User Reviews (12)

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  • A western that has way too much talk, but the talk does draw some deeply etched characters is Quantez. Had they pumped it up with a bit more action this could have been a classic. That is despite Fred MacMurray who really never felt right in westerns. He does all right by this one however.

    The hot tempered John Larch leads a gang of outlaws fresh from a bank robbery takes his three men fleeing a posse. His henchmen are Fred MacMurray an experienced outlaw who doesn't talk much about himself, a young fast draw in John Gavin who is from the east and Sydney Chaplin a man raised among the Apaches in whose country they have to pass through. And he also brings his main squeeze Dorothy Malone for those cold desert nights.

    The outlaws arrive in the freshly deserted town of Quantez, deserted because the Apaches under Michael Ansara have made it most uncomfortable to live. What to do, but take stock of the situation and formulate a plan to get across the desert.

    So while they're stuck there, the true character of all comes forth. All of them are chafing under the leadership of Larch who once again is playing a rather arrogant, loudmouth individual who is a fast gun, but has little else to recommend them. And of course there's the presence of Malone who just by being there is giving them all an itch that Larch won't them scratch.

    Only one other speaking part is in this film that of James Barton who plays a wandering painter and who has an extra horse they might need to make it across the desert. It would be smart if they all stuck together until the Indian crisis is passed or they're all dead, but Larch won't let that happen.

    It's plain that MacMurray should be the gang leader, but he has reasons why he's not and for that you see Quantez for.

    Quantez is a bit verbose, but the characters are interesting to say the least.
  • An offbeat and claustrophobic Western in limited budget with too much talking and a little bit boring, until a thrilling finale in which eventually the Apache Indians attack and pursue the thieves. Several bandits head for Mexican frontier decide to carry out a stopover and arriving in a ruined village in the middle of desert, called Quantez . They are the following ones : A unexperienced and green but eager newcomer gunslinger : John Gavin, a white man who was raised by Indians : Sydney Chaplin, a nasty and ambitous pistolero : John Larch, a beautiful woman with a dark past : Dororhy Malone, and the veteran and wise gunfighter : Fred MacMurray. Shortly after, there arrives a minstrel : James Barton who reluctantly joins the motley group of thieves . The cutthroats start to accuse and confront each other concerning the stolen loot and soon the gunplay and killing begins. Meanwhile, Apache Indians led by Michael Ansara are lurking around and about to attack. They rode to Quantez town.. Half-way to freedom but all the way to hell!!!

    A classic and traditional Western in psychological trendy of the 50s in the wake of Yellow Sky or High Noon. Developed almost entirely at a lonely location in a desert, as it has much in common with a theatre play. The limited budget shows, and the whole psychologist thrill that you depend on the interior sets and relationship among them, the subsequent confrontation, as well as the excessive dialogues are not built up well enough. It is an offbeat Western which doen't work too well but has its moments of interest here and there . Stars Fred McMurray who gives a good acting as a good thief. This is one of a clutch of acceptable horse operas Fred made in the Forties , in the late of 50s and early Sixties, such as : A gun for coward, Good day for a hanging, Texas Rangers, The trail of the Lonesome Pine, At gunpoint, and this Quantez. Although he also played other genres as drama, adventure, warlike, Children fiilms as The happiest millionaire, The shaggie dog, Son of the flubber, The absent-minded professor, The princess come across, The Caine mutiny, Dive bomber, Above suspicion, The miracle of the bells, among others. He is finely accompanied by a fine cast as the recently deceased Dorothy Malone, the usual villian John Larch, the Charles Chaplin's brother, Sydney Chaplin and a fresh John Gavin, next to take a long career as a main star.

    It contains colorful and brilliant cinematography in Technicolor by Carl Guthrie. As well as attractive and agreeable musical score by Herman Stein, Universal's regular , including enjoyable songs. As the song The Lonely One is sung by James Barton behind the credits, and the song True Love sung by Dorothy Malone. The motion picture produced by Universal Pictures along with Gordon Kay was professionally directed by Harry Keller. Harry was a good craftsman who directed a lot of Westerns and several episodes of TV series.
  • I'm going to go against the positive few reviews so far posted here. I was very disappointed, and found it the poorest of "gang in a ghost town" Westerns that I've seen. Pity, because the cast was reasonably strong. About the only interesting thing in it was what I thought was John Larch's resemblance to Gary Cooper.

    None of the characters is at all likable and most of the could be a stage play, with so much action confined to one room. These aren't necessarily bad things for a film, but all the talking and no action was tedious, as were the white characters turning on each other and the inevitable interaction between Chaney and each of the four gangsters.

    I nearly turned off my recording of the film but struggled through to the ending, which was OK.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's really a shame and a great pain for me to have this one in my library since so many years, and not be able to see it again and again...

    Why, you may ask...

    Well, it's because I have it in f...Pan and Scan. The guy who invented that would deserve to be hanged high. F...bastard.

    QUANTEZ is a real masterpiece, a great western, a flaming, blazing movie that must be discovered again. No one seems to have seen it. But if it is in f... outrageous Pan and Scan, it's really no worth while. Forget it. I hope that a TV broadcast will air it soon, and in LBX, of course. Or this film released in DVD.

    I wait for this since so long.

    There is something of WILD BUNCH in this movie. In its topic. Mac Murray plays here an outstanding character which reminds me the Holden one in Peckinpah's masterpiece.

    When I'll see it again, it will be the most beautiful day of my life.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An outlaw gang, including a woman, give the slip to a posse chasing them. Then, they make their way across the desert toward the little town of Quantez, to rest their horses before a perilous journey across a desert to Mexico..........Except for the beginning and last portions, this story takes place at night, mostly in the saloon of the deserted Quantez, with rather poor lighting, Hence, it feels like a film noire, definitely claustrophobic.........The first hour goes rather slowly, as we get somewhat acquainted with the various members of the gang...........There's Heller(John Larch): technically the leader of the gang, although it seems to me that Fred MacMurray, as the oldest and wisest, should have been the leader. He is called Gentry ,formerly called John Coventry..........Then, there's Sydney Chaplin, as Gato: a white man raised by the Apache, who still thinks of himself as half Apache. During the outlaw's stay, he forms a shaky alliance with the local Apache(incredibly, only a stone's throw from where the outlaws are!). The Apache chief, Delgadito. agrees to attack the outlaws at dawn, then the Apache and Gato will split the stolen money. John Gavin, plays Teach, the youngest and newest member of the gang, coming from the East..........Finally, there's blond knockout Dorothy Malone, as Heller's girlfriend, who is weary of her station. It seems that Heller is also weary of her, insulting her, and suggesting that they leave her behind. Clearly, Chaney is ready to leave Heller the first chance she gets. Gentry and Teach are ready to defend her, and each suggests they leave the others, and try to start a new life, and each gets a kiss. Unfortunately, Heller sees the passionate kiss and hug Teach receives, and starts a fight with Teach, they roll around in the puddle as well as on dry land. Gentry finally demands that they end it........Several members suggest to a partner that they kill the others and split the money. But, none of these plans is carried out.........Finally, morning breaks. Time for the Apache to strike. But, first, Gentry shoots Heller, who was about to shoot Teach. Also, Gato runs toward the Apache, but is shot with an arrow........So, now there are 3 outlaws left, who are attacked by the Apache. Somehow, they get to their horses and gallop away, ahead of the Apache. Eventually, Chaney's horse stumbles, dumping her. Luckily, she's not hurt, but the Apache are approaching, So, they abandon their horses, and run for cover behind some low rocks.........One stays behind and shoots the Apache as they run forward. The other two head for the rim of the canyon, and carefully descend the ladder made of wood slats. ........Eventually, the Apache overwhelm the sharpshooter and kill him as he is cutting the ropes to hold the ladder..........Now, why were the Apache chasing the 3. They are primarily interested in the loot, not in fighting a battle with the whites, where some would die. No idea where the loot is. None of the 3 have it on them. Maybe it's in a saddlebag, or maybe left back at the saloon. Are the Apache going to try to track them down? They have no rifle, although probably a 6 shooter, and no horses. What's their chance of survival? Of course, they are still wanted by the sheriff..........Back during the night, a rider appeared, singing and strumming his guitar. It was James Barton. Why did he show up in this ghost town in the middle of the night?. They asked him to sing a song. He sang one about robbery and killing. Heller didn't like it. Then, Barton offered to paint a portrait of Chaney This, he did. Most said it was good, but Heller complained that it didn't look like her. It is evident to the others that Heller intends to kill Barton for his horse, as one of their horses died. But, Gentry sneaks Barton out to his horse, and he hurries away..........As others have mentioned, this goes too slow for about an hour, thus it is not a particularly exciting western.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Copyright 1957 by Universal-International. New York opening at RKO neighborhood theaters as the lower half of a double bill with a second run of "Tammy and the Bachelor": 6 September 1957. U.S. release: 1 October 1957. U.K. release: 7 September 1958. Australian release: 5 July 1957 (sic). 80 minutes. Cut by Rank Film Distributors to 68 minutes in the U.K. for release on a double bills.

    SYNOPSIS: A gang on the run after a successful bank robbery hole up for the night in Quantez, a mysteriously empty frontier town.

    VIEWERS' GUIDE (all versions): Strictly adults.

    COMMENT: CinemaScope seems an odd choice for a "B" western that, aside from its opening action and solid climax, is largely set indoors.

    Mind you, it still offers well above average entertainment, though it says much for the general standard of acting that the best performance comes not from any of the big-name players, but from the little known (as far as most moviegoers were concerned) James Barton, who provides a wonderfully engaging interlude as a wandering minstrel.

    On the other hand, Fred MacMurray's playing seems a bit too off the cuff to be wholly convincing. You would think that he had just that moment memorized his lines, but had not been given any opportunity to practice them and get the feel of them.

    And, although no fault of her own, Dorothy Malone also betrays the obvious haste with which the movie was made, thanks to her glaringly obvious make-up.

    Even the sound recording is unusually rough by Hollywood's usually meticulous standards.

    OTHER VIEWS: This film sets out with half-hearted self-consciousness after a theme — that the man on the run is hunted down from within as much as by external forces; but it succeeds only in being an object lesson in ponderous time-wasting. — Monthly Film Bulletin (reviewing the 68-minute version).
  • Even though this film had a great set of actors and character development that was quite interesting, the pace of this story was so slow that it took away from the entire project.

    The movie begins as we see four bank robbers that was attempting to outrun a posse that was following them. Plus you throw-in a sexy looking female that was also along for the ride and you can see that this is a unique set of people. Anyway, they shake the cops and end up in an old abandon town. And now, nearly through the entire picture, the writer starts to show all the distinct personalities of each character. The only bad thing is that the introduction of the characters takes so long that viewers begin to lose interest in the movie.

    The first forty minutes of the movie is uneventful. You have pleasant conversation, people watering the horses and some wandering where they should go to split-up the money. The only hint of trouble comes when one of the characters stumbles on a Indian war stick that might just lead to some excitement.

    The last half of the movie was so much better. There were actually action on the screen to break the tedious dialog that viewers were suffering. And if viewers were still watching and not turned off by the dull first half, then you saw a story that was actually interesting.

    John Larch, Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone and Michael Ansara all did an outstanding job with their character. The problem is that it took so long developing the characters that it was easy to get bored and turn to another form of entertainment. This was a hard watch but the ending made the long tiresome viewing a bit more enjoyable.
  • coltras355 May 2024
    After a bank robbery, Heller and his small gang are on the run from the posse. The gang intends to cross the border into Mexico but their horses are tired. The outlaws decide to make a stopover in the town of Quantez to rest and feed the horses.

    Heller is a brutal and cynical man who treats his woman, Chaney, with disdain and contempt. When Heller treats Chaney bad, Teach defends her, causing violent clashes between himself and Heller. Gentry has to step in and separate the two before they kill each other over Chaney.

    When the gang reaches the town of Quantez it is shocked to see a deserted ghost town. Nevertheless, they decide to rest there for the night. Gato, the gang's scout, scouts around at night and finds an Apache spear with a message that anyone still found in town after sunrise will be killed. Gato realizes there are Apaches around but decides to keep this information to himself. With Apaches lurking around and Heller trying to kill Teach over pretty Chaney it doesn't look like the gang will ever reach Mexico.

    Bank robbers holed up in a deserted ghost town? Apaches nearby - sounds exciting, but Quantez fails in the shoot 'em up department ( well accept the lively action-packed finale). However, it has an interesting dialogue, good characters and ok tension. What plays against it is too much gabbing and not anything exciting happening, but I still thought it was ok. Diverting enough if you have nothing to watch. I guess I liked its brooding atmosphere and the psychological discord in the characters - Fred MacMurray is excellent as always. Dorothy Malone sizzles. Shame the plot wasn't sharper and had more action.
  • Quantez is directed by Harry Keller and written by R. Wright Campbell and Anne Edwards. It stars Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone, James Barton, Sydney Chaplin, John Gavin and John Larch. A CinemaScope production in Eastman Color, with music scored by Herman Stein (supervision Joseph Gershenson) and cinematography by Carl E. Guthrie.

    A gang of robbers hole up for the night in the ghost town of Quantez. But what is the greater threat to their well being? The Indians out in the hills? Or each other?

    Maybe you get to be a killer? But you will be sick to the stomach because of it.

    A smartly written and acted psychological Western, Quantez deserves to be better known and appraised. This is all about characterisations and the hot bed situation they dwell within, the emphasis on dialogue and interactions as suspicion, passions, racism and treachery show their hands. Standard characters do apply, the girl with a past she's not proud of, the loose cannon, the greenhorn kid, the duplicitous one and the guy with a secret tucked away. There's even a late addition of a wandering minstrel (Barton), splendidly calling himself Puritan. These characters are well blended for narrative strength by Keller, the director keeping things on the slow burn, an impending sense of implosion permeating proceedings. Technical aspects are smart, the exterior filming, when the film comes out of the claustrophobic confines of the ghost town, is most pleasing, while the Eastman Color is gorgeous and never garish. Cast score well, notably a stubble and grungy MacMurray, a pretty and emotionally fragile Malone and Larch, who is unstable and enjoying his chance for villainy.

    Except for a fist fight, an opening pursuit and the odd moment of macho posturing, the action is saved for the excellent last quarter, so first time viewers after a high energy Oater are advised that this is not the film for them. But for those who like some psychological discord in their Westerns, where plot dynamics are simmering until the denouement, then seek this out if you can. 8/10
  • I have seen two of Harry Keller's films; this one and ' The Unguarded Moment ' where he superbly directed Esther Williams in a thriller without a swimming pool in sight. In ' Quantez ' he directs Dorothy Malone, and elicits from her an equally fine performance. He also gets performances to remember from Fred MacMurray, John Larch and from a young John Gavin, and the latter despite his working with Douglas Sirk never did better. So what of the plot, and giving as few spoilers as possible ? It reminded me of the group holed up in an hotel in ' Key Largo '. It is equally claustrophobic and yes, just as in ' Key Largo ' there is a lot of dialogue as well as brutal action. The way Dorothy Malone is made to sing and fails reminded me of Claire Trevor, and just as good, and instead of a hurricane to face in ' Key Largo ' it is Native Americans out to kill at dawn in ' Quantez '. Appropriately here it is a deserted town in the back of nowhere and ostensibly there is no place to run. John Larch gives a good and mean performance as a controlling thug of a cowboy that reminded me of Edward G. Robinson and just as nuanced. I have no idea if the script had a semi-remake of ' Key Largo ' in mind, but if they did not, then it is a minor miracle of coincidence. Other than a few scenes with rugged landscapes the film is set mainly in a deserted saloon and the tortured dialogue is savage and well worth hearing and when the brutality kicks in it kicks in even harder. A seemingly lost adult Western this should be better known as it beats many other Westerns which have been overrated. A uniformly good cast, and all of them give of their best. My only criticism is a few cardboard exterior scenes by night, and reluctantly I have reduced a 10 rating to 8. Not quite a masterpiece of its genre, but it almost is, and is way above the standard of other lesser, but more well known films.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As the opening credits end we see five riders crossing the desert at speed; we soon learn that they have robbed a bank and are fleeing the pursuing posse. They manage to evade the posse but end up one horse down; hoping to find a replacement and somewhere to rest before continuing to Mexico they head to the small town of Quantez. When they get there something is very wrong; the town is totally deserted; it looks as though everybody just left a week before. The group consists of four men; Heller, the leader who killed a man during the robbery; Gentry, a man who seems to eschew violence; Teach, a young gun from back east and Gato, a white man who was raised by the Apache; the fifth member of the gang is Chaney, a beautiful blonde woman who Heller considers his but Teach clearly has an eye on. It soon becomes apparent to Gato, and the audience, that everybody left because they were chased out by the local Apache; he meets up with them and offers them half the takings from the robbery if they will kill the others. Back in the town's saloon tensions rise amongst the others; Chaney can't get over seeing a man die and keeps screaming and Heller can't abide any other man going near her. When an elderly man rides into town tensions rise further as it is obvious that Heller intends to kill him for his horse and Gentry intends to make sure he rides out alive. As the night passes it looks increasingly likely that they will start killing each other before the Apaches get a chance to strike in the morning.

    Most B Westerns are fairly action packed with a hero who goes from one action scene to the next until he finally confronts his nemesis; this one is different though; there are no heroes; even the more sympathetic characters are villains and rather than having a succession of action scenes we get a series of moments each of which serve to raise the tension but providing no relief until the finale when the expected action occurs. With no heroes all bets are off as to who, if anybody will survive! I hadn't heard of this film until I saw it advertised in the TV guide this morning; I'm glad I chose to watch it though as I really enjoyed it. The small cast did a fine job; particularly Fred MacMurray, Gentry; Dorothy Malone, Chaney and John Larch who played the vicious Heller. This may be a little known western if no big name stars but if you are a fan of the genre I definitely recommend checking it out if you get the chance.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    One thing I need to say right away is that this film moves very slow the first 45 minutes. It's very deliberate in how the characters are presented and how we get to know them. What's interesting is that we see Dorothy Malone joining the men in the beginning, this group of outlaws on their way to Mexico, but she is very much a peripheral figure at first. We get to know the other characters first. But then gradually, we see how the men behave a certain way around her, and how all of them secretly (and not so secretly) have designs on her. So mid- way through the picture, she is more the central presence, a woman who represents their fantasies and the flesh and blood reality of having a woman ride along on the trail. The scene where they intercept some painter to do her portrait is well done. And also what makes it work is that she has her own demons, her own insecurities to overcome.

    But it's the last ten to fifteen minutes that are the best. At this point, the plot begins to pick up speed and we have a very dramatic pay off on the edge of a canyon. We still don't know who she's going to end up with. I won't spoil it, but she did wind up with the guy I wanted her to be it was ultimately very satisfying. And the ending is kind of shocking; it leaves you with a lot to think about.

    Highly recommend QUANTEZ for western fans who have the patience to sit through the slower scenes at the beginning.