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  • Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980) was the second film to star to pot loving duo of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. The lovable burn out smokers are now roommates. They live in a condemned building looking for ways to score more smoke and just lay about all day. But Cheech is the "responsible" one. He has a job and a steady girlfriend. One day, Cheech wants to get his freak on so he tries to get Chong out of the house. Another problem arises as well, Cheech's brother "Red" (Cheech is another role) is in town and wants to hang with him. Firguring that he could kill two birds with one stone, Cheech pawns Chong off and Red. What kind of adventures will Chong and Red get into? Will Cheech get his freak on? How long will Chong go without some smoke? Just watch CHEECH & CHONG'S NEXT MOVIE to find out!!

    Tommy Chong takes over the directorial reigns for the sequel. He received some experience when he did some uncredited work on UP IN SMOKE. Funny but not as good as the first film. But Cheech and Chong fans will enjoy it. Followed by NICE DREAMS.

  • And I'll tell you why: whoever decided to edit this movie to make it suitable for television was very ill-advised. EVERYTHING CONCERNING DRUGS IS CUT OUT AND COVERED UP!!! How do they do it, you might ask? Well, they don't do it very well, that's for sure. Anyway, instead of the marijuana which Cheech and Chong are supposed to have in their possession, they are said to have diamonds! Still, the characters go around in a haze of marijuana smoke stoning others along their way with no explanation whatsoever!
  • Its more irreverence from the CnC Factory.

    Don't worry about the story just enjoy the moments, step back in time and have a great laugh.

    A pair of movie megastars lost to the fog of time or possibly grass!
  • Diss13 December 2001
    Hey, I grew up on Cheech and Chong films. Yet amazingly I'm not a potsmoker today. This is probably the second best of the lot, closely following "up in smoke".

    If you don't like Cheech Marin or Tommy Chong, this movie probably isn't for you. Although Cheech's recent work doesn't resemble his work with Chong. If you like Tommy Chong in that 70's show, you will most likely like this movie. And if you have any interest in Paul Reubins in his pre-pee wee herman years, this is the movie for you.

    The story isn't much, but it has a semblance of a story to keep things moving fairly smoothly- unlike some other Cheech and Chong films. The gags and jokes work very well for the times, and hold up fairly well over time. This movie is less a variety show than later Cheech and Chong films. Although there are a couple sequences that don't seem to fit very well with the movie.

    This movie is a must see for any fan of the drug culture. And most fans of that 70's show will probably like this movie.

    Go watch this movie and Up in Smoke now!!. You can skip other Cheech and Chong titles
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was under the weather recently with a bad cold and fever and couldn't sleep. So I decided to see what would be on at 1:00 in the morning and Cheech & Chong's Next Movie was being aired so I checked it out.

    I've seen a number of their films and while they aren't the greatest comedies ever made they are much better than what is coming out these days. The characters that Richard Marin and Tommy Chong have created are so likable despite their many vices. Perhaps because the film seems more real and doesn't rely on over-the-top content makes the film a lot more entertaining. Of course, L.A. has always been a crazier city than Ottawa.

    In Next Movie, Cheech and Chong (unrelated to the characters of Pedro De Pacas and Anthony "Man" Stoner from Up In Smoke) are basically doing their thing in L.A., trying to find work and later go on Welfare. It's pretty much a "Day In The Life" of two stoners in L.A. in the first half of the film.

    In the second half, Cheech announces to Chong that he has a hot date and needs Chong to clear out as he plans to clean up their dumpy bungalow. He tells Chong to go see his cousin Red (also played by Cheech). Red and Chong have a crazy adventure together, starting with an attempt to get at the luggage of Red's. The hotel manager (Paul Reubens) won't allow him to get his property unless he pays his hotel bill. One of those bags contains tons of Mary-Jane. And it is the Mary-Jane that sets them on a wild adventure through the city.

    While the film isn't as laugh-as-loud as the first, there are plenty of outlandish moments, such as the antics of characters at the Welfare Office or seeing Cheech & Chong steal gasoline for their car. Chong annoys his neighbours with his own set of antics such as revving his motorcycle indoors and playing his guitar amped up to 11. The acting is uniformly good and nobody comes off as annoying. A good soundtrack is also offered.

    While Up In Smoke and Nice Dreams are the better films, Next Movie is still quite good. It's much better than the next trio of movies they made, including the disturbing Still Smokin'.
  • To begin with I usually give out a basic outline of the plot, but on this occasion what occurs is pure incoherent madness switching back and forth without much of a purpose. Nonetheless I'll give it a shot. Cheech and Chong are now sharing accommodation in a condemned building, while their next door neighbour constantly tells them what he thinks of them. While, Chong is lazing about, Cheech has got himself a job and also a girlfriend. But the former one doesn't last for too long, but he picks up a chick at the welfare office where he invites her over for the night. So, Cheech kicks Chong out of the house to have some fun with his cousin Red who's in town. While, Chong and Red are out having a great time; Chong is left waiting for his girl. *Hmm* that was easier than I thought… I guess that's it, well a basic rundown at least.

    Their follow up to "Up In Smoke" sees the risible doped up duo slumming it out again in some zany comical episodes in "Next Movie". If you're easily offended don't touch it as it hilariously low brow and every scene utilises the chance to make a joke (and that's usually a crude one too). Just expect anything! Well, that is the case since the coarse film is rather plot-less and the side-splitting script rambles on about anything, which means you are assured of many crazy, goofy and implausible skits that hardly tie in together. You'll be in a daze of amusement… and bemusement, which perfectly suit's the pothead humour with the guys cruising into one messy situation after another. Then it comes to a real spaced out, but ultra-cool ending. This outrageously, nutty feel in the last 10 minutes is totally off it's head and it goes on to be more prominent in their even more weirder film "Nice Dreams". It just flies by oh so quickly. Just like the gags do, the characters come and go with one very memorable performance from comedian Paul Reubens as a pipsqueak hotel clerk and another from Sy Kramer as their uptight neighbour Mr. Neatnik. Also there's a very notable cameo appearance from Michael Winslow (Police Academy) doing what he does best. The perky interplay between the individuals makes sure this adventurous trip equals a fun time. The welfare office scene is a real blast and it's always funny how they always seem to pass the incompetent law officers with such ease. Everything just falls into their laps. Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong work of each other naturally well with ace timing as the bumbling, carefree potheads Cheech and Chong. Greatly enjoyable oddball performances from the two. They are what make the film! Especially their love for getting high. Cheech Marin also plays Cheech's cousin Dwayne 'Red' Mendoza with humorous results. The music is hard to forget too with its jazzy soundtrack that's smoking the high life with those pretty hip tunes. I've only caught the first three films of the series and even though I think this one is the lesser of the three (the others being "Up In Smoke" and "Nice Dreams") it still has its fare share of unexpected laughs.

    "Next Movie" it's pure gibberish with an escalating amount of out-of-it stupidity and noisy gags. Definitely one for the fans or even just for some relaxing dumb entertainment you can't go wrong.
  • The two stoners (Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong) and their friends go through another series of crazy, drug-influenced misadventures.

    Almost everyone agrees that this second Cheech and Chong film is not as good as the first ("Up In Smoke"). I would have to agree with them. Whereas the first film had so many memorable and classic moments, this one just does not have that level of impact. Still fun and funny, but not the cultural milestone of the first film.

    Where this film excels is in the casting of Paul Reubens, Phil Hartman, Elvira, Edie McClurg and the Groundlings. And, before the Pee-Wee Herman movie did it, the use of the song "Tequila". Seeing the Groundlings together in one film before many (most?) of them broke into the big time is a special treat.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    More juvenile nonsense from the folks who brought you "Up in Smoke". If redefining the word 'stupid' was the film's mission, then it succeeded immensely. I was only able to tolerate this picture for it's having been included on IMDb's list of Top 250 movies for 1996; it never made it beyond that year. My best takeaways from the picture were the sight gags, like the 'Saydis and Saydat Towing' truck, and the ubiquitous 'Getting Loaded Zone' in Cheech's condemned apartment. Edie McClurg has to be grateful that she had a career after the opening credits introduced her to movie fans who first caught this in theaters, while Paul Reubens/Pee Wee Herman is likely glad to be anywhere at this point. For those reviewers on this board who admit to watching this flick more than once numbering into the dozens or more, I can only say that I admire your intestinal fortitude. For everyone else, my best recommendation for the picture comes from the great Ray Charles himself, who's singing voice at one point coincides with my own opinion, and that's to 'Hit the Road, Jack'.
  • nicktusk-9559128 October 2021
    If you love Cheech and Chong this is their best film by far. Well these reviews are from people who watch the movie and they don't even get it. I am a real Cheech and Chong fan. This movie deserves a 10. The worst part about this movie is when Cheech leave the movie and turns into red as long distance cousin is absolutely brilliant every single scene is perfection in the writing is brilliantly funny. Not sure why it's a six rating I gave it at 10..
  • djfrost-467866 November 2018
    It was a good part 2. They had better production in this movie. It was slightly not as good as Up In Smoke. Still a classic ;)
  • Let me start by saying that this movie is completely ridiculous. This could be good or bad depending on your state of mind. This is definitely a stoners-only movie, and even then there are some scenes that are appalling. So, basically, don't watch this movie if you don't like marijuana. Because you will hate it even more after watching "Next Movie".

    I say this because, despite of the (initial) PC message in relation to hard drugs, the movie continuously portray C&C causing havoc and chaos in the 'square' society and not giving a damn. In fact, everyone in the movie except for Cheech and Chong is pretty much non-existent. Regular laws do not apply. This reminded me of my favorite stoner movie of all time, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, in some ways - but not the good ones. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate this movie, and there ARE some laugh-out-loud moments indeed. But throughout it all I just got the feeling that instead of being funny stoners, they were being anarchist troublemakers. I don't think that's a good image for stoners at all. So, since most of the movie is based on gags that revolve around this, I didn't find much of it funny. And I usually like stoner movies.

    Now believe me when I say, you have to be completely blasted to sit through this. Because the whole movie itself seems like a dream. There are some very cringeworthy moments in the movie, and most of them courtesy of Cheech. Actually his portrayal of his cousin was much funnier than as himself, so that helped a bit. And mad propz to him for making that saxophone sound! Chong is a bit more interesting, civilized and leveled character, and the best scenes all involve him. Pee-Wee Herman makes an appearance, and well, he's Pee-Wee. And the ending... let's just say it sucked. A lot. Except if you're 12, then it's a real cool ending. So it all depends on your point of view really.

    I guess this is a movie to be enjoyed really really wasted, when you don't want to think at all, and with stoned friends who might have seen it before a couple of times. A good day to see this would be when you're hungover from the night before. The only problem is, your night will probably have been more fun than this movie.

    Up in Smoke is a lot better, this is for C&C aficionados only. 5/10, and I'm being nice.
  • A typical romp through Cheech and Chong's reality which includes drugs, singing, more drugs, cars and driving, even more drugs, Pee Wee, aliens, gasoline, laundry, stand up comedy, surprisingly more drugs and SPACE COKE !!. It is not as coherent or plausible as Up in Smoke but it still is incredibly funny, without becoming as strange as Nice Dreams. There are some classic scenes, which include the opening scene where they get some gas for their car and the drive to work. Also funny is Cheech's song (Mexican-Americans) and Chong's follow up song. Another notable scene is the welfare office scene with Jones (human noise machine), from the Police Academy series, and the old laughing man. All in all, this is a great follow up to Up in Smoke and is quite watchable when sober or not.

    -Celluloid Rehab
  • revcosmo9 November 2003
    Ok, needless to say, this film is only going to appeal to a certain audience; namely stoners and like-minded people.

    That being said, if you are one of these aformentioned people, this film is a MUST. In fact, I think it should be mandatory for head shops to sell a copy of it to anyone purchasing their first bong. What Monty Python's Holy Grail is to geeks and nerds, so is this movie to potheads. I first saw this film 10 years ago or so, and I still crack up every time I watch it. The jokes perfectly lampoon the pothead lifestyle, far better than latter day knockoffs like Half-Baked attempt to.

    There isn't a plot, so to speak; the film is more of a collection of various skits; as the films protagonists wander around Los Angeles in their legendary haze. Despite this, the film has an excellent sense of pace, and doesn't drag at all. Many people cite Up In Smoke as C&C's best work, but I would have to say that Next Movie is superior.

    So if you're in the mood for an hour and half of belly laughs, light up, tune in, and let your mind float away =)

  • grantss15 June 2020
    Cheech and Chong live in a decrepit old house and drive their neighbour crazy with their loud music, weed smoking and general anarchy and slacker view on life. Just when life couldn't get more wild, Chong meets Cheech's Texan cousin Red and things kick up a notch.

    Even if you've never watched a Cheech and Chong movie, you now of them and what to expect from their movies: stoner-slacker humour with heaps of drug references and ingestion. This is no different though the jokes don't hit their mark as often here.

    There's still some great one-liners and scenes but there's also a lot of times where they just seem to rely on being stoners or slackers to attempt to get a laugh. The writing here just feels a bit lazy at times.

    Is reasonably good fun though and has good momentum (largely through each plot development being random) so is hardly dull.

    Overall, hardly their best work but not too bad.
  • kodo8812 November 2002
    One of Cheech and Chong's best movies. The part where Chong is on stage trying to re-tell a joke Cheech told earlier is classic! "I'm going to turn this glass into a dick...." I laugh everytime I see this movie. You don't have to be high while checking out this flick. But, you'll certainly laugh a lot harder if you pull out the bong!
  • This was stupid funny movie.. Cheech and Chong are the dopiest wasted guys ever... i rate this film a 7.. but if you like this one then go see Jay and Silentbob! There funnier and crazier. Now Cheech is a sellout working on kids movies..... wheres chong?
  • highclark24 June 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    The problem in making a great sequel to a popular original film is that the filmmakers involved with the sequel often end up trying only to match the previous films box office success. Rather than bother with the creation of something new, or at the very least a variation of the original, 'Next Movie' rides Tommy Chong into a sophomore slump (Chong was an unaccredited Director for 'Up In Smoke') of sorts, as the movie becomes nothing more than a faded carbon copy of 'Up In Smoke'. Following the familiar formula of success from the last film, this film has the duo falling into strange and sticky situations that somehow always leave them on the outside of the joke, just able to slip through each scene unscathed and unaffected. These excursions into the bizarre rarely hit for big laughs (the office scene excluded), but rather only lead to a semi comic payoff.

    You can't set your sights too high when the first words that are heard in the movie are those coming from Chong saying, "This is bullsh*t". Seeing that Tommy Chong directed this movie, I'll take him at his word. The thing is, although I would agree that 'Next Movie' is largely bullsh*t, it doesn't really matter to Cheech & Chong as they continue to look entirely comfortable going down the same road of comedy, doing the same things for laughs. They wander the streets of Los Angeles, they smoke a lot of pot, they become involved in many different surreal moments of chance that ultimately culminate into a makeshift performance on a stage in a Los Angeles nightclub. Sound familiar? Did I just describe 'Up In Smoke' or 'Next Movie'?

    Fans of Cheech & Chong will defend the movie, but you would expect as much. If you've seen 'Up In Smoke' recently and liked it and have never seen 'Next Movie' then I would say you might like 'Next Movie', but don't get your hopes up too much. For the most part the laughs come out at you front on and totally obvious. On the rare occasion that a laugh comes at you from out of nowhere it almost always arrives not from Cheech & Chong, but rather from one the talented extras in the cast.

    The performances from the rest of the cast, most notably Paul Reubens and Edie McClurg are what stand out as good. Watching Paul Reubens loose his composure at the hotel desk, then later at the nightclub are by far the best scenes in the movie. Edie McClurg has a very small part in the film, but is funny in every scene she's in. And of course 'the office' scene where an narcoleptic man is constantly burning his own leg with a cigarette while nodding in and out of sleep while an old man sitting nearby offers no help, but only bothers to laugh at him at every burn is truly inspired. But the attempt from Cheech to play a new character named 'Red' doesn't really add much to 'Next Movie' and comes off as desperation wrapped in a wig with an endless supply of weed and zig zags. And let's face it, the only time this type of desperation is ever funny is when the paper is confetti and the dope under the wig is Rip Taylor.

    6/10 Clark Richards
  • Cheech and Chong's Next Movie is the popular comedy duo's second movie. While it's not as funny as "Up in Smoke", Cheech and Chong's Next Movie is still a fun and funny movie.

    Cheech has a date with Donna, so he sends Chong to go meet up with his cousin Red who has just come to town. Chong and Red get into all kinds of fun mischief! They meet up the an angry hotel clerk, Paul Reubens aka Pee-Wee Herman, cause havoc at a massage parlor. Go home with a gal they meet in a music store and cause chaos at a comedy club.

    Cheech and Chong's Next Movie has more plot than it's predecessor, and it features a lot of familiar faces. Keep an eye out for Cassandra Peterson, best known as the horror hostess Elvira, Rita Wilson (Volunteers), Michael Winslow (Police Academy, Nice Dreams), and Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Buffy the Vampire Slayer). While it's a notch down from Up in Smoke, Next Movie is still a lot of fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    BEGIN SPOILER: Fitfully funny and memorable for Mr. Chong's literal roach-smoking scene: Chong coolly mashes a stray kitchen cockroach into his pipe's bowl, lights up, coughs and hacks violently for a seeming eternity,then with perfect aplomb and not skipping a beat, re-loads the bowl properly, re-lights, re-tokes. END SPOILER. Alas, I began to lose faith less than half-way through the proceedings. It occurred to me that the lackadaisical duo are way obnoxious and less than relatable. I have come to appreciate the relative sophistication of contemporary stoners, Harold and Kumar. I simply prefer brighter company. Yet, the movie is probably a perfect fit for baked frat bros or those viewers who are so feeble-minded as to be outwitted by a stoner when they-- the former are sober. Notable guest appearance by Paul Reubens spouting obscenities in pre-Pee-wee form.
  • This cheech and chong movie was the first one that I saw, so it became my favorite after watching the Phily 57 version of it. It was a good movie.
  • Its not close to Up in Smoke or Nice Dreams. Its too goofy and the acting seems to be worse than the other films made, its not as funny or should I say Cheech tries to hard.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm a fan of C&C, going back to their records, and liked this movie, but at one point in the mid-1980's on cable television in San Jose California, it was aired with an alternate plot line that destroyed the entire point of the movie. All references to marijuana were replaced with "diamonds". The bag that "Red" drops to Chong has diamonds in it instead of marijuana, but the conversation still remains the same ("'s worth ~$3000/lb"). There is also a subplot in which clips of aliens on a ship were added observing C&C, and talking to each other about getting the diamonds. At the end, instead of "space coke", it's something else. I'm not sure who created this version, but it was horrible, and obvious that they were attempting to make it family/child friendly. It would have been better if that network had not aired it at all.
  • Cheech (Cheech Marin) and Chong (Tommy Chong) are up to their ridiculous drug-infused brand of misadventures. Cheech loses his job and gets his welfare clerk girl Donna in trouble. Cheech's cousin Red (Cheech Marin) can't pay his hotel bill and the clerk (Paul Reubens) is holding his luggage. Chong helps Red steal his luggage packed with marijuana. This powers Red and Chong on a wild adventure of their own.

    The plot meanders all over the place. It feels like they wrote it as they went along. It still has the duo's irreverent fun. It's stupid and it's a good buddy comedy. It's also terrific to see Paul Reubens and a few tangential connections to his Pee Wee character. The movie has the Tequila song at one point. Reubens does one of his iconic Pee Wee lines. He's also an angry standup comic donning his iconic bow-tie suit. The comedy isn't that consistent but it does have a wild sense of fun and at times, a biting sense of satire.
  • talllwoood1326 June 2021
    I can appreciate what Cheech and Chong did for comedy but this movie is embarrassingly awful. I didn't laugh once. Just like the movie before this they just struggle to have a plot until about half way in the film. We just accept all the places they go, the only thing I'll remember is the loud guitar scene or the cliche neighbor. I can only imagine how big their egos were when this atrocity came out.

    Cheech playing that weird redneck cousin throughout the movie wasn't funny at all and the longer he's in the movie the more I wanted to turn it off. A character as annoying as him at least ease him in. Make him a fan favorite before. But no. 90% of the movie you get him. I hated the out of touch rich white woman stereotype no one is that stupid. If I was pee wee herman I would have been more embarrassed being in that movie than I was when the police caught him in that adult movie theater. Instead of having a plot you just watch silly crap happen with forgetful characters. Unless you are like 40-50 and haven't seen this movie in like 30 years you'll agree with me this movie is unwatchable sober. There are much better stoner comedies than this.
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