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  • Stephen Boyd made 3 films with director Nieves Conde in the 1970's, starting with the Great Swindle in 1971, followed by Marta also in 1971, then Casa Manchada in 1975. This would be one of Stephen Boyd's last films before his untimely death in 1977. These are some of his best roles, in my opinion. Conde has a great way of directing him, and this is an excellent film role for Boyd. The story revolves around a wealthy landowner Alvaro (Boyd), and the three women in his life. The tragedy of the story is the haunting repetition of the execution of all male ancestors of Casa Manchada by Spanish Revolutionaries. Filmed on location in Spain, and accompanied by gorgeous soundtrack music, I found this to be a really excellent movie. Stephen Boyd is commanding as the tempted husband, the tragic victim of fate, and the heart and soul of the story (even though he is dubbed in Spanish). Very hard to find, but well worth watching!