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  • Anybody who likes the Pink Panther cartoons are very likely to get a kick of the Inspector series. Count me as somebody who does like Pink Panther cartoons, if more the 60s efforts and found myself liking The Inspector cartoons just as much as the 60s Pink Panther cartoons as a child. Like them even more through adult eyes with the humour being funnier and getting more out of the villains.

    There are far better cartoons though than 'The Pique Poquette of Paris'. It is a more than watchable and actually just above average cartoon with enough of the usual strengths, but there are far funnier and more imaginative The Inspector cartoons in the series. Put it around low middle perhaps when ranking the series' cartoons, as far as the previous ones go it is better than 'Napoleon Blown-Aparte' (the only one to be worse). Some of the faults of that cartoon are here but the villain is better.

    Best asset is the animation. Fairly simple in terms of drawing but never ugly, while the somewhat abstract backgrounds have nice attention to detail, more so than the Pink Panther cartoons (not a knock at all on the animation of that series), and don't look sparse. But it is the deep and rich colours that stand out in this regard. Liked the jauntiness and jazzy slinkiness of the music, which didn't sound too cheap or repetitive.

    Continue to love the chemistry between The Inspector and Deux Deux, two great and beautifully contrasted characters with the former being more bumbling and the latter being quieter. There are amusing and charming moments and Pat Harrington Jr as always does a great job with the voice work. Spider Pierre is a very entertaining and wonderfully bizarre villain, and Paul Frees has fun.

    Sad though that the story for 'The Pique Poquette of Paris' is very predictable and tired, and could have done with more energy as the cartoon does flag. Those and most of the writing bring the cartoon down significantly.

    Would have liked sharper physical comedy and wittier verbal humour (the irony doesn't come out enough and the word play is not as inspired), which is what makes the best The Inspector cartoons work, did think that there were nowhere near enough laughs here. Or at least ones that are truly funny or memorable.

    Overall, an above average The Inspector cartoon but a bit lacking. 6/10
  • A pickpocket extraordinnaire is on the loose and the Inspector feels he can trap the criminal by flashing money around at a bar. He must have a sixth sense of where criminals are located because the pickpocket - who has four arms - is right there and quickly lifts his money. That money belonged to our buddy Deux- Deux, but there is some story involved with the cash. Deux-Deux tries to tell his boss something about it a couple of times but is always cut off. We find out at the end.

    Meanwhile, the shifty pickpocket seems to everywhere the Inspector is and has no trouble lifting almost everything Our Hero owns! Clouseau seems to have a nose to where to flush out the thief, or is it the opposite - the thief tracking him?

    Overall, a "fair" episode, somewhat entertaining but not particularly funny. It's on the DVD "The Pink Panther Classic Cartoon Collection, Vol. 6 - Inspector Cartoons."
  • . . . has been given short shrift and a generally bad rap by American filmmakers. Translating its title into American, THE PICKPOCKET OF PARIS is no exception to this rule. These malicious doodlers are so anti-octopus that they dub an obvious squid as "Spider Pierre" here to add in salt to injury. Though the title character may be a few arms or tentacles short of an octet of appendages, this is more the fault of lazy animators who cannot be bothered to draw eight limbs than any hint of octopus-friendly thinking. Anthropologists contend that up to a quarter of the world's population depend upon this maligned critter for their very survival. Ink jet printers are based upon the primary octopus defense mechanism. This species is high on the papal approval list, however, because a female averages 70,000 young ones per litter. Doubtless Pierre is being hard-pressed to pay child support.