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  • nimafarahani15 December 2008
    I personally found this film to be interesting. If you are actually interested in Nazi Germany you will probably find this film worth your while. The film never hit you over the head with any message or displayed any bias, I found it neutral and subtle in the points it was making. It is a common error that people assume everyone involved in Nazi Germany was "evil" a "conspirator". We are exposed to Nazi Germany through our protagonist, who has just been released from prison for involvement with the Communist party, and has difficulty after 2 years adjusting to the new Nation-State and its attitudes. Despite his will to interfere, protest, change and be politically active in some form, the film shows us how futile such efforts were. Other points it greatly demonstrates is the illusion of freedom and trust given to German citizens, the genuine optimism Hitler and the NSDAP provided for the German people, and how not only freedom of action is repressed, but also freedom of THOUGHT. If you are looking for a westernized war film with explosions, sex and death, this is NOT for you. If you are willing to exercise your mind and put yourself back in time and place, you may appreciate this. Regarding the previous posts about character and plot development...I found the plot to move at its own pace...I feel we are too conditioned to fast cuts and over-exposition...this a 'thinking-film'. As for character this isn't 'Can't Hardly Wait' or 'The Breakfast Club'. The character development was Arnold's transition into self-defeat, realizing there was NOTHING of significance he could do in the mania of the charismatic "heil-Hitlering", and he can not even trust his own comrades. If you are interested in history, and an unbiased, neutral look into the zeitgeist of Nazi Germany, I would suggest giving it a watch. And then you can make your own value judgements.

    other things that are fantastic about this film: the shooting, the editing, lighting and mise- en-scene, the acting, the pace (i.m.o.), the subtleties you will notice if you have active eyes and afford your attention
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This brilliant minimalist film, directed by the estimable Ulrich Weiss, was made in East Berlin in 1980, and tells the story of Arnold Clasen (Uwe Kockisch), a communist and a member of a small anti-fascist underground cell resisting Hitler with what little resources its members have.

    All around Clasen and his comrades, other communist groups have already been rounded up and sent to concentration camps. Countless thousands eventually died there, a fact we seldom hear much about.

    The film is moody, stark, expressionistic and filled with looming dread. Shadows conflict constantly with light; dingy, sinister streets are populated by wary people, and we wonder who the Nazis will scoop up next.

    The arresting thing about this film is that it is void of violence; there is nary a drop of blood to be seen, no bombed-out buildings, no prolonged, vicious Hollywood-style gunfights (how refreshing is THAT?) Yet, at the same time, the film teems with suspense. There is malice forever lurking in the background, and it is psychologically disturbing. You know one member of the communist cell is a deeply troubled Gestapo agent who desperately wants to escape his fate. There is also an all-powerful Nazi machine impossible to oppose. Like Kafka's hapless 'heroes,' there is little to be done to oppose these faceless 'presences'; one just waits until 'they' come to get you.

    This is not a 'war' movie, but instead a study in desperate claustrophobia. Its lead actor, Uwe Kockisch, is outstanding as the deer-in-headlights man driven to despair by paranoia and fear. He leads an outstanding ensemble of actors.

    'Your Unknown Brother' was invited to Cannes in 1981, but the East German government intervened and disallowed it. A pity. This is a special kind of film: unique and powerfully refreshing despite its disturbing subject matter.
  • gunnarvl6 February 2006
    This is a German film that starts off slow, confusing and dull and remains slow, confusing and dull right up to its abrupt ending. I didn't care about anyone or anything that happened during this film. There was no character development here. The plot sounded interesting enough and usually films taking place in Nazi Germany or during that time tend to be interesting. This was not interesting in the least. If you enjoy guessing at what may be going on; If you love to wait for a plot to kick in; If you easily become tempted when the DVD box describes something as a "taut psychological thriller"; If you are suffering from insomnia, then this film is recommended to you.
  • I wouldn't pan this quite as much as gunnarvl, but he's right about the plot, which is insubstantial to a ridiculous degree. There's a bit of suspense, and occasional connections from one scene to another, but mostly it's scenes ,dialog, and characters that never develop much individually or collectively.

    The only things that kept me watching to the end were the anticipation of some improvement in the plot (didn't happen), and the realistic settings. I wondered where they were able to film what seemed to be 1930's era buildings and streets; I see now it was made in East Germany before 1982. Probably wasn't hard to find places that hadn't changed much since the 30s.

    I usually like movies that are subtle or ambiguous, or both, but this one carried those characteristics so far I was longing for a chase, a shootout, some sex, anything.

    Hitchcock or somebody said films are life without the boring bits. This movie was life without the exciting bits.