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  • The episode described in above review has made it to "Most Outrageous

    Moments of TV" clips along with other outrageous 70's game show moments.

    Stumbled onto this show because I'm watching "Huff" on DVD and noted that actress Barbara Stuart who plays one of Izzy's friends is referenced in commentary as "Bunny" (and she was on PFC--correcting, Lance Corporal--Gomer Pyle show). And, she also made an appearance on this game show.

    It does seem like a clone of "Password" and how ironic that Betty White is listed at the top of celebrity appearances since she eventually hosted the game.
  • I remember watching the original You Don't Say in the 60s and i felt it was one of the best game shows of that decade. It was also the show that established Tom Kennedy as one of TV's best game show hosts and became the big hit for producer Ralph Andrews. Even though game show giants Mark Goodson and Bill Todman sued Andrews and partner Bill Yagemann for plagarizing Password, it was a much different game than Password. Instead of giving one word clues, contestants and celebrities would give clues in the form of sentences that would lead to a famous name or place.

    There were some shows where Kennedy played on the panel and his brother Jack Narz filled in as host. Also, some shows around Christmas used children as contestants. A lot of celebrities did the show including Betty White, Pat Carroll, Rowan and Martin and Mel Torme. Like me, a lot of people would come home from school to watch You Don't Say as well as the original Match Game. A solid one-two punch that shouldn't have been canceled abruptly due to a new NBC daytime VP who cleaned house. It was a show that should have had a longer run.

    As for the 70s revival, it wasn't very good. first of all, they added more celebrities, a la Match Game and they changed the scoring system as well as the bonus round. To make things even worse, ABC scheduled the revival at 4 PM EST where a lot of stations opted for local or syndicated shows at that time. The ABC affiliate in Minneapolis aired the show on a delayed basis at 10 AM. Even though Tom Kennedy handled the show well, it turned out to be a flop. Some day You Don't Say should be revived, with the original format.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I remember this show. You had to describe something without describing the very phrase you had to get somebody to guess.

    Example: The phrase is "Dont Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch." So you describe Dracula who was a count, the hatch to a spaceship, take this route to it.

    I am watching Lost In Space on DVD and Mickey Manners appeared on one episode, West of Hades.

    I remember Manners from this game show, mainly because of the baseball player, Mickey Mantle. I had a time believing the little man on the gameshow was a baseball player.

    He wasn't, not the same guy.

    I also remember Peter Haskell, another bit actor player, appearing on an episode and a woman sought to describe exhaling.

    She said "I just let out some air," and there was wild laughter all the way around. Well, it was the early 1970s, when everything and anything was laughed at as some sort of innuendo.

    Haskell would very deadpan look at the camera and hold his nose and puff his cheeks out.

    Then the woman would finally continue "I just let out a breath of air." Can't believe it ran for twelve years tho! I remember another woman, seemed like it might have been Jaye P. Morgan, and she described fishing with a magnet on the end of the line to collect nickels, dimes, pennies, quarters, she said slowly.

    Well, I knew even then that money wasn't magnetized. Who was she fooling?