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  • The Scooby Doo Show is a very good show, though not as good as my childhood favourite Scooby Doo Where Are You? and this is coming from a biased Scooby Doo fan. The animation is perhaps a little dated by today's standards, but not that bad at all. The theme tune is perfectly fine too. Scooby and Shaggy have still got their fun and charm, and there are one or two appearances from Scooby Dumb. As much as I love Fred, Velma and Daphne, Scooby and Shaggy will always be my favourite characters, these two never fail to make me laugh. There are some very memorable villains like the Ice Cream Ghosts, The Gator Ghoul, Ironface and the Jaguaroo, and again, I can't decide which one's my favourite. All in all, not as good as Scooby Doo Where are You, but is still an improvement over most of the stuff with Scrappy in. 9/10 Bethany Cox.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I consider my watching of the Hanna Barbera cartoons at its peak to be in the late 1970's. Other than the original Where Are You? series of 1969,I felt the next best animated Scooby Doo shows were the ones made between 1976 and 1978. The Scooby Doo Show had lots of great and memorable episodes. The only guest characters who surfaced in this series were Scooby's retarded cousin Scooby Dum. As annoying as he was, I say give me Scooby Dum over the likes of Scrappy Doo any day!! Also, there was Scooby Dee in that one episode. I noticed that when I acquired the Scooby Doo Dynomutt Hour on DVD, they only had the episodes from the 1976 season. Apparently, Hanna Barbera is skipping over the other half of these shows, though I don't understand why. I'm assuming the other half of these shows must have aired in 1977 as part of Scooby's All Star Laff a Lympics.

    Anyway, I noticed that in the late 70's the group split ups this time had it where Fred and both the girls went off together leaving Shaggy and Scooby together to provide all the laughs as opposed to the Velma hanging with Shaggy and Scooby while Fred and Daphne paired off like the old series.

    As for the villains, we saw the likes of the Spectre, The Gator Ghoul, The No Face Zombie and Gorilla, the 10,000 Volt Ghost and more. SO apparently, the Scooby Doo Show had three seasons. The third season sticks out in my mind more than any other. These 16 episodes are what some people say is supposed to be a continuation of the Where Are You? series, only with late 70's style animation. There were no guest characters in this series and the villains ranged from the Willowah, Iron Face, The Cat Creature, the Jaguaro,the Lock Ness Monster, the Disco Phantom, and more. These shows were a little spookier than the previous seasons and what really sticks out in my mind about these episodes is the stock music that Hanna Barbera used in these 16 episodes. These 16 episodes aired in 1978 as the opening segment of the new 90 minute Scooby's All Stars series and these episodes are coming out on DVD later this year. But what I was saying music wise, these 16 episodes had stock music that was also heard on Challenge of the SuperFriends, both the Challenge and Non Challenge episodes of 1978.

    Bottom line, I feel the best Scooby Doo shows were the original Where Are You series and these 1976-1978 episodes and also, the Scooby Movies of the early 70's. But it stops right here. Up next, disaster called Scrappy Doo!! Please WB, release the remaining Scooby episodes of 1977 on DVD as well as the Laff a Lympics. DYNOMUTT: DOG WONDER: This was not only a spin off to me from Scooby Doo, but also a parody of Batman and Robin, only in this case, the sidekick (a mechanical one) is the actual star while the hero is actually the costar. Dynomutt was hilarious as the mechanical Dog Wonder who although being a state of the art (at least at the time) crimefighter, Dog Wonder always malfunctioned. The real reason I liked Dynomutt was because of the Blue Falcon, who to me was nothing more than a Batman ripoff. Oddly enough, without Dynomutt around, BF is quite efficient as a Super Hero. But Dog Wonder's malfunctions always hindered Big Citys hero instead of helping him. And who can forget the likes of his arch enemies like Superthug, the Queen Hornet, The Gimmick, FishFace,the Worm, and Lowbrow. I also enjoyed the few episodes where Scooby Doo and the gang of Mystery Inc. guest appeared.

    Only a few episodes of Dynomutt are not on the DVD, so I am assuming they ran in 1977 on the Laff a Lympics shows. Either way, you can't miss with these Scooby Doo/Dynomutt Hour episodes on DVD. If you're a major Hanna Barbera fan, I highly recommend this series.
  • Ever since Hanna Barbara's original "Scooby Doo, Where Are You!" in 1969-1970, the premise of the entire show had gained such an audience that it became the subject of several reboots in the 1970s and later years. Nothing can touch exactly the quality of the original, which in its two seasons already managed to be great, yet this reboot in the mid-70's is good enough to where is creates a fine followup. Granted, since only half of "The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour" was the real Scooby-Doo show (the other half being taken up on a cartoon series about Dynomutt) it is maybe not the most proper thing to write a review focusing only on the first part - although the forty episodes listed on IMDb all are entirely Scooby-Doo ones, so it is probably acceptable to do so. Very few of the reviewers already here have actually gone into both halves of the hour anyway, since most of them are here for the Scooby-Doo side alone (I had never heard of Dynomutt before, and I doubt most people outside those from the 70's remember him).

    There are several reasons why this revival is not as good as the original "Scooby-Doo!", none of which are huge and unbearable flaws, but which do slightly detract from the quality of the series overall. To begin with the positives, the new series contains some of the most interesting monsters we have ever seen, including Ironface, the Moon Monster, the ghost of Merlin, the Warlock of Wimbledon, and more. Since we had seen all twenty-five of the original series countless times, it was interesting to see these new monsters, many of which were quite creative. The series has the same overall feel of the original too, and manages to remain entertaining as the gang of Fred, Daphne, Velma, Shaggy and Scooby continue their exploits in solving mysteries.

    However, there are some flaws in the show, the first one being that Velma's voice is completely different, with no attempt whatsoever to make the new voice actress Pat Stevens sound like Nicole Jaffe. Jaffe's voice gave Velma a childish, nerdy, smarty-pants feel that ultimately carried her character and made her the brains behind the gang. Stevens, on the other hand, sounds boring and turns Velma into a bland and uninteresting character, with a voice that is as monotone as a radio station announcer saying what the next piece on the station will be. It sucks the life out of Velma ultimately, a sad thing considering how great she used to be. Let's hope Pat Stevens ended her voice-acting career after this, realizing how much of a failure she was as a replacement. (Fortunately, the rest of the original actors are there, so thank goodness they only had to change one).

    Secondly, the next problem is the inclusion of Scooby-Doo's brother, Scooby-Dum in several episodes. As you might guess, Scooby-Dum is indeed dumb, and as such dumbs down the entire show in some ways through his stupid mistakes and escapades. While not a horrible character, he does tend to shift the spotlight from Scooby-Doo quite a bit, and ultimately wasn't necessary at all when it came to entertainment value. Scooby-Dee, Scooby's actress cousin, wasn't as bad, but also entirely unnecessary in her one-episode appearance. Why did they have to fancy things up so much by adding extra characters? Can't we just have Scooby-Doo and that be all?

    The third flaw is that the new music isn't nearly as good as the original music, tending to be more tech-based than before, and not really setting that great mood that we had in the first show (the original mood being suspenseful, this mood being more cheerful). This includes the theme song, which is more triumphant and fan-fare despite its spooky opening, and ultimately not at all the feel they should have gone for. Also, some episodes of this series are just plain ridiculous to boot. One of them involves an ice cream factory being haunted by three flavor phantoms, one vanilla, one chocolate, one strawberry. The whole premise is so absurd it's clear the producers were running out of good ideas, and had to either make up nonsensical ones, or copy a little from the original (as in the one episode which uses a witch doctor...for the third time).

    Nonetheless, even despite these noticeable and defective changes, "The Scooby Doo Show" remains a fun and enjoyable reboot. If one has tired of seeing the original over and over again, it might be time to check this one out. The differences may be a little jarring at first, but after several viewings they do become natural, and regardless of how they make one feel, it goes without saying that this is a worthy enough entry in the Hanna Barbara canon.
  • The third installment in the series returned to the premise of the original show and improved with it's villains like in the case of Jaguaroo but while it improved on one aspect it declined on another. Like the show before it the hidden jokes were toned down. However, still managed to be entertaining.

    What is sad and best remembered about this show is that it's the last good Scooby-Doo series before the infamous Scrappy makes his big debut.
  • This is the third incarnation of the cartoon series featuring Scooby Doo. He continues his crime-solving and ghost-unraveling adventures with best friend Shaggy and fellow mystery sleuths Fred, Daphne and Velma.

    This installment of the series is more in line with the original "Scooby Doo Where Are You?" show, but with more zest and suspense. You continue to get good old classic detective work, from finding clues to splitting up to investigate, while trying to escape the grasps of the ghostly antagonists.

    In addition to the detective elements are hilarious gags, witty humor and slapstick comedy that will have you laughing from start to finish. The characters are memorable and the opening scene song is as catchy, toe-tapping and fun as the first two series incarnations.

    It's an entertaining show that never grows old with me. I would still catch certain episodes of this show just for the fun of it.

    Grade A
  • Opinions and taste is up to an individual: logic is not.

    Having worked in five countries and been around the block...a few times,I know the value of being able to chill out in order to get positive goals done! Dynomutt allows people to relax and it is a no brainer. Good nostalgia cartoons? You bet we need'em in this,sometimes,too serious world being materialistic (and look where that did go since last year). A good laugh is priceless and well needed nowadays.

    Anyway,isn't it amazing that this DVD has been redone in 2006 shows,somehow,its popularity: trust me,in business they do not do it because they feel like it. They did it because there is a demand...

    Even me,being French dig the coolness of this cartoon.
  • Yeah, one of the things that you never really notice as a child is brand loyalty. Or even a preference for dated cartoons.

    Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour is sort of, looking back, my firs real experience with favoritism, Hannah-Barbara in particular.

    We did have the Disney Channel, but Hannah-Barbara aired the more entertaining cartoons.

    Scooby Doo, a loyal favorite. The Blue Falcon, The Flintstones, Jonny Quest, Space Ghost, Birdman and the Galaxy Trio, The Herculoids...the list goes on and on.

    As a kid, as someone that was a child in the 80s, it was the Hannah-Barbara cartoons from the decades before I was born, the cartoons form the 60s and 70s that sort of ruled my Saturday Mornings.

    Scooby Doo and Dynomutt is a big part of that. It was the branch into everything Hannah-Barbara and that was an early indoctrination to comic books once I was old enough to read.

    I have to love this out of obligation.
  • After the original series, an experiment was made in the form of "The New Scooby-Doo Movies" where the gang works alongside famous celebrities. It was OK, but it cranked up the running time of the episodes to the 40+ minutes, which was a total overkill for the simple and repetitive formula of the series. Another problem was that the celebrities were under the spotlight and in return, the creepy atmosphere and the main focus of the series suffered immensely. "The Scooby-Doo Show (or "The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour", as it was originally called) goes back on all of those changes. Running time is back at 20+ minutes and so is the focus on horror and creepy mood. Mostly. You see, while "The Scooby-Doo Show" is the closest thing to the original series, it's not exactly the same. A lot of the themes for the monsters are goofy and not really creepy at all. In fact, the vintage horror feeling of the original is almost gone here and we can see how it slowly fades away. The songs that sometimes appeared during chase scenes and made some iconic moments are also absent here. However, despite those minor flaws, this is still the best next thing after the original and that's why I can't give it lower than 9/10! I recommend it wholeheartedly for fans of the series, but also to anybody who is looking for some relaxing and comfy fun!
  • I have to agree with most of what was said here. This is a lot like the original series, though there are a few minor differences:

    1. Appearances by Scooby-Dum 2. Pat Stevens replaces Nicole Jaffe as the voice of Velma 3. A new theme song

    I can't complain too much about the music. Most of the chase scene music was the same as the original. This also features classic villains like the Gator Ghoul, the Technicolor phantoms, the Jaguaroo, Ironface, etc. Overall, it's a really good show. Catch it weekday afternoons on Cartoon Network.

    If you don't get the Cartoon Network you can still catch this series on the WB.
  • I have to agree with most of what was said here. This is a lot like the original series, though there are a few minor differences:

    1. Appearances by Scooby-Dum 2. Pat Stevens replaces Nicole Jaffe as the voice of Velma 3. A new theme song

    I can't complain too much about the music. Most of the chase scene music was the same as the original. This also features classic villains like the Gator Ghoul, the Technicolor phantoms, the Jaguaroo, Ironface, etc. Overall, it's a really good show. Catch it weekday afternoons on Cartoon Network.
  • The Scobby-Doo Show (the title that was used when it aired on TNT) is a funny show. It's not as good as the original but it falls in easily as the second best. This was perhaps the last good Scobby-Doo show before Scrappy-Doo showed up.
  • I've seen this "Scooby" show on Cartoon Network, and also when it used to be on TNT. Of course, it was known as "The Scooby Doo Show". This was a great show, pretty much like the other "Scooby" shows before it, but it had some flaws. One was that the groovy music was replaced with a more campy kind of music, and the occasional appearances of Scooby Dumb Scooby Doo's dimwit cousin. I wasn't too crazy for that character. I sometimes wonder if this was the path that led to Scrappy Doo (since we had Scooby Dumb). But overall, it's still a great show. 9/10.
  • "The Scooby-Doo Show" was never one of my favorites (even in my childhood), but it was nevertheless quite fun to watch. The adventures of Scooby-Doo (a Great Danes), his owner and the two girls Daphne and Velma were always hilarious, especially because Scooby-Doo and his owner are both so silly and "chicken".

    While not a personal favorite, this show is enjoyable and humorous enough to amuse those who watch it (including me).

    Scooby-Doo is a different type of dog. He knows how to be goofy, silly, stupid and at the same time friendly and cute. I'm not complaining. To be honest, I like his personality just the way it is.

    This animated TV series is showing its age, but still has its charm and certainly is slightly superior than these awful animated TV shows produced nowadays.