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  • Derrick De Marney stars in "Meet Mr. Callaghan" from 1954.

    It's the story of a detective (de Marney) who survives job to job. He is approached by a wealthy woman, Cynthis (Harriette Johns) who needs his help. It's a slightly convoluted story, having to do with her stepfather's will, and another will he apparently hid.

    Callaghan isn't a favorite of Inspector Gringall (Trevor Reid) so when a murder occurs, and Callaghan is able to supply Cynthis' alibi, Gringall is all over him and it.

    Callaghan seems unconventional and a little bit borderline as far as the law, but we soon learn he's very clever and a step ahead of the police.

    Derrick de Marney is fantastic as Slim Callaghan, with is crisp responses and a laid-back, never flustered approach. He really makes the film.

    Very enjoyable British B that keeps you interested.
  • Based on the late Pete Cheyney's first Slim Callaghan novel, 'The Urgent Hangman' (1938), which Derrick de Marney had brought to the West End stage in 1952 and promptly co-produced this screen version intended - as the title indicates - to be the first of a series. Sadly this proved not to be and was his final film lead.

    Little attempt has been made to open out the proceedings, and nearly all of it takes place indoors. But it's amusing, well-written and well acted enough for this not to matter.
  • Derrick de Marney plays private detective Slim Callaghan in this fast paced British mystery. Callaghan is a bright, fast talking fellow, but still his detective agency has fallen on hard times. So when a young socialite drops in at his office close to midnight and drops 500 pounds sterling on his desk he jumps at the case. The heiress wants Callaghan to protect her as she fears her wealthy stepfather may be murdered and that the guilty person will implicate her.

    Callaghan smells something fishy right away, but can't turn down the cash. When he learns that the stepfather has already been murdered he begins to suspect his client may be the killer. Still, he works hard and quickly to gather information. He probes all angles and doesn't miss a chance to fatten his own wallet at every opportunity.

    This is the second film based on the character created by Peter Cheyney. The first film is Uneasy Terms, with Michael Rennie playing Slim Callaghan.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Derek de Marney is Peter Cheyney's tough British private eye Slim Callaghan who in this "pilot" for a proposed Callaghan movie series, requires him to solve the mystery behind the death of a much-hated rich man. Callagham, a fictional British private detective in the American "hard boiled" mode, was the central character in several popular Peter Cheyney novels, in a stage play by Gerald Verner, and in the 1948 movie programmer UNEASY TERMS (also available below), which starred Michael Rennie. Directed by Charles Saunders (JUNGLE STREET, THE GENTLE TRAP, KILL HER GENTLY, BEHIND THE HEADLINES, NAKED FURY, THE NARROWING CIRCLE, A TIME TO KILL, THE END OF THE LINE, DANGER BY MY SIDE).
  • MEET MR. CALLAGHAN is a detective story devoid of detection and interest. It just sort of plods along from beginning to end without ever engaging the senses or providing even fitful entertainment. There's a mildly exciting opening murder sequence and it all goes downhill from there as the viewer is introduced to one of the dullest lead characters ever in a film from the era.

    Derrick De Marney plays the hero, who is a kind of 'gentleman sleuth', a variety beloved back in the day. He underplays it to the point of catalepsy; never has a film cried out for a more lively and invigorated hero than this one. The mystery itself is a plodding affair with the villains given little screen time and a general lack of clue-solving and detection which makes it a very boring experience. More time is spent with the insufferable policeman (Trevor Reid) harassing the protagonist than on the actual plot. Adrienne Corri makes a mark in an early role.
  • Derrick De Marney plays Slim Callaghan as a poor mans version of Sam Spade or Phillip Marlowe rather unsuccessfully.The air of world wide cynicism may work for Bogart or Dick Powell but it doesn't work for him.This is one of those rather over plotted thrillers where the private eye is always one step ahead of the dimwitted police and the actual killer comes as little surprise when the identity is revealed in the denouement.In the meantime Adrienne Corri is given time to warble a ballad in a nightclub and show a lot of fiery temperament.There is the usual attempt at a funny sidekick,from an actor i do not remember>Michae Balfour who normally fills these roles has a small part as a bartender.Fairly undistinguished all round.
  • This is a neat, entertaining and witty British movie from the 1950's which is very much enhanced by an excellent lead performance by Derrick De Marney as Slim Callaghan. Based on a Peter Cheyney novel, and featuring his main character of Callaghan, the film moves along at a brisk pace, and the plot, which is quite involved, never sags and retains the viewers interest all the way. This is helped in no small way by a sharp and vibrant script. Although other actors have portrayed Slim Callaghan, there is little doubt that De Marney is by far the best. His laconic and downbeat style fits the character perfectly, and it is a pity that it was never put to further good purpose. In many ways, he provides a perfect comparison to similar American-style gumshoes in movies from the 40's and 50's, in particular. The scene in the nightclub, when he is tempted by singer Adrienne Corri, is a joy of deadpan expression and he certainly carries this film along in a thoroughly expert way. You are left with the distinct impression that this is how the author imagined his main character to be. All in all, a film well worth catching and one that should gain a wider audience.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Some reviewers have a high opinion of 'Meet Mr. Callaghan' but I found the film ordinary. It does move fast and the plot is (over) complicated but one found the main character himself not that interesting. Derrick De Marney as Callaghan tries to be laconic and world weary but for me it doesn't come off. He's no Marlowe or Spade and his voice becomes monotonously dull after a while. I did like Larry Burns as the comical sidekick Darky and Adrienne Corri (fourth billed but only appearing in one scene two thirds of the way through) as the fiery Mayola. Michael Balfour appears all too briefly as 'Coffee Stallkeeper', Before the movie it had been performed as a stage play with Callaghan being played by Derrick's brother Terence. It would have been interesting to see how Terence would have handled the role in the film but we got Derrick instead.
  • Every few months I am compelled to re-watch this gem. I'm blessed at my age to forget enough of the plot to make the story fresh each time. Not that this would matter to me. I am time and again captivated by its fast-moving and evolving plot, a main character that darts through the story like the Mad Hatter—compelling me to chase after him—a brilliant supporting cast, wonderful black-and-white photography, ace direction, scads of original wit, and its captivating musical theme. Now about that Derrick De Marney: the man is second to none in giving flesh and voice to the irrepressible, seedy, but endearing Mr. Callaghan. The sleazier de Marney plays his role the more lovable he becomes. De Marney delivers the most disingenuous assurances with deadpan sincerity and utters in driest tones more implied meanings than an oracle in an uncooperative mood. Callaghan ceaselessly prods my curiosity until I ask, 'Where now goeth this man?'—and wonder what next he'll draw from a sleeve. The entire cast is impeccable. In his only and short appearance, Roger Williams, as Bellamy Meraulton, is as spectacular as to steal more than his share of the scene from de Marney—no small feat. None can be faulted for turning in a weak performance, from Michael Balfour as the coffee stall-keeper, to Trevor Reid as the inspector, to Belinda Lee as maid Jenny Appleby. Harriette Johns is divine and not enough can be said for Larry Burns as Darky. To the end, de Marney holds his character and Miss Johns captivates. There are forgettable movies and movies we forget; bad movies or splendid ones worthy of recalling. There are others which were tops in their time but cannot hold up in a later era. "Meet Mr. Callaghan" was tops, is tops, and shows not a spot of age. Even Eric Spears' theme is as delightful as when it had been initially released. I urge strongly that you meet Mr. Callaghan.
  • quaywestam7 November 2019
    Love this film and watch it regularly and it has kept reasonably faithful to Cheyney's The Urgent Hangman. I think Derrick De Marney plays the lead perfectly and is ably supported by a fine supporting cast. The plot is a little convoluted and I needed more than one viewing to tie up the loose ends. Williams playing Bellamy was a tour de force of acting for me and stole the show in the relatively short scene he had, catch this one if you can.