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  • CinemaSerf5 January 2023
    Lauren Bacall and Ruth Gordon are on good form in this daft crime caper that takes it's time to get going - but once it does, it does raise a smile or two. Bacall is the wealthy wife of an imprisoned union boss who on one of her usual jaunts to visit him encounters two similarly occupied ladies - "Sophie" (Sandy Dennis) and "Lisa" (Lisa Pelikan). Pretty soon the three are friends and realise that each of their husbands has treated them pretty badly. What to do about it - well they alight on a cunning plan to steal $1m, and to throw off any suspicion they will pretend to be men! Ruth Gordon is super, and Bacall just has to turn up to light up the screen. The story flows along well enough after a glacially slow start with far too many long scenes of a limousine on the highway, but the ending - well that's just fitting. Not bad for a television movie - bit too long, but entertaining.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    W. C. Fields always said never share the screen with children or dogs. They'll steal the film every time. I've said this before, but he also forgot cute and feisty old people, especially if they don't even reach 5 feet. They'll come off much bigger than the actual stars. That's the case in this amusing TV movie, a rarity now, so I'll take what I can get to experience them at least once. Lauren Bacall and Sandy Dennis were more well known than the shared third leading lady, Lisa Pelikan, but it's the supporting scene stealer, like Dennis an Oscar winner, Ruth Gordon, getting second billing who walks off with the film.

    The film opens with strangers Bacall, Dennis and Pelikan sharing an elevator, and when the young male operator makes a friendly comment, Pelikan begins to cry, to which Bacall pulls out a pistol and orders the stunned operator to apologize. No shrinking violet this one. Soon they're plotting together to rob a bank safe (where Pelikan works) and they are joined by Gordon, Pelikan's mother. Too bad Bette Davis didn't join them as her hippie bank robber, Bunny O'Hara!

    Not the type of comedy that gets belly laughs, I did find myself smirking throughout at the audacity of the story with the older women in male drag, resembling the old men from "Going in Style", which came out the following year. It's obvious that there's a tape recorder being played as they commit the robbery, but it's all played for light humor where nothing goes as planned. The other women, even Bacall (who's as imperious as ever), seem to be willingly handing this over to Gordon who didn't need to be a witch or seducing much younger men or being kissed by orangutans to get laughs. She does it naturally. A fun movie of the week, worth hunting down no matter the quality of the print.
  • Watched only half-way through before, but finally watched the whole thing tonight. Cute heist film. Must be where "Mad Money" the Diane Keaton movie, got the idea.

    Delightful cast- esp. Laurn Bacall and Ruth Gorden! My only complaint is the poor-quality video-transfer I saw that is in such bad shape, I almost avoided it! It really needs a good restoration. Otherwise, nice film.

    Fun fact: The script writer is Nora Ephron, who went on to be best known for romcoms like "You've Got Mail" and "Julie and Julia"!

    It's a made-for-TV movie that is leaps and bounds better than those made today! Funny- our TV drama shows have never been better, but our TV movies have never been worse (not counting the stodgy earliest TV movies). What's with that?! Oh well, at least the pre-2000s TV movies and feature films- like this one- show us that at some point, we got it right!
  • Four women whose husbands are in prison come together; at first, for emotional support; later, they devise a scheme to rob a bank. This takes up a large part of the film and it is particularly inspired and funny. The actual heist involves our four likable heroines dressing in mens tuxedos (hence, in part, the title of the film). If you love 'caper' films, you'll really go for this! (Note: not on tape and not often rerun on TV so keep an eye out for it.)
  • This movie is about a group of women who meet, gradually make firm friends and discover the men in their lives haven't treated any of them fairly so they take matters into their own hands - I don't want to spoil the fun for those who haven't seen this film by giving away the plot.

    I would always watch it on TV if it was ever shown and recommend it to everyone. I would love to be able to buy a DVD of this movie, it cheers me up so much.

    Lauren Bacall and Ruth Gordon are at their best and as one would expect of a film by Nora Ephron one couldn't find a more charming, amusing way to spend an evening than by watch this.

    Review by jrm
  • There are movies I have seen in my life that I wouldn't care to see ever again and can forget them the next day. Then there are movies like 'Perfect Gentlemen' that I have seen only once and have never forgotten. Such was the case with this movie.

    Some of the movies from the 1970's could just as well stay there. Then one stands out, like Perfect Gentlemen, that ranks among the best. The cast couldn't have been better, and the plot was outstanding. Lauren Bacall can't make a bad movie. The only negative about this movie is that I can't find it to buy for my own! If you ever find 'Perfect Gentlemen' on television, I heartily recommend an evening of enjoyment! This is a rare gem that should be considered a classic.