. Now the boys must try and solve the case before the town folks kill Stony and let the guilty go free.

    You certainly shouldn't go into this film expecting anything like The Searchers or Once Upon a Time in the West because films like this were made cheaply, at a fast rate and their purpose was to entertain for an hour and nothing more. If you have a fondness for the "B" pictures of yesterday then you'll know what to expect here and the film pretty much delivers on all grounds. There's certainly nothing original or new here story wise but that's fine since the entertainment level is high and the running time short.

    Typical of a "B" Western, the title has absolutely nothing to do with the actual film so if you're expecting any sort of stampede then you'll be in for a big letdown. I'm sure that word was just added for an added boost to get people in the theater but either way you do get the typical "B" Western action. This ranges from various fist fights that break out at any moment including one hilarious scene where the heroes battle the bad guys right inside a court room, which lands them in contempt of court. We also get various shoot outs, which contain some mild excitement even though they are as fake as possible. The biggest highlight to a film like this is a dramatic ending, which usually contains the biggest stunts and here we get Wayne stuck inside a burning building trying to make an escape.

    Another key to these films are the main cast members, which always adds a few chuckles and gives the viewer a reason to watch them. There were thousands of these types of films made during the decade yet the one's with Wayne are certainly the most memorable and while the debate of Wayne as an actor will always continue there's no denying his visual impact on any film. You can tell Wayne is having a lot of fun here including a wonderful scene where his friends young daughter shares her thoughts about marrying him. Wayne has all the vibrant energy to carry the film but his two co-stars also add a lot as well. Silent screen star William Farnum is a bit too wooden and over the top but this actually ads more charm to the film.

    Santa Fe Stampede also contains a rather shocking and violent scene where the friend is actually killed. The final death sequence was trimmed back when the film was released due to it being too graphic for viewers back then but it's restored here and it's easy to see why so many would have objected to the scene back in its day. The film itself is nothing groundbreaking but fans of the "B" Western or John Wayne should get a kick out of the movie nonetheless.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Nice movie to watch when you wake up too early on a weekend morning.

    There IS a stampede! Contrary to what the earlier commenter implied, there is a stampede, it just involves humans acting as animals instead of sane, rational beings. Humans running out of control causing damage is as much a stampede as any by cattle. :-)

    I like these short Wayne and pals flicks. Thanks to cable TV we have so many choices and I am glad these oldies get shown. This was a typical good guys fight the bad guys and should be watched carefully with children. As the movie notes mention there is a "movie first" in it so be aware and discuss the movie with your children.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One of 51 westerns by Republic in the late '30s and early'40s, under the banner of The Three Mesquiteers. The identity of the 3 players varied. John Wayne is involved in only 8 of them, and this is one of those. With a run time of only 55 min., it packs in a lot of scheming and action. Incidentally, although this is scripted as taking place in New Mexico Territory, the Santa Fe in the title refers to the small town of Santa Fe Junction, not to the capital! Also, the closest thing to a stampede is the mob milling around outside the jail where John Wayne, as Stoney Brooke, is being kept. This was early in director George Sherman's career at Republic. Later, he would move to Columbia, and then to Universal. Each time, he would direct B westerns, nearly exclusively. Luci Ward and Betty Burbridge combined to develop the screenplay, both writing the screenplays for primarily B westerns from the late '30s through the '40s.......Here, Wayne, Ray Corrigan and Max Trehune were the 3 Mesquiteers. The latter occasionally got out his Elmer puppet to practice some ventriloquism. Petite June Martel played Stoney's quasi-girlfriend. Her small sister, Julie Jane, was played by Genee Hall, while her small brother Billy was played by Martin Spellman, whose film career was limited to juvenile roles. William Farnum played their father, Dave Carson. LeRoy Mason played the kingpin villain Mayor Gil Byron. Ferris Taylor ,as Judge Hixon, and Dick Rush, as Sheriff Tom, were his two main accomplices in obstructing law and order in the town......It was a gold vein that the Carsons discovered that forms the basis of the story. Mayor Byron and his cronies and henchmen want to take the mine away from the Carsons. To do so legally, they must obtain an ore sample. Toward this end, Byron sends 2 men out to sneak into the mine to get a sample. As they leave on 2 of Carson's horses, Billy shoots at them, alerting the others, who chase them. One is caught, but the other has the ore sample. Stony and bunch take the one to the sheriff, who tells them they need a court order to put him in jail. So, they go to the judge, who obliges them. However, he says there is be a trial right away. The sheriff brings the prisoner over, with a bunch men. One of the men says he couldn't be the thief, since he was working with the defendant at the time. Based on this flimsy evidence, the judge dismisses the case. Stony pipes up "This isn't a court. It's a three ring circus", and is fined for contempt of court. Soon, Stony starts a petition to be sent to the governor, that these corrupt officials be fired. Dave Carson is selected to take this to the governor while, at the same time, Stony takes his ore report to the claims office , in another town. The mayor sends two men to kill Carson, and return with the petition. This they do. However, little Julie Jan was also in the buckboard(why?), which went over a cliff, without a driver. It was assumed she died. Her reported death incensed the town people. Meanwhile, the mayor decided to charge Stony with the crime, since he was away from town at the time. He was jailed on this flimsy evidence, and a mob gathered, demanding that he be lynched. When the sheriff opened the door, Nancy slipped in but, mysteriously, fainted before reaching Stony. The impatient mayor ordered that the jail be set afire. There soon were several big fires within the jail. Then, several sticks of dynamite were thrown into the jail, One blew out a wall allowing Stony to escape, with Nancy in his arms, surviving the fire and smoke inhalation. This whole sequence, beginning with Nancy's fainting, is totally unbelievable. Other than this last part, I enjoyed the film , which was based on a good screenplay. See the ending of the film, at YouTube, for instance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Kids in Westerns were fairly common as far back as the 1930's, but it's always surprising to me when a youngster is killed or allowed to die like you find here in "Santa Fe Stampede". Young Julie Carson (Genee Hall) and her father Dave (William Farnum) are snuffed by henchmen of Santa Fe Junction's mayor, Gilbert Byron (Le Roy Mason). Though you only see their buckboard crash over a small cliff, this viewer was left wondering if there was some way to have the young lady saved from the wreckage, but that wasn't to be. Considering that a lot of these programmers were meant for Saturday afternoon matinée crowds catering to youngsters, I tried to imagine how kids of the same age might have reacted to the scene.

    For his trouble, Stony Brooke (John Wayne) is framed for the murders, and it's up to his partners Tucson Smith (Ray Corrigan) and Lullaby Joslin (Max Terhune) to come to the rescue. Together, the trio is The Three Mesquiteers, summoned by Dave Carson for their help in securing his gold claim before things go horribly bad. With virtually every authority figure in town in the pocket of crooked Mayor Byron, it won't be easy for the boys to pull off their heroics. But don't worry, the Mesquiteers will wrap this up in under an hour like they always do.

    For John Wayne, this was his third appearance for Republic Pictures as a Mesquiteer, replacing Robert Livingston in the series who was promoted to feature films. Wayne appeared in six films with Corrigan and Terhune; in the final two Terhune was replaced by Ray Hatton. The Mesquiteers series was somewhat of a merry-go-round for the principal players, who found themselves trading off partners over the course of fifty one pictures. Other 'B' Western greats who appeared in the series included Duncan Renaldo, Bob Steele, Rufe Davis, and Tom Tyler, along with a handful of others who appeared in a limited number of stories. Of those I've seen, the pictures with Wayne seem to be the ones where the boys have the most fun in between corralling desperate outlaws.

    Here's something that caught my eye while watching this flick - this is the ONLY 'B' Western I've seen to date in which a cowboy, in this case a villain, uses a rifle with a scope! I don't know when they were invented and first used, but it seemed unusual here, I guess that's why I noticed it.

    Thinking back on some of the other Mesquiteers movies I've seen, I can't remember if the female lead ever became a serious romantic interest for the members of the trio. Wayne and Corrigan seemed to be jockeying for position to romance June Martel's character in this one, but nothing comes of it. Contrast that with virtually all of Wayne's pictures for Lone Star in the early 1930's; in those he closed out each story in a clinch with a pretty lady.
  • An American Western; A story about a trio of cowboys who foil an attempt by a town mayor's gang to steal a gold mine from a friend. This is a routine B-film, light on actual stampede but heavy on scenes that some young viewers may find disturbing. The plot is standard fare involving the framing of a man for a crime and a potential miscarriage of justice. It is directed in a straightforward way for a short feature but the film has a strong third act of peril, danger, fist fighting and thrills. John Wayne has charisma, carrying the show with moral spirit and fortitude. Head baddie LeRoy Mason is suitably nefarious.
  • This was a definite look back at the past when John Wayne was very young and starting out on a great career in films. There really is no stampede, except the bad guys trying to blame Stony Brooke, (John Wayne) for a crime he did not commit. However, the local town people want justice and are convinced that Stony is responsible for this crime and must pay for it. Stony is put in jail and his lady friend, Nanvy Carson visits him while the jail is set on fire and they are both destined to die in the blaze. Tucson Smith,(Ray Corrigan) and Lullaby Joslin, (Max Terhune) try to come to his rescue. Lullaby Joslin is also a ventriloquist and there are some funny scenes with his dummy talking and making jokes. If you look real close, you will see the famous villain of all Western Films, Charlie King. Great John Wayne Classic film, enjoy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Republic Pictures made 51 Three Mesqueteer movies from 1936-1943. Oddly, however, the actors playing these three heroes changed often and there were apparent nine different combinations of actors to play these parts! By far the most famous of these actors was John Wayne, who starred in eight of the films--and "Santa Fe Stampede" is one of them.

    The plot is pretty typical of any B-movie of the period as well as the rest of the Mesqueteer films. There is a gold mine and a baddie wants to take it away from the good guys. On top of this, the baddie pretty much controls the entire town--from the mayor to the judge to the sheriff. As a result, crimes are routinely ignored and the rights of the settlers are trampled upon routinely. The Mesqueteers, being much like traveling social workers and heroes of the old west, spring into action and try to deliver a petition to the governor for help. But, not surprisingly, the mine owner carrying this petition is killed along with his rather annoying young daughter. Everyone was sad, but I was just happy that child was no longer in the film! The baddies know that unless they do something to distract the dumb people of the town that the governor is bound to notice the crazy stuff happening there. So, to divert suspicion from the murder to the two folks, they frame John Wayne for the crime and the town of dumbbells amazingly fall for this!! Think about it--just moments ago they were signing a petition for the governor and now they believe these same men are telling the truth when they say Wayne killed his own friend and his bratty daughter! Duh.

    In addition to the story, you have Max Terhune on hand as the creepy weird member of the Mesqueteers. That's because he inexplicably whipped out a ventriloquist's dummy--and doing a rather poor job of hiding the fact that his lips were moving! Bizarre--and yet Terhune did this same thing in other films as well! Weird.

    Overall, despite the very familiar plot and the meaningless addition to Terhune's 'friend' Elmer, it's a pleasant little B-movie--the sort that is just a bit different from the average film in this very crowded genre. Well done...but odd!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The Three Mequiteers - John Wayne, Ray "Crash" Corrigan, and Max Terhune come to the aid of an old friend who's besieged by a truly nasty group of politically connected claim-jumpers and horse-thieves who plan to steal his goldmine.

    With lots of atmosphere and suspense to spare, this excellent, rousing entry in Republic Pictures' Three Mesquiteers series is a joy to watch. It's loaded to the rafters with non-stop action, stunts, and close-calls on the part of the heroes. As with other titles in the series, Santa Fe Stampede seems seems like a twelve-chapter serial pressed into just under an hour!

    Certainly, this is one of the increasingly higher quality pictures leading up to John Wayne's breakthrough role the following year in John Ford's Stagecoach.

    One thing that's shocking to see in a 1930's Saturday matinée B-western is the sight of a little girl, who dies screaming as her wagon crashes violently from a steep rocky pass! I can't believe they did that!
  • Stony, Tucson, and Lullaby riding hard again as The Mesquiteers is all the action you need in this classic Republic film. The boys start off with helping Dave Carson, played by silent film star William Farnum with his goldmine grubstake. LeRoy Mason brilliantly plays the mayor with a band of henchmen, a crooked sheriff, lawyer, and judge have some other ideas. And these are the creme of the crop henchman and B western stalwarts including, Richard Alexander, Yakima Canutt, George Chesebro, and Charles King. Singer, dancer, actress June Martel is stunning as Nancy Carson holding the fort after the runaway buckboard disaster. Martin Spellman shows his great child acting skills and is ever ready to mix it up with the villains. The superb acting and non-stop action is all you need in this one. A stampede would've gotten tired out trying to keep up with everything going on in this film anyway.