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  • The third (I think) installment in the Italian Emanuelle series starring the unearthly beautiful Laura Gemser, and simultaneously the final one that is somewhat classy and stylish. After this entry, the franchise became the prototype of total sleaze & obscenity with sex-insatiable Emanuelle invading women prisons and even a tribe of Amazonian cannibals. "The Degradation of Emanuelle" even ranks among Joe D'Amato's best films, since the screenplay is adequately written for a change and the erotic scenes are tasteful and tempting. After a brief encounter with the man of her life – a congressman for the United Nations – sleaze reporter Emanuelle wants to alter her writing style and battle the oppression of women all around the world. This noble mission brings her from India, where she unmasks a fake guru who supposedly re-invented the female orgasm, to Rome, where there's a whole network of girls that get kidnapped and deported to the Middle East as white sex slaves. But her biggest challenge lies in the United States, where eminent senators can still rape innocent girls without being punished for it. As a social allegory on Human Rights, this is a very meaningless effort but it remains a pretty decent exploitation film all together. The decors and costumes are beautiful and every large hole in the plot is neatly filled up with footage of Laura Gemser's stunningly ravishing body. Just like in all the other Black Emanuelle films, the absolute finest aspect is Nico Fidenco's brilliant music. The intro song "Picture of Love" should have won an Oscar! Ha!
  • The Emanuelle series is often mentioned in discussions about cult cinema and that's hardly surprising since there were so many of them! I've seen a handful of these films (probably most of them) and I don't really know why because I'm not a big fan of the series. Emanuelle Around the World is one of the better ones, however, and while it's not as good as Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals (the 'best' of the series) it's actually not far off and is a damn site better than most of the rest of these films. Naturally the plot is not all that different to other entries in the series and this time we see journalist Emanuelle investigating a white slave ring, and getting plenty of time to take her clothes off during the 'investigation'. The film is worth watching for the stunning Laura Gemser who once again reprises her trademark role. Outside of the lead star, the action is fairly predictable, although the film is slightly classier than some of the later offerings. Joe D'Amato takes up the director's chair so as you might expect, the film is generally very sleazy throughout and so fans of the series wont be disappointed in that respect.
  • BandSAboutMovies13 December 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The Joe D'Amato Emanuelle movies are absolutely lunatic. I mean that in the best of ways, because while they promise you skin, sin and sleaze - and they deliver - it often feels like it all comes at the price of you feeling like you'll ever be clean again.

    Written by Maria Pia Fusco, the daughter of a policeman who rebelled by writing movies like Bluebeard and five of the Black Emanuelle movies while also becoming a respected film writer for La Repubblica where she became one of the few journalists to have an in-depth exploration of Kubrick from a first-hand perspective, and Gianfranco Clerici, whose oeuvre is filled with some of Italy's most notorious films such as The New York Ripper, Cannibal Holocaust and The House on the Edge of the Park.

    After a meeting with United Nations diplomat Dr. Robertson (Ivan Rassimov!) in New York City, our heroine Emanuelle (the always wonderful Laura Gemser) is invited to India to write a report on Guru Shanti (George Eastman), a man who is teaching his followers to hold off their orgasms so that they may all experience the ultimate in le petit mort before the lovely journalist of our dreams basically ruins everyone.

    This movie lives up to the title because Emanuelle and her friend Cora Norman (Karin Schubert, Hanna D. - La ragazza del Vondel Park's mother) really do travel the world and free women from bonds both literal and sexual, encouraging free love and never having the film preach to us about what they do.

    I mean, you should also realize that this is a D'Amato movie where scenes of torture, assault and two different species of animals involved in the sex scenes because, well, Italy is the most insane of all countries, but you'd be like that too if the Vatican was directly inside your capital city. There's a cut of this that has a banana scene that has nearly made me swear off this type of fruit, but these are the dangers of watching Italian sexploitation.

    But it's even odder because D'Amato makes us look away in the climactic beauty queen assault scene, our heroines unable to do anything but realize that when this is all over, they're going to ruin the men who let this happen. I first saw this as a teenager in the early 90s. While most of the movies I saw back then haven't held up, this movie has only improved with time.
  • These 70's "Black" Emanuelle films from Joe D'Amato are no blockbusters but they sure can be enjoyable cheesfests and certainly have a huge following. Many guys like these just for the eye candy of Laura Gemser (can you blame us?). I personally like them because they ARE cheesy. Cheesy can be fun. But some people are dissatisfied with cheesy 70's Euro films if they aren't Oscar material. These are an acquired taste. The best of them being EMANUELLE IN AMERICA (the uncut import version only not the old VidAmerica release) and EMANUELLE AND THE LAST CANNIBALS (for fans of sex/horror). And FYI these films are Italian, but most of the cast are in fact speaking English. I still can't understand why their voices were re-dubbed unless it was to cover up some of the actors heavy Italian accents.
  • "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" is a silly erotic movie about the pre-Aids promiscuous character Emanuelle. Every scene is a pretext for the promiscuity of Emanuelle and to get her and other women naked. Unfortunately the shallow and senseless story of trafficking seems to have been written by a brainless fourteen year-old boy with high level of sex hormone. In the end, watching the dated soft porn "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" is a complete waste of time. My vote is two.

    Title (Brazil): "Emanuelle pelo Mundo" ("Emanuelle Around the World")
  • The fifth "Black Emanuelle" I've watched has, potentially, the most intriguing plot line dealing as it does with the intrepid female reporter investigating the white slavery/prostitution racket which takes her from San Francisco to Rome to Macao and back to her own hometown, New York! The film is peopled with past veterans of the series which, inexplicably, play completely different roles, namely Ivan Rassimov (appearing here as a head of a United Nations committee for Third World countries!), Karin Shubert (as a feminist rival reporter) and Don Powell (as Rassimov's chauffeur).

    Unfortunately, as usual with this type of film (despite their being shown in the dead of night), it is heavily edited and a particularly graphic scene (described in "Stracult") in which an Asian slave trader gets his comeuppance by being sodomized by a dog is nowhere to be seen here!! Still, a harrowing sequence late in the film when a sleazy politician tricks a couple of girls (including, naturally, Gemser and Shubert) into a midnight rendezvous under a New York bridge with a group of bums (this is the way he gets their votes, get it!) - with his high society pals giddily looking on - seems pretty much intact.

    The most ridiculous element of this entry - apart from Gemser's penchant to disrobe completely every time she enters a house (even in front of perfect strangers) - is her excursion to India to interview a charlatan/Guru (George Eastman made up to look considerably Christ-like!) who has found a way to prolong coitus indefinitely; of course, when Emanuelle calls him up on it, he ends up having premature ejaculation...!!
  • "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" is a 1977 Italian exploitation film directed by Joe D'Amato. The movie follows the story of Emanuelle, a journalist who investigates the world of sex trafficking and exploitation. While the film attempts to tackle a serious issue, it fails to make a meaningful impact due to its poor execution and lack of depth.

    The film's main problem lies in its over-reliance on shock value and gratuitous sex scenes. Instead of focusing on character development or a compelling narrative, "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" resorts to graphic depictions of violence and sexual exploitation. These scenes, which were likely intended to provoke a strong reaction from viewers, ultimately feel exploitative themselves and add little to the overall story.

    The acting in the film is mediocre at best, with most performances coming across as wooden and unconvincing. The dialogue is often clunky and unnatural, further detracting from the viewing experience. The cinematography and production design are also lackluster, giving the film a cheap and amateurish feel.

    One of the few bright spots in "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" is the performance of Laura Gemser, who plays the titular character. Gemser brings a certain level of gravitas to her role, and her scenes are generally more engaging than those featuring the other actors. However, even her performance is hampered by the film's weak script and direction.

    In conclusion, "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?" is a poorly made exploitation film that fails to deliver a meaningful message or memorable viewing experience. While it may appeal to fans of the genre who are looking for shock value, most viewers will likely find it forgettable and unenjoyable.
  • Emanuelle travels the world once again on a crusading mission to report on the abuse and degradation of women at the hands of male-dominated organizations.At her first stop in India she meets up with George Eastman who plays a guru who has discovered the secret of prolonged sexual pleasure. While at the temple she also meets gorgeous Brigitte Petronio and it's not too long before both are having hot lesbian intercourse.While at her next stop in Rome she meets Karin Schubert who gives her a lead about a white-slavery ring...Joe D'Amato's "The Degradation of Emanuelle" is not as sleazy and shocking as infamous "Emanuelle in America",however there is enough sex and violence to bring the smile on the face of any self-respecting smut peddler.The erotic scenes are mostly soft core,but there is a bit of hard core sex added for a good measure.The film is nicely photographed and immensely enjoyable.Give it a look.
  • It must have been the softcore version, as ther were no real sex scenes, except for some very fake scenes. The movie itself was very pixelated, and crude. Whoever wrote it, need to try another career. He's no good at this one.

    It's kind of a stupid movie, pretty much a waste of time compare to what's available today.
  • Once again, Laura Gemser stars as sexy reporter Emanuelle, whose latest assignment takes her to India where a Tantric sex guru (George Eastman) claims to have discovered the secret to an everlasting climax. Although the guru proves to be a fake (he can't hold back forever with our heroine on the job), the feature leads the intrepid newswoman to discover the existence of a white slave ring, a scoop which takes Emanuelle bumping and grinding her way around the world, before returning to New York to find an even more shocking story involving top US politicians.

    Although Joe D'amato's Emanuelle Around the World isn't as notorious as his earlier sleaze-fest Emanuelle in America, never quite managing to match that film's gruelling faux-snuff footage for sheer nastiness, it still packs a punch with hardcore sex footage, several non-explicit but still fairly harrowing gang-rapes, fun with fruit, and one particularly jaw-dropping moment in which a leering Chinese man introduces a bound, naked woman to his pets: a snake and a randy Alsation dog (Fido is so pleased to make her acquaintance, he gives her his bone).

    Of course, sultry star Gemser never gets involved in any of the hardcore shenanigans herself, preferring only to actively partake in the usual assortment of simulated sex acts for which she is renowned: lesbianism, soft-core coupling and self-gratification. In addition to allowing Gemser to romp with almost everyone else in the film, the erratic story also provides D'amato with the opportunity to pad out his film with dull travelogue style footage and boring incidental characters (Italian exploitation favourite Ivan Rassimov is completely wasted in a pointless role). The result is a film with an unfocused and rather muddled style—easy-going and uneventful one moment, completely reprehensible the next—but one which still manages to be a fair bit of fun if you dig crazy 70s filth.

    6.5 out of 10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
  • I gave this movie an overall 5/10, but it's very episodic, and I'd like to mention that there's one gem in there, the "temple" or "Guru" sequence which starts exactly 15 minutes in and lasts for about 20 minutes. Firstly because it's sexy (okay, most everything with Gemser in it is). Secondly, because it's shot beautifully - the temple itself as well as the proceedings. But what I liked most was the excellent sense of humour, with real gags - something not frequent in "erotic" movies and mostly absent in porn. The humour is building throughout the sequence, starting with Emanuelle encountering an only half-convinced believer girl, then rudely disturbing a mass meditation/orgy (by joining and bringing a guy to orgasm prematurely), then observing the proceedings in the "training hall" which are really a hoot, but this all gets topped when finally, of course, the skeptical Emanuelle gets her hands on the Guru himself ... I don't want to spoil anything here but their encounter and its aftermath form one of the funnier moments in film history and would fit equally well in a Monty Python movie. Usually with this kind of movies you expect to laugh out because it's "so bad it's funny" - in this case, it's the real thing.

    Highly recommended for this scene alone; everything else is more or less the usual "Black Emanuelle" stuff plus some rather violent scenes (fitting the sex trade theme but definitely not erotic).
  • This is perhaps the most enjoyable of e Aristide Massaccesi's EMANUELLE movies, relatively free of the sadistic excesses of more extreme installments such as EMANUELLE IN America and EMANUELLE AND THE LAST CANNIBALS. As in the previous episode, EMANUELLE AND THE WHITE SLAVE TRADE (a/k/a VIA DELLA PROSTITUZIONE and at least half a dozen other titles), our intrepid girl reporter (still played by statuesque Laura Gemser who hails from the isle of Java in the former Dutch Indies) is hot on the trail of an international white slavery ring.

    Having said thanks to the lorry driver (US adult superstar Paul Thomas) who picked her up naked in San Francisco harbor in her customary fashion, she bumps into old friend and colleague Cora Norman (German nudie starlet and later middle-aged Queen Mum of Spaghetti Hardcore Karin Schubert) who has found a lead to the gang's whereabouts in Rome. Before she can go check this out however, Emanuelle's editor demands that she'd do an exposé on some trendy Indian guru (exploitation mainstay George Eastman a/k/a Luigi Montefiori) in sunny Bombay instead. This makes for the best (and funniest) part of the movie as bored housewives from all over the world flock to the temple to experience the guru's heavily hyped "prolonged orgasm" techniques. Naturally, the guy turns out to be a fraud as Emanuelle soon learns when she makes love to him and he turns out to be a touch, well, premature !

    In Rome, Cora gets beaten up and raped as her investigations start to turn up a bit too much in the way of damaging information as Emanuelle allows herself to be picked up by a pair of local lover boys who deliver her to the lair of the evildoers. Luckily, she had just met some virginal puppy dog (played by Claudio Alliotti who would go on to star in Masuo Ikeda's extraordinary DEDICATO AL MARE EGEO) mere minutes before and asked him to follow her on his Vespa and inform the cops.

    Hong Kong and wicked Chinamen are next on the agenda, including some spectacularly tasteless (but hilarious) business involving strapped down naked women with various animal species, fortunately with appropriate comeuppance for their tormentor, before we're off again to downtown Teheran for sheiks and harems.

    Capturing their target at this last stop, Emanuelle and Cora learn that women's rights are still trampled on their N.Y. home turf as well when they're invited along with an assortment of senators and their entourage for the humiliation of Miss Ohio (hardcore porn actress Juliet Graham) at the hands of homeless bums.

    Even though most of the film's gorgeous female cast gets roughed up at some point, Massaccesi manages to keep the tone surprisingly light, helped by the furious pace with which he rushes through the often nonsensical proceedings, making this the cinematic equivalent of the sleazy adult comics that were quite popular at the time, in their own way unassuming precursors to much of today's manga output. Sex is quite strong for soft core with fleeting hardcore footage spicing up the orgy scenes, none of it involving Gemser though who acts as haughtily impervious to the tawdry shenanigans as ever, adding an arbitrary touch of class in the process. Italian exploitation veteran Ivan Rassimov is pretty much wasted as diplomat and do-gooder Malcolm Robertson who falls in love with our flighty heroine but never manages to get into her pants (on those rare occasions she's actually wearing them !) due to conflicting schedules which tend to find them at opposing sides of the world.

    Good cinematography by Massaccesi supplies surface gloss (they were ripping off a "très chic" French sex series, after all) and Nico Fidenco's infernally groovy soundtrack bumps 'n' grinds along with the cast. So let me leave you with the lyrics to the unforgettable (resistance is futile) theme song, all together now : "Let's take a picture of love !"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Typical Joe D'Amato/Laura Gemser Emanuelle sexcapade takes place - you guessed it - all over the world. The fearless reporter Emanuelle takes on a sex guru in India, Middle Eastern slave traders, and scummy politicians in America. As with any D'Amato film there are various scenes meant to shock the daylights outta the viewer: the most shocking scene involves a woman having sex with a German shepherd. Yuck!! Still they don't make 'em like this anymore, and that is probably a good thing. Very attractively photographed in New York City and San Francisco. Not as shocking as Emanuelle in America but better than Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals. This review is based on the European hardcore version. Released in the United States by the Jerry Gross Organization.
  • Taking a ride in Blaxploitation's success, Joe D'Amato came with a new version of endless Emanuelle, a black one, Laura Gemser is almost perfect for the role, a little skinny to my taste but works, not so voluptuous like your partnership Karin Schubert, actually this movie has an original and fresh idea about Emanuelle whereabouts, she moves around the world as suggest the title, some scenes are too hard for a soft porn imply, boring certainly not!!!


    First watch: 2018 / How many: 1 / Source: DVD / Rating: 5.25
  • This movie recently appeared in the "Black Emanuelle's Box Set" with two other movies, one of which was significantly better ("Sister Emanuelle") and the other slightly worse ("Emanuelle in Bangkok"). Emanuelle (Laura Gemser)is a once again a "world-famous photojournalist" who is much more intrepid than intelligent (when we first see her she is saving air fare to San Francisco by having sex with a long-haul furniture trucker--I don't know why she didn't just have sex with a pilot). She is sent to India by her publisher where she discredits a local sex guru--by having sex with him, of course. Encouraged by an old friend (Karin Schubert) and a young girl (Briget Petronnio) who she meets (and has lesbian sex with) in India, she decides to investigate a white slavery ring, naturally by getting HERSELF kidnapped, along with a couple naive white girls, in Rome with only a shy, virginal guy she briefly flirted with as back-up.

    Obviously, this film is not very realistic. International sex slave rings do not generally trade in pretty middle-class white girls snatched right off the street while touring Rome. This movie would be pretty offensive if it WAS realistic though since it is obviously far more interested in exploiting this subject than exposing it. It is not quite as transgressive or disturbing as other films in the series like "Emanuelle in America", but there are way too many scenes of women being slapped around and/or raped. Still even these scenes look more like rough consensual sex than anything since the women never seem to physically or mentally traumatized by it, but remain as pretty and chirpy as ever afterward.

    The female leads are all very attractive. Petronnio would later suffer far worse abuse in Ruggiero Deodata' "House at the Edge of the Park" while Schubert probably suffered worse in real-life after becoming a hardcore actress. Laura Gemser, as usual, manages to float effortlessly above whatever sleaze she is cast in. At times this movie seems almost feminist in a strange way, much more so than the similar American "Ginger" series with Cheri Caffaro, largely because of the innate classiness of Gemser that makes her "degradation"-proof even to the likes of Joe D'Amato. As for the movie itself, it's not good and I don't want to morally defend it, but it isn't really more than a, for lack of a better word, "naked" version of the old Hollywood ploy of exploiting lurid subject matter while pretending to condemn it.
  • Right, well of course I am familiar with the "Emanuelle" movies, but by title alone and the fact that they are sexploitation movies. Oddly enough, given my fascination and interest in movies, then I've actually never sat down to watch a single "Emanuelle" movie. Not before now in 2021, at long last. And I had the chance to watch the 1977 movie "Emanuelle: Around the World" (aka "Emanuelle - Perché violenza alle donne?").

    And let me just be the first to say that not only was this my first foray into the "Emanuelle" movies, but it is most certainly also my last. Wow, this movie was unfathomably slow paced and pointless.

    I managed to endure a staggering 40 minutes of pure boredom and pointlessness, and then I just tossed the towel in the ring and gave up. Man, talk about an utterly complete waste of time.

    The storyline told in "Emanuelle: Around the World" just didn't catch my interest, and it didn't help much that virtually nothing interesting happened throughout the course of the 40 minutes I suffered through. And the dialogue in the movie wasn't exactly riveting Shakespearian dialogue. Nor were the acting performances all that thrilling.

    Sure, the main actress - Laura Gemser - was quite a stunningly beautiful woman in the movie, but there should be more to a movie than just having a pretty face and daring to do full nudity.

    I think that the years have eluded "Emanuelle: Around the World" and the movie is a thing of the past, where it should remain. I can imagine that back in the 1970s, then movies like the "Emanuelle" series had a great impact, given the audacity of the visuals and the liberal freedom of showing semi-explicit scenes of lewd nudity and adult situations.

    This was a waste of effort and also a waste of time. And I have absolutely zero interest in watching the rest of the movie, much less actually dabble with getting around to watching the other "Emanuelle" movies as a matter of fact.

    My rating of "Emanuelle: Around the World" lands on a mere two out of ten stars. This was not a movie that fell into my liking or within the scopes of what I find interesting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I noticed that the street scenes and temple scenes take place in Durbar Square, Swayambhunath Temple. and the Guru Palace looks like Hotel Shanker. all the while India is credited yet these places are in Nepal a small country north of India. looks different than in the 1970s bc earthquake in 2015
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Emanuelle Around the World seems to be a direct sequel to D'Amato and Gemser's most notorious collaboration, Emanuelle in America, with Emanuelle returning from the paradise island she escaped to at the end of that film and going on, believe it or not, an even more extraordinary adventure. The film begins with her making love on a Louis VVI bed, but this luxurious piece of furniture is in the back of a removals van in which Emanuelle is hitching a lift from the hunky driver. There's something curiously postmodern about the image of the antique being transported in a large van across contemporary America, and the scene sets in motion a series of dizzying and equally postmodern conundrums in the shape of the many adventures of our photo-journalist heroine. The trucker deposits Emanuelle at a luxury hotel in San Francisco, and in the lobby we meet a different black Emanuelle than we have seen before – she's impatient and rude to the concierge, and we wonder why our normally sanguine and affect-less heroine is on such a short fuse. She meets a fellow journalist, the feminist Cora Norman, and finds out that her friend is onto a story about female exploitation. A sexual encounter with a UN envoy persuades Emanuelle that her work ought to have a more political edge, and her experiences during her next job – exposing a phony love guru in India – push her into activism, but not before she has re-established herself as part of the consumer West by doing a pile of shopping.

    The sequence with the guru is a remarkable set piece. Filmed in a Hindu temple, the avatar of love instructs his disciples in delayed orgasm building towards spiritual enlightenment, as D'Amato films various God's eye views of the revellers interrupted and upwards genuflections at the guru by more down-to-earth sceptical shots. Emanuelle, surprisingly for a woman who has always preached free love, sees how nonspiritual the guru's message really is – surely he'd spend more time helping the poor and less time improving the love-lives of vain wealthy Westerners if he really had a hot line to god? This disillusion with hedonism sends Emanuelle to Rome, where she teams up with Cora to expose a gang who have been kidnapping and trafficking women as sex slaves to the Middle East. Emanuelle goes undercover and we see two young men pick her and two other young women up, sell them to an older man at a restaurant who in turn sells them at a higher price to another man. Pasolini couldn't have given us a more striking illustration of human beings reduced to things, commodities. At the halfway house, as they wait to be sent outside of Europe, the women are raped by a hideous man whose face is terribly scarred, making him look like a demon. In the meantime, Cora is being raped by a gang of hoods as punishment for her investigations and a young man who is on Emanuelle's side finds where our heroine is being held and phones the police. This is striking because, for the first time in a D"Amato Black Emanuelle film we see a sequence which does not involve Emanuelle, as if to say that once activism and collective responsibility has come into play, the protagonist centred dramaturgy won't do.

    Even more strikingly, the rescue of Emanuelle and the girls happens between scenes. We cut straight from the demon's pillage to Emanuelle emerging from the police station with her young ally. They then go to a boat his father owns and end up hiding and bonking in a closet, but there's something curiously inappropriate at this return to generic soft-core adventures after the sexual violence we've been witness to. The cramped condition of the lovemaking seems to mirror D'Amato's need to break free from the conventions of the genre.

    We need to take the original Italian title – Emanuelle: Why Violence Against Women – at face value. D"Amato seems to be wilfully subverting the sexploitation genre as a way of asking a question about the treatment of women, a problem that he (like John Lennon in his famous song Woman is the N**ger of the World) sees as global. The film cuts from the US to India to Italy to China to the Middle East in the blink of an eye, and the point seems to be that the same patriarchal attitude treats women as chattels and sexual slaves no matter where on earth you go. Along the way, monsters and villainy (including enforced bestiality) more at home in the pages of de Sade than in harmless erotica are encountered.

    Finally, we return to the US where a Senator sets up a beauty pageant queen to be raped by some down-and-outs for the entertainment of various rich slime-balls. Things get out of hand, the wealthy disappear and Emanuelle is degraded by being forced to fellate a bum. Women are mere objects to be used for the amusement of the rich or thrown as pornographic entertainment to the powerless. We as an audience are left with a very foul taste in our mouths. D"Amato has refused to give his audience what they expect from a soft-core frolic – is an artist painting a picture of exploitation rather than a mere exploitation filmmaker? Or an extraordinary and complex mixture of both
  • Emanuelle is now a newspaper reporter who travels around the world in search of a story about "violence to women". It starts off in San Francisco, where she meets a guru leader of a religious sex cult. We see the inside of a large church-like rotunda covered with colorful, "Indian" tapestries. The members of the cult are arranged in pairs, seated on pillows, all over the floor. It's sort of unclear, but it seems that this is one of the places where sex slaves are collected. Then suddenly, Emanuelle is off to Rome where she uncovers another sex slave operation, then Hong Kong, the Middle East, and finally New York. There are really five mini-plots associated with each of these places. It's almost episodic. In comparison with "Black Emanuelle", the movie seems less focused on the characters and more interested in illustrating the plot. It can be less engaging because of this. Still, it's probably one of the better in the series (much better than "Black E, White E/aka Emanuelle in Egypt") and full of cheap, exploitive thrills!
  • Of all the films in this long running series, THIS movie is truly the "jewel in the crown." Because "Emanuelle Around the World" is really filmed on location in many cities around the world, it truly has an "epic" feel. Laura Gemser, in the title role, traipses from one continent to the next, often with the blonde Karin Schubert by her side, as they pursue white slavers and attempt to bring them down. It's like an X rated "Charlie's Angels at times, and Schubert creates a memorable "tough girl" character in Cora. The thing that makes this entry in the series, the most controversial, is the astounding level of sexualized violence. This movie must have the most rape scenes of ANY movie in history. And each one is more horrific than the last. By the time the action moves to Hong Kong the rapes begin to involve German Shepards and snakes. Obviously this one is not for all tastes, but it really is a powerful film that has not only retained the ability to shock, but in this PC climate, it is even more shocking than ever. The strange thing is, there is so much beauty mixed in with the ugly violence; the travelogue style of the film is so impressive, taking the audience on a World tour of some of the most beautiful, exotic and obscure places on the planet. And of course the incomparable, exotic beauty of it's heroine, Laura Gemser, makes anything easier to endure. And look for the gorgeous Brigitte Petronio in her cameo appearance, playing agirl hading out in hotel rooms in India. The love scene between her and Gemser is subime! A million times sexier than some ugly hardcore footage. Another remarkable thing about "Emanuelle Around the World," is the impressive way it walks the fine line between soft-core and hard-core territory. Thankfully scenes of close-up penetration and ejaculation shots are left out, as that would immediately compromise the film, and make it impossible to take seriously. Joe D'Amato made the mistake of going all out hardcore with his "Emanuelle In America." And even though that film is absolutely inferior to "Around the World," it is sadly the one that gets all the attention. Take away the few minutes of ugly, poorly shot hardcore and that 45 second snuff footage at the end, you are left with a boring, lackluster film, which is surprisingly light stuff, almost comical for most of it's runtime. Not so with "Around the World,' which retains a dark, violent tone throughout. For fans of true grindhouse cinema, the uncut version of "Emanuelle Around the World" is the Holy Grail of 70's shock cinema..The series never reached these heights again. And obviously we will NEVER see anything like this movie in modern times; can you imagine THIS being made TODAY? The director might find himself in prison.
  • Certaintly not as sleazy as Emanuelle In America, but not as lightweight ad Emanulle In Bangkok. Similar to Emanuelle in America we have Emanuelle traversing the globe discovering sex scandals. The set peices range from fairly innocent romp in the back of a moving truck to rape and beastality (implied not explicit). Of course it all remains fairly softcore. D'Amato handles the cinematography masterfully, its easy to see why he's so at home in adult films. Hes a master at creating suspenceful erotic sex scenes. Watch for ol Joe himself in a quick cameo near the end of the film (hes the man being arrested at the very end).
  • jdbmjf9 March 2008
    Warning: Spoilers
    This film is amazing. Its the third film in Joe D'Amato's black Emanuelle series. Its not as violent as Emanuelle in America, but it comes pretty close. Emanuelle played by the hot Laura Gemser arrives in India to find out about George Eastman who plays an Indian Guru, who knows the prolong orgasm, after seeing thats its all fake, she soon has sex with him and leaves. She then heads to America and meets up with Cora Norman and both of them go on the trail of a woman smuggling ring...

    Its got an all star cast. Laura Gemser, George Eastman, and Joe D'Amato has a cameo! Its got a score by Nico Fidenco and the script was written by Giannfranco Clerci, who wrote house on the edge of the park, Nazi love camp 27 and blazing magnums. Its the Italian gone with the wind! Its quiet violent, there are six rapes, hardcore sex, ugly old woman sex, lesbianism, banana's shoved up women, as well as dildo's in a kuma sautra acamedy. It also features too nasty scenes of two poor women having sex with a snake and a dog, that was pretty bad.

    The camera-work and soundtrack was excellent and the acting was decent, its a must see for fans of D'Amato, Black Emanuelle and Exploitation in general.

    If you like this check out Emanuelle's Revenge, Emanuelle in America and Porno Holocaust.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Emanuelle Around the World is Joe D'Amato's fourth Emanuelle outing starring insatiable Euro-slut Laura Gemser.

    In this one Emanuelle is sent to India to do a story on a Guru who has supposedly discovered the ultimate climax, although once there Emanuelle is disappointed to find him to be a money-hungry con-artist. So, unsatisfied with her Guru story, she joins forces with her reporter pal Cora Norman who is doing a story on violence against woman.

    Cora has been tracking a white slavery operation and Emanuelle is keen to help her uncover the people behind it. The pair go to France and Hong Kong along the way taking down smaller slavery rings until they eventually end up in the Middle East where they uncover the heart of the operation and successfully close it down.

    Emanuelle Around the World was made the same year as Emanuelle in America and it shows. The brutal snuff-oriented plot of Emanuelle in America is traded in for a slightly less brutal white slave plot here that offers plenty of excuses for wanton sex and violence.

    Being a Joe D'Amato film centred around an anti-violence against women plot, you just know you're gonna see some gratuitous violence against women! We have gang-rape, (non-graphic) forced bestiality, blowjob at gunpoint, murder, and a beauty queen being degraded by some US Senators then raped by a group of vagrants. Sadly the version reviewed here is the softcore edit, the XXX cut has around 15 extra minutes of hardcore action and longer, more explicit bestiality scenes.

    All in all a nice sleazy effort from Mr. D'Amato, while not as vicious as Emanuelle in America or as gory as Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals, Emanuelle Around the World is definitely one of the top three Black Emanuelle films.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Intrepid and sexually voracious photojournalist Emanuelle (the insanely luscious and captivating Laura Gemser) takes on a dangerous assignment concerning violence against women in various male-dominated societies. During her investigation Emanuelle uncovers a sordid underworld that includes a white slavery ring, prostitution, a bogus Indian sex cult, bondage, lesbianism, degenerate American politicians, vicious rapists, and even a little bestiality. Director Joe D'Amato, working from a scrupulously kinky and depraved script by Maria Pia Fusco and Gianfranco Clerici, delivers oodles of tasty female nudity and scorching hot soft-core sex set pieces while relating the blithely trashy story at a snappy pace and maintaining a suitably seamy tone throughout. This picture further benefits from a sturdy cast of reliable Italian exploitation cinema regulars: Voluptuous blonde bombshell Karin Schubert as Emanuelle's gutsy reporter rival Cora Norman, Ivan Rassimov as the dashing and helpful Dr. Malcolm Robertson, George Eastman as smarmy and lecherous charlatan Guru Shanti, and the fetching Brigitte Petronio as the perky'n'pretty Mary. Legendary porn stud Paul Thomas pops up in a quick bit as a randy truck driver. The exotic globe-trotting locations add an extra tart'n'tangy flavor. Nico Fidenco's funky throbbing score does the get-down groovy pulsating trick. D'Amato's glossy cinematography provides a pleasing polished sheen. Well worth seeing for Emanuelle fans.
  • Emanuelle Around the World (1977) Soft version

    * 1/2 (out of 4)

    Joe D'Amato and Laura Gemser made this flick right over the notorious Emanuelle in America and really took a step back content wise. In the film Emanuelle travels around the world learning different sexual things while sleeping with as many people as possible. The company that released this film released a soft version and a XXX version. This is the soft version and it certainly is soft; meaning, there's very little nudity, which is somewhat shocking considering the subject matter. Not to mention the fact that the previous film went as far as to show a woman stroking a horse!!! I've heard the XXX version of this features some pretty wild stuff but I'll get to it later. Back to this version, it's pretty dull from start to finish, although there's a really bizarre moment with George Eastman (Rabid Dogs, Erotic Nights of the Living Dead) playing a character dressed up as Jesus. He bangs Emanuelle only to have her tell him that he came too quickly. I guess D'Amato isn't a fan of Jesus? The sex scenes aren't erotic, which is the main downfall here.

    Emanuelle Around the World (1977) XXX version

    * 1/2 (out of 4)

    Alternate version of Joe D'Amato's Emanuelle film isn't any better or worse than the soft version I watched a few weeks ago. In the previous review I mentioned that the film's sexual content was rather low even for a softcore film but here's a more extreme version, which features three different scenes. The two orgy sequences are shown with some hardcore scenes here, which isn't anything new. The next added footage serves for the more shocking nature, which was explored in the previous film Emanuelle in America. There's a scene where two girls are sexually tortured with a snake and a German shepard. In the softcore version this was just hinted at but here we get to see a lot more action, which should turn anyone's stomach.
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