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  • I personally wouldn't say that "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" was the best Looney Tunes compilation ever, but it's still pretty entertaining. It starts with "Knighty Knight Bugs" (in which Bugs tries to steal the Singing Sword from black night Yosemite Sam), and then Bugs explains that the cartoon was directed by Friz Freleng, who directed this movie. In fact, Friz got an Oscar, but Bugs only got a carrot.

    Then, we go the compilations: Yosemite Sam tries to kill Bugs but keeps getting sent to Hell (Satan is only too happy about this); Bugs becomes a cop and busts gangsters Rocky and Mugsy; and then, an Oscars-style awards ceremony at which the characters arrive in the most ostentatious limos imaginable. Nominees include the wolf and three little pigs ("Three Little Bops"), Sylvester and Tweety ("Birds Anonymous"), and others. But sure enough, Daffy believes that he and only he can win...or can he? I guess that if I have a problem with what they portray here, it's that the whole thing seems sort of like self-congratulation. Then again, the Looney Tunes cartoons often made fun of Hollywood - just look at "The Scarlet Pumpernickel" - so they might be poking fun at the pomp and opulence inherit in the numerous award ceremonies every year.

    Overall, I pretty much liked "TLLLBBM". As far as I'm concerned, as long as they still had Mel Blanc providing the characters' voices, it was worth seeing. Still, I can't help but wonder why they stressed Friz Freleng's cartoons; they should have had at least something about Chuck Jones's works.

    All in all, pretty worthy.
  • I do like these compilation films a lot, my favourites being QuackBusters and Bugs Bunny/Road-runner Movie. Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie is entertaining but it is rather uneven too, part of the reason why this is my least favourite of the Looney Tunes compilation films.

    I admit I quite liked Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie's story structure, which is done in the equivalent of three acts. Act 1 involves Yosemite Sam and the Devil. I confess I dislike Devil's Feud Cake as a cartoon intensely finding it unfunny, unoriginal and little more than recycled material. However, it served perfectly as a premise and in the context of this film, and the result is actually is an entertaining, well-timed and in general well-edited segment, if rather high on predictability.

    Act 2 focuses on Bugs and Rocky. For me this was the least effective of the segments making up the film's structure. Nothing's wrong with it as such, it is very clever and funny and less predictable than the previous segment. What lets it down, is that as an overall segment it is not as well-timed or edited. What elevates it though are the spoofs based on the Untouchables and the Goose that Laid the Golden Egg, which were among the highlights of the film.

    To coin the phrase save the best until last. That is the case with the last act. Using an Oscar awards ceremony as the premise of the segment, it is quite a vicious but overall hilarious satire. And also I think the best animation of the film is in this segment.

    The animation is mostly good, more in the cartoons featured than in the links, but there are some inconsistencies. The links sometimes do look cheap and lack the feel of the original shorts, something they'd perfect later. While the cartoons are beautifully animated mostly, there is one exception, and that's Devil's Feud Cake, it does look cheap compared to the rest and in all honesty despite having a cool idea and that it has Bugs and Sam in it it is one of the main reasons why I don't like that cartoon.

    The music however is absolutely wonderful, the writing funny and witty and the sight gags in general fresh and inventive. The cartoons(Devil's Feud Cake excepted) range to good to outstanding, High Diving Hare and Birds Anomynous belonging in the outstanding category, while the characters are delightful. Bugs is undoubtedly the star, but that is not to dispute Rocky and Yosemite who are both excellent as well. The voice acting especially from Mel Blanc is brilliant. All in all, nice and entertaining but it was lacking a tad for me. 7/10 Bethany Cox
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It starts off with the really good Oscar winning Knighty Knight Bugs, and continues being a pretty good Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies compilation film. It is basically a film of three parts. The first sees Yosemite Sam facing Hell and the Devil, unless he can bring back someone to replace him, this is obviously Bugs Bunny. The second part is a spoof of the Al Capone/Elliot Ness story called the Unmentionables starring Rocky and Mugsy gambling, trying to get a golden egg from Daffy Duck, and stealing the valuable Tweety Pie. The final part sees a spoof of the Oscar ceremony, called the Oswolds, with Bugs hosting and giving the awards to cartoons with The Three Little Pigs and Big Bad Wolf, Sylvester and Tweety himself. Daffy Duck of course is jealous of not getting an award, and demands an entertainment fight with Bugs, and eventually, after killing himself, Bugs gives Daffy his Oswold statue. Daffy Duck was number 30, Looney Tunes/Merrie Melodies number 20 and Bugs Bunny number 10 on The 100 Greatest Cartoons. Good!
  • The first time I saw this movie was in the 90's, as a little kid. My dad saw it on TV and taped it so I watched it over and over many times. Needless to say, I loved it. In my opinion, it was everything that the Looney Tunes should be, and more. The new Looney Tunes show that is currently on Cartoon Network just does not compare to the classics. Even now, although I'm in my 20's, I still enjoy watching this movie (along with Quackbusters) any time I get the urge to watch Looney Tunes.

    If you are a fan of throwback episodes of the Looney Tunes like Yosemite Sam/Bugs Bunny, Sylvester/Tweety or Bugs Bunny/Daffy Duck, then I strongly suggest that you watch this movie if you haven't already. You won't be disappointed!
  • You can't go wrong with Looney Tunes, right? Before 1960... A definite NO. Afterwards... The answer isn't so clear.

    Here we have some anarchic, action-packed, classic 5 minute long cartoons from the Golden Age of the studio... All hacked up, and stuck into a peculiar three act storyline involving Yosemite Sam trying to avoid getting sent to Hell, Bugs Bunny as an FBI agent and an animation award ceremony.

    So, basically it's a clip show, with some newly added material... The problem is, you can tell where the old stuff ends and the modern animation starts... Due to the blatant difference in style and voice-over. It's all very distracting, and only succeeds in taking your attention away from the film to trying to spot the discrepancy. It isn't difficult, put it that way.

    It would help if the framing device for the old cartoons was better, as well... But, as common with a lot of the more recent Looney Tunes output, it simply lacks any kind of spark compared to the inspired chaos of the studio's heyday. In the end, you wish you were watching the classic shorts as a standalone product, instead of bothering with this diluted, overlong imitation.

    To calculate it up... The original cartoons 8/10 Everything else 4/10 OVERALL 6/10 Great, now I can have me dinner...
  • Betelgeuse-197 July 2002
    The second film for "The 80s Freling Compilations of Looney Tunes," I will start by saying that reviewing a part of this dusty trilogy that sports a bad idea and overall mixed results; The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie is kind of a hard film to review it. Alas, I will review it.

    I will be serious about reviewing it, because there is really nothing funny to say while reviewing this film. Just to tell ya.

    Well first of all, it doesn't keep up to my attention well. I mean, there is nothing majorly wrong with the way it keeps with your attention span, but it is almost boring because of it. I think it is because the plot is a bit weak. I mean, most of the movie takes place in a ceremony were Looney Tunes characters are honored, or something. I kind of forgot the plot, I haven't seen the film for a couple of years.

    Well, as much as I remember, it starts off with a 10 minute short, which ends with a brief narration by Bugs Bunny (the voice of Mel Blanc, of couse) which went by the lines of "..he got an Oscar, but as for me, I got a carrot."

    It then fades out to a flashy looking theater where the aforementioned ceremony is to be held. It cleverly looks like some spoof of Oscar night. All the Looney Tunes characters (well, almost all) walk out of their sleek, huge limos and walk around in pianist-esque tuxedos.

    Now with the film ceremony beginning, the old shorts start to reel. Trouble happens. The awards for the ceremony start.

    Yes it sounds like a troubled plot, right? It partially is to begin with, but not remembering 50% of it doesn't help at all, actually it kinda subtracts the quality. Man do I need to see it again, if only I could find my copy of it.

    Well, the old shorts are pretty good, and without a single doubt the best part of the film. They aren't up to the classic material of something like What's Opera, Doc? or Duck Amuck, but they are competent and amusing. I mean, this one has the Oscar-winning Birds Anonymous, the amusing Hare Trimmed, and the fairly well known High Diving Hare. Very good batch, and adds high points for me.

    Since the shorts are good, what else is good? Well, the humor is good, of course; so let's skip that. The editing. The editing is some of the best in the whole trilogy of these Friz Freling films, which still isn't saying much, as it always was good in these films. And Freling manages to keep the spirit of the old shorts alive.

    So it is a film with plenty of good points but still includes a few points that kind of hurt the quality. It is overall a competent film and highly watchable. Taking away the Looney Tunes shorts however, and replace them with anything else, the film is nothing. It really more focuses on showing competent Looney Tunes shorts than anything else, and that is why it would be nothing without them.

    Plot-5/10, Shorts-8/10, Idea-4/10, Editing-10/10, Directing-7/10, Humor-8/10, New bits-6/10. Overall-7/10

    It could have a better plot and more new scenes, but it gives what is needed. Just make sure you have a very good attention span.
  • gridoon20242 June 2019
    These unabashedly surreal Warner Brothers cartoons remain timeless more than half a century later. But I do have a personal complaint about this compilation: too much Yosemite Sam, especially in the first section, who is not my favorite Looney Tunes character, and no Road Runner / Wile E. Coyote at all (they are my favorites). The standout segment is "Three Little Bops", a jazzy version of the classic "Three Little Pigs" fairy tale. **1/2 out of 4.
  • Friz Freleng's "Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" is an excellent followup to Chuck Jones' "Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie" which itself was a surprisingly good feature. This film follows the same formula as the 1979 film: classic shorts are combined with new bridging material to create a new feature.

    Freleng's film is even better than the Jones film. The structure is actually very clever for a cartoon. Freleng divides his film into three parts. The first part showcases Freleng's classic Yosemite Sam/Bugs Bunny shorts. The story is that Sam makes a deal with the Devil to bring Bugs to hell. Included here is Sam vs Bugs in Rome (with the classic scene where Sam crosses the lions pit on stilts and Bugs tosses tools to the lions)and the unbearably funny short where Bugs impersonates Granny to save her fortune from a lecherous Sam. This segment is so well edited and timed that it could work as an episode of a Bugs Bunny sitcom.

    Part Two showcases Freleng's Rocky shorts, the small gangster who Bugs tangles with. It's funny, but a comedown from the previous segment. Still, as a spoof of "The Untouchables" and "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg" (with Daffy Duck as the goose), it scores.

    Part Three is the best of them all. "The Oswald Awards" is a vicious satire of the Oscars. The ceremony, undeserved wins, the false glamour, it's all here. Included here are four of Freleng's all time best shorts: Birds Anonymous (the best Tweety/Sylvester cartoon), Three Little Bops (in its' entirety), High Diving Hare and Show Biz Bugs, the definitive Bugs/Daffy showdown with a memorable finale.

    This is an enormously entertaining movie. Kids will love it because of the onscreen antics of Bugs Bunny and his cohorts. Adults will love the hidden injokes and innuendos that are laced in these cartoons. True, while it is better to view them as individual shorts, this works extremely well for a compliation and it is better to see them this way than to not see them at all.

    **** out of 4 stars
  • Consisting of three segments, The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie follows Bugs Bunny's time spanning feud with Yosemite Sam as Satan repeatedly sends Sam back to different eras to kill Bugs Bunny only for Sam to wind up back in Hell (segment 1). Bugs Bunny is code named Elegant Mess and tries to take down gangster criminals Rocky and Mugsy (Segment 2). And the Looney Tunes attend an award show called The Oswalds for awards in excellence in animated characters that culminates in a talent showdown between Bugs and Daffy.

    The second compilation film featuring the Looney Tunes, The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie was released two years after The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie and much like its predecessor was made in response to the success of airings of Looney Tunes shorts in syndication and intended to be sold to CBS along with the previous film for airings on TV. While the previous film featured the work of Chuck Jones, The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie focuses on the work of director Friz Freeling and as a showcase it has a lot of the same issues that the previous film had, but now has the issue of trying to tie together an actual plot out of these original standalone shorts.

    Of the three segments that make up the movie, the only one that feels like a cohesive whole story (or the closest approximation to one) is the second segment titled The Unmentionables which features Bugs Bunny as Elegant Mess in a parody of the Untouchables trying to take down Rocky and Mugsy. While still somewhat disjointed due to the episodic structure, it is at least more cohesive and does feature some legitimately funny moments in the additional linking material created for the film. The first short is a remake of what was already a package cartoon in Devil's Feud Cake called Satan's Waitin' which is rather anemic with Yosemite Sam sent back to various points in history in order to take down Bugs Bunny and send him to hell as his replacement and this is probably the sloppiest of the segments with the plots clearly never intended to be tied together with this "plot" down to the fact at one point not only does Sam refer to Bugs as "stranger" but abandons his pursuit to rob a train. The Oswalds is very middle of the road and really just exists to showcase cartoons that couldn't be tied into any narrative and while that would be fine on its own, the footage is edited so we're often looking at the cartoons from a distance, cropped, and sometimes at an angle with the actual cartoon only taking up 40% of the screen while a still of an audience and stage takes up the rest. I will say the ending of the linking footage was a reasonably funny joke, but most of the linking footage in this segment feels like filler that only cuts away from the cartoons.

    The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie is a step down in terms of quality from The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie, while the packing of Bugs Bunny/Road Runner was probably looser with it being Bugs Bunny lounging around his mansion and talking casually to the audience, it at least made sense in context with the film celebrating the anniversary of the character and showing a more matured Bugs reflecting upon his life and career. This film just feels like those half hour specials like Bugs Bunny's Thanksgiving Diet or Howl-o-Ween special stapled end to end to make a feature film. I can really only recommend this movie to completionists because you're really better off watching the original shorts as intended.
  • I thought that the characters were really funny and all had great personalities. The animation in My opinion was crisp, clean, and really clear. Not to mention beautiful! Most of the characters in this show are hilarious Looney Tunes characters that we all love. in My opinion these characters are the funnies and talented ever seen. In fact, The things that goes on in this series' cartoons are in My opinion nuts which that is what makes them hilarious! There are so many to like and laugh at and the silly things they do! If you like the original Looney Tunes and animated films then I strongly recommend that you watch this movie today!
  • Hey_Sweden19 September 2016
    This is a decent, at times uproarious Warner Bros. cartoon compilation, with all the beloved characters delivering the expected laughs. It showcases some classic moments for legendary animator Friz Freleng, while linking it all together with new material.

    Bugs kicks off the proceedings by introducing the short that won Freleng an Oscar, "Knighty Knight Bugs", in which the unflappable rabbit sets out to steal back the wondrous "Singing Sword" from the dastardly Black Knight (a.k.a. Yosemite Sam).

    From there the action is divided into three acts: "Satan's Waiting", in which great Bugs vs. Sam moments are interwoven into a tale of Sam desperately trying to weasel his way out of Hell by offering Satan a replacement. Sam was always my favorite Looney Tune character, and watching him stew and rant and persistently try to get back at Bugs is hilarious stuff.

    "The Unmentionables" prominently features gangster character Rocky, as Bugs plays Eliot Ness parody Elegant Mess, crack Federal agent assigned to bring him down. Warner Bros. had had such success with gangster classics like "Little Caesar" and "The Public Enemy", so it was only natural for them to use the Looney Tunes to make fun of this particular genre. This is fun stuff, but this viewers' least favorite segment of the movie.

    Finally, we get to a cracking conclusion, "The Oswald Awards", a spot on skewering of Hollywood awards shows. The rivalry between Bugs and foul tempered Daffy Duck reaches a real fever pitch here. There's some good material with Sylvester and Tweety, and viewers are treated to an especially amusing short, "The Three Little Bops", which offers up a catchy ditty / spin on the old Three Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf tale.

    It's still a treat to revisit these cartoon characters years later as an adult. Of course, with age and experience, one does appreciate more than just the priceless visual gags. There's some good material for adults, too, ex. a knight named "Sir Osis of the Liver".

    Overall, a reasonably sharp and pretty funny collection of Looney Tunes insanity.

    Seven out of 10.
  • n-kellie19 June 2006
    The movie is great, but it's mostly because of the great selection of clips. This movie is for anyone wanting all kinds of your favorite Looney Tunes clips in one show all compacted together. Anyone who isn't a Looney Tunes fan, or a big fan already this movie is for you !

    For being made in the early 80's it's a great film! It's a must see film for any occasion. It also contains some clips rarely shown, and some never seen before.

    It also is one of the last Looney Tunes films to still have some of the same original writers and voices of the very first Looney Tunes.

    I hope you enjoy this feature film.
  • This is an enjoyable and terrific animation fil for all viewers to watch. The crew did a splendid job in creating this animation film. The storyline of this animation film might have been slightly simple but it worked nicely and it was watchable. It held itself strongly all the way throughout the entire film. The cast selection was alright enough. They did not fully commit nor connect to the storyline nor to their respective characters. The chemistry between the cast members was not strong enough for this film. There were some weak parts throughout this film but it is fine enough for all viewers to watch and enjoy.
  • Classic Warner Bros. cartoons directed by Friz Freleng are mercilessly cut and spliced into a "movie" format and mixed with framing sequences animated in 1980-81. The latter-day sequences are a too-obvious distraction from the classics, and the classics deserve to be seen in their entirety. The final sequence ("the Oswald Awards") makes the most sense, but overall this was just a bad idea. If you can, watch the complete shorts instead.
  • In a three-act presentation, Bugs Bunny presents some old stories in a modern film. Act I sees Yosemite Sam deep in Hell with Satan. His only way out is to replace himself with another victim - and he picks Bugs bunny. Satan lets him out of Hell for several attempts to capture Bugs. In act II we see crime waves at a new high and Elegant Mess (Bugs) trying to stop the activities of mobster Rocky. In act III, the Oswald Awards (Warner Brothers gave up on trying to win an Oscar and thus made these instead) are presented to the actors who have made the most difference in the world of animation - an award that Daffy would give his beak to get.

    I love the Warner Brother cartoons a great deal and will use any excuse I can get to watch the cartoons if I'm around - whether it be a hangover cure or entertaining kids when babysitting, I'll generally give them a try and find them funny. With this being a `proper' movie I felt I needed no such excuse and decided to sit and just watch it. Very quickly I realised that this cartoon was a barely concealed attempt to just show about 8 or 9 cartoons that had been edited together to roughly fit within each act. Of these cartoons, 4 or 5 are worth seeing, 1 or 2 are pretty poor and 2 are really great so, for my money, the film was just about worth watching. I have seen most of these cartoons before and my reviews are up for them on their specifics pages so I won't review them aside from my last comment, however what spoils them is the modern touches.

    Most of the linking stuff is poor at best and doesn't really work. The animation is of a noticeably lower quality and it is forced to fit the cartoons they had available. The `stories' are pretty poor and it would have been much better just to do this as a sort of flashback film where the cartoons are just honestly presented rather than twisted. The cartoons are trimmed to fit the story but, worse than this, there are points where they have been undated to get rid of violence. The worst is the bit where Bugs throws a can up to shot it and ends up shooting Sam in the face - here they remove that and have him shot the can full of corks. Rubbish.

    Overall this is just about worth seeing because the majority of the cartoons are enjoyable. However the presentation spoils some of them and is really stupid and disrespectful to the material. If this is your only way to see these cartoons then it is worth it but the question would be why not just go out and rent any of the dvd/video compilations that already exist and enjoy them as they were rather than as part of this last compilation.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This film is the equivalent to the Oscar nominations for the Looney Toones and it is nice to see who them are judge their work and the fun of seeing Daffy Duck trying desperately to win an award. So what did the flick made right?

    First it understands it audiences, because even I ,who I was born in 1996 I had seen the majority of the short that are shown in the "theater". In other words it doesn't bother to give us expansions why these shorts are fun, we all know it ,the great part is when you these characters seating and watching themselves get hurt in more ways than one. SO meta that I wander,if Deadpool has this flick in DVD!)!

    Secondary after we see for instance Sam try to kill Bugs Bunny in the scenes ,we see them after words in the theaters joke to each other that many think that are moral enemies, when they are just acting. THis true even now thirty five years after the opening many fans still are convinced that the actors who try to kill each other on the screen act the same way in the real world, when just do normal stuff like, go to the market and sped time with their loved ones.

    Last but not least, apart from parodying the norm of Hollywood ,like Horror, crime and action clichés, the animosity between Duffy Duck and Bugs Bunny is funny as heel and we also see in what length are some people willing to go in order to win an award( What had to suffer poor DiCaprio with that Bear!!). In the end,it is a must what.
  • The late and great Friz Freling was without a doubt one of Warner Brothers' best animation directors in the studio's history. With a total of 5 Oscars and 2 Emmys under his belt (according to the film) while working for the Warners, he has created some of the most memorable animated shorts in film history, such as the Oscar-winning short "Knighty Knight Bugs" and the incredibly jazzy "Three Little Bops". Since the success of Chuck Jones' "The Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Movie" in 1978, it would only be fair if director Friz Freling had his own showcase film featuring some of his best work with the studio, thus the creation of "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" in 1981.

    As I mentioned before, this film is a showcase of Friz Freling's best work while working for Warner Brothers Pictures. The difference however, between this and Jones' film is that story arcs are inserted in between the different shorts specifically chosen for this feature film. Because of this, the movie is split into three separate acts: "Satan's Waiting'", which focuses on Yosemite Sam's numerous failed attempts at catching/destroying Bugs, "The Unmentionables", which focuses primarily on shorts featuring the gangster Rocky, and finally "The Oswald Awards", which focuses on a fictional award ceremony specifically made for cartoon characters. In-between the shorts are animated story arcs made for the movie that are also directed by Freling, which is always welcome. However, a person who has viewed many a Looney Tunes short will notice that some of the shorts have been edited either for time constraints or to blend in with the current scenario, which I can understand. Thankfully, all of these shorts in their complete form can be found on numerous Looney Tunes compilation DVDs and Blu-Rays.

    The main question is this, however, does this work in the movie's favor? The answer is a definite yes, because this is the studio's own special way of saying "thanks" to one of their own for their dedication and hard work that got them to where they're at today as a motion picture studio that specializes in entertaining audiences of all ages, and since Looney Tunes shorts are viewed by both children and adults all over the globe, this would work extremely well as a family feature. As a fan of animation myself, I really dug this flick. Anyone who is a dedicated fan of the Looney Tunes franchise will most likely enjoy this flick for what it is, and it is also a great addition for family movie nights.
  • jknapp24 September 2000
    Who ever messed with these classics should have a stick of Acme Mfg. Co. Dyno-mite stuck up their er um, you know what I mean. They actually messed with the violent nature of this film by putting in politically correct unviolent scenes!! Bugs shoots a tin can full of "corks"? In the original he shoots Sam in the face! Corks?

    Don't waste your time!
  • Yet another quick job by the Warner Bros. studio to get the 1980s crowd interested in their cartoons. "The Looney, Looney, Looney Bugs Bunny Movie" is just a set of old cartoons from the post-World War II era that becomes linked by some new animation. Once again I have nothing against the cartoons, but they just seem out of their element in cinematic form. Kids go out and get some fresh air instead. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
  • Looking back at all of these Looney Tunes movies that were just compilations, I am starting to wonder if a full animated movie with all new material would have worked. Unfortunately, we never got to see that. If it was anything like the Tom and Jerry movie, it wouldn't have worked. This film features roughly 14 minutes of new material. Someone should make a compilation showing all the new stuff. It's divided into three parts, the best easily being the third.

    It features Bugs Bunny hosting an awards show. They give us the Oscar winning "Knighty Knight Bugs" right from the get go as it was the only Bugs Bunny cartoon to win one. It is odd how that isn't one of the more remembered "Looney Tunes" cartoons. Well, I personally don't think it's one of the best. Again, Leon Schelsinger was more prolific than Friz Freleng. Well, he was dead at this point. ***
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This time we focus on more of the Friz Freleng shorts. It's just a compilation of shorts we all grew up with and not really a movie.

    Here they try more of a theme as opposed to the first one. I love these cartoons, but I like to see something new and original when I see the word "movie" attached.

    I liked this movie a lot more than the BUGS BUNNY/ROAD RUNNER MOVIE but I still give it 4 out of 10 stars.

    Some highlights here include the infamous gangster, that was short in stature and based on gangsters from the 30's. Yosemite Sam and his many trips to Hell, he even says the word "Hell" which I always thought was cool.
  • I've never seen a Looney Tunes movie better edited than this one. The new footage in this film is worthless, but the first two acts are well enough edited to win an award for best editing. I don't really like the new footage in Act I, but it doesn't take away the excitement of the good editing.

    ***1/2 out of 4 stars.