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  • "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" is sometimes regarded as a sequel to "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" from two years before, but introduced a completely new set of characters. I have never read either of the Anita Loos novels on which the two films are based, but understand that her "But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" was indeed a true sequel to its predecessor in that it follows the further adventures of Lorelei Lee and Dorothy Shaw. Neither of these characters appear in the film. The only things the two films share are a broadly similar plot and the presence of Jane Russell as one of the leads.

    As in the earlier film, Russell plays an American showgirl, here named Bonnie Jones who performs as part of a double act with her sister Connie. The two sisters decide that their careers on Broadway are going nowhere and that they should try their luck in Paris. Once in the French capital they achieve greater success and fall in love with two young men. And that, more or less, is the plot, although there are also flashbacks featuring another pair of Jones sisters, Mimi and Mitzi (the mother and aunt of Bonnie and Connie) who were the toast of Paris in the twenties.

    As in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" the emphasis is very much on the female stars; the two male leads, Alan Young and Scott Brady, are even more bland and anonymous than their opposite numbers in the first film. Russell's co-star in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" was, of course, the blonde Marilyn Monroe, and an important part of the storyline of that film was that their two characters had not only contrasting looks but also contrasting personalities. Monroe's Lorelei was a quite unashamed gold-digger and Russell's Dorothy, despite a string of cynical wisecracks, was the idealistic "good girl".

    Here, Russell is teamed with another brunette, Jeanne Crain. The visual contrast from the earlier film is lost as the two women were similar in looks, although Crain was slightly shorter and less voluptuous. There is an attempt to give their characters different personalities, Bonnie being more flighty and impulsive and Connie more level-headed, but these differences are never brought out well either by the script or by the acting. Russell is not as good here as she was in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"; Dorothy seems to have been a character much more suited to her style of acting than is Bonnie. Perhaps, also, after "Blondes" and "The French Line", she was getting fed up with being typecast in scantily-clad showgirl-type roles. As for Crain, she is, quite frankly, a poor substitute for Marilyn.

    The film contains some famous songs, although many of these such as "My Funny Valentine" and "Ain't Misbehavin'" have been appropriated (some would say misappropriated) from other contexts. The latter song here suffers from being performed in the context of a bizarre sketch in which Russell and Crain are chased by spear-wielding African cannibal tribesmen and end up in an enormous cooking-pot, a sequence which today seems almost hilariously politically incorrect. Even in the fifties it probably seemed rather off-colour to anyone more sensitive than the average Hollywood film-maker; political correctness is not always a bad thing. The Mimi/Mitzi scenes also get a bit annoying. There is a running joke that the older Jones sisters achieved their immense success despite a total lack of talent, and this is the sort of running joke that quickly outstays its welcome.

    As a musical, "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" contains some attractive music, but its mediocre acting, unmemorable dialogue and virtually non-existent plot means that, as a film, it is in nothing like the same class as its more illustrious predecessor. 5/10, mostly for the music.
  • Okay, first let me come clean with my biases: I'm a Jane Russell fan. Even recognizing how amazing Marilyn Monroe was, etc, etc... Even in 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes', I've personally always preferred Jane Russell's 'wise-cracking dame' screen persona to Marilyn's blowsy bubble-head. But that said...

    While I agree that "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" is by no means a great film, even if one lowers the bar to generic 50's musical standards. Still, I do think its greatest sin is in not being "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes". It wouldn't seem half so bad if it didn't instantly invite comparison to a classic 'relative' ("Gentlemen Prefer Blondes").

    Yet and still the production values are generally very high. Costumes by Travilla, additional fashions by Dior, and the period location filming in Paris and Monte Carlo alone really is (almost) worth sitting through the movie for.

    As an earlier commentator pointed out, I do think it was a mistake to make Jane play an 'air-head'. One of her strenghts as a performer/film personality is that her basic integrity usually shone through on screen. It's a shame to hide that.

    The biggest mistakes (in my opinion) are that neither Jane, nor Jeanne Crain were given a 'solo-number'. It may seem a small thing, but if one reflects on the shining moments of "Blondes", one's mind immediately goes to Marilyn's "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend" and Jane pushing the muscle men around in "Ain't There Anyone Here For Love?". It's in these two scenes where both performer's personalities (Marilyn, the 'sizzling' blonde bombshell; and Jane, the raven-haired, self-effacing flirt) really shine. No such scenes exist in "Brunettes" for either character.

    Further, while I like Jeanne Crain as a performer, I can't help feeling that the story needed another kind of 'contrast' to replace that dynamism between blonde Marilyn and brunette Jane in "Blondes". Playing the 'what if' game for a moment: imagine (with a slight plot shift)a young RITA MORENO as Jane Russell's Cuban 'half-sister' or 'cousin'? Just a little 'twist' like that would have added an element of thematic and visual tension that is missing in "Brunettes". OR... since the film was set in Europe, how about Gina Lolobrigida as Jane's Italian cousin, giving the movie added continental flair? Still... I say take "Brunettes" for what it is: a handsomely-mounted relic of Hollywood's last fling with pure, unadulterated fluff musicals! Put cotton in your ears and soak in the costumes and location shooting!
  • As the brunettes that gentlemen prefer to marry Jane Russell and Jeanne Crain at least got a working vacation in Paris. The cinematography of the city of lights is dazzling..

    A rather thin plot with many flashback sequences and one dream sequence are packed into Gentlemen Marry Brunettes. Jane and Jeanne play themselves a pair of sister showgirls who are tired of the New York scene and go to Paris hoping to strike it big as their motherand aunt did back in the Roaring 20s.

    One remnant of the 20s is in Paris. Rudy Vallee is there and he remembers the old sister act well. With his patronage and a rich secret admirer the new sister act hits it big.

    They even pick up a couple of earnest courters, Scott Brady and Alan Young. t all ain't quite enough.

    A bit more of a coherent story and Gentlemen Marry Brunettes would have been a classic.
  • Have you ever seen such an awful movie that despite how bad it is it's still very entertaining? Well, welcome to the world of Anita Loo's and find out why Gentlemen may Prefer Blondes, but they don't neccessarily Marry Brunettes.

    Here we have Jane Russell giving a very bad imitation of Marilyn Monroe with Jeanne Crain doing a very bad imitation of Jane Russell whose singing is dubbed by Anita Ellis who had dubbed Vera Ellen in the movie "Three Little Words". Then we've got Rudy Vallee who looks like he's a zombie on his last leg, ready for the grave, but still trying to sing "Have You Met Miss Jones" and a very bad, but hilarious rendition of, "I Wanna Be Loved By You" with Jane and Jeanne impersonating brainless idiot chorus girls, singing in high-pitched brainless notes through their noses, and on the soundtrack album it states that the singing for this particular number is sung by Miss Crain herself, and if I had been Miss Crain I, in no way, would have admitted to it by allowing that to appear on the album, but she's justified by a wonderful rendition, even though dubbed by Anita Ellis, of "My Funny Valentine"! Then you've got "You're Driving Me Crazy" which is fun, especially when the girls are expected to lift their fans at the end of the number saying, "I Couldn't Care Less!", and appear nude in front of the audiance, and Alan Young is booing them with the rest of the audiance, and Jane Russell later defends their actions by saying that they thought the French had a sense of humor!

    Then you've got Scott Brady who didn't do his own singing [Robert Farnon the director of the orchestra did the dubbing for Brady], but Alan Young did do his own singing, but I really have to admit that even though the final number in the film has to be the worse musical number ever filmed for a movie, I really enjoyed it! Well, it WAS different! Here's Jane and Jeanne dressed up like birds of paradise standing in a pot ready to be cooked for dinner by the restless hungry natives in Africa and Alan Young is up in a tree dressed up like an Ape, and he, the girls, and the natives are all singing Ain't Misbehaving which makes about as much sense as an adajio dancer trying to dance on a hot rock, but pulling this whole ridiculous number together with the singing which isn't really that bad even though the natives sound like their singing Tarzan's favorite line OOM-GOW-WHAH during the chorus - dumb as it was - I LIKED IT, especially when Jane Russell does her sultry sexy rendition of Ain't Misbehaving like only she can do with the natives in the background still sounding like their singing OOM-GOW-WHAH!

    But, the ending is priceless with Scott Brady starting out saying:

    SCOTT: Bonnie! Will you marry me? JANE: [Imitating Marilyn Monroe] No! SCOTT: Bonnie! Do you really mean that? JANE: [Imitating Jane Russell] No!

    Then she breaks into song singing some of "I Got Five Dollars" and when she gets to "Everything" Scott Brady asks, "Everything?" and she answers "Everything" and while they kiss, Jane Russell appears aboard as her older gray haired, wrinkled up, Aunt or Mother or whoever she is, and she sees what's happening, and she says, in her crackly old-age voice, to the Captain of the ship:


    And that's exactly how you feel when the movie is ending:


    Make mine a double vodka on the rocks with a twist of lemon, thank you very much so that I can justify, with what's left of my mind after viewing this two-hour fiasco, why I found this very bad, awful, musical so entertaining!
  • Jane Russell proved to be a delightful musical-comedy performer in the similarly titled "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"… but, sadly, this film squanders those skills. There is a budget, and nice Paris photography, but the film just doesn't work. Ms. Russell seems to be playing Marilyn Monroe. That leaves nobody to adequately play Jane Russell. Some of the other players are WAY out of their element.

    There are several embarrassing scenes; most of all, be warned: there is a musical number where boneheaded African cannibals "cook" the brunettes in a pot, after Alan Young sings in a gorilla suit.

    This is an interesting, at times embarrassing, waste of resources.

    *** Gentlemen Marry Brunettes (10/29/55) Richard Sale ~ Jane Russell, Jeanne Crain, Alan Young, Scott Brady
  • In this sequel to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Jane Russell maintains first billing and takes Jeanne Craine as her sidekick. As the title song tells you, men may go crazy for blondes, but they marry brunettes. Needless to say, Marilyn Monroe is not in this movie.

    As is the case with most sequels, this isn't nearly as good as its predecessor. The songs are okay, instead of adorable and catchy, and Jeanne Craine is no Marilyn. I sat through it, because the original is one of my favorite old movies and I wanted to give the sequel a chance. However, if you're looking for a better "sequel" to the 1953 classic, try The French Line. Jane Russell plays a girl from Texas-instead of Arkansas-who goes on an ocean liner to France and tries to dodge smooth players while singing about it. Sounds like a sequel, doesn't it?
  • dadorner31 December 2015
    How can you not like Jeanne Crain and Jane Russell in a movie? Crain is one of my favorite actresses but she looks tired here and Russell looks confused on how to play the part.

    I don't believe either of them sing their own songs and Scott Brady as their manager is dubbed as well. Unfortunately Rudy Valle sounds like himself and adds a bit but Alan Young does his own singing and adds a comic touch.

    What gives this even four stars are great songs no matter who has sung them.

    The song and dance numbers are horrible. The jungle sequence is in bad taste at best.

    A mid fifties musical gone wrong.

    See if u can spot the one song Crain actually sings herself?

    This movie is why musicals died.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This follow-up to the popular "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" was such a box-office flop that it was never even released on video! In some ways it is equal to the first film: it's a good-looking production, with two beautiful female leads, bland male leads, and no plot to speak of. In some ways, it is inferior: the songs are instantly forgettable, and Jane Russell is miscast in the Marilyn Monroe role - she also has a very unflattering haircut in this movie (although she does shine in a surprise role - which I won't spoil here - in the last 5 minutes). And in some ways, it is superior: unlike the first film, which was almost completely studio-bound, this one has the actors actually visiting wonderful Paris and Monte Carlo locations; it's not every day a movie takes you up on the Eiffel Tower! So I do think "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" is worth a look - if you can find it. **1/2 out of 4.
  • This is not a sequel to Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, though of course the title was designed to make audiences think otherwise.

    Rather, it's the story of two American entertainers, a sister duo named the Jones Sisters, who are invited to perform their act at the Casino de Paris in that French capital. They get there only to discover that the impresario who sent for them is pretty much of a fraud. Things eventually work out, however - how is unimportant and uninteresting - and the two women, played by Jane Russell and Jean Crain, marry two young Americans, one of whom, like one of the men in GPB, is very rich.

    Russell and Crain had a lot of talent, but it's usually squandered here on uninspired dialogue and uninteresting original musical numbers. (There are also a few standards, like "My Funny Valentine.") It has none of the energy and charm of GPB, though that's certainly not for lack of trying. If there's any one thing that sinks this movie - and there are several contenders - it's that the original musical numbers are so completely forgettable.

    A curiosity for those who like its predecessor - and who doesn't? - but not a movie that stands on its own.
  • Like most movie musicals, the story of "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" is silly & forgettable, but the wonderful Rogers & Hart score makes this film worthwhile. The upbeat vocal & orchestra arrangements, along with Jack Cole's dependably fabulous choreography ( Marilyn Monroe's favorite, he was the best in the business) ring the bell. My favorite numbers are the delightful "Have You Met Miss Jones?," the equally swinging "I've Got Five Dollars," (Jane Russell's singing is heaven) and a jazzy arrangement of "You're Drivin' Me Crazy." The blackface number is of its time. If you like this movie's kind of music, you'll find lots to enjoy here.
  • Two American showgirls, siblings following in the footsteps of their flashy mother and aunt in the 1920s, attempt to take the Paris stage by storm--but morals may have changed in the last thirty years. Weak adaptation of Anita Loos' book "But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" coasts (deliberately) on the goodwill built up from 1953's "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" (which Loos originated on stage). Jane Russell, who stars in both, had a hand in the production this time, and to her credit the picture looks smashing. The Parisian locations are eye-popping and the outfits are predictably colorful; unfortunately, this screenplay (written by Mary Loos and director Richard Sale) is a pale imitation of "Blondes", and Russell--in the ditzy-sister role--isn't given any funny lines or a suitable romantic interest. Jeanne Crain (sporting either a wig or inappropriately darkened hair) is out of her element, and the cartoony production numbers are just silly. *1/2 from ****
  • marcslope25 April 2016
    Hoped-for wide-screen follow-up to "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes," starring one of its stars, but it lacks the backing of a big studio, and how it shows. Jane Russell's the more Lorelei-like of the pair in this one, and she looks uncomfortable playing a ditz. Her fellow showgirl, a dubbed Jeanne Crain, is uninteresting, and the flaccid dialogue furnished her by Mary Loos is only part of the problem. The gals rush off to Paris, where they're wooed by broke agent Scott Brady and his seemingly broke pal Alan Young, and counseled by no less than Rudy Vallee playing himself, uneasily. He tells the gals about their elders, who were the wow of Paris 30 years ago, permitting several 1920s flashback production numbers. Having United Artists instead of 20th Century Fox behind this makes a difference, as does replacing a director of Howard Hawks's caliber with Richard Sale. And the score is mostly Rodgers and Hart standards, with only one new song. But hey, the Paris locations are lovely, the wardrobe screams 1955, and the lack of discipline can be fun. Where else will you see a production number built around "Ain't Misbehavin'", featuring Alan Young in a gorilla suit and a cannibal chorus? Some truly terrible ideas in this one, and some bad casting. And I had a very good time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Miserable film despite the vivacious leads of Jane Russell and Jeanne Crain. The plot or story line is absolutely ridiculous where 2 sisters go off to Paris and meet Rudy Vallee who reminds us all that their aunts, who had no talent whatsoever, conquered gay Paris circa 1926.

    Some of the musical staging such as Ain't Misbehavin are absolutely miserably staged.

    Scott Brady is totally miscast as the agent who sent for the girls. In the film, Jane Russell can't say no when a guy proposes to her. How did she ever say yes to being in such a poorly written, executed film?

    Imagine Brady mouthing the words to My Funny Valentine as Russell sings along. This reminded me years ago when Victor Mature starred opposite Bette Hutton in "Red, Hot and Blue." Nothing like miscasting, but it's even worse when the picture is such a stinker. If anything, this film is a red hot stinker.
  • Give this movie a break! It's a spoof of the 50's musicals that were practically unspoofable in the first place. Enormously over-the- top it's nonetheless a great deal of fun; loud, brashy, colorful and vulgar. Travilla's costumes should give you a clue that it wasn't to be taken seriously. Monroe's principal costumer, he purposely spoofed himself with this picture. Relax and enjoy. Enjoy Paris in 1955 and delectable Jane and Jeanne in their final days as major movie stars.

    Jane would disappear after 57's Fuzzy Pink Nightgown while Jeanne wasn't far behind in The Joker Is Wild. After that is was A.C. Lyles westerns and TV.
  • This movie is growing on me, I didn't like it the first time but, it has some great parts. If you are looking for another Gentlemen Prefer Blondes it is not as good as that movie but it does have some fun numbers like "Have You Met Miss Jones" Some great scenery, and Jane is funny in this. It does have some parts that are goofy and the "I've Got Five Dollars" sounds like it was made up on the spot, just singing about any trivial thing. The "AINT MISBEHAVING" is the topper with a jungle tribe ready to feast on the girls and Alan Young in that gorilla suit doing the Marlene Dietrich Hot Voodoo bit. this may take more than one viewing to be appreciated.
  • The "Ain't Misbehavin'" number is so bad its almost good.

    Dancing African spearchuckers played by white guys in purplish black body paint with red fright wigs with bones in their hair carrying zebra shields. Got the picture? No you don't, not yet. Alan Young in a monkey suit sitting in a tree singing "Ain't Misbehavin" for no discernible reason. Jane Russell dressed up as an African queen sings the second chorus as a duet with the monkey man (again for no logical reason, is she in love with a gorilla?) while the dancing "Africans" sing along in unmistably WHITE voices! Oh man its so bad you won't know whether to laugh, cry or run out of the room screaming.
  • That's the tune you'll be singing after the movie's over... and not because of it's catchy chords and great lyrics, I assure you...

    This is the kind of movie that drives anyone to the brink of insanity... for it tries to cover all genres, and it flops in each and every one of them - it's not a good musical... the orchestrations are awkward, far from easy listening, and can manage to ruin even the most enchanting songs ever composed - 'My Funny Valentine', for instance, and 'Ain't Misbehaving', executed on a hilariously ludicrous 'cannibal african tribe' setting (!).

    A good comedy...? No, I don't think so... the amusing lines uttered by Jeanne Crain can't solely carry a feature film... by the by, can anyone believe that those legs actually belong to darling youth, 'Margie'...? :)

    A good romantic flick? Again, I doubt it... the romantic interludes are ridiculous, featuring Jane "The Girl That Can't Say No" Russell and Scott Brady, and Jeanne "Tough Gal" Crain and Alan "Filthy Rich Hiding Behind A Social Outcast Mask" Young...

    A good drama? Only if your notion of drama is reduced to Scott Brady's supreme could shoulders aimed towards Jane Russell... :)

    Well... all things considered, this is a plodding, mindless affair that has it's good moments, but is not to be compared to the classic 'Gentleman Prefer Blondes' in any way.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Bizarre, challenging, but with elements that make it enormous fun to watch. (. . . Well, to watch once, that is!)

    Everything in the film seems either overdone or too cut short. Rushed and erratic. Or not sufficiently explained.

    I think it would have been better if they'd cast someone other that Jane Russell in the film. Purely because the casting of Russell makes the whole story confusing. Although viewers are led to believe it is, the film is not a sequel to the 'Blondes' film that Russell starred in with Marilyn Monroe, just two years earlier. It isn't even the same two characters. It's just a story by the same author (Anita Loos).

    And as Russell plays the opposite of her character in the first film, the loss of the sassiness that she does so brilliantly is sadly felt in this follow-on movie. I think many viewers would also have been confused by Russell playing the 'ditsy'/amiable type of character that Monroe took in the earlier film.

    So a new cast would at least have made the film stand on its own merits. Instead, it ends up being seen as a 'sequel' to a hit film . . . And - as we all know that sequels invariably pale in comparison to the originals - it is indeed a weak film.

    Further character muddling ensues. The two female leads also play, in flashback scenes, the characters of their own mother and aunt, only altered to wearing 1920s clothes & with peroxide blonde hair. This made the clarity of characters - who-was-playing-what - even more confusing. Then, at the end of the film, Russell even plays her own mother, greyed up to look elderly. OMG . . .

    Russell sings & dances well, but it's not enough to save the film. One or two good dances or songs do not a film make, not even a movie of the musical genre.

    Jeanne Crain does well enough in the musical numbers, but surely Hollywood had another actress on their list who could have sung ALL the songs in the role as well as danced?! . . . maybe both the actresses were trying to break away from the stereotyped roles that actors of the studio-controlled era had to play to?

    I later realised that this might have been a part-purpose of the film. I found out after watching the movie that this was a film produced by the star, Jane Russell, and her husband, in a brand new production unit. Russell had after all been in the business of show for some time, and would have by that point seen - and put up with - quite a lot of Hollywood's antics. So this was Russell's chance to put her OWN views across. Unfortunately this viewpoint wasn't made clear, and it was lost amongst all the razzamatazz in the film.

    And not good razzamatazz, even for a show musical. Attempts to recreate other eras of musical comedy films went too far. The musical numbers are all phenomenally OTT. I only later realised that in some instances perhaps that was the point: the producers were sort of homaging - or half-laughing at - the grandiose Busby Berkeley era of films. For example, the stage songs were set to ridiculously unrelated stories, the performers wear pointless costumes (why a gorilla, for goodness sake?!), and with a huge corps of extras dancing unnecessarily in the background. But this homaging went too far & became insulting rather than flattering. The movie almost seemed at times to be a mick-take of itself, and I don't think it was trying to do so. Shoddy result, then.

    As for the songs that are supposed to complement the film's plot, in the age-old way of film musicals: rather than being touching & evocative, nearly all the songs that the stars perform are instead horribly over-orchestrated. The music arrangement of each song is almost unbearably fanciful . . . Oh dear, how to ruin a classic Hollywood showtune. The dance sequences, too, had everything - including the kitchen sink - thrown in!

    Too much of most things, and not enough of everything else . . .

    As for the way the film was pieced together: in a tale that should have been neatly segued, most of the scenes don't flow into the next, smoothly or indeed at all. So the sequence of events in the storyline is vague.

    The best scene & script sequence was when the 2 girls were trying to sell their song-&-dance act to various Parisian nightclubs - without having to agree to strip off, a la burlesque, in the process. Finally, a well-written sequence.

    And the best standalone scriptline? When Jeanne Crain's character says, after awaking from a nightmare that viewers had just been shown via a dream sequence: "Dreams?! I'm having nightmares in CinemaScope!" Now that DID make me laugh. And at last, an in-joke that was clearly referenced and on point.

    Other than that, the film is, frankly, out of control.

    Fortunately a few redeeming factors arise: repeats of lovely Broadway & Hollywood musical songs by Rodgers & Hart, etc (just ignore the OTT orchestration!); stylish 1950s costumes; excellent dancing; and a bit of wit scattered into the script.

    Shame the rest of the story is a jumbled plot of inconsequential actions. Unbalanced, is the word . . .

    Nonetheless, it has to be seen - if you like 'Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' - just to watch a bit of Hollywood history!
  • gary179213 January 2004
    I saw this turkey for the first time last night. I tuned in expecting an entertaining sequel to the classic "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" starring Marylin Monroe and (as in this movie) Jane Russell.

    To say I was disappointed is being generous. Alan Young singing? For heaven's sake, what were these people thinking?

    The world would be better served if this pile of celluloid was cut up into guitar picks.