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  • Very risqué TV content for the 1970's. Stella Stevens plays a detective investigating the murder of a crippled woman. Seems that the victim was sleeping around-- making for several suspects including a black guy, a bisexual man and a married cop. Robert Vaughn playing a gay man and a very young Bruce Boxleitner as a bisexual hustler is quite something for it's day. The performances are all good and the storyline is typical 70's mystery/police drama (except for the gay content). Interesting mainly because the film depicts the time period with all the various prejudices and stereotypes. Stella Stevens once again proves that she can take on serious drama as well as light comedy. Her sexy look is downplayed for the role, but she's still a beauty. Love those 70's TV movies of the week!
  • A young woman and school teacher with a slight limp enjoys the night life in her bad neighborhood of Los Angeles, MacArthur Park. More specifically, she lives at the Park Wilshire.

    This could have been an episode of any crime show at the time. The suspects are a bit closer to reality in a neighborhood like that. In fact, the stereotypes are pretty bad.

    Stella Stevens gets top billing in what was little more than a paycheck for her. Her film career was over by this time. The rest of the cast were in the same situation, just going through the motions to payoff their old mortgages.

    Mostly worth watching as a time capsule. Poor Stella wears drab clothes, has a bad, cheap dye job and drives a gargantuan 1976 Mercury Grand Marquis.