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  • After her husband dies, "Mary Beth Allen" (Barbara Eden) becomes the sole manager of a recreational area near a lake in Arizona. At first she does okay but as time goes by it becomes increasingly difficult for her to make ends meet due in large part to a group of rowdy young people led by a man named "K.C. Barnes" (Patrick Swayze) who come out during the busiest times of the year and cause trouble. Fearful of what K.C. might do to the park if she files a formal complaint against him, she pretty much has to absorb the costs associated with his group's destruction and hope for the best. Then one day, after a particularly bad weekend, she decides to contact a man by the name of "Sonny Morgan" (Don Murray) who she knew in her younger days riding in a motorcycle club known as the Eagle Rock Rebels and approaches him with the idea of getting the old group back together again for a reunion at her park. Needless to say, her hope is that if K.C. shows up the Eagle Rock Rebels will be there to chase him off. What she doesn't count on, however, is the fact that K.C. is much more determined and sinister than she every realized. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was an okay made-for-television movie which had some good moments here and there but was plagued by a rather poor ending. That being said, although Barbara Eden looked great, it just wasn't quite enough to compensate for some of the more clichéd parts and for that reason I have rated this film accordingly. Slightly below average.
  • Ugh. Just caught this flic on the telly. It's an utterly cheezy 70's-style film, set at a lake resort where aging men in mid-life crisis encounter California lake beach-bums for the purpose of rescuing Barbara Eden from an arrogant younger man (Patrick Swayzee) who's affections are not being reciprocated. Her geezer-biker-dude-wannabe arrives to rescue her. Ho hum. The music is kitchy, but the scenery is great - the film's only redeeming quality. A good retrospective peak back at 70's fashion faux pas. Bad overacting all over the place, especially from Jamie Farr. Was fun to see them all in their earlier days though. And Barbara in her later.
  • arcwulf27 September 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    I watched this "movie" on one of the local channels the other night. I wish that I hadn't.

    A gang of rowdy teens upsets campground owner Barbara Eden, so she reunites her old (and aging) motorcycle gang to help her drive them off. What follows is the dullest, most witless, most depressing two hours of television ever filmed. The show relies more on its (mild) 70's star power than any sort of coherent plot or snappy writing. Jamie Farr's one-liners are painfully unfunny, "the Rebels" are decidedly non-threatening, and all the teens need is to be smacked up a little.

    Despite the constant promise of a fight, there is next to no violence (on camera - there are some mentioned off-camera), save for the show's single punch thrown during the last five minutes, and is so badly choreographed you'll easily forget the movie's single plot twist (the meanie teen Patrick Swayze has the hots for Eden and not her teenage daughter as she was led to believe).

    If you want to watch a good 70's/early 80's-style brainless movie, look elsewhere.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was very first. I'm the guy who collects "cheap biker movies". I just received this along with a dozen others I ordered from White Horse Gear (good place to find rare biker flicks) I assumed that there were 1% outlaw-type bikers in the lead terrorizing Barbara Eden's character. No. It was a bunch of obviously spoiled brats with expensive toys. The "bikers" were older, kind of rickety men. Patrick Swayze didn't come across as very intimidating as a terrorizing character but everyone needs work and he took the role. Kevin Bacon would have worked out better. As the movie progressed, it came about nicely. The first 1/2 hour or so is tedious but just wait. It gets better. This is a good movie to share with young kids, it's that tame. Of course Barbara Eden makes the movie. She still was looking good back in 1981. A bit more junk in the trunk but she wears it well. I wouldn't recommend this movie to "cheap biker movie" collectors but it is different. It's a "made for television" movie with cuts intended for commercial inserts. I'd recommend it.
  • I worked on this TV movie in the Transportation Dept. Prior to filming, I rode a motorcycle daily in Los Angeles as part of my profession. Robert Mandan and Jamie Farr were required to ride a motorcycle during filming and had never ridden a Harley before. Prior to the start of filming,we went to Griffith Park in Los Angeles and I taught them both how to ride and handle a Hog.( At that time it was still named "The Eaglerock Rebels Ride Again".) This was a fun shoot and a lot was filmed along the winding roads of the Colorado river. I just wanted to comment about Patrick Swayze. He was one of the nicest and most pleasant people you would ever want to meet. He owned a beautiful root beer colored day cruiser that he had at location. Even with the hectic schedule he managed to take my wife and I out on his boat to cruise around on the lake. He as a great actor and a fine person. I will always remember him and his kindness to others. It was fun to work on with great locations and a great cast and crew.
  • I enjoyed this movie very much. Briefly, it is about a gang of hoodlums that pester a small resort owner to the point of frustration.In short they have taken over the resort and driven out the better customers by making it dangerous and no fun. At this point she (Barbara Eden as Mary Beth Allen) contacts an old friend (Don Murray as Sonny Morgan). He summons up their old (over the hill) gang of motor cycle friends who then help rout out these jerks. Their antics in doing this are extremely funny and satisfy the viewers desire for revenge.

    Again great plot, and a great cast.
  • RETURN OF THE REBELS stars Barbara Eden as Mary Beth Allen, owner of a riverside campground business. After being hassled by a group of young, destructive party animals, Mary Beth looks up some old friends.

    Said friends are from Mary Beth's biker days. Soon enough, The Eaglerock Rebels reunite to teach these punks some manners.

    As biker movies go, this one is very lighthearted. After all, this is a 1980's made-for-TV movie. So, don't expect the usual foul language, drugs, or violence. These bikers are the good guys!

    Is it silly? Sure, but it's also a fun romp. Who wouldn't want to see Jamie Farr on a Harley, or Patrick Swayze as K. C., the leader of the thug brigade?

    On a personal note, I'd watch Ms. Eden it just about anything!...
  • I liked what I saw of "Return of the Rebels". Unfortunately, the DVD began skipping scenes and then simply stopped working. Nonetheless, I enjoyed this tale of a former motorcycle gang that gets back together after some hoodlums start taking over a campground operated by a former member. It looked as if it was a lot of fun to film, especially the boat chase (the last scene that the DVD reached before conking out). Barbara Eden, Don Murray, Christopher Connelly, Jamie Farr and Patrick Swayze put on some great performances. From what I saw, I recommend this movie, just like I recommend the other TV movie in which I've seen Barbara Eden: the "Rosemary's Baby" knockoff "The Stranger Within" (in which the woman known as cute, sweet Jeannie actually manages to look scary).

    Cool stuff.
  • wkozak22119 November 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    They used to show this on tv every once in awhile. It is fun film. It is great to see Christopher Connelly. I remember him from Peyton Place. The cast is great. The story is above average.