User Reviews (2)

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  • Unfortunately, this independent effort falls flat when it comes to plot and there are few laughs to be found.

    It's best to view this film as a time capsule of a small segment of a specific music scene in early 1980's LA . The filmmakers should have cut out all the various plots and focusrd on the musical performances (of which there are many to pad out the run time.)

    Director/Writer/Star John Daniels doesn't bring much to the table as a director, screenwriter, or leading man. But his offscreen success is the root of this project. He founded South LA's Maverick's Flat nightclub, a popular R&B hotspot in the late 60s. Daniels also created and managed the all female group The Love Machine.

    The only reason I watched the entire movie was the musical numbers. There aren't any memorable songs that will stick in your head afterwards, but they're not terrible and some of the costumes are enjoyable. Also, keep your eyes peeled for Deff Jeff Marvelous, a character clearly based on Rick James!

    Getting Over is a harmless time killer if you can manage stay awake to the end. If you want to see a better "evils of the music industry" flick, check out That's the Way of the World (1975).
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Then there's lines like "Go suck a gorilla's lips", adding the script to the amateurish acting in this genuinely rotten movie about the music industry, as seen through the efforts of the agents of a forgotten black group called "The Love Machine" to help break them into the business. Unfortunately, there's lots of corruption and bigotry in the industry, and those in charge of the black music industry are written in complete blaxploitation cliches, so badly representative of that chapter of the industry that it serves nobody any favors.

    The Love Machine is quite talented however (with a sound that suggests Donna Sunner), so it's worth it to tune in just to hear them. Overall however, this is ons of the absolute worst of rock related musicals of the late 70's and early 80's, the script consistently degrading with the acting reminding me of the type of dialog readings you'd hear in exploitation movies of the early 1930's, so dreadful that it isn't worth watching for fun bad camp elements. This has cheap and rushed out written all over it, and it really is a chore to find anything decent within, outside the songs.