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  • A struggling song and dance actress tells a little white lie to obtain passage on an airliner bound for Washington. Everything gets out of control when the fib is believed by the media! She meets Mr. Wonderful, she becomes famous, and her Off-Broadway show becomes a hit. Dennis Day plays her bewildered boyfriend, but his voice is right on the money. Many great character actors add to the mix to make it a fun romp.
  • buystuffrnh23 September 2020
    It just lays there as if it knows it's only a filler.
  • I am quite surprised that there is only 1 review of this film. Perhaps it has not been shown that often. This was my first viewing and I am a huge Anne Shirley fan. This is one of four films released in her final year in the movie industry, the final film being perhaps the best film noir mystery ever: MURDER, MY SWEET.

    This film is well made. The action is consistent, moving at a solid pace with good acting, directing, editing, etc. Anne Shirley is engaging as usual and sweet & beautiful as always. The premise is interesting and the movie is quite enjoyable. The conclusion is nicely done with a delightful finish. This is one of Anne Shirley's better films. When she left the industry after 1944, she was only 26 years old. Many of her early films were well done, but "B" films, as she had started out as a child actress. Better films had begun to come her way after her Oscar nomination for STELLA DALLAS in 1937. However, no matter the caliber of the material, or the capability of the rest of the cast and producers; Anne Shirley was always a commanding presence in all her films.

    I would heartily recommend this film to any movie fan: and not just classic movie fans. This is a story that could play as well today or any time. It is fun, interesting, entertaining and well done.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Anne Shirley finds her flop Broadway revue suddenly a smash hit when she ends up in a mistaken publicity article as falsely married to a war hero. Philip Terry is the poor sap, actually involved with Shirley's co-star, who ends up in the same hotel room with her in an overcrowded Washington, and for some reason, this publicity sends the Broadway theater's box office getting lines around the corner. (I guess RKO Radio hadn't checked out the ratio of those going to see "Oklahoma!" to those seeing typical Broadway fare in the mid 1940's). The audience seen in the opening number resembles that of the most panned flops today, and all it took was one columnist to mention her about-to-close show in the newspaper to turn the tide. Toss in Jane Darwell half way through the film as the suddenly arrived soldier's mother, and you're gonna groan your way through the remainder of the film. This pain in the rear mother-in-law loves her "new" daughter-in-law so much she does everything but move a cot into the bedroom with the new couple, while Shirley's real fiancée (Don Beddoe) tries to sneak Terry out. An embarrassing script with awkward performances and some not so jazzy jitterbug numbers, this rates among the lowest of the low.
  • "Music in Manhattan" stars mostly lesser-known actors contracted with RKO. One of them, Dennis Day, was a bit of a star as he not only starred in a few musicals, but sold a lot of records and was a semi-regular on "The Jack Benny Program". Despite this, the singing and dancing by the rest of the cast was was the story. I was surprised that Anne Shirley sang was well as she did, as she originally gained fame with the "Anne of Green Gables" films...which is why they changed her name to Anne Shirley.

    Singing Star Frankie Foster (Shirley) needs to travel to Washington, DC but her agent (Raymond Walburn) cannot get her a plane ticket or hotel room, as the city was swamped with visitors due to the war. Several other films of the time dealt with this problem (such as "The More the Merrier"). So, he lies and says that Frankie is the wife of a war hero en route to Washington to receive the Congressional Medal of Honor (Philip Terry). This does the trick and she manages to get aboard the plane and secure a hotel room...though eventually her 'husband' shows up and that's a surprise! And, instead of being angry at her, the hero embraces it...much to her and her boyfriend's surprise! And, it's all good fun until his mama (Jane Darwell) comes to visit!!

    This is a cute and very enjoyable movie. Not exactly a B-movie (as it's 81 minutes long...far too long for a B) but its lesser-name (but still very talented) cast and lower budget make it sort of like a B+ film! But a really good B+ film!
  • atlasmb28 August 2020
    In this romantic comedy, the fun starts with a mistaken identity, based on a little white lie that spirals out of control. Before you know it, love is in the air and the show is a Broadway hit. That's reviewer's shorthand for "the plot is predictable and everything ends up jake".

    The real surprise is that this B movie is charming and delightful.

    First of all, the cast is plenty of fun. Anne Shirley is the fiancée and singing partner of Dennis Day, the Irish tenor you might remember from "The Jack Benny Program". Their Broadway show within the show is quite entertaining. Patti Brill plays Gladys, a singer with comedic talent. Phillip Terry (husband of Joan Crawford) plays a war hero whose path collides with the very likable Ms. Shirley.

    The script is funny and whimsical, despite its predictability. And the song and dance numbers are enjoyable. I confess I never head of the song writing team of Pollack and Magidsson, who wrote some nice songs for this film, but they had productive careers.