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  • For any boy growing up when I did, back in the late 1970s, it was well understood that "Guns of Navarone" was the sine qua non of adventure films, a movie you called friends about when you saw it listed in next week's TV Guide. It's hard to believe so much time has gone by, both since my boyhood and since the film was made, but "Navarone" still holds up very well, a character-driven film alive with nuance and subtlety. It moves at an assured clip, not rushed or forced, making the viewer follow its story through every agonizing twist and turn.

    What makes the film especially good is the crisp dialogue, lines that point up the moral and philosophical argument at the heart of the film and which resonate today as much as then:

    Mallory: The only way to win a war is to be just as nasty as the enemy. The one thing that worries me is we're liable to wake up one morning, and find we're even nastier than they are.

    Franklin: I can't say that worries me!

    Mallory: Well, you're lucky.

    Good performances abound, but the best by far is David Niven's Cpl. Miller, a complex character whose smooth front and witty banter conceals much of the conflict of the film. It's he who tangles most often with Gregory Peck's Mallory, and has at least three scenes in the film that are top-rate. We may like Miller because he keeps things humming and provides welcome comic relief, but he's no less the center of the film than Peck or Anthony Quinn, the two well-cast leads whose relationship is enriched, at least from our remove, by the unique vow Stavros has made to Mallory about the unsettled business between them.

    The plot is a thing of beauty, moving with all the synchronicity and clever precision of a diabolical cuckoo clock. The special effects have suffered more than a bit from the march of time (though one should remember that was the only part of the film that won an Oscar in 1962). Some process shots are cringe-inducing now. But the pace is still gripping and the payoff spectacular. Here's the film that was the template to every popcorn actioner that came after, its imprint recognizable on everything from the James Bond movies to "Star Wars" to Indiana Jones. That's impressive, but more so is that "Guns" remains as entertaining as any one of them, and more thrilling than most.
  • "The way I see it we have three choices - take him with us, leave him here, or kill him."

    This simplistically summarizes the moral dilemmas at the heart of Alistar MacLean's classic novel and the superb Carl Forman film from which followed. The Guns Of Navarone at first looks like a basic mission - in 1943 a key channel in the Aegean Sea is commanded by two gigantic German siege batteries on the island of Navarone; these guns prevent the reinforcement of a British island garrison nearby, and if the garrison falls, it will persuade Turkey to join the Axis powers, an outcome Berlin is counting on as the war in Russia has turned against it with the defeat at Stalingrad.

    The guns cannot be bombed by air, despite heroic efforts by the RAF, and so is brought in a key Allied operative who has been working in occupied Crete since its fall to the Germans in 1941. Captain Keith Mallory not only can speak the languages of the area with superb fluence, he is "Keith Mallory, the Human Fly," the best mountaineer in the world. He feels he cannot climb the 400 foot precipice atop which the German batteries sit, but he likes nothing better than "a well-organized setup" upon seeing that he has no choice.

    With the help of his closest combat comrade Stavro (Anthony Quinn), Mallory is assigned with Major Roy Franklin to ferry British commandos - one of the a wise-cracking explosives expert, Corporal John Anthony Miller (David Niven)- on the perilous journey to the back door of Navarone. But the infiltration is fraught with danger, and when Franklin is badly injured, the real crest of the story unfolds, the moral dilemmas of the team as they must complete the mission while deciding how to handle an injury they cannot treat.

    And as if that were not enough, one of the Greek resistance operatives helping the team turns out to be a traitor after Miller finds his explosive equipment has been tampered with. It leads to yet another of the several arguments that ensue through the film between Miller, the soldier who does not want the responsibilities involved, and Mallory, who is determined to finish the job. While one of the arguments doesn't make much sense - Miller is horrified when Mallory admits lying to Roy Franklin so that upon eventual capture Franklin will give away inaccurate information; this is by far the most humane solution to the intolerable dilemma the team has faced - overall the clash between Mallory and Miller adds enormously to the film's tension, thanks in no small part to the excellent performances of Gregory Peck and David Niven.

    The sets and props of the film are superb, and overcome the comparative cheesiness of some of the special effects.
  • Being a big Gregory Peck fan, I was expecting great things from The Guns of Navarone, and in one of those rare instances, I was not disappointed. Mr. Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn et al. are in top form, each of them bringing their respective characters to life and the story likewise. The action scenes are impressive even by today's standards but in my opinion they are only a secondary pleasure. The main pleasure is watching the divergent and forceful personalities cooperate, conflict, confound and finally triumph. Suspense is maintained throughout. I also liked the way complex moral issues were addressed. Another bonus is the portrayal of the Germans. Here they are not all depicted as impersonal inhuman cruel monsters. The full mosaic of human personalities is shown on their side too. But don't get me wrong, they are still a formidable enemy who keep the outcome in doubt. Strongly recommended, 8/10.
  • "The Dirty Dozen" may have updated the film's premise for the cynical late '60's, but as much as I love that old hard-boiled film, even I have to admit that it doesn't hold a candle to "The Guns of Navarone". Though it may be hard to remember now that the premise has been used so much, the impossible mission theme was NOT a common staple in action films until this movie. The question of whether or not the team is going to pull it off is, for once, not as simple as many other simple-minded movies have made it. There are moments where the mission is endangered by just about everything imaginable: the CO being critically wounded, suspicious enemies, personality conflicts, wrenching moral dillemas, a traitor in the ranks, being captured by the enemy. The storyline plays out like the most extreme manifestation of Murphy's Law: everything that can go wrong DOES go wrong.

    The team put together here couldn't be more incongruent with each other. Gregory Peck's world-class mountain climber who becomes the team's reluctant CO, David Niven's hot-tempered, authority-defying sapper, Anthony Quinn's Greek ex-Colonel who has promised to kill Peck at war's end, Stanley Baker's weary soldier who's tired of the unending slaughter, a young Greek national who wants more and more of it...the real miracle is that they manage to get as far and as well as they do. For every step forward, they wind up paying for it. Be it in blood, moral anguish, or pain, no one comes out of this mission unchanged or unscathed. I honestly feel that it is this theme of sacrifice that is the key to the greatness of "The Guns of Navarone".
  • The Greek part of the Mediterranean Theater of World War II was strictly a British show. They fought a pitched seesaw battle with the Germans until almost the end of the war. A great deal of debate about the feasibility of the whole operation has raged with military historians. The reason that the British Army and forces from their Commonwealth countries was to keep Turkey in the position of benevolent neutrality. At least this was one of Winston Churchill's stated aims and The Guns of Navarone makes the case for it.

    But specifically this film deals with a pair of menacing looking naval guns embedded in a cliff with a big rock overhang. The RAF can't get at the thing to destroy from air, so a commando team is put together under the charge of Anthony Quayle. A couple of native Greeks are along, Anthony Quinn and James Darren, an explosives man, David Niven, a tough anti-fascist resistance man whose service dates back to the Spanish Civil War, Stanley Baker, and a mountain climber, Gregory Peck.

    Peck has to get the team to climb a forbidding cliff which is the only area of the beach the Nazis don't guard because they think nobody can land over there. Peck gets the job done, but Quayle becomes injured and Peck gets the responsibility for the whole mission.

    The Guns of Navarone is filled with tension as the men keep getting into and out of one situation after another. The film crackles with excitement and really should be seen on the big screen, it's the only way you can appreciate the special effects which got The Guns of Navarone its Oscar.

    The film marked a screen partnership of Gregory Peck and director J. Lee Thompson, they did four films together. Thompson specialized in these action adventure films. Later on Thompson partnered with Charles Bronson in some of his best films of the seventies and eighties.

    To get the young into the theater, current teenage heart throb James Darren is in the cast. We even gets to hear him sing in Greek which is in fact Darren's own ancestry. Irene Papas is also in the cast as his older sister and Gia Scala is her silent friend.

    Despite setback and betrayal our team continues on. The climax of The Guns of Navarone is exciting and unforgettable and should not be missed.
  • I won't repeat what others have said. My short take: It's one of the best action films and one of the best ensemble films ever made.

    What I noticed on first viewing was how quiet it is. Many scenes take place without dialog or score, merely background noises like wind, feet crunching gravel, and the like. Some of the tensest scenes are made more so by our hearing only what the characters would hear. For example, early on in the film, the lead characters undergo a storm at sea and approach a dangerous narrows, and until the scene's climax, all we hear are howling wind, driving rain, and slamming waves.

    A musical score tells viewers how they are supposed to feel and often telegraphs shifts in plot or mood. As used in this film, the absence of music heightens the drama and makes the action more immediate. What score there is is thus more effective, earning its composer an Academy Award.
  • Ever since I was a little boy, I've watched several classic war movies with my father. He was an absolute fan of this kind of movies and I guess I've inherited that passion from him, because since then I try to watch and buy as many (classic) war movies as I can find. So far I already have several of them in my private DVD collection, but until now, "The Guns of Navarone" wasn't a part of it. The main reason for that is because I hadn't seen it before and therefor didn't know what to expect of it. But now that it was finally shown on television, I was able to tape it and to watch it.

    When in 1943 the Germans are attempting to bully neutral Turkey into joining the Axis, 2,000 British troops are trapped on the small and strategically unimportant Greek island Kiros. Something has to be done to save them and there is only one way to get there: by boat. But it's impossible to come near to the island because the only sea route is defended by two gigantic German anti-ship batteries, deployed in a massive cliff side bunker on the island of Navarone. An air attack has been attempted before and proved to be useless and the only option that is left is sending a team of six Greek and English mountaineers to meet up with partisans to try and dynamite the guns. The team does not only face the almost impossible task to conquer the difficult terrain, they also have to try to get past a German garrison and to make things worse, there also appears to be a traitor among them...

    About one thing I'm already certain: I'll buy this movie on DVD as soon as I can find it. This is one of the better classic war movies that I've seen lately and I really had a good time watching it. Not only does it give a more realistic view on the war, the characters are also a lot more realistic. They aren't as invincible as you sometimes see in other classic war movies (think for instance of "Where Eagles Dare (1968)"), in which the Americans or other allies seem to carry some kind of magic shield around them that can't be penetrated by German bullets, while they can kill hundreds of the enemy with only one bullet. In this movie they have to deal with all kinds of difficulties like difficult terrain, a traitor,... and yes, even the good guys can get killed or wounded.

    What I also liked was the fact that this movie was shot in Greece and therefor gave a realistic feeling to the setting, without feeling like a brochure for a romantic holiday (like Captain Corelli's Mandolin). I know, we all expect that and believe that it is normal when we see it, but I've already seen otherwise and it's something you didn't always get at the time. Think for instance of the movie "The Battle of the Bulge" (1965), which was supposed to be situated in the Belgian Ardennes, but which was shot with olive trees in the background and in a desert-like terrain. And trust me, I'm Belgian myself and I know the region all too well, so I know that there really isn't such a type of terrain to be found there.

    Next to the good story and the correct decor, this movie also offers some fine acting from a great classical cast. With Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Anthony Quayle,... you get some of the most famous actors at the time and they all did a very nice job in this movie. Add to this the fact that story was very good, that the action still looked nice, that everything was shot in the right country and that everybody spoke the correct language. Then you know that there is absolutely nothing more I could ask for in this movie. I give this movie a well deserved 7.5/10.
  • Wow - I used to think "Guns Of Navarone" was a try-hard, almost-there type of near-classic war film that had muffled sound, used a bad coloring process, was poorly lit, was limited by budget and the technology of the time. Boy, was I WRONG - I had seen this film several times, all on conventional/cable TV, VHS and even Laserdisc prior to the recent UCLA restoration now out on DVD. I never completely engaged in the reality/experience of this movie. It was as if I was listening to Beethoven's Ninth on an AM clock radio in an adjacent room. The newly-restored DVD in its original widescreen format showcased on a big screen TV in surround sound is the ONLY way to fully take in this piece of art, unless you perchance get lucky enough to see it in a cine complex.

    Unless you have viewed this film in its original condition in a theater or restored, letterboxed with proper-sized screen and sound, your previous/future comments have ZERO merit, as far as I'm concerned. So many people here have commented on this film "lacking action" and being a "bore" - I could not disagree more. Although I have not read the book (something I rarely do anymore due to an unfortunate accident years ago), this movie resembled a well-written novel. It was FULL of REAL character development, bringing you mixed emotions - at times you love, feel for, loathe or despise them - even the German army officer, during the interrogation/capture scene (which I will not spoil), had a warm, admirable quality about him. I will purchase/rent/borrow an audiobook of this, if at all possible, because Alistair MacLean has some of the best written adventure material ever brought to film. The action in this film was aplenty - maybe not a Schwarzeneger thrillride, but that would have made it completely unbelievable. The character development, internal conflict and subplots more than adequately fill the non-action lulls, if you want to call them that. One reviewer here commented on a shipwreck scene of 15 minutes that seemed like forever - the entire realistic shipwreck sequence was barely five minutes long, FYI. Without going into too much "spoiling" detail, there was constant suspense while the Germans were nipping at their heels all film long. It contained espionage, several hand-to-hand combat sequences, several shootings, knifings, cars/trucks being blown up, carjackings, explosions, dive bombings, mortar bombardments, strafings, assassinations, etc. With six men and two women against several dozen Germans, you can't justifiably get much more action packed into a script unless you would unnecessarily/unrealistically insert more just to intensify the film. The film did not really need intensifying as the plot was strong enough on its own merits - as were all the characters and the subplots surrounding them.

    The editing is top-notch. This film is lovingly woven into a tapestry with nice artistic dissolves/fades/graphics transitioning scenes (chapters) and furthering character development and story lines - the accompanying music only enhances those transitions like adding melted butter and/or salt to cooked vegetables enhancing their flavor. To me, this film is very warm and comfortable when it needs to be, but also cold and abrasive at times to make its social commentary. Carl Foreman scripted another great masterpiece with his usual pro/anti-war statements wrapped neatly in an entertaining adventure that makes one think. The end retrospective sequence with the Dimitri Tiomkin score is indelibly touching and unforgettable - a rather unorthodox approach for a "war movie."

    The sweeping landscape photography and several cultural touches truly captured the beauty and flavor of Greece and its proud people. Ironically, when at Blockbuster, I coincidentally chose this film to view with my son - on the Opening Day of the XXVIII Olympiad, being held of course in Athens, Greece. I read somewhere that the people of Greece still hold this film in high esteem and were/are very proud of the way their nation was portrayed - they should be. Unlike many other movies made abroad, Guns Of Navarone affectionately honored its host country and its people. My 7 year-old film-making-wannabe son absolutely LOVED this movie, even better than his most recent film classic viewings... The Magnificent Seven and Bullitt. When I told him many here at IMDb said this film was boring and over-rated, he commented "are they nuts?" This coming from a kid who loves James Bond, Superman, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Star Wars, Star Trek, Power Rangers, Lost In Space and Jonny Quest as well as Classic Rock, film scores, Legos, Hot Wheels, plastic model kits, gymnastics and PS2. Guess there is hope for the future generation after all.

    Some of the very best action/adventure films ever made have very little "constant action," FYI. I recently overheard a teen boy in a video store who said "Raiders was a slow, boring film" - of all things. No wonder the cumulative votes of classic films on IMDb do not entirely mirror or reflect what critics have historically said when they initially rated and/or reviewed them. I try to overlook the current technological advancements of today when compared with films of yesteryear in order to objectively critique a film. GUNS OF NAVARONE is no exception - made before traveling matte (blue screen) technology and CGI effects. Sure, the rear-screen projection photography and miniature work was not perfect, but no other film of its era was, either. Those factors aside, this film is EXTREMELY under-rated - this film is a stand-alone classic of its genre and amongst other all-time great films... a genuine piece of art.

    Ranking just under the ten-star rated Bridge On The River Kwai, Guns Of Navarone is an instant-classic and will always be so (on a LARGE SCREEN in its original widescreen format); due to its solid foundation of high production values, endearing score, good writing, strong plot/character development, the fine actors to play those characters and loving direction. Kudos to all who worked on this film. (9.5/10)
  • The Guns of Navarone is a solid to good action war movie from 1961. The story of the movie is based on the The Guns of Navarone, a book written by Alistair MacLean (first published in 1957). The book and the movie is full fictional - the story of the book (and the movie) is loosely inspired by the Battle of Leros that took place in WWII. The story: an Allied commando is send out to destroy two big and heavily fortified German guns who rule over a strait that a allied fleet must pass, the clock is ticking and the commando only has a small time-window to accomplish the task.

    What we get is some nice action movie with some thrilling moments and a great production, and last but not least, we get some titans like Gregory Peck, David Niven, Richard Harris and Anthony Quinn.

    If you like those 60s war movies like Where Eagles Dare or The Bridge at Remagen or later ones like The Eagle Has Landed and A Bridge Too Far, this one is just waiting for you. The only thing I gotta complain is that the German soldiers hit nothing to nill and die like the minions in all those Bond movies.
  • Guns of Navarone is an incredible movie. It is not the action, the special effects, or the plot that make it so; what puts it above 99% of other movies of the similar genre is the simply amazing acting. Everyone is just amazing in their own way. Peck is perfect as the officer who takes charge of the mission once the CO is incapacitated, Quinn is humorous and intriguing as the Greek corporal who is set on revenge against the enemy and Peck, Niven is extremely entertaining as the extremely facetious, cynical explosives expert, and the rest give the performances of their lives, particularly Darren and Irene Papas. You would be hard pressed to watch this movie and not identify with the vast array of personalities you witness. I've never seen Anthony Quinn better. 10/10.
  • Corporal Miller's exclamation sums up what kind of mood this WWII action thriller is trying to set. "Guns of Navarone" is not full of flag-waving or patriotism, but wearied veterans who just want to get this job done. Spielberg's soldiers in "Saving Private Ryan" also conveyed this outlook. When we first see Captain Mallory, he is grim faced and upset that his leave has been canceled (as we later find out, he had a good reason for seeking leave!). There is not a lot of emotion expressed at seeing Major "Lucky" Roy Franklin, but the two men are glad to greet each other as comrades. But the movie's first emotional tailspin is when Squadron Leader Barnsby gives a report on his group's failure to attack Navarone. You can see the fatigue on Richard Harris' face as he tells the "bloody truth" about what is being asked of him and his men. A fine cameo by this late, great actor. The characters don't smile or joke too much, and when they do the viewer can plainly see that there's more to tell underneath the surface. This was a great job of acting by all concerned, and they are given wonderful dialog to accompany the stress and tension of the time. The top scenes are when insubordination looms among the characters, not because the person in charge is being sadistic or unfair, but because of the fatigue of everyone. The action and stunts are great, and this is the first movie I've seen that has both cliff climbing AND cliff diving!
  • ab-224 November 2001
    The Guns of Navarone is a classic WWII film. The movie is about a group of Allied soldiers (Gregory Peck, David Niven, Anthony Quinn, Stanley Baker, James Darren, and Anthony Quayle) whose mission is to destroy the Nazis most powerful weapon which is the guns on Navarone. Will they be able to make it without being caught? This movie is great. The acting by Peck, Niven, and Quinn is A+. The special effects were great and they still amazed me. I recommend this movie to all.

  • This powerful , dramatic story from the Alistair McLean novel starts when the commanding staff (led by James Robertson Justice) prepares a multinational task force and is sent to Greece for a dangerous mission . It's commanded by a stiff-upper-lip climber captain (Gregory Peck) and a British Major (Anthony Quayle) , being formed by a misfit group : a Greek colonel (Anthony Queen) , an explosives expert (David Niven) , a tough private nicknamed 'the Butcher' (Stanley Baker) and an American-Greek marksman (James Darren) . Later on , they are joined by two partisans (Gia Scala and Irene Papas) but they are also hindered by a traitor . The outfit must destroy huge guns which threat the Allied ships that attempt to help a group of besieged troops . The giant batteries are heavily fortified on a German fortress located in Navarone . To do so , they must sneak throughout the Nazis'(commanded by Walter Gotell) noses disguised as German soldiers .

    This interesting wartime picture contains high-powered action-packed , shootouts , explosions , mass slaughter and lots of fun . Fairly decent acting by the star-studded , a traditional all-cast , this Box-office hit is an entertaining , exciting WWII actioner . Highlighted by a stirring and thrilling climax at a stronghold with overwhelming action scenes proceeded by Oscar-winning special effects . For the scene where the commandos scale the near-vertical cliff , the rockface was a painted backdrop laid out on the ground , so the actors were actually climbing over the studio floor and then the image was tilted in camera . Great actors in attractive roles played by all-star-cast and supported by prestigious secondary players . There was reportedly much tension between many of the stars -particularly Gregory Peck and Anthony Quinn- early in the film's production . The picture is well set in island of Rhodes (Greece) and Shepperton Studios (England) . Although Navarone is a fictional place , the novel of the same title is based on The Battle of Leros , in the Dodecanese , the location of the deepest port in the region and coastal battery which defended it . Along with ¨The great escape¨ , ¨Dirty Dozen¨ and ¨Where eagles dare¨ this ¨Navarone guns¨ results to be one of the best WWII adventure yarns .

    Rousing and evocative musical score by the great master composer Dimitri Tiomkin . Colorful , luxurious cinematography by Oswald Morris and John Wilcox as assistant cameraman . Producer Carl Foreman brokered a deal with the Greek army where he had 12 destroyers and over 1000 infantrymen at his disposal . With a budget of $6 million, at the time, this was one of the most expensive films ever made . This sweeping wartime movie epic from the director of 'Mckenna's gold' , J. Lee Thompson , presents the historic events of hokey manner but it does so fascinatingly . All in all , it's a successful piece of warlike fluff . Although overlong , it has good battle footage , solid acting , breathtaking scenes which help offset a sometimes far-fetched plot , but suffers on television , as the small screen damages its really spectacular images . This picture should please most action-war-adventure buffs . Followed by an inferior sequel also written and produced by Carl Foreman titled 'Force 10 Navarone (1978)' by Guy Hamilton with Robert Shaw , Harrison Ford, Barbara Bach and Edward Fox.
  • Guns of Navaronne is a film where a whole lot of nothing seems to happen. I kept waiting theoughout the whole movie for the exciting part to happen but it never came.

    In terms of story, its the classic ragtag group of soldiers on a secret operation in enemy land. Some of the subplots between the characters were mildly interesting but never really seemed to lead anywhere.

    The action scenes are a bit lackluster partially due to its age. However, the scene at thewhere the guns explode was pretty awesome due to the fact that its a real explosion.

    Its not a bad film by any means but I got absolutely nothing out of watching it so I'd have to give it a low score.
  • I saw this film with my father at an outdoor theater when it first appeared.

    Remember those?

    When those two German cannons stretched across the screen, they must have been at least eighty feet long. The special effects of films in those days might have been primitive compared to now, but those days had a trick or two up their sleeve to make the most of them, that we can no longer experience.

    And outdoor theaters might as have well have been invented and built for this movie. I can't remember a more suspenseful cinematic experience in my whole life-- or a more dramatic night out with Dad. I was glad that he was there, just a reassuring foot or two away, in case the terror became unbearable.

    So it surprised me to learn here that Guns of Navarone appeared only in 1961. That would make me twelve or thirteen years old, not eight. If I remember it so vividly, how could I be so wrong about the time? Perhaps this is further testimony to its impact-- how small and vulnerable it can make one feel in its sweep of events.
  • grahamsj38 January 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    Judging by the overall score, this film is rated very highly and I must agree. This was one of the most innovative films of it's time. I recall that the theater had to be shut down for a couple of weeks prior to the film opening so that a totally new type of sound system (called Stereo) could be installed in order to properly enjoy this film (remember, this is the early 60's). When we saw it, I remember being simply awestruck by the sound of the German shells whistling overhead and landing behind me. It was probably quite primitive by todays standard, but very impressive for it's day and everyone loved it! The story was also quite good, although fictional, and the acting is top shelf. The film stars David Niven, Gregory Peck and Anthony Quinn, so how can you go wrong there? This is a top notch film with an award winning, innovative soundtrack. What's not to like?
  • For a long (157 minutes) classic movie, this is paced well with a decent amount of action to keep things going. There are lulls, but just a few, and the cast is always worth watching with Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, David Niven, Richard Attenborough, Stanley Baker and Anthony Quale all quality actors. There are no irritating, annoying people, either, which is very refreshing. Everyone in this group is pretty much on the same page.

    It's just a straight World War II adventure, with no sappy romance subplots to take away from the story, either. In other words, this is man's movie, pure and simple, and a good one that still holds up today.

    Despite the good cast, the story takes center stage. The visuals or sound aren't anything to write home about, even with the latest super-duper DVD edition. I found this surprisingly interesting even on multiple viewings when I knew what was going to happen, so that's a testimony to how well this story was told on screen.
  • As far as pro-war, anti-war or any philosophical conflicts are concerned, J. Lee Thompsons "Guns of Navarone" is certainly no "Bridge on the River Kwai". This comparison doesn't intend to diminish its impact but it's surprising that the two movies share one name in the credits that happens to be Carl Foreman, the screenwriter. In its own right, it is a pretty straightforward, conventional but efficient war movie that delivers its premise; it just happens to lack that little something that could have made it one of the greats.

    But this is still an entertaining spectacle typical of the early 60's productions, a muscled picture whose power and charisma rest on the broad and heavy shoulders of one of the best macho cast since "The Magnificent Seven": Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn, his namesake Quayle, David Niven and a few other rigged faces, all forming a British secret unit assigned to blow German guns located in the Greek island of Navarone, on an impregnable fortress threatening a British convoy coming to rescue thousands of Allied prisoners stranded on Greek islands. So many lives at stakes and so little time left.

    The film belongs to the tradition of epic-adventure-action movies with one mission for many different men as the focal point, it was made seven years after the seminal "Seven Samurai" and six years before "The Dirty Dozen", the film that pushed the concept to its anti-heroic level. In 1961, people were still seeking for regular thrills and the film provided the whole package with competent acting, directing and editing, not to mention a decent story with a captivating mission, interesting "sub-missions" and subsequent interactions. But take "Kwai" again, the climactic explosion is one of the most mind-blowing moments from any war movie, and not just for the spectacular effect but the whole psychological escalation that lead to that moment, it wasn't about the bridge, but the madness that made it explode. But in the case of "Navarone", the guns' explosion (this is no spoiler) simply indicates the success of the mission but we're always more interested by the outbursts of 'madness'.

    And while Gregory Peck plays as usual the tough and heroic leader, I was glad he could pass as a relatively ambiguous protagonist, enough to be confronted by his officers and questioned about the way he exploited the injury of a comrade. David Niven is the impertinent British explosives expert who makes war while secretly despising it, Quinn is the brutal but reassuring presence. As the Greek Andreas, he steals the show and carries one unexpected moment of 'pathos' that suggests a predisposition for richer and more multi-layered characters, the presence of Irene Papas as the tough resistant plays like an interesting omen of their future collaborations in "Zorba the Greek", "The Message" and "Lion of the Desert". All these actors do justice to their part and besides the action, there's not one moment of dullness or where we feel that it's getting slow.

    There's not much left to say, except that it's a film with many shootouts, one set in the boat where they act like fishermen and less exciting than the firing itself is its anticipation, there's a heart-pounding mountain climbing of Hitchcockian effect, many ruses and disguises and a traitor's unmasking contributing to the one very powerful moment, all of these allow "Guns of Navarone" to move rather swiftly despite its run of two-hour and half. It also raises a few questions about war ethics and tortures, but overall, like a movie lead by no-nonsense Gregory Peck, the film isn't an anti-war movie, it doesn't amplify the heroism of the protagonists nor that it demonize the Germans. As a war movie, it belongs to the likes of "The Longest Day" or "Battle of the Bulge" it is old-fashioned in a respectable way.

    Not too subtle or sophisticated, this is a tough movie about tough guys and you spend a good time watching it.
  • fletch528 September 2000
    Probably the best action/adventure film set in WW2, "The Guns of Navarone" is a magnificent movie; truly an all-time-great. Despite its long duration, the film progresses slickly and maintains its tensions all the way to the end. The characters are an equally important part of the story as the mission. I thought the special effects were surprisingly good, by no means badly dated. See this instead of "Where Eagles Dare" or the poor sequel "Force 10 from Navarone".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The first question is whether or not it's worth upgrading from the DVD version to the Blu-Ray version. In my opinion, that's a firm no.

    I've long (well, I guess for over 50 years) felt this was one of the great war movies. I'm not so sure now, although to be fair, I'm rarely in the mood for a war movie. But I remembered this one fondly...but I guess absence makes the heart grow less fond. Nevertheless, it's a good story with a stellar cast.

    There were 2 places where the special effects were terrible. One was when Peck and Niven close the huge iron doors to lock the Germans out of their huge gun complex. The way their shadows fall, it is so very obvious they're in front of a painting, not in front of iron rails. And a few minutes later, looking out toward the sea from the, how cheap looking.

    The big problem with this film, however, is the running length. There are times when things drag, and no wonder...the film lasts 2 hours and 38 minutes. It didn't need to. They could have easily cut 15-20 minutes. But my sense is that they kept it long to make it seem like it was a "bigger" movie than it really was.

    I have to admit that while Gregory Peck is not one of my very favorite actors, I also believe that Peck can do no wrong. I don't remember a film where he was any less than wonderful. Enough said.

    On the other hand we have David Niven. Over the years my like for Niven has declined considerably, and it seems to me that -- as in this film -- the main reason that he could be very pompous, and there were several scenes in this film where that was called for. But, looking at the film now, I feel he was more of a negative than a positive.

    Anthony Quinn was near the beginning of his period of true stardom when this film was made. Quinn always had an earthy quality about him, and that worked very well here.

    Anthony Quayle is excellent here, although we don't see much of him after about halfway through the film.

    I feel sorry for James Darren. Despite being in the film from the beginning until almost the very end, he had only a handful of sentences of dialog. I guess he was there because he was young and handsome.

    Irene Papas and Gia Scala...okay, but nothing special here.

    I guess I sound pretty negative here, but I do think this is a decent film. But not as great a film as I remember it being. Gia Scala as Anna
  • I was part of the crew that worked on this movies, nothing great just a worker but I must say that it was a great experience to do so and in my opinion it turned out to be one of the best films ever produced about the war. It was a very friendly set indeed and all the stars were very profession. right from the start to the finish it was exciting with plenty of action. I'm not going to spoil it for anyone just to say that I give it a 10 and always enjoy seeing it over and over along with saying that I was part of making a excellent film. The party after the film had wrapped up shooting is another story for another time I assure you. Thank You. M J Wareham
  • smatysia13 December 2000
    Good war film. Good work from Peck, Quinn, and Papas. While the plot may seem a little formulaic, Hollywood had its rules then, just as it has its rules now. The effects were good for the times. All in all this one is worth seeing.
  • Along with The Great Escape, The Dirty Dozen and Where Eagles Dare The Guns of Navarone is one of those 60's war films that regularly pops up on TV, but unlike the others I mentioned I could never recall sitting through the whole film. Well I did tonight when Channel 4 showed it here in the UK, and it was great. I love these "men on a mission" films, this is one of the best with fantastic performances by the stars especially Quinn and Niven. The ending was very similar to a few James Bond films, though I don't know who copied who. If you enjoyed this then try and catch the lesser shown sequel starring Harrison Ford no less. ***7.5/10***
  • aylwardpaul15 June 2022
    This film is so ripe for a remake.

    It's a ripping adventure story that needs a better execution.

    The story plods along too slowly, and it is dated and naive in many areas, such as in its treatment of the spy subplot, and interrogation sequence, and in the speeches about killing.

    However it does have merit in its physical locations, and in the characters and performances of Anthony Quinn and Irene Papas.

    Gregory Peck also provides his usual sturdy reliable performance.

    Unfortunately David Niven's character is irritating, and Gia Scala is just terrible.

    I loved this film as a child, but time and maturity has not been its friend.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Yeah, I liked it as an 11 year old when it first came out. But after just watching again and after having military experience and common sense, so many plot elements made no sense.

    Just to mention one toward the end: the British warships are coming and the Germans need to get rounds down range. We see a large gun cavity without a single German soldier in it. No way! Then we see the Germans desperately needing to get it. Remember, this is critical right? The Germans have a ton of tanks in the area. Any officer's first thought on locked doors would be to immediately blow them open with 5-6 tanks we just saw 2 blocks away in the scene when Peck and Niven were driving in. Instead, they use welding torches, LOL, to give the characters time to set the explosives. Happened in this movie but wouldn't happen one in a million in real life.

    Yeah, I know, it's only a movie. But it was just too full of that kind of stuff. Like the stupid scene where 50 Germans catch the crew but only 2-3 are armed in a confined room to interview the prisoners who aren't shackled in any way. Lol. And did you notice when they left, no Germans in the outer office at all-when they were dealing with highly skilled commandos?

    And by the way, no navy would blindly risk losing 6 warships simply to extricate 2000 soldiers. You'd lose 1200 sailors, plus the ships. The soldiers would have either fought or simply surrendered, right?
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