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  • augustian29 January 2017
    Warning: Spoilers
    This film is a strange one, being a crime mystery and erotica with art-house pretensions thrown in for good measure. The film starts in Stockholm where Ann (Gio Petre) murders a man in a circus ring and then switches to Ann and Eve (Marie Liljedahl) going off on a motoring holiday to Yugoslavia (modern-day Croatia). Both women are contemptuous of men yet both intend to have a good time with men: Eve especially is intent on a final fling before getting married.

    The relationship between the two women is a strange one. They are supposed to be friends, yet when Eve ends up naked, drunk and out for the count on a fishing boat (Eve apparently likes a bit of rough) Ann leaves her and goes off in search of a good time in a local village. Ann also likes a bit of rough, standing almost naked at a window to tempt one of the locals. As the film nears its end, the two women have drifted apart with Eve at a weird massage parlour with a dwarf playing the piano and then getting a lift in the back of a truck with some drunken locals who proceed to give her more good times before dropping her off at Trieste, not that she seems particularly put out by her experiences. There is more weirdness at a film festival when a film director is seen walking naked down the road to a notice about The Emperor's New Clothes.

    According to the trivia on the DVD, the film caused some notoriety on its release in the USA and in the UK. The film did not go down well in Yugoslavia either because of the film's uncomplimentary portrayal of Yugoslav locals. The DVD by Another World is supposed to be the full version running to 105 minutes but although Gio Petre and Marie Liljedahl do some topless scenes, the scene in the massage parlour and one other scene have been blurred beyond recognition. Also note that some photos on the DVD cover show scenes that do not appear on the DVD.
  • It's a little hard to recommend this, especially to anyone expecting your typical softcore product (five minutes of exposition, followed by ten minutes of sex, rinse and repeat). This movie is pretty sexy, chiefly do to the presence of Swedish lolita Marie Lilljedahl (who could induce boners at a hundred yards even with all her clothes on). Keep in mind though she does little more than walk around topless in a pair of cotton panties--most of the sex is either highly stylized or occurs off-screen. For instance, at one point Liljedahl enjoys a nude lesbian rubdown from three women while a dwarf plays the piano(!) During this scene though the camera drifts way out of focus. Then the dwarf stops playing and goes over to join the party, at which point the scene cuts away entirely (leaving it to your sick mind to imagine what happens next).

    The plot (as it were) is equally bizarro: an older Swedish woman and a younger Swedish woman (Liljedahl) have come to Greece on vacation. The older woman is a notorious feminist writer who has apparently committed a murder (literally or metaphorically--it's kind of hard to tell). The younger woman has just turned 18 and is about to marry her long-time sweetheart. The older woman encourages her to have a last fling, which she begrudgingly does, with a scruffy Greek sailor on a filthy trawler (how romantic!). After that she suddenly turns into a Scandinavian version of Emanuelle, sleeping with practically anyone (including, apparently, the dwarf). Of course, the director, who seems to regard himself as Fellini or Godard, goes off on all kind of weird tangents from the main plot--a wife and a mistress have a murderous spat over a husband, a voluptuous Greek singer (who kind of resembles Rosalba Neri) belts out several numbers (Liljedahl's character later has a lesbian fling with her--tragically, offscreen), and, apropos of nothing, an old German soldier suddenly tells the older woman a story about the final days of WWII(I think Liljedahl later sleeps with him too, but I'm not sure).

    I don't know that I've made this movie sound too appealing, but it did hold my interest until the end strangely enough. If you want to see Liljedahl in something a little stronger, try Joe Sarno's "Seduction of Inga" (although keep in mind that, like her fellow Swede Christina Lindberg, Liljedahl never really did anything truly pornographic). Her best films though are probably Massimo Dallamano's "Dorian Gray" and Jesus Franco's "Eugenie". Also "Grimm's Fairy Tales for Adults", where she plays a perpetually topless Snow White with a very interesting method of milking a cow, is definitely worth seeing. As for this movie, well. . .
  • surveydesignus9 April 2021
    See the Playboy magazine photo layout. The online version has been severely altered.
  • At first I was surprised to see most actors were ugly from 21th century point but then I realized producer just try to show reality. Secondly heavy government hand is visible everywhere where female flesh is involved which tells us who is the boss when it called democracy. And finally producer try to convince us that killing of humans is useless but its still here.
  • Marie Liljedahl was gorgeous in every way and was meant for better films than the ones that sleaze kings put her in. This misogynistic junk is one of her worst. If you're a fan of this beauty, see it. She was the solo reason I watched it.
  • First I got the Danish version on DVD and realized it had been censored, although Another World insisted that it hadn't. Then I got the Something Weird version, which although shorter by fifteen minutes and having inferior picture quality, does not obscure the lesbian bedroom scene and adds a couple of seconds to the lorry scene. Finally I managed to get a copy of the Japanese DVD only to find, much to my disappointment, that it was exactly the same as the Danish version. Abrupt endings to scenes in all three versions and interesting pictures on the cases which aren't shown in the film prove that censors were active before the first DVD was released. Maybe there's a Swedish VHS version that shows it all, then we would find out exactly what the dwarf and the singer got up to. But if you watch it on DVD to see the delectable Marie Liljedahl in action, then the Something Weird version is the one to go for.
  • Available through Something Weird Video Washington State U.S.A. .. This picture was made in 1970 pre-porn days ... Truly soft-core erotica The actress 19 yr. old Marie Liljedahl ... is a very fetching, sweet-faced young lady ... whose lower anatomy "easily" rivals J.L.O. A bride to be on holiday with an older woman swinger. The scene in the greasy farm workers truck stacks right up their ... with Kathy Turners body heat and Sharon Stones Basic Instinct...Take away their celebrity status and I feel she may even surpass them. Other Liljedahl titles ... Inga ... available VHS DVD(?) Eugenie just released DVD ( classic based on the writings of De Sade ) and Portrait of Dorian Gray VHS ... A one yr. beauty 1969/70 but a memorable one. (this review was posted in error by user "so2ca" on the film "three-cornered bed" I copied and pasted it here into the correct film that it describes)