User Reviews (242)

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  • I saw this film initially when I was about six or seven years old and have seen it several times since. Of all the films I saw during my early childhood, none captivated me as much as Watership Down. I am now twenty eight years old and, despite the violence and sadness of the film, I have somehow turned out to be a fairly normal bloke rather than a murderer or manic depressive. Funny that.

    It is a complete fallacy to suggest that we must shield our children from anything that hints of the injustices that may exist in the real world. In fact, seeing a film such as this may help them in dealing with issues in their own lives or perhaps teach them lessons in understanding and appreciation of the world around them. Watership Down had that effect on me.
  • Being an Australian, it's rather difficult to sympathise with the plight of rabbits. Following their introduction to our continent in 1859, the European Rabbit population has multiplied at an absolutely phenomenal rate, destroying the natural environment and helping to drive numerous native marsupial species to extinction. They've survived countless attempts to eradicate their numbers, and are now largely resistant to both Myxomatosis and calicivirus. At home, I'm always sure to congratulate my pet dog, Cassie, whenever she trots into the backyard with a rabbit clutched between her teeth. You'll forgive me for launching into a tirade about a troublesome Australian pest, but I'm just trying to convey my general abhorrence towards the species. It would have taken a mighty piece of film-making to make me forget that I hate rabbits, and yet 'Watership Down (1978)' had me utterly engaged from the opening moments. Not only did I care about Hazel, Fiver and Bigwig, but I genuinely fell in love with them, and for 100 minutes I was completely absorbed in their strenuous but noble struggle for survival.

    The film is based upon the 1972 novel of the same name by Richard Adams, and was both adapted and directed by Martin Rosen. What struck me most was how incredibly rich the story was, with Adams having created not only a wealth of multi-layered characters, but also an entire rabbit culture and mythology. 'Watership Down' opens with a fascinating Creation story, as the God-like deity Frith (symbolised by the Sun) creates planet Earth and every creature within it. In a double-edged blessing, Frith condemns the mischievous rabbit prince El-ahrairah to forever be hunted, but also to always have the skill and agility to survive: "All the world will be your enemy, Prince of a Thousand Enemies. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you." The events take place in the English countryside, with the title stemming from a hill at Ecchinswell in the county of Hampshire; despite my initial preconceptions, 'Watership Down' was certainly not the story of a sinking ocean liner!

    Hazel the rabbit (voiced by John Hurt) may not be physically-imposing, but he is selfless, intelligent and mature, and this makes him a fine leader. His younger brother, Fiver (Richard Briers), is runtish and neurotic, yet he possesses a sort of mystic flair that means his peculiar "feelings" almost always prove significant. After Fiver foresees danger approaching their warren, a small group of rabbits – including the brutish but noble Bigwig (Michael Graham Cox) – flee their home in search of a safer locale. Their journey is certainly not a walk in the park, and allow me to be the one millionth reviewer to warn parents that many scenes in this film are not suitable for young children. As the group trudge across the English countryside, they are greeted with an assortment of creatures who would be more than happy to make a dinner out of them, including hawks, dogs, cats and humans. However, the rabbits' greatest obstacle before happiness is the nasty, tyrannical Chief-Rabbit, General Woundwort (Harry Andrews), a bloated, domineering lump of a villain who is both reminiscent of George Orwell's Napolean and, oddly enough, Orson Welles' Police Captain Hank Quinlan.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    If I had had this video when I was 8 or 9, I think I would have watched it as much as or more than I watched any other video that I had at the time. It's quite an extraordinary film. I'm 21 now, and I found it very exciting and involving throughout. The only problem is that it always seems like the episodes in the film happen a bit too quick, making it pretty obvious that it was adapted from a much longer novel. Episodes that seem very important only last for three minutes or so. And they never did free the rabbits in the pen at the farmhouse. Still, it's a great movie. While not for the very young children (there is a bit of violence and gore), I think any kid 8 or above would really love this film. Learn that you don't have to just buy videos of recent films for children. Some of the older films are much better. 9/10.
  • I would never spoil the wonder that is "Watership Down". The book and the film are timeless classics. I think it is the greatest adaptation of a novel (any genre) ever made and one of the most under-rated movies of all-time. They managed to capture more of a long novel (nearly 500 fantastic pages) than most films can compile from a 200 page source work. The soundtrack is beautiful (I'll be getting one for a Christmas present--thanx for the info IMDb!!) and matches the mood of the scenes perfectly.

    Viewers will recognize someone they know in nearly every rabbit and, with unbiased observation, probably see themselves. It is at once gripping and gentle, heart-rending and endearing. You will find yourself humming the tunes incessantly for months afterward. I recommend reading the book first (also try "Traveler" by Adams, another classic), then purchasing the film, then the soundtrack--wait, better yet, write your Congressman and demand a DVD release. I long for another wide-screen viewing (hint, hint)!

    I have noticed multiple comments that state the movie is too violent for children (it is somewhat graphic--to it's credit). For very small children, I would whole-heartedly agree, however, I think it depends on the individual. I was lucky enough to have a Father who took me to see it at the theatre when I was a youngster (about 5) and it did not scar me or give me nightmares--rather I learned the importance of the symbiotic circle of existence and the reality and necessity of life and death. It is still a comfort to me in times of sadness. In addition, the movie is highly layered and something new can be gleaned with nearly every viewing.

    I enjoyed it for years and only later realized many people had never even heard of it...I take every opportunity to recommend it and not once, not once, have I heard anything but thanks for the suggestion. Most of them end up owning the film. Both symbolic and blunt, "Watership Down" is a triumph of emotional proportions and is exemplary of what adaptations, animation, scoring and good film-making should be about. This wonderful adventure is an asset to any collection...10/10.
  • British animated film about a bunch of rabbits leaving their old warren (which one psychic rabbit can tell is going to be destroyed) and searching for a new one. The movie recounts their adventures searching for one.

    It may sound like a movie ideal for little kids--but it really isn't. It's an excellent adaptation of Richard Adams book which was written more for teenagers and adults. It's an ecological tale of how men are destroying the earth and (inadvertently it seems) killing innocent wildlife. It's also a very interesting story about how a group of rabbits survive on their own.

    The animation is excellent--right up there with Walt Disney. The score is great, the script intelligent and the voices used perfectly match the characters. However, as I said, this isn't really for little kids. The story is dead serious and the only humor is provided by the bird Kehaar (who I personally found very annoying although Zero Mostel DOES have fun with the voice). Also, at the end, it gets very violent and quite bloody. When I saw it in a theatre in 1978 one small kid was in tears by the conclusion. So, use your own judgment but I would never let a small kid see this. This is perfect for teenagers and adults. A 10.
  • 'Watership Down' is a terrific adaptation of Richard Adams's novel. Like Orwell's 'Animal Farm', this isn't only a film for children but equally important for adults. The soundtrack is captivating and I loved the way Art Garfunkel's song was used. The characters are so richly written that the viewer immediately empathizes and identifies with them. They are brave, endearing, loyal and strong and this is all cleverly downplayed. Fiver and Hazel are the two heroes who are brilliantly voiced by Richard Briers and John Hurt. The overall voice acting is very well done.

    Unlike most animated films, 'Watership Down' uses a lot of subtlety. Nothing is overdone. The music flows well, the pacing is smooth and the characters are real (rather than over the top). The animation is simplistic, created with watercolour and ink, giving it a gentle touch. It works effectively.

    There story is cleverly layered and there's a lot of intriguing symbolism. The film never shies away from being brutally honest. It shows life the way it is: There's pain, there's death, there's suffering, there's determination and one needs to work hard to have the best of it, to survive. While many have complained that this is no movie for children, I think it depends more on the individual because this film is relevant for everyone. The violent scenes are a bit graphic and the sad scenes are moving but in the end it is uplifting.

    There are very few novels that have been so fascinating on screen. 'Watership Down' is among them. It is a magnificently gripping adventurous tale. After 30 years it still remains a powerful story that strongly applies to today's world. I remember seeing it ages ago and then it was a must-have-on-DVD movie for me. I finally got the DVD and had the pleasure to watch revisit it today. A dazzling gem.
  • From the violence exhibited, even though it's animated, you'd think Watership Down would be PG-13 or R. Nevertheless, it was a good movie. I was confused at times because, well, a lot of rabbits looked the same. The film does make me want to seek out other animated films like it. Excellent voice acting all around. Recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    'Watership Down' is quite simply my favourite animated film of all time.

    The vocal talent, animation style (both in the main story and in the mythical opening), soundtrack and script all work wonderfully, shortening the material of the book but not losing all of its themes. Efrafa was exactly as I imagined it would be from reading the book, Woundwort being suitably scary and unhinged.

    Obviously the violence and horrific imagery has been toned down to make the film more accesible to a young audience (at 8 I wore out TWO copies of the film on VHS!!!) but not so much that the film becomes cutesy. Far from it. These are not fluffy bunnies in the vein of Thumper, they are real. They get hurt (Bigwig nearly is killed in a snare, Hazel is shot, Captain Holly arrives nearly dead), they fight, they flee from domestic dogs, cat, from humans with guns. There is blood and violence, the film does not shy away from that...Blackavar's torn ears are as wince-inducing to me now as they were to me when I first saw the film 10 years ago.

    What does surprise me now though is that the film is rated U (universal, suitable for all) here in the UK. Not only is there some mild swearing, the level of violence and the visual horror (Fivel seeing the field covered in blood, Holly's description of the warren blocked with dead bodies) is surely at least PG? Hmmm....

    To conclude it can be said that watching films from your childhood is often a bad move....they are usually best left in the memory. The same can not be said of Watership Down. Simply brilliant!
  • Notorious for scarring a generation of unsuspecting children, 'Watership Down (1978)' is properly horrific in places, featuring many on-screen deaths and other injuries via clawing, biting, throat-ripping, mauling and suffocating to name a few. The story itself is also rather bleak, unafraid to take a darker turn or play starkly allegorical. Let's just say it's easy to see why the BBFC apparently receive yearly complaints about their decision to classify the film 'suitable for all'. This more 'adult' appeal, shall we say, isn't so much an issue as an intrinsic aspect. The film tells a tale of survival and the stakes are serious straight from the start. The generally downbeat tone and occasionally visceral violence plays to the harshness of the world, acting as an extra antagonistic element for our heroes to struggle against. Unfortunately, the flick falls victim to a slow and episodic pacing. The main narrative through-line is rather weak, if relatively compelling, and the experience doesn't get properly interesting until its epilogue-esque final third - which occurs after the main plot has, essentially, already wrapped-up. Thankfully, this last movement is actually rather exciting. It's relatively action-packed, compelling and, ultimately, fulfilling. If the entire piece had been like it, it would have been much more enjoyable overall. That's not to imply that the affair is ever unenjoyable, per se. It's just not exactly gripping for its majority. The introduction of a bizarre, borderline- comedy character in the second act is problematic, too - both for the obvious reason and because it really messes with the established tone. There's also an underlying misogyny to the entire thing, with the female characters existing in the periphery purely as possible mating partners. Still, the movie is a product of its time so these issues are forgivable. In the end, this animated classic is uneven but entertaining. 6/10
  • I am twelve years old and I personally loved it. It is one of the most touching films I have seen. All to do with these rabbits hardships. Some of it made me laugh whilst other bits made me cry, but thats just me. It is very good and also makes you think about what could be happening in real life. My dad used to take me shooting rabbits, but after Watership Down I never went again. The graphics may not be as high quality as some of the newest releases but don't let that put you off. It is a remarkable film and I loved it. Don't think that older films are no good because Watership Down is AMAZING! I think if you are under the age of eight then you might not like it due to some violence and gore, but eight plus with love it. Even adults will enjoy it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was quite glad when this film appeared on one of the streaming services, namely because I have been wanting to watch it for a while. Actually, I would have preferred to read the book, and I might have it somewhere but I have so many books on my shelf that it is hard to know what I have and what I don't have at times. However, the film was the next best thing, though I'm not entirely sure how close to the book it follows. Oh, and it is also an animated production that has probably the only song by Art Garfunkle that anybody really remembers (or at least where I am concerned).

    The story is about a rabbit warren where one of the rabbits has a vision of impending doom. They approach the grand wise old rabbit, but he is to stuck in his ways to do anything, so they decided to go it alone, and venture out into the world to find another place to live. It turns out that this rabbit was right because they later discover that the humans had come along and destroyed the lands in which the rabbits lived to make way for a new development. Anyhow, they come upon another place where they can live - Watership Down - but they suddenly realise that they have no women, so the warren is destined to die, unless they can find some to join the warren. The problem is that the only ones nearby happen to be under the control of this cantankerous general.

    In a way it is like a fantasy, but it is also a quest, a quest to leave a place that is familiar to find a new place to live. Mind you, while it might be familiar, there is also this concern that things aren't going to last the way that they are forever. Thus, in a way you could say that this is a story of refugees, though the funny thing is that back when this movie was made, and the book was released, refugees were nowhere near as huge a political football as they happen to be now.

    However, this film could be interepreted in a different way, namely because the rabbits who flee the warren due to it being destroyed, move into a new area, and then invade the neighbouring warren to basically steal their women. This certainly sounds to be very Roman. Further, they actually win the battle against the general, and of course the general is portrayed as being a mean and nasty creature. Yet, this is the view that we are seeing from the invader's perspective.

    From another perspective, there are quite a few connections between this story, and the heroic epics of Ancient Greece and Rome. In a way there are connections to both The Oddyssey and to The Aenied. One difference though is that there are more central characters to the novel than there are in the epics, which seems to focus on a singular hero. Yet like both traditions, they face trails and challenges before reaching their final goal. As I suggested, there are elements of the Aenied, and it is probably closer to that story than the Odyssey, particularly since it involves fleeing impending doom and setting themselves up in another land, yet this isn't necessarily the end as they discover that there are not only problems - the lack of women - but also the fact that nearby inhabitants don't want them there, so they inevitably go to war. Mind you, like the Aenied, they also come across a warren halfway through their journey, and are tempted to stay there as well, but end up leaving due to certain issues.

    The thing is that a part of me still wants to read the book, probably because I can get a lot more from the book than I could get from the film. Still, the film is pretty good, and in a way it is a classic in its own right.
  • gazzo-210 November 1999
    While not as good as the book itself, the movie was well done indeed. This was one of those books I lived in when I first read it, never has Richard Adams come close to what he achieved here, able to pull you the reader right down into the grass roots along with Hazel, Fiver and BigWig. And the animators did him justice...I don't have much to add here that others here haven't, save to say I enjoyed the classic voices used here a lot-from Joss Ackland as the 'Black Rabbit of Inle' to the late, much lamented Harry Andrews as Woundwort. Now THAT guy was as tough and ornery a character actor as ever I saw onscreen, and he did the brutal Woundwort character justice indeed.

    Of course I recommend this-***1/2 outta ****, the book being ****.
  • Normally I add animations to my list of: Animations for the Kid in All of US! But Not This one.

    It will stay marked only as a Movie I've seen, Because it is literally NIGHTMARE InDUCING and TRAUMAtIC for children to watch this. This should not be viewed by little kids and whomever thought they were making this for kids should be HorseWhipped, because for any small kid that loves animals this is an exercise in TERROR!! I know, because I'm writing from my own childhood experience and I was 12 and my sister was 7 and we both had Nightmares after watching this. We grew up with rabbits and so that just made it so much the worse for us.

    I re-watched it about 20 years ago and still found it to be a Very Brutal and Adult animation that I would Never show to a young child. Even in 2021 with all the violence in tv and video games and desensitization. I still Say NO! :(
  • Well, it's not at bad film, I like the animation, and it tells a pretty gripping story. I also like how it incorporates the lapine language in a way that comes natural.

    But then again, the film does fail in making the characters from the book come truly alive on the screen, and it also fails at telling the fable about human nature that Richard Adams wants to tell.

    I know that a film can never be entirely true to a book, some cuts and changes must be made. But some of the choices made by the screen writers here are difficult to understand. Such as the completely unnecessary addition of the rabbit Violet, who is in the story only to be killed - which pretty much ruins one of the points Hazel and Bigwig make to Captain Holly in the book but not in the film; namely that all of the 'hrair' (more than four) rabbits, who left the colony, none have died. This is why Holly - mighty Captain of the Owsla - accepts Hazel as a leader, instead of trying to usurp him.

    The conflict or competition for the leadership, which takes place between Hazel and Bigwig, is completely lacking in the film. Instead, Hazel quite suddenly transforms from outskirt rabbit to strong leader, and no one questions his leadership. This is a very weak point in the film.

    Also, Cowslips colony ought to play a much larger part in the story - as it indeed does in the book. This colony is an image of a modern, post-Christian welfare society that has lost sight of its roots ("they forgot about El-Ahrairah") - which is a pretty obvious point in the book, but not at all evident in the film. Five to ten minutes of film could have easily made all of this clear, plus we could also perhaps have heard the heartbreaking story of Strawberry and Nildro-Hain, two characters from the book whom I really missed in the film.

    If all of this had been in the film, Captain Hollys tale wouldn't have had to be altered either, as it would have made perfect sense that it was Cowslip and his cronies who tried to kill him - not the rabbits of Efrafa. (How would he get to Efrafa anyway? He was following the hraka of the other rabbits all the time, as his objective is always to find Bigwig and offer him an apology.)

    I rather liked the adaptation of the Efrafa-part of the book, though. This horrible Nazi colony is much better described than Cowslips colony is.
  • Honestly, I didn't even know there was a movie until I was half way done with the book. I was absolutely LOVING the story and trials the rabbits were enduring. Then one day I was at a rental place looking for the Planet of the Apes movies (don't ask) and I saw the cover of Watership Down (movie)! I was very much tempted to renting it, but then I told myself NOT to rent it until you've finished the book. I sure am glad I waited!

    When I closed the back cover to the book, it had taken my breath away in an instant! The storytelling was captivating, heartbreaking, very interesting, and best of all it was easy to read and follow along! (Some books just confuse me from page 1).

    After that, I ran over to the movie rental place and rented the movie. When I watched it the first time, I was pretty much trying to capture the differences from the book, and there were plenty, but overall, it was much better than most book-to-movies. I watched it a second time, this time to enjoy the adventure of Hazel and Bigwig and the rest. That's when I noticed how wonderful the music went along with the feeling and tone. The third time I watched it, I closed my eyes and only listened to the music and dialogue and imagined the movie in my head. I must say I almost cried when Bright Eyes (main theme) played. Watership Down's musical score hits you in just the right place to give you Goosebumps!

    When I returned the rental, I rushed to the Bookstore and bought Richard Adam's other book "The Plague Dogs", which in my opinion was a terrible book because it doesn't get interesting until the very last chapter...but that's a whole different story.

    Overall of the overall, I give the movie a 8/10. The score would have been lower, but the music got to me and now I can't get it out of my head. Someday I'll buy it if it ever comes to DVD in the future.
  • I had absolutely no knowledge of WATERSHIP DOWN was going to be about except that it featured rabbits in some capacity . I had an inkling it was going to be some patronising , juvenile crap that anyone above the age of seven would find nauseating . It says something about the quality of television on the run up to Christmas when a bitter and twisted 39 year old man sits down to watch a feature length about talking rabbits - Talking rabbits ! OMG , it's not like the author Richard Adams meant the story to be some drug metaphor is it ? OMG talking rabbits just how pathetic is that ? And the one thing that I remembered on its initial release - And which I'm still trying to forget to this very day - is that gawd awful song by the guy with the worst hairstyle in the history of pop music . You know the song .... " bright eyes burning like fire " . Bad enough I saw BARNEY'S BIG ADVENTURE the previous day . Now I was going to be watching equally childish sentimental crap with talking rabbits

    Oh hold on . I've just seen WATERSHIP DOWN this very minute . Can everyone reading this review please ignore erroneous phrases like " Childish pathetic crap " because this is not how the story plays out . I do confess that perhaps the original story has perhaps been slightly flawed in the adaption with the hierarchy of the original warren somewhat unexplained ( For example why is it treason to leave the warren and search for a new one ? ) but that is my one and only criticism of this superb animated adventure which can be enjoyed by anyone of any age

    In a nut shell WATERSHIP DOWN resembles one of those post apocalypse dramas by John Wyndham or more especially John Christopher except instead of humans it features rabbits that talk . No seriously forget all about the characters being humanized bunnies , this is a dark dramatic adventure where survivors of an eco-disaster try and find sanctuary in a bleak , desolate and dangerous world . As crazy as it sounds some people have picked up on the coincidence that the plot resembles 28 DAYS LATER and one can't help thinking that it's a little bit stronger than coincidence . If you've seen one you can't noticing the quite striking similarities between the two especially the climax . Of course it could be that the original novel of WATERSHIP DOWN was influenced by Conrad's HEART OF DARKNESS which seems to have influenced much of Alex Garland's work but even so

    A thoroughly enthralling adventure that may have children weeping at the sad bits will certainly keep adults interested as they try and spot analogies . Let me repeat once again that while there's sad scenes there is nothing sickeningly sentimental and is a shockingly sophisticated tale . I certainly rate as being one of the greatest British productions of the 1970s
  • The first great animated film to come around in the entire history of motion pictures! It's not only original(shying away from the traditional "Disney" formula), but it's the first animated film to ponder the meaning of life itself! I was really moved by it! With "Disney" films, you know what to expect. This was like watching a Terrence Malick film; beautiful, subtle, spiritual, and important for our lives. The only difference is that it's animated with "cute & cuddly" cartoon characters. This is a film both adults and children alike will enjoy and learn from, because it is a social commentary on facism, and it is a spiritual film. It's spirituality lies in it's initial message, which is about facing death, and avoiding it as well. Not that you can avoid death, but that you can have a sense of self preservation, purpose, and a place in life. The most inspirational line of the movie is "All the world will be your enemy. And when they catch you, they will kill you. But first they have to catch you.". All of your life, you will continue to meet people who like you, and those that will attack you. Be strong, stand tall, "and your people will never be destroyed.". That is basically, in a few words, what the world and the meaning of life is really all about!
  • I read the book Watership Down over 30 years ago. It was assigned reading for my 6th grade class. That was the only assigned reading I can remember being ahead of the class on-it was that good. I think we watched the movie in class as well but I don't remember well so watching it again here in 2019 I'm really straining my brain cells to remember it all.

    A clairvoyant rabbit by the name of Fiver (Richard Briers) convinces a group of his fellow rabbits to leave their warren due to an impending danger of an unknown nature. The group, led by Bigwig (Michael Graham Cox), has to make a long journey to reach the place of Fiver's vision. They encounter all sorts of problems and the problems never ceased.

    It's funny that a book/movie about rabbits could be so intense. This may be an animation but don't think Disney, Illumination or anything cutsy like that. This was like a rabbit form of ghetto life: they had to deal with predators, environment, and even their own kind. It was some serious survival of the fittest.

    Apparently, this movie was redone in 1999 and 2018. I think I'll skip the '99 version but the 2018 version with CGI animation should bring a new, fresher, more realistic flavor to it all.
  • I got this yesterday on DVD, and I will say this is one of the most moving animations I have ever had the privilege of watching. I haven't read the book by Richard Adams, though I have heard that it is extremely complicated to bring to screen, but director Martin Rosen certainly did a great job constructing something this good. Now I have heard many complaints from people who hated this, saying that the animation is flat. I personally don't think that at all. I think the animation is beautiful, considering it was made in the late 70s. Another animated film that had a similar style of animation, that was made at the same time was the animated version of Lord of the Rings, except the animation here is much better and some of the stills look like my grandmother's drawings of the countryside. Very young children may find the sight of blood a bit hard to stomach, but the depiction of violence actually adds to the power of the film. I have also taken into consideration that Watership Down is not really a kids film, evidence of this is the maturity of its themes. The music by Angela Morley is very haunting and beautiful at the same time, and the song "Bright Eyes" was beautifully sung by Art Garfunkel. The story, while complicated, is very well-told, and never runs out of steam. Again, there were complaints about the pace, but I think it needed to be a little slow to fully express the emotions of the characters. Watership Down, is told in the perspective of rabbits, led by Hazel, wonderfully voiced by the immensely talented John Hurt, and his brother Fiver, a earnest portrayal by Richard Briers. Harry Andrews was very sinister as the General, who is so easy to hate, as he is genuinely frightening at times. Other actors who deserve a mention, are Joss Ackland as the Black Rabbit, and Michael Horden as Frith. In conclusion, a very well-made film, telling the immortal story of loyalty, courage and friendship, beautifully depicted here. If you haven't seen this film already, do because it is amazing. 10/10 Bethany Cox
  • Aah, the timeless classic, based on a novel by Richard Adams. Watership Down is the name of a hill in the English country of Hampshire, and the rabbits' ultimate destination where they believe they'll lead a blissful existence.

    This is a story about friendship and companionship, and what lengths one would go to for the sake of happiness. There are a lot of interesting characters, and it is both funny and dramatic with a few emotional moments thrown in the mix. I must admit, I found the animation very weird at times, if I may say it euphemistically. There were indeed times when I wondered what the heck the artists were thinking, but in general this is a very good and enjoyable animated film with strong characters and good dialogue.
  • There is nothing about "Watership Down" that I dislike. This film is a flawless adult fantasy that I never tire of viewing. The music is pure class, the voice talent is remarkable, the animation is charming (as are the characters), the story relevant, witty, humourous, and thought-provoking.

    Although this is an animated film about a society of rabbits seeking to establish a new warren in unknown lands, "Watership Down" is perhaps not a good film for young children, as the mood can be creepy at times, and there is a bit of violence and blood shed; certainly not in the same mood as, say, "The Secret Of Nimh".

    After viewing this film, one thing is for sure: you'll never look at rabbits in the same way ever again.

    Sure delight!
  • benjyboom29 August 2019
    Warning: Spoilers
    Pros: Great background animation Solid main theme song Really entertaining lore, went a long way to building an interesting universe even when every character is a rabbit Intimidating antagonists Found ways to make central characters diverse in design Decent voice acting Engaging conflict once main villain is involved

    Cons: Voices do not sync to characters speaking Character animation grows stale Very slow beginning Should have had a more varied soundtrack Not much danger for named characters

    Favorite part: the intro- great myth storytelling, animation was more visually entertaining than the rest of the movie Least favorite part: the cat parts- what could've been an intimidating antagonist became ineffective due to blind chance
  • I finally got around to watching this classic tale about a group of rabbits who are convinced to leave their home after one of their friends has a bloody vision of danger that is about to come their way.

    This is a not a cutesy, Disney-style animation that sugarcoats the scary nature of the story. This is an often quite violent and sometimes disturbing film that comes right out and shows what might actually happen to these rabbits in real life. It is a film about survival and doing the right things to help friends survive.

    I would not recommend letting young children view this film without strong supervision. There are some very scary images here that would probably give many children nightmares.

    I would recommend this film to anybody except for those who for some reason hate animated films, but even many of them would likely find something to like about this one.
  • theworstcritic11 October 2021
    Watership Down is a good film, and it has a very intriguing story. I really enjoyed the animation in this movie, especially the opening scene. The only problem with this movie is the length. They tried to jam a 500 page book into a 90 minute movie so at times the story felt too rushed. The rabbits would go to an area, be there for 2 minutes, then move on. There is not enough time to explore the story. It's a good movie, but I advise you to read the book afterwards if you want a more in depth story.
  • texxas-121 January 2018
    I watched this out of curiousity after hearing all the controversy about it being shown on channel five during the day. I forced myself to watch is all the way through even though it was boring, so boring I struggled to follow it and ended up having to read the exact plot online. The voice actors sound like boring old men. Everything about it feels so 70s, and not good 70s but the miserable 70s feeling of hopelessness, boredom, dated animation, a feeling that all TV being aimed at boring old men. The only positive thing about this is the bittersweet music video of bright eyes. But it'll make you cry.
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