5 reviews · Provided by Metacritic.com
- 80Washington PostWashington PostFar from insipid, it's one of the funniest, and most affecting, movies to come around in a long time. The acting is polished, the writing superb. The jokes make you laugh. That's no small feat. [10 Mar 1978, p.15]
- 50The New York TimesJanet MaslinThe New York TimesJanet MaslinMr. Zieff seems never to have determined what sort of romance he wanted to show, and as a result the movie is constantly contradicting itself.
- 50Time OutTime OutBackground details of hospital life are handled much more astutely than the main plot. It's a big mystery how Zieff (of Slither and Hearts of the West) allowed it to go off at half-cock.
- 50TV Guide MagazineTV Guide MagazineA pleasant comedy, but any film starring Matthau and Jackson--and written by such funny men as Shulman and Epstein (among others)--should have been much funnier.