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  • I came across this movie whilst channel surfing and boy was I pleasantly surprised. I was expecting an episode of the TV series but instead got a gritty 70'd classic. This a low down story of Police and the systems corruption which is still relevant today. Telly Savalas is superb as Kojack the only decent cop in New York who is prepared to see the set up that is taking place. A slow reveal with excellent supporting cast makes this a recommendation for everyone. This is truly an undiscovered gem that if it was a cinema movie would still be lauded today. This is a movie that really needs wider exposure. Now how to I go about getting the to show it at the BFI?
  • Effectively the pilot for the long running TV detective series 'Kojak", this TV movie is actually far more than that, being a dramatisation (with names changed) of an important case in American legal history, in establishing the rights of a defendant to have their legal rights read to them before answering questions relating to the offence.

    Not that it helped the young unemployed black victim here, subject to a monstrous miscarriage of justice which sees him charged with three murders and an attempted rape he patently didn't do, who ended up serving time despite the efforts of in particular Kojak (a composite of the actual officers who bravely stood up for the accused) and an experienced defence attorney played by Jose Ferrer after the original court appointee (played by Robert Walden, later Joe Rossi in "Lou Grant") palpably fails him.

    The direction eschews showiness and documents with fly-on-the-wall realism, the seamy methods of a so-called respected police force to pin a crime on the first donkey who comes along.

    Fans of the TV series will be surprised to see none of the excellent supporting cast which made the show such a success in the 70's, like Dan Frazer and Kevin Dobson, although Telly's brother George, later the hang-dog Stavros gets a bit part as a newspaper reporter. Kojak himself isn't the finished article either as we see him act in ways he never would later on, such as violently losing his temper with a suspect, getting up close and personal with a past lover and even just working as a lone wolf much of the time. Savalas himself is excellent, already displaying the intensity of his character in his fine Italian clothes, although at this stage in his development catch-phrase and lollipop-less.

    I read up on the "Career Girls" murders case which begot this drama and commend the makers for staying true to the story and bringing to light an unacceptable weakness in US justice. The fact that it led to a TV series as good as any to ever come of American television was just a bonus, albeit a very good one.
  • bkoganbing26 October 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Marcus-Nelson Murders had it been released theatrically might have been in Oscar contention, it's that good. Although Jose Ferrer gets top billing by dint of his Oscar the film serves to introduce Telly Savalas as Lt. Theo Kojak, a most incorruptible cop dedicated to the truth.

    On the day of the March on Washington in August 1963 Janice Wylie and Emily Hoffert were stabbed to death in their uptown Manhattan apartment. They were discovered by a third roommate Patricia Tolles hours later. For this fictionalization their surnames are Marcus and Nelson.

    Incredible as it seems George Whitmore aka Louis Humes for the film was singled out for the murders because he had a picture of a girl who looked like one of the victims and the cops thought it was her. After that in Brooklyn where he was picked up the police and DA charged this man with another unrelated murder and an attempted rape. They rushed to trial and got a guilty verdict.

    Telly Savalas who is the lead detective on the Manhattan Marcus-Nelson Murders is skeptical about the whole thing. He investigates and it all unravels. Sad though it becomes a turf war between Manhattan and Brooklyn.

    No one ever likes to admit they're wrong especially in law enforcement. I saw enough of that in my time at New York State Crime Victims Board. Whitmore aka Humes was tried and retried in Brooklyn several times before being cleared of everything. Jose Ferrer plays a Louis Nizer like defense attorney and is a most impassioned advocate for justice.

    The usual disclaimers about the film being written for art and drama's sake and characters being composites and time frame being altered are there. What surprised at least so far as the Whitmore/Humes end was how much of it was exactly and frighteningly how it happened. Gene Woodbury plays Humes as this frightened kid who is the object of so much attention by detectives like Ned Beatty and Val Bisoglio looking to pad their arrest stats and a very political DA Allen Garfield running on a 'law and order' platform.

    It's more fictionalized as Kojak finds the real killer and uses drug dealer Roger Robinson to trap him. Marjoe Gortner plays the killer who in real life was named Ricky Robles. Robles is still serving a life sentence for the double homicide. Robles was a junkie who was a burglar to feed his habit as is shown here.

    The Marcus-Nelson Murders is outstanding made for TV drama and gave us Theo Kojak for five great seasons. And the real life case was addressed and remedied by the Supreme Court's Miranda decision about a defendant's right to counsel. Not to be missed if broadcast.
  • If this had been released theatrically, it could have been a candidate for some Oscars, and likely on most "10 best" film lists for 1973. Probably can be easily said that it's at least one of the 10 best TV films ever made, and ranks right up there with DUEL. It's Telly Savales' best performance, and that means he's superb. It's the role he was meant to play and no wonder it became the popular KOJAK television series. I saw this when first broadcast in 1973, and found it completely absorbing, at a time when I was more interested in action and horror stuff, like most kids, and when I could barely sit still for anything dramatic, but Savales held my attention, and the storyline never sagged. Everything in the film is top-notch, and a later second viewing years afterward only confirmed this. You won't be disappointed!
  • "Kojak:The Marcus-Nelson Murders" was a made for television movie that premiered as a CBS Special Presentation on March 8,1973. It was based on the book by Selwyn Raab(who was a reporter for the New York Times)titled "Justice In The Back Room". Written by Abby Mann and Directed by Joesph Sargent,this Emmy-winning television drama was based on the 1963 Wylie-Hoffert "Career Girls Murders". The crime involves the brutal rape and murder of two young professional women in Manhattan. The movie serve as the basis as the pilot for the "Kojak" television series starring Telly Savalas. An African-American male by the name of Lewis Humes(Gene Woodbury)was arrested for a crime that he did not commit. To find the real killer,Lt. "Theo" Kojak conducts a second investigation with a different team of detectives(Ned Beatty, William Watson)along with his superior officer Sgt. Dan McCartney(Bruce Kirby). After illegally obtaining a confession,the police have identified the real suspect in the murders which exonerated the suspect and identified the culprit,who was a Puerto-Rican junkie.

    "Kojak:The Marcus-Nelson Murders" was a gritty and intense police drama with a subtext focusing on institutionalized prejudice and the civil rights and suspects and witnesses. The opening and closing titles of the film emphasize that it was a fictional account of the events that led to the creation of "Miranda" rights by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1966. As for the TV-Movie on which the series "Kojak" was based on,there was no other actor out there that did it better than the great Telly Savalas. The supporting cast features Chita Rivera,to Tol Avery, Robert Walden,Jose Ferrer,Val Bisoglio,Lorraine Gary and Allen Garfield,many of these stars would make guest appearances later on for the "Kojak" television series during the early-to-mid 1970's.
  • dojoredleopard18 January 2012
    This generation of film makers are afraid to make something like this now. Distributors wont touch it.This should not have been a TV movie. Academy award worthy across the board here. The direction, the cinematography, one heck of a script, and you can take your pick of the actors whose performances went past the heart and right for the gut. The subject matter supporting the Kojak mythology puts the film right up there with any top civil rights documentary. I first saw it as the " The 3:30 movie" on channel seven in Chicago back in 74.I didn't know what I was looking at until I studied the King event. Abby Mann later wrote and directed "King" but this script is as close as you will get to a saturated gritty matter-of -fact telling of a story that still rightly embarrasses the legal system. I always wondered why the networks never bothered to show it again. I see why...and so will you.
  • richardsmith50004 June 2006
    I agree with the other comment on this-I feel this is an excellent film and, when i voted for this film I noticed that many of the high votes were by people roughly the same age as me (18) who, like me, probably don't remember when this was originally shown- I feel this speaks volumes about how relevant and engaging this film remains after all these years... and don't get me wrong - I have hardly ever seen Kojak but this film as it stands on its own makes sense and is very good. I wont spoil the film but I'll just say that I also like how the film doesn't really have a definite answer and leaves the viewer to agree or disagree with the ending. I'd recommend buying this if you can as It's a good price these days but still a great film.
  • busroute30211 February 2012
    I love true stories, especially this one. Based on the book by author Selwyn Raab, (a New York Times reporter) "Justice in the Back Room". This film was intense and very close to the book. The main character Louis Humes was played by Gene Woodbury who played the part perfectly as a shy uneducated black kid that was unjustly accused of an attempted rape, a murder in Brooklyn and also implicated in a double homicide in Manhattan. The newspapers in 1963 dubbed this as the Career Girl Murders. The film calls it the Marcus Nelson murders. The story rubbed me the wrong way because at the end, the narration said Humes was still in jail. It also said the prosecutor was elected an assemblyman. I wanted to know about this and read the book. Humes(not his real name) was finally cleared but the NY police tried to pin a mugging charge against him when he was in south Jersey. He was cleared of that too. Kojak is a composite of Selwyn Raab and some police officers that care.
  • This is amazing. Kojak is more low-key here than in the series. His voiceover, especially at the end, is excellent. It's got a semi-documentary tone, thanks to the narration, comparing favorably with The Naked City. The collection of actors is good too --Jose Ferrer, Ned Beatty, Marjoe Gortner, Bruce Kirby, Allen Garfield, etc. This is a little-remembered gem, like so many forgotten pilots for successful TV shows.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've just watched this film again and it left me feeling as it always does. We have a country that has the audacity to tell other counties they are uncivilised and undemocratic whilst denying their own countryman justice, equality, respect and freedom.

    We have a country with a constitution that's the epitome of democracy. Unfortunately this fine upstanding nation totally disregards this cherished constitution when it sees fit.

    Yes this brilliant kojak pilot is so good that it never fails to evoke these feelings inside me.

    The saddest thing is that I am not remotely surprised that the USA is like this. The country is a beacon of hypocrisy.

    The only fault of this episode is the outcome. But that's not the fault of the filmakers is it!!!!
  • udar5517 August 2023
    Who loves you, baby? Took in another TV movie with the excellent The Marcus-Nelson Murders (1973). Based on the true story of the murder of two girls in NYC and the law's attempt to railroad an innocent suspect, it also serves as the debut on Lt. Theo Kojak, a character that would go on to become an iconic TV detective. Creator-writer Abby Mann (Judgment at Nuremberg) sticks close to the 1963 Wylie-Hoffert murders and the course of events unfold with infuriating intensity. Telly Savalas is unusually subdued as Kojak, perhaps still full from chewing the scenery in Horror Express (1972). Director Joseph Sargent does a fantastic job of unpacking the complex story, even doing the opening murders in POV fashion and including some Rashomon-esque flashbacks as different stories are given for the interrogation. There is a stellar supporting cast including Allen Garfield as a prosecutor; Jose Ferrer as a defense attorney; Gene Woodbury as the accused; Marjoe Gortner as a junkie; Roger Robinson as a drug dealer; Lorraine Gary as Kojak's ex; and Ned Beatty, William Watson and Val Bisoglio as the detectives who illicit the false confession. It ends on a bleak note, but proves to be a perfect launch for the burned out detective who would soon be a household name. The saddest indictment here is that this is almost 50 years old and we're still dealing with the same issues. At least Harlem no longer looks like a bombed out war zone.