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  • While KATHRYN GRAYSON doesn't get a chance to shine here (she's left voiceless for too much of the film), at least VAN JOHNSON and BARRY SULLIVAN prove so adept at comedy that it's a shame they never had more frequent chances to prove how good they were at mugging.

    Sullivan, with his trim mustache and eyebrow-raised reactions, is clearly having a good time as an eccentric toymaker with designs on Grayson and PAULA RAYMOND--and anyone else who tickles his fancy.

    Van Johnson has a fine time as a doctor who is part of an all-doctor orchestra and trying not to renew his relationship with ex-wife Grayson. Unfortunately, the script makes Grayson's character rather unbearable, relieved only by some operatic warbling that scarcely gives the audience time to appreciate her musical talent. Ironically, the studio could have chosen much more effective operatic arias for her to sing, given that she's supposed to be an operatic diva who has just finished a world tour. Instead, we get very brief segments from "La Boheme" and "Carmen" that are over much too soon.

    Funniest bit has Van Johnson stifling a cold while making a speech about his theories on cold symptoms and later getting sympathetic treatment from Grayson while he wheezes and coughs his way into a spasm of epic proportions. He's hilariously effective.

    Summing up: Too bad the script isn't bright enough to accommodate all of these expert performers. A very uneven comedy that gets a lift from Johnson and Sullivan.
  • ksf-221 January 2022
    Lincoln bartlett (van johnson) has been divorced from ina (kathryn grayson) for years, but she wants him back. And they are both performers in an orchestra. So they will be seeing lots of each other! Bartlett is seeing agnes (paula raymond), and wants no part of ina romantically. Co-stars reg owen, lewis stone, and richard anderson... he was oscar goldman in the six million dollar man. This is a small, early role for him. Ina seems to be a psychotic stalker, and ignores bartlett's advice to take a break from singing, for medical reasons. She's madly jealous that he has another girlfriend. Nowadays, he would probably take out a restraining order to keep her away. So much singing in the ridiculously high octaves. And the good doctor has so many hobbies... he plays in the orchestra, goes to football games, dances with the ex wife, for some reason. Gives lectures to community clubs. Even owns a toy company with his brother. How does he have time to be a doctor? This one is just okay. It's pretty over the top. Directed by bob leonard. He was nominated for two oscars in the 1930s. This one just gets silly.
  • I watched this on TCM because I am a huge Van Johnson fan and I hadn't seen it. The convoluted story is silly and the chemistry between Johnson and Kathryn Grayson is non-existent so it doesn't come off, but there are a few merits to make it worth watching anyway.

    Dr. Bartlett AKA Link (Johnson) is engaged to socialite Agnes Oglethorpe-Young (Paula Raymond), and life is peachy. However, his divorce from his first wife, opera-singer Ina Massine (Grayson), has only just gone through, and it has prompted her flame for him to reignite. She is an eccentric woman and decides she will stop at nothing, including breaking and entering, to get Link back. Against doctor's orders, she performs in La Boheme, and afterward loses her voice. Oglethorpe-Young's father (Lewis Stone) is a doctor and suggests Massine's ailment is mental and a result of her desire for Link. Therefore, Link takes it upon himself to court her with the help of his brother (Barry Sullivan) in hopes she will fall for his brother instead and be cured, solving both his and her problem in one fell swoop.

    This film is dated in many ways, especially in an exchange with a taxi driver. "Hey bud, take my advice. Stick to this chick. She can't scream!"

    If you're a fan of classic Hollywood, Grounds for Marriage features quite a cast. The music is also impressive. It varies between classical pieces to jazz in a memorable cameo of the Firehouse Five Plus Two. Johnson dances the Charleston in an amusing way that hearkens back to his days on the musical stage prior to appearing in films. Although he was a tall man, he achieves a certain amount of grace in this scene, and a lightheartedness that encompasses his appeal on the screen. His acting in the scene where he catches a cold is hammy and overdone, but I can't help but love him anyway.
  • This film is the usual comedy from MGM - simple set-up and obvious ending, but it's still a charmer. The beautiful Kathryn Grayson plays Ina, who is trying to win back her ex-husband, played by Van Johnson. Kathryn is a singer (surprise surprise) and Van is a doctor. There are a few musical numbers, most notably the dream sequence, where the production does some famous selections from CARMEN. Kathryn sings them beautifully and Van Johnson is very obviously dubbed.

    The big surprise is that Kathryn's character actually looses her voice throughout a good part of the film. This is simply criminal, considering the woman's vocal talent. However, she gets it back and still has plenty of songs. Van and Kathryn have great chemistry together, too bad they never made another film together. I love this movie, it's sweet and very funny, even if it is predictable.
  • In Grounds For Marriage the burning question of whether opera and operations form the basis of a successful marriage. When they were married Van Johnson didn't think so, but Kathryn Grayson is willing to give it another try.

    The plot of The Barkleys Of Broadway is shifted over to the grand opera as opera star Grayson tries to win back Dr. Johnson. Not so easy because Johnson is now engaged to Paula Raymond who happens to be the daughter of his boss Lewis Stone. Another complication is that Johnson's older brother Barry Sullivan, a toy manufacturer and a lady's man always has had a thing for Grayson and now that she's free....?

    The opera sequences are performed nicely and Reginald Owen is in the cast giving a great performance as the Metropolitan Opera Empresario, a caricature of the real life Rudolf Bing.

    A real fixture of the Metropolitan Opera was also in the cast. Milton Cross whom I well remember as a lad who hosted the Met broadcasts on radio narrates a dream sequence of Carmen as the film plot is played against the background of Carmen. Grayson of course sings for herself, but the rest of the cast is dubbed in these exaggerated operatic voices. The whole thing is quite hilarious.

    Grounds For Marriage is not one of Kathryn Grayson's more well known films, but she acquits herself in the comedy demanded of the part. Van Johnson is as good as he always is in these parts and he has his best moments giving a lecture to Paula Raymond's women's club about the common cold as a real cold overtakes him gradually.

    After 59 years Grounds For Marriage holds up well, but with no sopranos on the screen today, I doubt if the film will ever be remade, so catch this version.
  • "Grounds for Marriage" is watchable but I also found the plot to be silly and just hate the sort of singing that Kathryn Grayson did in this film. If you like very operatic music, perhaps you won't mind it like I did.

    When the film begins, you learn that Linc (Van Johnson) and Ina (Grayson) have been divorced for a few years and Linc is now planning on remarrying. Inexplicably, Ina wants Linc back--though exactly why is never really explored. In fact, it seems as if she wanted the divorce in order to follow her dream career--and now she is scheming to get him back despite him upcoming marriage to another lady.

    In order to get Linc's attention, she pretends to have a throat disorder and they call for a doctor--and Linc just happens to be that doctor. Now any sane doctor would have refused the case and referred her on to another--especially since she announced that she's trying to rekindle their dead marriage. But he doesn't--and eventually you know exactly how it's all going to end.

    Aside from the singing, the worst part about the film was Grayson's character. At times she was shrill and late in the film when Linc wants her back(???), she runs off in a huff--and this makes zero sense in light of her working so hard to get him. Overall, she comes off as petulant and childish and you have no idea why Linc would want her.

    At the very best, this is a silly time-waster--a film to watch when you don't want anything intellectually taxing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We know from Hollywood that divorced couples must be reconciled, and any attempt for one partner to marry someone else is doomed.

    Yet here, three years after his divorce, Van Johnson announces that he's grown, and fallen in love with an adult woman. Kathryn Grayson is a willful, turbulent child, an opera singer who psychosomatically loses her voice when her ex- refuses to resume their disastrous marriage. She tells him "you were born to be dominated," and ultimately infantilizes him into renouncing his new engagement and returning to their sick, sick, sick relationship.

    The entertaining parts of this film are indeed entertaining, if not memorable. But the parts of this film dealing with medicine, psychology, motivations and relationships are a distasteful mess, shot in Stygian darkness by a cinematographer with a half dozen of the world's greatest film noirs under his belt.

    When you wind up rooting for the cold society babe over the eccentric artist heroine, you have a film with a problem. Yuk.
  • A thoroughly enjoyable battle of the sexes type of film, with Van Johnson, a musically inclined doctor, being fought over, tooth and nail, by two ambitious women, one(Kathryn), his ex-wife. Just saw this on TCM. Being in B&W, obviously, it was considered by MGM to be a budget film. After her last 2 films costarring Sinatra bombed, MGM was looking for a a new male costar for Kathryn. Mario Lanza's singing style more matched hers, and they made 2 commercially successful films together. However, Kathryn couldn't stomach Mario's abusive megalomaniacal personality. Soon, Howard Keel would be found an ideal singing partner for her high budget musicals.In this film, they also tried likable Van Johnson. True, Van was no heavy weight singer and didn't have matinée idol looks. But, he was right for his part in this film. I thought he had good chemistry with Kathryn in this vastly underrated musical comedy about a pushy shrew with knockout looks and angelic singing voice trying to win back, by whatever means it took,her ex-husband. It's amusing to see Kathryn acting as if she were in a silent film, after she looses her voice for psychosomatic reasons, for about half the film. If you have never seen the Fire House Five plus Two do some of their very hot Dixieland Jazz, they are an added attraction. Toward the end, the story becomes a madcap comedy comparable to the best of them. Funny witty dialogue between the 4 principles in a fast moving back and forth romantic tangle,with Van loosing his voice for a spell, in imitation of Kathryn.Prior to this, we see and hear parts of a rendition of "Carmen" in Van's dream. Van's singing voice is obviously dubbed, probably by Mario. I think if MGM had shot this film in color and promoted it, it would have fared much better at the box office.
  • I wonder why there had been quite a few negative reviews on this movie. It is a predictable rom com, with nice opera musics thrown in. And Grayson's may not be Callas, but her talent is beyond question.

    Especially brilliant was the Carmen's L'amour est un oiseau rebelle or rather the spoof of Carmen, where the characters - the male ones- change their role based on situation, or rather how Van Johnson thinks of the fluid - double triangle - between his brother, his fiancee, himself and the ex-wife. Once he is Jose to his brother's Morales, taking Carmen away from him and then he changes place and makes Jose of the brother Chris, and himself becoming Escamillo to seduce Carmen away, and then in the end becomes again Jose, to finally possess Carmen to her end. It is a fascinating way to show the want that on subconscious became the dream, and like real dreams, it modified the characters to suit the dreamer's subconscious wants. Of course the poor Van Johnson didn't have much to chose from, between fire and frying pan, both the women in his life were bent on dominating, or rather crushing him like a worm, and he had to chose one, naturally choice wasn't much of his, but of the two women, who would, in addition to him, dominate the other. Grayson was cute and musical, Johnson has pictured the steady, though quite helpless, guy, and Sullivan suited the play-boy brother's role fair enough. The movie didn't have much of dull moments and I still wonder the reason of its far below average rating.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'd forgotten how good this one is...Van Johnson has some very funny scenes-- like the stuff where he is giving a lecture about the common cold and suddenly comes down with one right on the spot. And I loved the dream scene where they spoof Bizet's Carmen.

    However, I'm not sure if I buy the casting of Barry Sullivan as his brother, since they do not resemble each other physically in any way. Paula Raymond is excellent as the society gal who is supposed to marry Van, and Kathryn Grayson plays her diva role to the hilt. I kept thinking how well-lit the scenes were-- and then I noticed John Alton was the cinematographer, and that explains it. MGM's polish and the music are an added plus. So are veteran character actors Lewis Stone and Reginald Owen in small supporting roles.