User Reviews (17)

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  • Pay Or Die is the story of Police Lieutenant Joseph Petrosino and his struggle against the infamous Black Hand who has moved over from the old country in Sicily and is terrorizing the new Italian immigrants just trying to make it in a new country. The Black Hand is sad to say an unhappy reminder of what they left.

    During the course of the film at one point Ernest Borgnine and Zohra Lampert as Mrs. Petrosino drink a toast to President Theodore Roosevelt. It's not just an idle toast. Not told in the film is the fact that as Police Commissioner, Roosevelt recognized the talent in Petrosino and made him a personal protégé and started his climb up the NYPD promotion ladder.

    What attracted TR to Petrosino is the no nonsense way he dealt with criminals. Petrosino was not a guy who believed in civil liberties and rights for criminals. He'd be lost in a world of Miranda. But he was as he saw it representing the forces of law and order against a completely ruthless enemy. Just the guy you need to fight a war on terror.

    His life and tragic death are dealt with in a way that makes Petrosino terribly human. Zohra Lampert's character who marries Petrosino survived him by decades, dying in 1957. She and Borgnine make a perfect couple on screen. In the supporting cast Robert Ellenstein stands out as an Italian shyster lawyer who gets a really tragic comeuppance.

    Pay Or Die is a well constructed albeit B picture without any frills. It holds up well for today and should be in the ranks of great gangster films.
  • In the early 1900's police detective Lieut. Joseph Petrosino (Ernest Borgnine) forms a special squard to combat the menacing Black Hand in New York City in this tough and convincing drama based on actual events. Hardworking store keepers are threatened with torture, death and destruction if they don't come across with "protection" money. Other than Borgnine's fine performance there's good support from Zohra Lampert (an actress who should have risen to the top), Al Austin, John Duke, Renata Vanni and John Marley (Hollywood mogul Woltz in "The Godfather"). The essence of the period is captured with the stunning black and white photography.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As I am writing this, it's star, Mr. Ernest Borgnine, has just received a lifetime achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild, and is still an active performer in his mid-nineties. With his Oscar for MARTY, and his performances in films like FROM HERE TO ETERNITY, THE CATERED AFFAIR, THE DIRTY DOZEN, THE POSEIDON ADVENTURE, THE WILD BUNCH, EMPEROR OF THE NORTH POLE, and numerous other titles (and a stint as Lt. Quinton McHale on television) it has been a long and varied and distinguished career - far worthier than the shocked dismissal he received when he got that Oscar. Congratulations Mr. Borgnine.

    Definitely one of his high points was this 1960 crime film/biography on the career of the detective on the New York Police force, Lt. Joseph Petrosino. Joe Petrosino is the perfect answer to bigots who only see Italian Americans as linked to crime by being criminals. In fact he was determined to eradicate those very criminals who were preying on the hard working Italian Americans in the United States. And he came damn close to doing so Petrosino made the Black Hand a personal study to the point that he was THE expert on it. He kept up pressure on the mob and undid much of their damage on the Italian-American community. But not all of it - it was too well organized for only this one man to fight. In 1909 he had a bright idea of traveling to Sicily and tracing the leadership of the mob to it's root. Brilliant in concept it was fool-hearty in actual practice. Petrosino was shot to death in Palermo.

    The killer was never tried and convicted, and it looks like Petrosino (in following his information) may have been set up.

    This version with Mr. Borgnine is pretty close to the actual story of the extortion/murder gang of the BLACK HAND and the Lieutenant's fight against them. And it does go to the tragic conclusion...which is handled so well that repeated watchings make one feel that maybe this time Borgnine will escape. Of course it does not (and sadly could not) happen.

    He is recalled for his bravery and struggle and his murder by New York's finest and the people he tried to protect. As for the mob boss in Sicily - he did not quite escape his deserved fate. A more evil man, Mussolini, did not like the mob because they were setting up a rival power group to his. The mob boss was arrested in the late 1920s and found guilty of some criminal charges requiring imprisonment. He was put into a dungeon like prison on an island near the mainland. During World War II Il Duce ordered the prison be abandoned and it's staff and prisoners taken to mainland prisons...except this boss. He was left abandoned and locked up, and either was killed in some Allied bombing or starved to death.
  • This is a fine old film about the beginnings of the mafia in America. Their nemesis was the Italian squad of the NYPD of which my grandfather was a part and whose notes and case books were used in the making of the film. The mafia at the time was called the black hand and was made up in this country of cheap hoods who mostly ran protection rackets on the small business owners of little Italy. They were backed by the dons in Sicily and the Italian squad's task was to shut the rackets down. They tried hard but the squad was pretty much broken up after the death of Lt. Petrosino in Sicily. This film shows the good and bad guys of the time and what my grandfather called, very un-pc,"one guinea killing another".
  • First of all this movie has Ernie Borgnine in it so enjoy the movie for that reason. Then, we get to experience little Italy in its start stage which offers no end of things to take in and enjoy. Cars, clothing, life-style and how to make a living is all visited with and educational too. That's what is so good about these old black & whites. They end up being slices of history and entertaining too. Al Capone used to do the same thing they do in this movie i.e. extort money from people who have little choice but to pay. Police protection only worked well for police and not 100% of the time either. Anyone else was basically on their own and the movie captures this quite well. There is also a little bit of the Elliot Ness of the famous Untouchables in this movie. A special squad is put together to fight back Italian to Italian which ups the ante considerably. Entertaining and amusing story of one man's life to stand-up and make a difference even at the cost of his life? That's a good value lesson. Good movie to eat a sandwich and have a tasty drink with. Put up or shut up? NO! It's more serious than that! Pay or Die!
  • This was Ernest Borgnine's finest film since Marty in 1955. It is an underrated, little-known piece that embarrassed some members of the Italian community at the time of its release (and even now, most likely), but not the Italians who are proud of their heritage. Yes, there was a mafia, Virginia. And men like Petrosino, portrayed by Borgnine, paid the ultimate price to combat their nefarious activities. Reminiscent of The Untouchables TV show with Eliot Ness, starring Robert Stack, which was popular in the late fifties. Ness had a much easier job than Petrosino, who had to lay it all on the line every day of the year. An interesting study on real Italian history in the US.
  • It's the turn of the century in New York City. Italian immigrant businesses are being extorted. Adelina Saulino's baker father receives the standard threat, "Pay or Die!" He refuses. Lupo Miano and his thugs get physical. Policeman Joseph Petrosino (Ernest Borgnine) arrests Lupo. It's the tip of the iceberg. They call themselves the Black Hand, a feared criminal organization name from the old world. Joe starts up and leads, The Italian Squad, a group of Italian policeman working to take down the mob.

    This is biography police crime drama. It's got Borgnine leading the story. At its best, it's the Untouchables. It has elements of the gritty brutal reality although it doesn't have the 70's docu-style filmmaking. There are sometimes like the rag man where I want more realistic action. The intensity of the ending could be heighten. The last act is a paranoid thriller waiting to happen.
  • Great historical mafia movie. Terrific depiction of the early infiltration of the "Black Hand" in America. From its earliest beginning, to its deepest & darkest connections back to its Italian roots, the film delivers an in-depth incite into the powers and horrors of organized crime. The storyline and depiction could easily have been a inspiration for the "Godfather". This is a great film in which the cinematography, the acting, the art direction, and the script all coming together to create a seamless masterpiece. Ernest Borgnine as police Lt. Petrosino delivers an inspiring performance. This film is a lost classic that needs to be released in DVD.
  • lindarae19484 September 2005
    I am the great half niece of Lt. Petrosino. I have seen the movie many years ago and have been trying to purchase it on either video or DVD for many years now. Ernest Borgnine did a great job playing the part of Lt. Petrosino. If anyone knows how to purchase this movie, could you please email me? I have tried to contact the Petrosino Lodge (Sons of Italy) without success and have been searching many websites. It is something I would love my children and grandchildren to see and to have. I can remember my Uncle Joe Petrosino, who looks much like Lt. Guiseppe Petrosino, who now all go by Petrosine. Thank you for any input... Please email me at
  • telegonus15 April 2003
    This 1960 crime drama was directed by Richard Wilson, who had just made a highly successful film on the life of Al Capone the previous year, and does another fine job with this one, set in New York's Little Italy in the early twentieth century. Ernest Borgnine is the hero, a policeman who takes on the dreaded "Black Hand" that was terrorizing shopkeepers and various other innocent, law-abiding people by forcing them to pay "protection money" (or else). It's the usual cops and robbers story, but with more heart than most, and with an unusual setting, stunningly realized by set designer Darrell Silvera. That the story happens to be based on fact gives the movie gravitas. Although it's filmed as melodrama the film is in many respects a semi-documentary of tenement life, much of it sadly true. There's nothing romantic about the Mafia depicted in this movie. They're presented as the brutal thugs they really are, without a trace of sentimentality. The sympathy here is all for the poor people of the streets, and for the man who was their champion.
  • joe01-117 November 2006
    This movie stars Ernest Borgnine in a straight dramatic role, and he pulls it off quite well. Set in New York City in 1906, newly arrived Italian immigrants are preyed upon by the Black Hand (La Mana Nera), which eventually became the Mafia. Borgnine plays lieutenant Petrosino, an immigrant himself, who realizes that the new immigrants will not cooperate with the police because the police in Italy were corrupt, and they expect the same in their new country. Petrosino realizes that he needs a squad of men - immigrants themselves - who speak the language, and can convince the people that things are different here. The Police Comissioner - who happens to be Teddy Roosevelt - agrees with him, and he gets his Italian Squad. Some violence ensues, as the Squad goes about breaking the power of the Black Hand, including a plot to kill Enrico Caruso, the greatest tenor of his time. Zhora Lampert plays the role of Petrosino's girlfriend, and later wife with excellent restraint, and the final scenes (this is a true story) are wrenching.
  • To me Pay or die was one of the greatest pictures of all time, I am very sorry it hasn't been shown much since 1969. Ernest Borgnine is one my favorite actors, and this picture really describes what really went on in the early 1900's on the Lower East Side of NYC.

    It's a picture that should be shown more often and available on DVD everywhere, and also one you can rent from your video store.

    I would like to see this picture shown more often on TV especially on the fox movie channel or Turner Classic movies or even if PBs shows it.

    This movie was the best movie pre-Godfather, and Ernest Borgnine gave a great performance as Lt.Joseph Petrocino
  • Smoothly done crime drama based on an actual New York crime fighter. Police Lt. Petrosino (Borgnine) is proud of his Italian heritage, but rues presence of Mafia elements in New York's Little Italy. Thus he dedicates himself to cracking open the secret web that extracts money from honest shopkeepers. There is, of course, some violence but it's not spread on thickly, which keeps the story in central focus. Petrosino's personal life is somewhat complicated by an Italian girl (Lampert) whom he's attracted to. (At least that gets a pretty girl into what's otherwise an all male cast!) Trouble is he's middle-aged while she's attracted to a younger guy. So, all in all, will he be able to get beyond crime's chokehold on the neighborhood and maybe help his private life at the same time.

    Borgnine delivers in robust fashion appearing in most every scene. His cop is likable, maybe too much so for the toughness he must display—but that's debatable. Lampert's a pleasant surprise as the neighborhood girl. I can see why the cop was stuck on her. Too bad actress Lampert didn't have an A-list career; she certainly had the talent. It's also a strong supporting cast of ordinary looking guys that fit their part, including familiar stalwarts like Simon and Marley. There's also a general and well-placed refusal to glamorize anybody or anything. Little Italy thus comes across as a struggling ethnic neighborhood looking for a chance to enter the American mainstream, but held back by criminal elements carried over from the old country.

    All in all, it's an engaging movie with a few surprises that holds interest despite a lengthy runtime. Just as importantly, it shows that a lead actor doesn't have to be handsome in order to win an audience.

    (In passing— It was about this time (1960) that the similarly themed The Untouchables with Robert Stack started its popular run on TV (1959-63).)
  • edwagreen2 August 2012
    Warning: Spoilers
    Though tragic at the end, this film is a tribute to Lt. Petrosino of the New York City Police Department at the turn of the last century. It is also a fine vehicle for the underrated performance of Ernest Borgnine here. In my opinion, he was far better here than in his Oscar winning role as "Marty" 5 years before.

    The film deals with a mobster protection ring in Little Italy. These guys mean business, even if it means that children are their victims. Either you pay up or you die. Terror fills the streets.

    Zohra Lampert is very good as the woman who believed in Petrosino and asked him to marry her.

    The film shows the impact of the mob and the inability of local citizens to cooperate. They feel that as in Italy, they can't trust the police.

    Petrosino is the hero of this very good story. In fact, terror was never so good as depicted in this film. By the way, who sang for Howard Cain? I fondly remember him in television's Hogan Heroes and as Judy Garland's husband in "Judgment At Nuremberg."
  • "Pay or Die!" is a very good film....not the least of which is because it's amazingly accurate for a Hollywood biopic. It's about Lt. Joseph Petrosino (Ernest Borgnine), the first Italian-speaking cop in New York City...and a crusader against organized crime.

    When the story begins, various members of the Italian-American community are being harassed and threatened by 'the black hand' Italian organization based on extortion. The problem is that despite the damage they cause the community, everyone is afraid to cooperate with the police for fear of reprisals from this group. What Petrosino doesn't realize, however, is that the problem is much larger and well organized than he thinks and is actually part of the Mafia. To combat this, Petrosino starts an Italian Squad--a group of Italian-American cops who integrate undercover into the community to get the goods on the mob. What's next? See the film.

    Why did I score this one so high? Much of it is because the acting is so is the writing. The characters seem real and you really find yourself caring about Petrosino and his friends. Additionally, the film generally sticks to the true facts and is a nice history lesson. Well worth seeing...and quite exciting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I love it when Ernest Borgnine " Lt. Petrosino " arranged a meeting with Carlo Tricoli " Don Cesaro " who is the CAPO DEI CAPI with is the head of all Mafias. Lt. Petrosino wants to know who all the crime bosses are and asked Don Cesaro who the bosses of the big cities are and Don Cesaro tells him who they are. And Don Cesaro looked at the folder he had and said you have all this info in there . The Lt. Said yes. And I was told only one person knows who the head of all bosses is . So I am here to asked you, Do you know who the head of all bosses ? And Don Cesaro replies " I AM " CAPO DEI CAPI.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    BEWARE SPOILERS BEWARE SPOILERS BEWARE SPOILERS BEWARE SPOILERS;This movie is connected for me to Richard Thorpe's THE BLACK HAND, not because it speaks of the authentic mafia in America, shown in a realistic way, but because of some characters link. The killing of the policeman are in both movies. Ernest Borgnine's character, the policeman mailing a letter just before getting killed, is the very same character of J Caroll Naish in THE BLACK HAND; only that in Richard Thorpe's film, J Caroll Naish is a supporting character, with Gene Kelly as the lead. Here, in PAY OR DIE, the cop is the lead. See what I mean? This is an awesome mafia film, made in the early sixties, the gangster and mafia biographies era: RISE AND FALL OF LEGS DIAMOND, MURDER INC, PURPLE GANG, YOUNG DILLINGER, MAD DOG CALL, PORTRAIT OF A MOBSTER.