User Reviews (13)

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  • A low budget film, somewhat less exploitive than most of the blaxploitation films of its time, "Emma Mae" tells the story of a young woman from a small town in the south who comes to live with her relatives in the city after being orphaned, who falls in love with a young hood who gets her to commit crimes for him. The film does have some nice touches. It manages to catch the feel of the inner city of the 1970's far better than some of the slicker productions of its era. But the script lets the rest of the movie down (it's just too hard to believe that these people can commit these crimes so easily, and without much fear of getting. I really wish I could have liked it better.
  • SnoopyStyle28 July 2022
    Mississippi country girl Emma Mae has come to live with her aunt's family in Compton. She falls for a druggie loser who gets arrested.

    This is classified as blaxploitation although most 70's black films get boxed in with that label. It's an indie taking place in 70's Compton. That in itself is intriguing. The actors are one step below. They have a tendency to go over the top. This is an interesting bit of black cinema.
  • mossgrymk8 November 2021
    Interesting film made when its director Jamaa Fanaka, was a film school student at my alma mater, UCLA, just as Blaxploitation was waning and ten years before the advent of more radically political/social cinematic explorations of African American life such as "Do The Right Thing" and "Boyz n The Hood". This film is poised in between the two genres, but leaning more forward than back, in my opinion, particularly in its denouement when the importance of the community, certainly a large part of Lee's movies, if not Singleton's, is stressed over that of the seductive Super Cool individual, a staple of Blaxploitation. While this theme is strongly and forcefully stated, with good pacing and well handled action scenes, the acting, as befits most student and/or low budget indy productions, is undeniably on the stiff side. Less forgivable is the story character lapse in the screenplay, also by Fanaka, involving Jesse, the drug pusher and abusive boyfriend of the title character. When Emma Mae denounces him in the powerful final scene a lot of that power is vitiated due to Jesse's having been seen throughout most of the film by everyone but Emma Mae as more of a stoned out doofus than a false messiah as she states as she's kicking his ass.. Therefore, we're treated to the always salutary Woman Whups Abusive Man's Butt but falling well short of Community Over Individual which, as I understand it, is what Fanaka was after. So, let's give it a B minus and look forward to watching this good director's most well known work, "Penitentiary".
  • Emma Mae (1976)

    *** (out of 4)

    Emma Mae (Jerri Hayes) moves from the South out to the ghetto in Los Angeles and it doesn't take long for her to get involved with JEsse (Ernest WIlliams II). Emma believes that the two of them are in love and when he's arrested and thrown into jail she decides to support him any way she can. This includes committing a crime to try and protect her man but she's got a lot to learn.

    Director Jamaa Fanaka will always be remembered for the PENITENTIARY trilogy but there's no question that this here, his second feature film, is his best work. The film has been re-released under the title BLACK SISTER'S REVENGE but that's just a fake title to try and pass it off as some sort of exploitation movie and that's certainly not what the film is. This here is basically a very good character study about a young woman in a new environment and having to learn that not everything is as it seems.

    I was really impressed with how good this movie actually was and I really liked how it didn't fall into the various stereotypes that were common with these films. There are two cops here that start abusing their power and get all of the mess started yet they are the white racists that we normally see. These are two black cops that get things going and the film has a certain message about people sitting around killing one another off without achieving anything in life. There are some really good moments here where the director gets his point across without having to preach.

    Hayes is extremely believable in her role as the tough Southern girl who might need to learn a few things but she's also got things to teach to others. The actress was very good in the role and there's no question that you felt that she really was this character. Williams was also extremely good in the role of the worthless boyfriend and his fits of anger rang true and authentic. I also enjoyed Malik Carter who plays the wise old man.

    It's really too bad that this film here isn't better known. I think the problem is that people probably get to know the director through his exploitation pictures and then they check this out and are disappointed that it's not more of the same. EMMA MAE is certainly an interesting little gem that deserves to be seen.
  • It was a 3 movie but I give it a 10 for being made!! But I still enjoyed it and would buy it. In fact I would love the soundtrack, any one know who sang the songs about cornbread and milk and walking with Bettie Lou....the opening and ending song.....and the one they slow dancing to I'm in love with you, don't you know it. I lived in a small town and back in the day boys did think country girls were easy to get and try to exploit. The storyline was good, could have used some work, but it was funded by the National Endowment for Arts so I respect it and see it as that an art piece. Loved it!!! Please send information on sound track to thanks.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Naïve country gal Emma Mae (a fine and appealing portrayal by Jerri Hayes) moves in with her relatives in a blighted urban ghetto neighborhood. After her boyfriend Jesse Amos (a solid performance by Ernest Williams II) gets arrested and sent to prison, Emma decides to rob a bank when more legitimate means for raising bail money prove to be unsuccessful.

    Writer/director Jamaa Fanaka relates the engrossing story at a leisurely pace, vividly captures the lowdown funky vibe and limited options of Compton, California in the mid-1970's, and populates the rambling episodic narrative with believably earthy and engaging characters. Hayes in particular projects a sweet wide-eyed charm and sturdy unwavering feistiness that makes Emma Mae an easy person to root for and sympathize with. Most importantly, Fanaka brings a gentle humanity and simplicity to the plot that manages to be surprisingly affecting and even occasionally incisive. It's this latter sterling element that enables this picture to stand out as a winning and authentic slice of black American life.
  • Not the best cast and acting by any stretch and no familiar faces but I have to say it was intriguing enough to watch thru to the end. A really really nice soundtrack! Wish I could find that to buy!
  • I've had this film for years but it's titled Black Sister's Revenge (unfortunately). The actors, the attire, lingo, subtle mannerisms and even the plot are good. Lots of interesting scenes that are a throwback to simpler times. I wish there was a sequel- so many questions. Give it a try it's a nice change from what's out there now.
  • This film begins with a young woman by the name of "Emma Mae" (Jerri Hayes) arriving by bus from rural Mississippi to visit her aunt and cousins who live in the big city of Los Angeles. Needless to say, the difference between these two places is quite startling and upon being introduced to her cousin's friends they all immediately look down upon her for not being as sophisticated as they are. Realizing this, she feels gratified when one specific young man name "Jesse Amos" (Ernest Williams II) takes an interest in her. So much so that she quickly falls in love with him. What she doesn't realize, however, is the low opinion others actually have for Jesse and the question soon becomes whether she can lift him up--or whether he will bring her down? Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an interesting movie which suffered to a certain degree from its rather obvious low-budget production values as the acting was uneven, the action scenes were weak and the script could have some improvement as well. Even so, the overall story was deep and Jerri Hayes put on a pretty good performance all things considered. That being said, while certainly not a great blaxploitation film by any means, it had its moments and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ....and it comes in the last 5 minutes, when the heroine (the rather attractive, though obviously inexperienced, Jerri Hayes) physically humiliates her cheating ex-boyfriend, whom she had gone to great lengths to get released from jail, in front of the whole neighborhood. Until then, this is a very amateurish no-action film, with most scenes being drawn-out to 3 times their necessary length (it certainly doesn't have enough story for 100 minutes of running time), and lots (LOTS) of semi-indecipherable dialogue. The DVD covers and the alternate title, "Black Sister's Revenge", are misleading, as the revenge part (which I already describe above) is only a tiny part of the movie. Stick with Pam Grier flicks. * out of 4.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a movie that was first out thirty-three years ago, and I just found it as it was now on DVD. This down south country young lady has lost her mother, and her aunt from California bring her back to live with her, her husband, three daughters, and I guess the baby belongs to one of the girls. This sister is country right on, wearing shoes with hill that would never allow her to walk straight, let alone in a circle. Her Aunt happens to be a beautician and does things to the niece's hair, which I thought was a waste, because she already had uncombed curls, and her hair was thick and cut. Her two young lady cousins and their boyfriends take her to a party at the college and they are turned down when trying to get a guy to hook up with the country cousin. Finally a tall, and I mean TALL guy hipped up on pills enters the party. THe boyfriends recognize his high state and decides to get him to talk to the country cousin. The tall man's friend loudly gives the boyfriends hell for trying to hook his buddy up with a booga bear, just because he was high. Friend then calls the girls bitches and the county one kicks his rear but good. This starts a good relationship with the girl cousins, their boyfriends, and soon the Tall man. He takes country cousin to a party where a fight breaks out, and we now see the Tall one is a higher up in a gang. Tall man and friend ends up fighting with policemen, taking their guns and beating them. As they are running away, Country cousin breaks from her cousins hold and follows her man. They hide out eventually, and are soon arrested. Country girl has crying fits because she luvvvv tall man. He uses this time to make an ass out of Country cousin. She holds drugs for him, takes the lead in starting a car wash for bail money for her man, then robs a bank. All gang member respect country girl as leader after she jack up one of the girls. When Tall man and friend are released from jail, Country girl waits at the party being thrown for him, but he is not there and Country girl spends her time on the couch being sad. She finally leaves and returns in the morning. She finds Tall man upstairs with a woman in bed. He tells cousin to get out and shut the door. If I am not mistaken the girl in bed with Tall man is the one Cousin jacked up at the car wash, however now all her hair is cut and shaved. When the girl in the bed sees Country girl, she starts moving. Country girl tells her she is free to leave and between Tall man telling her to stay with him, and Country girl saying leave, she LEAVES. Tall man finally tells Country girl he was using her and her could never love a girl with a face like hers and that is probably why her mother died so she would not have to look at her ugly face. Oh well, it is on. Tall man gets in a couple of punches, but Country girl ends up knocking his undershorts wearing body down the house stairs and to the lawn and beats his tool. Most people there, including his best friend loses respect for tall man.

    I almost passed this movie up because the cover looked like some wonder woman type of film. I am so glad I bought it. THe country girl is really a beautiful black sister. Most of the actors are not familiar to me, and a lot just did this one movie according to research.The Aunt, I remember seeing on Good Times once, and I believe tall man was on That's my Momma once.

    I can watch this movie over and over and still enjoy it each time. The movie is cheap, and it is cool to again see the 1970's Clothes and shoes, not to mention the dancing. GET THIS MOVIE!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For the title character (Jerri Hayes), moving from a small southern community to the big city (L. A.) is an eye opener, and being already somewhat tough, she knows how to handle those who try to abuse her. Living with her aunt and uncle and nearly same age cousins, she gets a quick lesson in street, dealing with tough street young men selling drugs and falling for one (Ernest Williams III) whom she's unaware doesn't feel for her the same way she does.

    While I found this interesting as a time capsule, I didn't see a purpose or positive aspect to it outside the fact that Emma Mae stands up for herself and eventually wakes up to how she's being treated. Her cousins (outside of a much younger one) and other neighborhood women marginalize her, and Williams doesn't appreciate her in the least.

    Until the white cops show up for a showdown (somehow believing that she's been kidnapped), the police that harass the neighborhood are all black, so the film takes a fair look at the issues, and also features a fair white character whom Hayes speaks with regarding her car wash. The mixed messages unfortunately have mixed results, and while it's a decent effort, overall I found it disappointing. The acting by non-professionals isn't bad, but the script gives off inconsistent character development.
  • I only took the two points because of the budget. This is a very good moving for a low budget. It is one I grow up watching as little girl and enjoyed the storyline, acting and step into time. Now I share with my children. The acting is very good from the two leads, Jerrie Hayes and Ernst Williams. Although, not a very common story line, the story line is one we may still need to pay attention to today. There are many lessons to be learned from this moving. Although they may have lost me in there mean to an end action to free Zeke and Jesse. It doesn't ways work out this way in life, but it is a movie. Nevertheless, there were still great meaning behind the film. We need to understand who we are, what we are living for and is it worth the cost? I really wish more projects like this one could have been produced. I would have loved to see both Hayes and Williams in other productions. I believe that both of them may have been overlooked. I guess there wasn't very many roles available to someone with such beautiful skin and talent. LOL.