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  • 'The Flying Sorceress (1956)' is a bit of an odd 'Tom & Jerry' short because it focuses almost entirely on Tom. After being scolded for breaking something during a chase with Jerry, the fed-up feline decides to take up a job offer he finds in the newspaper. That job ends up being a companion to a witch; most of the piece's comedy comes from the antics that the cat gets up to when he rides a flying broomstick. There are a handful of chuckle-worthy sight gags and the thing moves at a decent pace, but it lacks the 'cat and mouse' angle of its peers and is decidedly less compelling because of it. It isn't bad - I mean, it's enjoyable enough - but it isn't one of the duo's finest outings. 6/10
  • This "Tom and Jerry" short from 1956 called "The Flying Sorceress" is one that's a little "Halloween" and scary themed liked. Tom is frustrated as he can't catch Jerry only he sees a newspaper ad to become a cat for an old lady, only it turns out not what Tom expected. The house is creepy and old this woman is a witch and her broom comes into play as it's like it has special powers. Who would have thought we would see a flying cat! Overall good well done episode with the scary witch theme that made life a nightmare as Tom became a scared cat!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    . . . broom-jacking, Tom the Crime Cat filches the main means of transportation from an "elderly lady" midway through THE FLYING SORCERESS. During the era when the Crime Cat was perfecting his criminality, his Groaning Fat Cat releasing studio was coupling many of his outings with episodes from its concurrent "Crime Pays" series. From its pernicious glorification of human enslavement, the bladder-busting GASHED WITH THE WHIP, to its travel series touting the lucrative nation-purloining imperial empire racket, Leo the wounded Fur Ball always gravitated to the wrong side of Human Decency, Proper Etiquette and the Greater Good, sticking exclusively to the low road in all of its pictures, including hundreds of corrupting Tom & Jerry films.
  • Tom sees an advertisement in the newspaper that reads, "Intelligent cat to act as traveling companion for elderly lady. Apply in person at 13 Sunnydale Road." Well, since his owner has been on his case today after Tom broke some china, he sets off for greener pastures.

    However, at the address is a haunted-type house that looks just like "The Munsters" home. When he gets inside, a witch with a broom meets him, scaring Tom out of his wits. Off they go for a test run (for him) on her broom, zooming all over the place. Tom, although petrified, passes the test. Later, he decides to go for a joyride on the broom, and winds up scaring Jerry, who was resting at home. Once inside the house, the broom does a lot of funny things on its own, tormenting the mouse. When Tom gets back, the witch is not happy and Tom is in more trouble.

    There is a surprise ending, which I won't mention, but overall this was one of the fastest-moving Tom & Jerry animated shorts I've ever seen. It seemed like it was over moments after it started which means it was very entertaining.
  • Yet another Tom and Jerry episode and such fun to watch. It is also one of the more fast-moving episodes that it's over so quickly. That said, the animation is absolutely beautiful, and the music is excellent. Tom and Jerry are their usual likable and unique selves, but it is the Witch, voiced wonderfully by June Foray, who steals the show. The episode is very funny and memorable, with an ending that you will probably never forget. Tom certainly won't.

    Overall, this is wonderful. Not a direct favourite out of one of my all time favourite cartoons, but this is definitely worth seeing and a good Halloween cartoon as well. 9/10 Bethany Cox
  • Fed up with being scolded for breaking things while chasing Jerry, Tom answers a newspaper ad placed by a 'little old lady' seeking a cat companion. When Tom arrives at the woman's house, a creepy old place constantly lashed by a thunderstorm, he realises that the old lady is a witch. At first he is terrified, but once he is used to the idea, Tom has a lot of fun with his new owner's magic broom, using it to teach Jerry a lesson.

    While I appreciate the fact that this short tries something a little different with the long running format, I can't say that I like the new look given to the characters: there's something a little off about Tom and Jerry, and the less said about the woman whose house they occupy the better—give me Mammy Two Shoes any day of the week. Even the witch is a poor man's version of Witch Hazel from the Bugs Bunny short Bewitched Bunny (1954).
  • One of the first Tom and Jerry shorts to be shown in Cinemascope, Tom the cat chooses to find a new owner when he finds an add in the paper after his current owner makes him clean up some broken dishes. Bu the new owner winds up being a witch and takes Tom for a ride on her broom. When the witch leaves when the get back to her place, Tom decides to go for a joyride. But he learns never to mess with a witch. I just wasn't feeling this cartoon. It lacked the usual antics of earlier Tom and Jerry shorts. This animated short can be found on disc 2 of Warner Brother's 2-DVD Spotlight Collection set.

    My Grade: C-