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  • An ultra-nervous old man, "Mr. Goodrich," terrorized by the news that a gang is stalking the city and prominent citizens are disappearing, really panics when someone throws a rock through his window with a message tied to it, saying "You will be next!"

    He calls the detective agency wondering where are the guys he asked for earlier. Of course, it's the Stooges, who couldn't respond because had come into the office, robbed them and tied them up. Some detectives! The moment poor Mr. Goodrich hangs up the phone and says, "I feel safer already," a monster-type goon named "Nico" appears out of a secret panel in the room and chokes him unconscious. We next find out that his trusted employees are anything but that. Now these crooks have to deal with the "detectives" that are coming by the house for Mr. Goodrich.

    Some of the gags, like Moe and Larry's wrinkles, are getting a bit old, but some of them will provoke laughs if I see them 100 times. I always laugh at Shemp trying to be a flirt, as he does here with Mr. Goodrich's niece, in a classic routine with a long, accordion-like camera lens. The act he puts on when he's poisoned is always funny, too. Shemp was so good that I didn't mind he was taking the great Curly's place.

    Larry, Moe, Curly/Shemp were always great in the chase scenes, in which monsters or crooks or both are chasing them around a house. That's the last six minutes in here. At times, such as this film,
  • "Who Done It?" contains many surefire laughs and gags. It is not only one of the best Stooges films with Shemp, it is one of the finest short comedies Columbia produced. Director Bernds originally wrote the screenplay in 1946 for the Stooges, but when Curly Howard suffered a career-ending stroke, it was tailored for the Columbia comedy team of Schilling and Lane (their version was released as "Pardon My Terror.") It obviously was too good for the Stooges to pass up, and it was finally filmed by the Stooges at the end of 1947.

    Old Man Goodrich calls ace detectives Shemp, Larry, and Moe out of fear that he will be murdered. When they arrive at his home, Goodrich has disappeared, and his niece and assorted goons try to get rid of the Stooges. Will they find Goodrich and bring the niece and goons to justice?

    Shemp is particularly funny in this film. His reactions after being given a mickey by Christine McIntyre are superb; he gives his trademark sound (eeeb-eeeb-eeeb) and Miss McIntyre is noticeably trying not to laugh! Other funny scenes: the close-up of Moe's mug looking through the camera lens; and the in-the-dark fight with all cast members involved.

    Nikko the goon (played by Duke York) is one of the most unusual looking characters ever portrayed in a Stooges film. With his kinked hair, he could almost pass for a Stooge, if he didn't tower over everyone else! "Who Done It?" is a gem among the Stooges films with Shemp. Even die-hard Curly fans will enjoy this one! A true Stooge classic. 9 out of 10.
  • lbk-125 April 2007
    This is apparently one of Shemp's first shorts with the Stooges. (This excludes his much earlier vaudeville years with the team). But the threesome's comedic timing is at its honed best here. Aside from the intense slapstick scenes, there are others more subtle, but just as funny. Watch Larry when Shemp asks him to look at the camera for a snapshot. Or watch the real object prompting Moe's exclamation, "Oh...highly polished mahogany!"

    Emil Sitka is at his bewildered goofiest. And the goon may look scary, but he's somehow funny. He seems as frustrated and perplexed with the Stooges as are "regular" people in other shorts.

    For Shemp aficionados, this is a must have episode. It won't disappoint.
  • What can you say about this one? One of the all-time greats and in my top 5 of Shemp films. Every stooge is on top of his game here and Shemp & Christine McIntyre make a fabulous duo. Their on screen chemistry is amazing.

    The detective themed episodes with Shemp were almost always classics and this is the best. Highlights include Shemp's camera that gets distracted by Christine's finer assets (the niece is nice), Larry's smile at the camera, the poisoning scene, the chase from the goon and of course the "light to dark" fight sequence at the end. This short is stooge heaven.

    Definitely one of the best Shemp short films you can come by.
  • One of the very best Three Stooges shorts ever. A spooky house full of evil guys and "The Goon" challenge the Alert Detective Agency's best men. Shemp is in top form in the famous in-the-dark scene. Emil Sitka provides excellent support in his Mr. Goodrich role, as the target of a murder plot. Before it's over, Shemp's "trusty little shovel" is employed to great effect. This 16 minute gem moves about as fast as any Stooge's short and packs twice the wallop. Highly recommended.
  • I was jumping like crazy when the video store called me to let me know that this movie "Who Done It" was in. I'm happy I didn't get a speeding ticket as I was racing there to pick it up.

    I have just about all the dialogue and scenes memorized and I laugh constantly from the nuttiness of this movie plus all its characters.

    One thing that really gets me is the beautiful women that work in these shorts. In this case I'm talking about Christine McIntyre. I think she has been in maybe twenty plus movies with the Three Stooges and has played a myriad of different characters. A very accomplished actress.

    The next thing that gets me is the character "The Goon". I always wonder where do they pick these guys up from. You know full well that our heroes, the Three Stooges will always find some way to defeat these monsters. Until they do, it's funny just watching the Stooges just trying to avoid him.

    As far as I am concerned, this is one of the better, if not one of the best Three Stooges shorts!
  • Another good Stooge short!Christine McIntyre is so lovely and evil and the same time in this one!She is such a great actress!The Stooges are very good and especially Shemp and Larry!This to is a good one to watch around Autumn time!
  • SnoopyStyle6 April 2020
    The radio announces that The Phantom Gang has stuck once again. Wealthy Mr. Goodrich fears being next and calls upon the Alert Detective Agency which consists of Larry, Moe, and Shemp. Goodrich's niece, his butler, and monstrous goon Nikko are actually part of the Phantom Gang. They knock him out and take him captive to take his money. Then the Stooges show up.

    The setup is a little clunky. I'm not sure the Stooges should be tied up or that The Phantom Gang makes sense. Being tied up leads to one functional joke but the start could be much smarter. Why would The Phantom Gang give a warning to Goodrich? I do have to say that this is probably the best Shemp so far. I like the drink switcheroo turning into a Curly bit. I like picture bit. This is basically a Scooby mystery if it's all Shaggy and Scooby.
  • One the best Shemp's episode, Moe, Larry and Shemp as private detective has a hard assignment to protect a millionaire Mr. Goodrich played by the clumsy Emil Sitka, the man disappears, the trio now try out makes a fully investigation to reach in some clue, helped by Goodrich's niece as always Christina McIntyre, one the most funny sequence when Shemp is analyzing thru the camera on the table he lifts and finds Moe's face, what scene, between the physical humor oriented, a slapstick comedy, many weird and funny situations spreading all around including the famous blackout scene, my heroes are still funny than never!!


    First watch: 1972 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD-R / Rating: 7.5
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Who Done It?" is an American black-and-white comedy short film starring the Three Stooges. Curly was already out in 1949, but still alive. Shemp took his place. The Stooges are known to have touched all kinds of genres in their seemingly endless body of work and in this one here they give us their take on film noir and crime. A gang of crooks lets a millionaire disappears and the Stooges are investigator who come to the scene in order to find out what happened. Chaos ensues obviously and the trio manages to take out not only the bad guys, but all three of themselves too. The film runs for roughly 16 minutes, usual runtime for the Stooges and was written and directed by Edward Bernds, who worked on many other Stooges short films too. Obviously, here they tried to make Shemp look like the star who was supposed to take out Curly's place. But while I like Shemp, he did not have Curly's charisma and the result is that this is a fairly disappointing short film. Surprised to see this among their most known and highest-rated works. It really wasn't that funny and they should have tried to find a different approach for Shemp, one that fits him better, than the Curly routine. I do not recommend "Who Done It?".
  • This is my second favorite of the Three Stooges episodes I've seen! In this episode Moe, Larry, and Shemp play inept detectives who are sent to protect Mr. Goodrich, a millionaire who been prusued and kidnapped by thugs. Along the way, they go to the millionaire's mansion and get into the most hilarious situations one could imagine in the Three Stooges episode. One funny part was when the millionaire's evil niece drugged Shemp! LOL!

    The best part was Shemp and his 'trusty shovel' bit. I always crack up when I see it! Since I didn't have this one on video, I was really thrilled and amazed when I saw "Who Done It" in the "Classic" movie section where the other Stooge videos were! So, if you're a Shemp fan like I am, this Stooge episode is really worth seeing as well as it is worth your time! I give it 4 1/2 stars!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Who Done It?", directed by the very capable Edward Bernds, is a hilarious entry in the Three Stooges catalogue of films. In addition to the Stooges - Shemp Howard, Larry Fine, and Moe Howard - this short boasts an excellent supporting cast: the lovely Christine McIntyre, equally adept at playing glamorous villains as well as friendly, generous young ladies; the hilarious Emil Sitka, one of the most beloved character actors ever to work with the Stooges; Duke York, able to play his share of monster-type roles with the slapstick trio; and Ralph Dunn & Charles Knight, who portray, respectively, the leader of the Phantom Gang and a sinister-looking butler. The Stooges work for the Alert Detective Agency when they are summoned to the mansion of the elderly Mr. Goodrich (Sitka), who is fearful for his life knowing that the Phantom Gang is on the loose.

    Highlights from "Who Done It?" include the following (DO NOT read any further if you have not yet seen this short). After Shemp swallows a poisoned drink, he does a series of absolutely wild flipping, falling, and circle-spinning. After Larry accidentally whacks Moe's head with a desk drawer, Moe crushes Larry's hand in the drawer. Moe unknowingly smashes the camera on the goon's (York's) head; later on, the goon repeatedly slaps Moe's head, and Moe believes that it's Shemp and Larry who are slapping him. In the mansion corridors, the goon takes turns chasing after Moe, Shemp, and Larry, with Larry's reaction (upon spotting the goon) being the funniest. During the fight in the dark, Mr. Goodrich says, "My furniture! Be careful!", after which he gets a vase smashed on his head!

    "Who Done It?" ranks among the best and funniest Three Stooges shorts featuring Shemp Howard as the third Stooge. As usual, justice prevails at the end of this short, but the crime-stopping Stooges must deal with villains in their own slapstick manner, resulting in a heap of hilarity!