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  • Saw this movie many years ago and couldn't remember the

    title. Found IMD and there it was! I loved the idea of women frustrated in their lives finding a bit of happiness at a local tavern. I was disappointed with the ending but I would recommend to all women wanting a light, fun movie. And there's a message for all the guys out there...!
  • There's barely a scene to be had that does not take place in a bar (with a Hugh Hefner lookalike deliberately cast as the barman) in which women dance around and sing pedestrian country music songs. There are some badly choreographed fights, cliched Hick-talk, dull dialogue, non-existent plots (?) that think they exist because without them there would be no movie.

    A bunch of women question their love lives (marrying a guy who is much like Cletus: The Slack Jawed Yokel from the Simpsons is not their idea of love), cheat on their husbands with guys who are virtually no different and do their bit for girl power and equal rights.

    Nonsense! Why was this made? Like anyone will actually be interested. But what more can I expect from a 1980 TV movie-of-the-week? Oh and I forgot to mention...a bull is let loose in the aforementioned bar in the films climax. OH THE EXCITEMENT!