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  • Most of what I feel about this film has already been said: it is a must at Christmas, it is modern, feminist, strong, well thought-out, beautiful, funny, sweet, charming, has a great soundtrack, lovely people, has the right amount of emotions, is playful, one for the children and grown-ups alike. The only problem with it is that it seems virtually unknown in Scotland and it saddens me to think that so many British children might never know the joys of this piece of total magic. It should be compulsory.
  • Scarcely anyone in the Czech Republic can imagine the Christmas time without this movie on TV. Unforgettable music, perfect acting and the unique atmosphere contribute to its evergreen popularity even after almost thirty years.
  • Here in Switzerland, this movie is shown by several channels every Christmas. Since it was shot, it returns on the TV screen every year. It's like DINNER FOR ONE and new years eve.

    My mother loves this movie, so does my aunt. And I happen to like it at lot by myself. It's just so sweet and easy and beautifully shot. Perfect for Christmas time.

    The actors do what's necessary to create the fairy tale atmosphere but the real stars are the costumes, the settings and the incredibly haunting music.

    The costumes are terrific handcrafts, each and every one with it's own appearance and a great compromise between actual medieval and fantasy.

    The settings of the castle, the farmer village and, of course, the endless white landscape create a wonderfully innocent and sweet tone and make you wanna ride across them just like the happy couple.

    The score by the world famous symphony orchestra of Prague is one of the sweetest and nicest sounds ever heard and it's hard to get it out of the head. In fact, you recognize it within one second, once you've heard it. Just one of a kind.

    The charming humor and the really evil villains make it even more enjoyable to see, how they find together, the Prince and Aschenbroedel, how we call her.

    I gave it a 9, just to increase the average grade a bit. This movie deserves more attention.
  • This movie has been part of my life as long as I can remember. Fortunately Swiss TV made it a habit to broadcast it on or around Christmas every year. This would make it seem unnecessary to purchase a DVD, but I did so today anyway, as soon as I noticed it the fist time in the store, I didn't even bother looking at the price tag, which is uncommon for a me as a Swiss...

    What makes this movie so unique in its kind is its appeal to every age group. For a small child, it's just a delightfull fairy tale with all necessary ingredients. A couple years older one appreciates the wonderful pictures of castles, animals, hunting scenes. Then I started understanding its special humour. Later of course I fell in love with the gorgeous youthful tomboyish main actress and couldn't see enough of her riding in moon light through a snowy landscape. Then I started noticing how innovative the style of the movie was in its time, how well done the cutting, how fitting the soundtrack. I also saw how well it portrays women as equal partners that are not defined by beauty alone. After all the prince has to acknowledge all of Cindarella's roles, (worker, huntress, and ball princess) before she agrees on marrying him.

    Of course it has its little imperfections. Some of the actors can't quite reach the standard set by others. Some tricks like the flight of Rosalie (the owl) don't look right. Sometimes the pics are just a little too "kitsch". But it just doesn't matter. It's my favorite fairy tale movie, and it always will be. It's a lifelong love story, hopefully to be passed on to other generations.
  • I've seen this movie many years ago when I was a very young child in the 1970's. While I do not remember this movie from beginning to end, I do remember bits and pieces of it that left ever-lasting impressions on me. I particularly remember Cinderella being very liberated and foiling the prince's attempt at shooting an animal by hitting him with a snowball, and I thought, "Wow, she is soooo cool!" She ran around in the woods and fended for herself. She was very independent, strong, kind, and extraordinarily beautiful. Apparently many of the comments made by other IMDB users about this film are correct in saying that American adaptations of Cinderella are lame and pathetic. I am an American and I must agree whole heartedly! Because cable tv was not widespread when I first saw this film, and VCR's and DVD's were non-existent, I remember keeping my eye out for this movie in hopes of watching it again. The one time I saw it, it was featured on a Saturday morning children's special and I have not seen it since. I watched other Cinderella stories hoping to find one that resembled "Three Acorns for Cinderella". No films came close and they all were thorough disappointments. I am thrilled to see this is available on DVD via Germany Amazon. I am strongly considering purchasing it tonight!!!
  • Why did it take me so long to see Three Wishes for Cinderella? The only excuse had is that until people starting recommending it on the recent Cinderella film boards, Three Wishes for Cinderella was completely unknown to me.

    After hearing from these people that it was the best version of the Cinderella story (always has been my personal favourite fairy tale), this reviewer knew she had to check it out. And it really has to be one of the best decisions and things done in some time. As much as I don't have anything against other versions of Cinderella like some of the commentators do, most of them are actually very enjoyable to great to me, I do have to fully concur after tracking the full film down on Youtube that Three Wishes for Cinderella is the best version of the story. Adaptation-wise, while not completely faithful to all the details the basic details are there (if more Grimm than Perrault with the inclusion of doves to help with the impossible tasks), but also the magical spirit of the story still remains and the freshness that is brought to the storytelling also was much appreciated.

    Three Wishes for Cinderella is a wonderful-looking film. It's beautifully shot and fluidly edited (quite innovative for the time I'm told), the winter scenery and decor are nothing short of exquisite and the costumes are equally attractive. The music score is whimsical, fits absolutely perfectly and was clearly scored with a lot of love and care, the main theme does repeat itself but is incredibly catchy and radiates with charm, almost like being part of a dream. Three Wishes for Cinderella smartly and poignantly scripted with some nice refreshing humour. Where it is easy to identify completely with Popelka and her problems and the characters are more developed than just being archetypes.

    Storytelling was really well-told and compelling, sometimes paced deliberately but never to the extent of being too slow or laborious. Also loved how Popelka and the Prince's romance and the character of the Prince was more developed, consequently wittier and more affecting than most versions with the exception of Ever After and the recent Cinderella (though it does it a little better than those two). As mentioned, the characters are interesting and nicely written and developed, as aforementioned being more than stock archetypes/stereotypes like characters can be in adaptations in fairy tales (not a knock, as there is still a lot of love for them by me, but it is true). The tricks and effects are mostly fine, though those of Rosalie the owl agreed are a tad rushed-looking, but that is such a minor complaint and didn't jar too much.

    Acting is very good. Libuse Safránková is exceptional as Popelka. She is beautiful and shows great personality, she's smart, sometimes funny, spunky, kind, effortlessly cute and incredibly charming and poignant. Love also her almost deadly aim (how many versions of Cinderella have that?), how she rides her horse and dances, almost like on a cloud. The Prince of Pavel Trávnícek matches her perfectly in charm, is never dull or annoying for a character in the story who is barely developed, and the character is surprisingly interesting. Their chemistry together is thoroughly convincing. Carola Braunbock relishes her role as the cruel mother while avoiding overdoing it, a difficult task for a character so juicy in most adaptations of Cinderella. Likewise with Dana Hlavácová's Dora (the sister), and the King and Queen are touchingly and sincerely played.

    Overall, pure fairy tale magic and adaptations of Cinderella don't get much better than this. 10/10 Bethany Cox
  • "Three wishes for Cinderella" is a film from the aftermath of the Czech new wave. The year 1968 has long past and a political undercurrent is impossible.

    Also symbolism, sometimes present in adaptations of fairy tales such as in "The company of wolves" (1984, Neil Jordan) or in "Valerie and her week of wonders" (1970, Jaromil Jires) are hard to find in this film.

    What you see is what you get. A rather straighforward adaptation of the Cinderella fairytale, moved to the Christmas season. Is this a problem? I don't think so, and a lot of others do agree with me. In many Eastern European country it is the favourite Christmas movie. A "Its a wonderful life" (1946, Frank Capra) of the East.
  • RICOKa14 April 1999
    Well, I grew up with this movie and ever since I watched it for the first time, it has lost none of its magic. Music, acting, location (near Dresden, by the way), everything is just fine. And there is one thing for sure: no US-version of "Cinderella" can keep up with this one. Some sort of simplicity might make the difference. Although it´s just a fairy tale, it moves your heart.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Tri orísky pro Popelku" tells the story of a young stepdaughter that is forced by her widowed step-mother and her daughters into a life as a house maid. When she receives three magical nuts, she manages to gain access to the king's court and fall in love with the prince, who does what he can to find her after she perishes from the scenery.

    Basically this is Cinderella in an Eastern-European adaption from the Seventies. The strong part is that they stick to the original story with only a few minor changes and manage to create a very realistic-seeming impression of the middle ages. You shouldn't expect too many surprises but on the other hand you probably won't be disappointed, either. In Germany this developed into kind of a classic and in any case it is a nice alternative to all the animated versions of the story.

    All in all I am probably missing the childhood links to see this as more than very solid work but I do acknowledge the effort and professionality with which this production was carried out and that helps to draw you into a world of fairytale.
  • Growing up in Germany in the 70's and 80's, this movie was one of my favorites. Today it continues to be aired on several German TV channels every year, typically around Christmas, and it has an almost cult following among all my childhood friends and their families. I have never seen the English version, so I cannot comment on dialogue, but the dubbed into German version was enchanting. It is not your typical fairy tale adaptation by story, with a wonderful cast and musical score.
  • This movie is basically the story of Cinderella. Its entertaining and beautiful. I'd recommend it if you're a fan of this set up. I like the twist where instead of a fairy godmother that appears out of nowhere after years of abuse she gets some nuts with magical garments in them from an owl. Its very pretty and entertaining.
  • remerser26 February 2007
    This movie is simply a staggering classic which probably will live on forever. I remember seeing this movie as I child in Norwegian and the beautiful glimps of magic moments. As a Czechoslovakian myself I've see also seen the Czechoslovak version and honestly its really there were Cinderella blooms in all its greatness although I still recommend anyone to watch it. It is perhaps not a typical Czechoslovak movie, lacking the characteristic humour and comedy aspect but it is still a feel-good movie which will make a distinctive impression on you.

    PS: Here, in Norway, the movie is actually the only movie which people demand has to be sent on the state channel NRK1 on Christmas Eve - claiming that there will be no proper Christmas without it; And I think that summarizes pretty much what a classic is all about!
  • This movie (known as "Tre nøtter for Askepott" in my country) have been shown every Christmas in my country since the 1970's. The movie is pretty atmospheric and moving in it's own way, and a christmas without it would have been pretty strange if you ask me. But it's not a movie I would have rented in a video store though. For Christmas use only.
  • A-N-N-A2 November 1998
    This movie is the most beautiful adaption of a fairy-tale I have ever seen. It is just wonderful to watch and the changes in the original plot do not matter at all. Here in Germany they show this movie on TV at least once a year (normally around Christmas) and for me it is a MUST to watch it every single time.
  • As a child I watched this on a rerun and fell for the enchanting story which whisked me away into a fantasy far from my own rather boring life. I remember being on holiday when it was showing and begging my father to get us home in time to be able to watch it on TV. The story is simply magical and for any audience still holds a romance all of its own. Anyone who has not seen it should watch it and if you remember it then you will know just what I am saying.

    I am trying to get hold of it on DVD but so far unsuccessfully.... If anyone knows where I may get hold of a copy then please do send me an e-mail ( I would be very grateful.

    This is one show that has stayed firmly fixed in my memory and I would love to be able to see it again sometime.
  • In Norway one of the TV-channels sends this film om christmas eve every year, and for me and my family it has become a tradition to watch this movie.

    I simply love the story, its the classic story of Cinderella, but with a new twist. Cinderella actually meets the prince in the woods and she disguises as a boy and then she have a shooting-competition with him. Then she runs away.

    The prince does not want to get married, but his parents forces him to throw a ball where all single rich girls nearby are invited. As you might understand Cinderella don't get to go to the ball because she has to clean up a mess her mother have made. But some birds come to help her.

    In this movie there is not a magic fairy, but three nuts that have gifts inside them when Cinderella opens them. I think this magic might have something to do with Cinderellas owl, that seems to understand Cinderella.

    When the prince sees Cinderella he forgets everything he has said about marriage, and when Cinderella runs at midnight he runs after her, but all he captures is her shoe...the rest of the story I bet you know

    If you want to see a really cosy movie at christmas time I really recomend it!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Tri orísky pro Popelku" or "Three Wishes for Cinderella" is a Czech/East German 82-minute film from the early 1970s. By now, it has become a bit of a tradition to watch this film during the holidays in Germany. Of course, it is an adaptation of the famous fairytale and for all the actors and director/writer it is pretty much the most known work of their career. Lead actress Libuse Safránková may be the exception as she also co-starred in the Academy Award winning Kolja.

    Anyway, the story is about a housemaid who gets humiliated again and again by her boss. The boss is a fat woman in her 50s who wants to see her (equally unattractive) daughter get married to the prince. Of course, the prince develops more of an interest into the super-cute housemaid. There is no problem if you know the story, or at least the central plot points (you probably will), it is still a decent watch. There are a couple unrealistic moments and the acting is not always spot-on (except the excellent Carola Braunbock), but it's a fantasy fairytale and that's why it is bearable.

    There were no truly outstanding moments in here, but overall, it's a well-rounded work and I recommend the watch. Its popularity around the holidays here baffles me a bit, but it's not a bad film by any means. The lead actress has recently been in the headlines again because of her cancer, but I hope she can recover completely, so there will be no bitter taste attached to this movie when we and the next generations keep watching it during the holidays. I also liked the many animals in here, but I certainly could have done without the hunt scenes. All in all, a decent watch. Recommended.
  • Irakli282 September 2000
    Perhaps, one of the few really good things about living in former USSR was the possibility to see lots of magnificent East European fairy-tale Films, and among these "3 nuts for Cinderella" (as this film was called In my country) is undoubtedly the most recommended. I really do believe that it is really one of the best fairy tale s made on film of all times and of course the best out of those made about Cinderella - There were some quite good films and cartoons made in Russia and Europe, but they still lack the magic that this film possesses, and don't even get me started about the American films about Cinderella. All of them, with the exception of quite nice but too standard and unoriginal Disney cartoon, were simply terrible, and I have a special dislike to that oddity with Drew Barrymore that was worth watching only for ever wonderful Angelica Huston.

    "Tri orioshky" is a real masterpiece. Story itself is more a mix of Cinderella and Peau d'âne fairy tales. All its components (acting, screenplay, sets, camera-work, score) are top-notch and the entire film has certain humanity and naiveté that is clearly missing from most of the modern children's movies. However I am sure whoever loved this film as a child would re-watch it as an adult with great pleasure.
  • This movie, about the life that changes dramatically for a Czech housemaid when the family coachman gives her three magical hazelnuts, is an okay romance movie.

    The story is as we know it, and it follows the storyline in a decent way. The costumes are ambitious and the score is beautiful. There are a lot of extras, and the main actors are okay. Their performances vary, but they are overcoming. I find the pace to be a bit slow, and it can get boring sometimes. The script isn't the best, either. But still, it's not a bad movie, but it has room for improvement.

    This movie offers some pleasing elements, like the costumes and score, but these are outweighed by the movie's slow pace and underwhelming script. While not an unwatchable movie, it could have been much better with a tighter narrative and more engaging dialogue.
  • The movie made in the 70's immediately turned a favorite for so many viewers that since then it is broad-casted on TV as well as screened in several cinemas each Christmas in a number of European countries. It is an absolute bliss and obviously a timeless classic. I just bought in online in USA for my four-year-old daughter, who loved it just as I did as a kid. Regrettably Czech fairytale-movies are neither well-known in USA, nor does this country produce any comparable children's entertainment of such dreamy, yet accessible and sensitive quality. The story is based on the Grimm's version of Cinderella (different from Disney's, who worked from the Perrault version). However, this Cinderella has a lot more support from a number of animal friends, not just the original doves, and she can speak to all of them. Her special friend is a beautiful white horse. She also has an adorable tom-boyish side to her which she easily combines with the ability to turn into a graceful princess. As a special eye-candy, the story is set in a rural winter-landscape, which creates an incredible charm. Equally outstanding is the sound-track. This movie is a must-see for any age group, if you have chance to watch it when its snowy outside you will absolutely fall in love with it.
  • One of those fairy-tales that I grew up with; however, I've never really developed any strong affection towards it. It is a solid, well-made film and yes, it is probably one of the best Cinderella adaptations out there. The idyllic winter atmosphere definitely adds to its charm and frankly, there's no particular flaw that I can point my finger at. It all boils down to personal taste and "Tri orisky pro popelku" simply rubs me the wrong way.

    It sure won't hurt to watch it, as it's fairly entertaining and its tone is distinctly but not overwhelmingly modern. Chances are you'll love it. This film kind of lacks any serious potential to offend anyone's tastes (which is one of those things that probably result in its getting on my nerves) and it is overall a recommendable watch. So I can't bring myself to rating it lower than 6/10 even though at times (esp. around Christmas, when it's bound to appear on TV) I hate it with a passion.
  • I was raised with this film as long I can remember. I remember first seeing it at age 6 visiting my grandmother. Since she lived near the border to east Germany, we could watch east German TV at her home. I instantly fell in love with this fairy tale. Later the movie became a regular Christmas staple on German television so I could see it all over and over. Growing up i admit to have fallen in love with the actress of Cinderella, as every boy who watched this movie would admit to also. I never found any big flaw in this movie. Maybe the special effects are not up to date to modern 50+ million dollar productions, but you have to consider that it was created in 1973 and in Czechoslovakia to boot. The acting is great in every aspect, maybe a bit overdone sometimes but better then in many American blockbusters. The conversion of the fairytale is not based totally on the Grimm's tale Cinderella, but more on the regional bohemian version. To that it clings very good. And what I really love are the buildings and landscapes....they are really authentic, something I miss in fairy tale movies shot in America, but they clearly don't have the ages-old castles and mansions.

    I give this movie a 10 out of 10 which I don't do lightly. Every time I watch this masterpiece it brings back my youth, more than any other movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Finally I brought myself to watch the classic to understand what others love and hate so much about this movie. And I've seen exactly what I expected: Entertainment, Cheesiness and purposefully stereotypical characters who are fun to watch. It's definitely not a bad movie and fulfills its purpose, perfect if you want uncomplicated entertainment.

    Still I don't see a point in setting my standards differently for this movie, just because it's a classic and a fairytale and I assume nostalgia is the main reason why the overall rating here on IMDb is so high. First of all I don't think Cinderella's character is well written. Her actions often don't make any sense and she falls in love in a ridiculously short time. It also seemed like the writers tried to make her sassy and sarcastic, which is fine, but in this case, I didn't buy it. It's also unrealistic that an actual sassy person would put up with their stepfamily's entitlement, but I see this is of course required for the movie, so the plot needs to deliver reasons why a sassy and confident person is in such a situation. Because of that and some other situations her sassiness seemed inconsistent while there weren't any explanations for this inconsistency.

    Also, the first time she sees the prince he behaves in a disgusting way and she's still falling for him immediately. He literally calls her a little girl, which somehow implies that he sees her as a child. I found this dynamic at the beginning really problematic. It gets better as the plot moves forward and I see there was not much awareness for such things in the 70s, still I think that this problem needs to be addressed, especially since the movie is still perceived as a completely innocent and pure movie.

    That being said, not every movie needs to have deep and complex characters and solve philosophical problems and this movie achieves its own goal. I don't think the haters hate it for the same reasons I criticized the movie, more because of its cheesiness and frequency it is shown in the TV, which is a disadvantageous combination.
  • bettina841 December 2006
    In Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia and the Czech republic this movie is shown every Christmas eve, and for many people (myself included) it won't be Christmas without it. The channel tried to take the movie of the program one year because it's such an old film, but there was a massive upheaval and luckily it was stopped and Christmas was saved and it has been showed ever since. It is a sweet Cinderella story, told in a different way then the classical tale we're used to. The movie is extremely charming and beautifully made, although without any Hollywood style special effects. Unfortunately this movie has suffered the fate of most non-English movies in the US and have been more or less completely overlooked.
  • daredjan2 January 2006
    I looked through all the comments here, so I will probably say the same things as everybody else. This movie is the BEST Cinderella movie adaptation ever made! I grew up in Moscow, where this movie is being shown very often on the TV. The acting, dialogues, music, plot everything is just perfect. I wouldn't even compare it to Ever After though I like this one too. I've never seen such a beautiful Cinderella and handsome Prince. And all the comments on this movie made by people all around the world is a true proof that this movie after so many years is still loved that much, which is great, because these days we haven't got so many movies pure and beautiful as this one. THough it's just a Cinderella story. SO, if you haven't seen it yet you SHOUld!!! It's worth it!
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