User Reviews (6)

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  • After the success of "Der Hexer", this sequel was shot 9 months later by the same director with mostly the same cast - unfortunately Joachim Fuchsberger did not return. Obviously, the sequel had another problem from the start: the first movie had revealed the secret identity of the "Hexer" in the end, so the possibility for a similar surprise was gone. Nevertheless, a solid story was put on celluloid here which makes it an average contribution to the Edgar Wallace series at least. The basic script idea is that the Hexer ("wizard") returns to England once again because murderers commit crimes under his name, so he wants to punish them and prove his innocence.

    A well-known still from the advertising material shows Klaus Kinski (who plays Edwards, the butler) rising like a vampire in a coffin. It stems from a scene that originally was the opening sequence, but cut before the TV broadcast and video tape release. Still Kinski gets a couple of good scenes, watch him playing a harp for example! Brigitte Horney and Barbara Rütting are both giving strong performances as well, even though the most terrifying scene to get you on the edge of your seat is surely when the boy is locked in the tiger cage.
  • Or does he? Well of course he does, but he might have not even gotten involved if he was not provoked. An interesting twist to bring him back ... same actors, with some more depth, but also new villains ... which almost makes him a good guy ... well not really but you know what I mean.

    Funny and for the time it was made quite good - yes it has aged but not too badly. I'd advise anyone to watch the original movie ... it is not actually necessary, but if you watch it reverse, you'd have a reveal ... well sort of ... still watch the first Hexer and then watch this. And if you like these movies ... there are hundreds of them out there (probably "only" 40 ... or whatever other number, but quite a lot nonetheless).
  • Leofwine_draca5 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    A follow up to DER HEXER and even more complicated than that movie, for which reason I can only rate it a lesser production. Indeed for the first hour it does seem very obscure, with the basic plot involving members of an aristocratic family being bumped off one by one by members of a sinister conspiratorial criminal cult. Needlessly talky at times, this replaces the original Hexer actor with another and lesser performer, although it retains the disguise scenes. Things it does have going for it are an always-good-value Klaus Kinski (looking young and surprisingly handsome here) and a fine twisty climax.
  • Just because "Der Hexer" was so good and so entertaining, I decided to immediately watch the sequel, although with the knowledge and caution that sequels generally don't surpass the quality-level of the original, and that most of the surprises have been revealed already. Still, although remarkably less great as the first one, "Neues from Hexer" remains a solid Krimi with a different type of plot and a couple of fascinating new characters. One of them is the inevitable but always-fantastic Klaus Kinski, in a for him very familiar Krimi-role, namely that of a sinister and mysterious butler doing all the dirty work. For the first time, at least to my knowledge, Kinski has a beard that makes him look quite handsome!

    Following his spectacular escape from Scotland Yard in the original, the now exposed Magician is forced to return to London because somebody is committing murders in his name. Scotland Yard inspector Wesby is on the case as well, but the master-criminal with his tricks and disguises, is much more effective in solving the murder puzzle than the "intelligence" services.

    As said, weak in comparison to the first film but enjoyable enough as a stand-alone thriller. The best scene comes quite early in the film, when The Magician disguises himself as a judge in court, and basically raises all the smart questions that Scotland Yard should ask themselves.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OK German-made Edgar Wallace mystery. As far as I could make out some crimes are being blamed on a former criminal and magician called, get this, The Magician. Now he has to find out who's the actual guilty party and take the heat off himself. The black-and-white photography is clear and pristine. Unfortunately the Sinister Cinema DVD-R I viewed is only available in German without dubbing or sub-titles so I'm not too sure what goes on. I don't believe a dubbed version is available. Hopefully one will be released soon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The "Hexer" ("Ringer") is certainly the most known Edgar Wallace character and in this black-and-white film from over 50 years ago he gives a bit of a comeback, at least according to the title "Neues vom Hexer" or "Again the Ringer". Heinz Drahe does not have as many Wallace appearances as Fuchsberger for example, but I felt he was a welcome presence. And there are more names behind and in front of the camera that have worked on several other Edgar Wallace films. Story-wise, this one here is just as underwhelming as the rest and to me it looks like a cheap attempt to cash in with the popularity of the Hexer from one of the older films. Finally, a special mention to Kinski, who is a scene stealer again as always, but sadly also plays the same character in every Wallace film, a troubled men we are supposed to think is the killer or an accomplice, but ends up often dead himself. It gets repetitive pretty quickly. The rest of the film is weak or mediocre. Do not watch. For as much as I care, the "Ringer" can disappear entirely.