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  • petelush8 December 2008
    I saw this show probably several times at the age of 9 going into 10. I recall clearly a "talent" Henry unearthed: a man who could say what you were saying seemingly simultaneously, so that the two speakers sounded like one. The capper was when Morgan called in a man who spoke Japanese, and if memory serves the talent guest kept up. Despite a life devoted to trivia I have never come across a reference to this guest but in the 1980s, I think it was, I did see on TV somebody who could pull this feat off for English speakers, at least. Don't know what the skill is called. Morgan himself had a deserved cult following but when I obtained a CD of some of his radio shows they didn't cut the mustard, a frequent occurrence when we walk down memory lane. By contrast, the Bob and Ray material released by the official foundation or whatever it is that is run by Larry Josephson stands up very well indeed.