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  • A wonderful film in the best Scandinavian eldritch magic tradition, with very far sighted analysis of much of the big issues we are just starting to face.

    Should be compulsory viewing for all politicians.

    Take your pick from privacy, nuclear sustainability, global climate change, quality of life.

    Reminiscent of Thoreaus' Walden, but with modern twist, and considerable humour.

    I'm not Finnish, although I've travelled there and have good Finnish friends, but I found it totally accessible, and also culturally informative.
  • All Risto Jarva's films are worth of seeing. Some like "Jäniksen vuosi" and "Loma" are best films in their genre and have reached a status of a classics in Finnish cinema-history.

    Most people have formed a impression of actor Antti Litja through Jarva's films. Litja acted leading role in three of Jarva's films which all became successes at box office and movie reviews.

    It's nice to see that idea of "Jäniksen Vuosi" still lives in commercials (I think it was tele-operator Sonera's TV add where Litja was walking in mountain fell at Lapland with hare in his arms. Everibody who has seen the film knows what I am talking about..) "Jäniksen Vuosi" Is a beautiful film with great actors and good filming locations - like famous small town in Lappland, Sodankylä, where the best Film festival in the world is held - The Midnight Sun Film Festival. I recommend it for all to go there on June - but remember warm clothes and raincoat :)
  • I had watched Le lièvre de Vatanen (2006) directed by Marc Rivière during the lockdown. It wasn't a satisfying experience and i was disappointed with the adaptation. Few days back I looked up the internet for more titles on the adaptation and I was surprised to see Risto Jarva's name. I have seen few early films of the Finnish new wave auteur but missed this one. Uff, I finally watched the film, and I was so overwhelmed that it did justice to the adaptation. The making is unexpectedly captivating and really beautiful. It tells the stress of advertiser Vatanen who throws society's rulebook out of the window and reverts to being a hermit with his newfound companion, a Hare. Taking wildness as a form of liberation, they go further into the Finnish woods and jumps into a great adventure. They encounter cops, poachers, nomad, gypsies and travel guides in their journey. The trip that they take is a truly heart-warming story with lot of emotions and comical in few places. This film had moments of humour especially as we witness confusion experience by Vatanen when he is visited by a group of rich travellers. The theme to break away from the slave monotony is supported with impressive acting, dialogues also with an amazing score. I read that Risto Jarva, died in a car accident on his return journey from the preview of this film before the premier night. I rank this as one of the best Finnish films ever made and its miles better than the 2006 film. I hope many people will get to see this gem and there is another trivia that Finnish metal giants Amorphis has used the theme music of this film in their song 'Message in the Amber' from Queen of Time album. I have heard it and the lead melody is brilliant and I suggest others to check it out.
  • Jäniksen vuosi is one of Jarva's most political movies. It takes stance strongly against modern day society's authority status in the life of the common man, and how it has estranged men from the nature completely. It challenges the whole concept of freedom and wealth in our welfare society.

    Vatanen (Antti Litja) - smothered buy the concrete jungle with all its rules and regulations - tries to rattle the chains of the society by escaping it all in to the wilderness of northern Finland - only to realize that the concept of a 'free country' isn't all that unambiguous, in other words, the society has the common man by the balls.

    Still the thing that makes Jäniksen vuosi so exceptional - besides the visual and humouristic brilliance - is how it seems to illustrate the whole political atmosphere in Finland in the 70's, as well as the whole identity of Finland as a nation. Vatanen is like an archetype of a classical finn in his solitudeness and social distantness. Since nature has always played such an important role in the national identity of us Finns, the whole idea of that being slowly taken away by the modern society makes Jäniksen vuosi emotionally exceptionally moving.
  • This film is more accessible to a foreign public than many other Finnish films, partly due to the limited dialogue. The point being that feelings often cannot be put aptly into words (at least not in Finland), but they can be communicated by visual impressions.

    The plot is like that of a road movie, except that the buddies here are a man and a hare (hence the limited dialogue). The background is mostly formed by the Finnish pine forests.

    Central to the film is the tension between the modern life style and the traditional Finnish closeness to nature and its magic. This magic and some twists of idiosyncratic, under cooled Finnish humour make the watching of this flick quite enjoyable.
  • Finnish film 'Jäniksen Vuosi' is based on a critically acclaimed book 'The year of the hare' written by famous journalist Arto Paasilinna. It has already achieved the status of a 'cult film' in Finland. However, it has a lot to offer to foreign viewers as its theme of man's closeness to nature as well as animals is dear to many people in the world. The notion of human freedom is very much evident throughout all scenes helmed by Finnish director Risto Jarva in 'The year of the hare'. While watching this film, a viewer is compelled to ask whether we are really free ? How and to what extent are we free ? What kind of freedom has been bestowed to us ? According to 'The year of the rabbit', a rabbit as a man's companion is an innocent idea which must not be confused with an American magazine for men ! It is not easy for anybody to simply leave the job to spend time with an animal. For this reason, director Risto Jarva has given a logical conclusion to an advertising executive's frustrations which compel him to leave his job and a nagging wife. As a family film which can be enjoyed by everybody, 'The year of the hare' informs everybody about the importance of wilderness as it is the only place where human beings can free themselves from the harmful influences of modern civilization.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This enchanting movie is based on a novel by Arto Paasilinna. The bestseller is one of the best books I've read. Here's the story:

    One day journalist and photographer Kaarlo Vatanen decides to leave his past behind, and starts a new life wandering across the Finnish forests and countryside. With him he has a companion, a young hare hit by a car. Vatanen has to take care of the hare, because it's leg is wounded, so they start a journey together taking care of each other.

    In the course of their adventures they get almost shot by hunters, get caught by the police, meet many people and finally get to lapland, where they live peacefully, until a group of foreign tourist disturbs their privacy. The hare falls ill and they must return to Helsinki to see the vet.

    Vatanen has found an ideal way of living, but the modern society tries to tie him back to his duties and taxes. In Helsinki Vatanen took to drink, gets even engaged and imprisoned, but finally he and the hare flee.
  • xaggurat14 August 2020
    If you're interested about the Finnish mentality, The Year of the Hare is probably one of the best films you can watch. It's based on the novel written by Arto Paasilinna, the best known Finnish humorist and writer of Magical Realism genre. The movie premiered back in 1977, in time before no one had ever heard of Nokia phones, and Finland was still modernizing from a very agricultural country to a country of high infrastructure and high technology. So many people at the time, like my parents who were about 40 years old, were born in countryside or rural areas of Finland, but had moved to cities after work. Even though we lived in an urban area, we spent a big part of our free time foraging in the nearby forests. So there was (maybe still is) this conflict in Finnish collective mentality, how peaceful, natural and healthy the life in the wilds feels in comparison of living in tight apartment blocks and noisy streets, while enjoying closeness of schools, health care and supermarkets.

    In the movie, the main character Kaarlo Vatanen burns out, and decides to go off the grid. Some hilarity and some tragedy ensues.

    The director Risto Jarva was a rare diamond in Finnish film industry, but sadly The Year of the Hare is his last work. I've enjoyed everything I've seen from him, and I always think perhaps he had even more in him, but as it is The Year of the Hare remains his magnum opus.