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  • The reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) is on an undercover mission in a prison. If you ever watched any of the women-in-prison movies of the 1980s, you know: prisoners are not treated kindly there. However, "Violenza..." is a little bit superior to most of this genre insofar as it is not only into shower scenes. It's a tough, dark, fast moving flick with an amazing Laura Gemser and her husband Gabriele Tinti as a doctor who helps her to escape. The slowly evolving love interest between the doctor and Emanuelle is well scripted. Not for the fainthearted, however, is a scene where Emanuelle is locked up in a dark cell with a bunch of rats attacking her. Two years later, director Bruno Mattei went on to shoot "Rats - Notte di Terrore" with many more rats - a kind of unhealthy fascination, if you ask me. Laura Gemser and Gabriele Tinti continued with another prison movie "I Violenti" which is a sequel (not as good as the first film) to "Violenza..." although Tinti plays a different character.
  • After the sordid delights of 'SS Camp 5 - Womans' Hell' and the bleakly disturbing 'Womans' Camp 119', Bruno Mattei says farewell Nazis and, plumps instead, for a bunch of jailbirds for his next 'women incarcerated' chunk of sleaze.

    It is unfortunate I didn't have a copy of 'Blade Violent' to compare this with, this film used the same cast,same sets and virtually same plot. A plus point is that I can review this purely on single merit. On a whole this is a fairly average entry in the Women In Prison genre, featuring three scream queens Gemser, Stoppi and De Selle taking the main roles. Unfortunately these stalwarts of sin cannot save this movie from being a little mundane. The movie tells the tale of our intrepid reporter Emanuelle (Gemser)undercover in a female penitentiary as an inmate. Her task is to report on the corruptive and inhumane practices within the prison/penal system. Eventually we are thrust into the unsavoury W.I.P world where beatings are regularly brandished out by deadpan officers with bad hair, sapphic shennanigans are occurring regularly by the suitably looking 'rough' females and there is of course the obligatory humiliation, mental and physical.

    I am unsure whether it is because this is Matteis' first stab at the W.I.P genre (though SS films can't be all that dissimilar surely ?) but I feel the whole movie is rather a tame effort. There a few nasty surprises that borderline on the humourous such as the 'poo punch-up' and a very novel way of bell ringing. The rape sequence, although voyeuristically unsettling to begin with, you gradually find yourself amused as two inmates play pass the parcel with a scantily clad virgin most of this sequence and you wonder in disbelief whether this will end or not.

    The direction is well achieved as Mattei uses commendable editing, although the sets are basic, there is still an oppressive decay to the whole affair. Most of Matteis genre films 'Zombie Creeping Flesh','Rats;Night Of Terror','Womens Camp 119' seem to have this vein of industrial atrophy, clinical but chemical and it is this polluted environment that always is the backdrop to some of Matteis' movies making them seem 'nasty'.

    Despite sniggering at the dialogue, cringing at the effects and laughing at the dire continuity you always sense a stagnancy that sets the tone from the first frame and lingers throughout until the very last credit. I appreciate Mattei as a director for his grim 'simplicity' and his matter of fact 'I-made-the-films-because-thats-where-the-money-was' attitude. I often think Mattei could've moved onto bigger things but on occasions has been incorrectly underrated.

    Buy this to add to the Emanuelle collection, The Mattei collection or WIP Collection that may grace the living room shelf.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***WARNING! SPOILERS!*** I was kinda looking forward to this film, simply due to the fact that I am a great fan of the ravishing Exploitation goddess Laura Gemser. This is another entry to the popular "Black Emanuelle" series in which Gemser played the part of the nymphomaniac journalist Emanuelle. This is only the second film in the series I've seen so far, the other being the ultra-sleazy and vastly entertaining "Emanuelle And The Last Cannibals". This "Violenza In Un Carcere Femminile" is sadly not nearly as vastly entertaining, and basically a formula WIP (Women In Prison) flick, and not a good one I must say. The film is not really boring, but it lacks anything to make it specifically recommendable, other than Laura Gemser's several nude scenes (which doesn't make the film particularly memorable either, as she did nude scenes in every movie she was in). Emanuelle comes to a Women's prison this time in order to investigate corruption and abuse of the inmates. Not too surprisingly, both things take place at the institution...

    I expected the film to be extremely sleazy and exploitative, and it certainly is no Disney flick. It is genre-typically sleazy and full of the usual ingredients (sadistic lesbian wardens, sardonic punishments, catfights,...). There is also one extremely nasty sequence involving rats. It also adds some unnecessary elements (such as some scenes in a men's prison which is right next to the woman's prison) which only make the film longer. What really disappointed me was the ending. In the end WIP flicks the inmates usually take bloody revenge on their tormentors. They partly do here, too, but the two main bad guys (a male and a female warden) only get arrested. Not an adequate ending, in my opinion. This was directed by Bruno Mattei who (along with his protegé and assistant director Claudio Fragasso)is responsible for some of the worst films the generally great Italian Horror/Exploitation cinema has ever brought forth. While this "Violenza In Un Carcere Femminile" is not a terrible film, it is pretty damn tedious at times. Worthwhile for the sleaze and especially for Laura Gemser, but certainly not highly recommendable. Take it or leave it.
  • Violenza in un carcere femminile (Caged Women) is your typical women in prison flick. Laura Gemster, the star of the popular "Emanuelle" series, poses as an undercover journalist trying to find out how hideous the conditions are inside. This film is a bit sleazy and dark at times. Laura Gemster is well known for the sleazy roles she playes in the (Italian) "Emanuelle" films. There are a couple of lesbian scenes but, nothing to shout about. These scenes do not include Laura Gemster. All being said, this film is just average in my opinion.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    This one looks like it was filmed in Italy, although it's supposed to take place in some unnamed South American country. There's no jungle setting here like you'll find in other woman's prison films.

    The first of two woman's prison films Bruno Mattei did with EMANUELLE star Laura Gemser, this one involves a woman journalist who goes undercover inside a woman's prison in order to expose the inhumane treatment of prisoners.

    All around her, there's all kinds mechanical soft-core lezbo sex going on. It's really un-erotic and boring. There's also not a lot of blood or gore in this one. Not as much as one would expect from this kind of film.

    In a so-so early scene, Gemser throws a bucket of sh#t at two female prison guards after they shove her around and force her to clean it out. For this transgression, she is locked up in solitary confinement and bitten by a large number of rats running around in her cell. Then the female warden finds out Gemser is a journalist and has her beaten with clubs. Next, Gemser is put into a metal cylinder while guards bang on it with metal hammers. This description reads more exciting than it actually is.

    Hey, if this is your kind of thing, then you're much better off watching those female prison films Eddie Romero and Roger Corman did back in the 70s. At least they had the Philipino jungle to give it a more savage atmosphere. This one looks like a bunch of ugly women going through the motions for the sake of the motions. It's about as exciting as a flat curve.

    The Shriek Video uses a clean, widescreen print with bad dubbing, pops and static in the soundtrack and few extras beyond an interview with Mattei and a movie trailer.

    Not much to recommend. 2 out of 10
  • Ugh...this is only my second Black Emanuelle experience (after the even more infamous "Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals") and I'm already bored senseless with the character. "Violence in a Women's Prison" is a textbook example of the temporarily popular Euro-exploitation culture. These WIP-movies are notorious for their many vicious-sounding alternate titles and their supposedly controversial substance but, if you actually take the effort of seeing one, you'll agree that they're in fact very dull and far too inept to be taken serious. The ambitious reporter Emanuelle sets up a fake criminal record and goes undercover in a feared women's prison with the purpose of exposing the inhuman barbarities that take place inside the penitentiary's walls. She soon finds out that it was a lousy career move as she ends up in hell itself! All the inevitable sleaze-tricks to stuff up a typical exploitation flick with are exaggeratedly present: sadistic lesbian guards, humiliation, girl-on-girl action, rapes & beatings and a seemly endless amount of cat-fights. Everything the avid cult-fanatics adore, in other words, but I suppose that even they can't get passed the awful dialogues or the completely irrational plot-twists. The film isn't gory or shocking at all (apart from that one sequence in which our heroine is almost entirely devoured by red-eyed rats) and the uninspired overload of nudity becomes boring pretty quick. Slightly positive aspects are the neat musical score and the surprisingly well-handled directing by Bruno Mattei (or Vincent Dawn, as he likes to call himself here). The success of "Violence in a Women's Prison" – as well as of the entire Black Emanuelle series – entirely depends on the gorgeous Laura Gemser. She sure is one of the most beautiful women who ever lived...but she hasn't got the slightest bit of acting skills. If you browse around IMDb regularly, you'll notice that there are many WIP-movies on the market. Jess Franco made a lot of them, of course, like "99 Women" and "Barbed Wire Dolls", but even the more respected filmmakers like Jack Hill (Big Dolls House) and even Jonathan Demme (Caged Heat) have them on their repertoires. You can either do like everybody else and avoid them because they are "naughty" or watch one and see for yourself that's it's a whole lot of fuss about nothing.
  • Bruno Mattei's "Violence in a Women's Prison" is an enjoyable exploitation film.Laura Gemser plays a reporter named Emanuelle,who is going under cover to investigate reports of brutality and abuse of the inmates.She is exposed to beatings,forced sexual encounters,being chewed on by rats etc.The film has plenty of nudity and violence,but there is not enough sleazy exploitation for my liking.Mattei's obscure "Nerone e Poppea"(1983)is certainly more nasty and gore laden.Still the cast is pretty familiar for fans of Italian horror with Laura Gemser,Gabriele Tinti,Lorraine de Selle,Carlo de Mejo and Franca Stoppi to boost.So if you like WIP movies you can't go wrong with this one.7 out of 10.
  • trashgang25 January 2021
    Not credited but the director was no one less then Bruno Mattei. This flick was espescially in Belgium a major hit and the VHS of this flick titlled Emanuelle Reports from a Women's Prison says it all. Another Emanuelle flick. Be aware with double LL so not the dutch soft core franchise but th eflicks with Laura Gemser.

    And if you say Laura as Emanuelle then you know what you will have, a lot of nudity. And being a WIP flick is surely offers on that point. But seeing it nowadays it's lost his values from then. It's boring and not erotic at all. The effects are laughable and some acting is really poor.

    Strangely the version I've seen clocks in at 98 minutes and is the full uncut but can't see what the cut must have been with the 'clean' version.

    Nevertheless, a must see for WIP geeks or Laura fans. And as so many Italian flicks, dubbing is done which gives it a cheesy atmosphere when they are hitting the girls.

    Gore 0/5 Nudity 3/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5
  • Violence in a Women's Prison (AKA Emanuelle in Hell) sees Italian trashmeister Bruno Mattei (as Vincent Dawn, just one of many silly aliases the guy operated under) tackling the WIP genre with the same lack of subtlety, skill and style that he applied to most of his work; in other words, the film is an inept but gloriously cheesy slice of exploitative garbage that offers lots of misogynistic action, cartoonish violence, and unintentional hilarity, interspersed by moments of extreme drudgery and sheer tedium.

    Laura Gemser, she of the dusky skin and perky breasts, once again stars as intrepid reporter Emanuelle, who this time around poses as a hooker and drug pusher to go undercover in a women's correctional facility and, with the help of Doctor Moran (Gabriele Tinti) and some friendly inmates, expose the depravity and corruption that goes on within. This flimsy plot is all the excuse Mattei needs to give fans of such dubious fare (myself included) over an hour and a half of poorly acted, badly directed sleaze, including the obligatory lesbian action from big breasted bimbos, assorted scraps, a rat attack, a touch of rape, a smidgen of buggery, a little drug abuse, some torture, and best of all, a scat-fight (that's a cat fight that takes place in human feces). It's not art, but it is fun (some of the time).

    I give Violence in a Women's Prison 5.5 out of 10, happily rounded up to 6 for Lorraine De Selle's unmissable performance as the prison's nasty head warden, who parades around in black stockings and sussies, forces Doctor Moran to have sex with her (the poor man), and watches on with glee as a virginal female prisoner is raped by two leering inmates borrowed from the neighbouring men's prison.
  • This sleazy "women-in-prison" flick has everything you might expect: sex (both "straight" and lesbian), beatings, catfights, weird tortures, revolts, escape attempts, etc. You've seen it all before; usually less graphic perhaps, but, nevertheless, you HAVE seen it. Nothing new here. So the big question is: WHAT IS THE POINT? (*1/2)
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Spoilers ahead....Yes this movie is awesome. One of the better women's prison flicks for sure. A female reporter fakes a criminal record and dives head first into the brutal prison system. She gets raped, bitten bad by rats, beaten, whipped, and just plain tortured!!!Good movie for sure with lots and lots of female on female sex. This movie was also filmed in Rome which makes it unique. If you like female prison exploitation flicks this is a must see. Slasher reviewer, although this is not a slasher movie, gives this masterpiece a big thumbs up!!!!Check it out you won't be disappointed!!
  • This is the second women in prison style Emanuelle film made by Bruno Mattei - and is not to be confused with Emanuelle Escapes From Hell which was made a year later. This one goes by the title Emanuelle Reports from a Women's Prison, among others; the best of which being Chicks in Chains. The plot is basically similar to the other Bruno Mattei Emanuelle women in prison flick, and this one sees the enthusiastic journalist in research how inmates are being treated by the guards. I would call this film the better of the pair; although only just and really it's about on the same level as the other women in prison garbage that was made en masse in the seventies and eighties. The fact that the beautiful Laura Gemser takes the lead role does make the film more interesting, however, and as always the popular actress lights up the screen every time she's on it. The film is decked out by all the usual sleaze as you would expect and the quality of filming is actually quite good; especially when you consider who is the in the director's chair. An extended lesbian sex scene towards the start is one of the film's main standouts. The film features a catchy soundtrack that is played most of the way through also. I have to say that I started to get a bit bored towards the end, mostly because I've seen it all before, but this is at least a worthy addition to an overpopulated genre and women in prison fans might get a kick out of it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a Bruno Mattei take on the women-in-prison genre. The director of the infamous ZOMBIE CREEPING FLESH, Mattei is much derided by fans of Italian trash because of his inability to direct a decent movie. This is pretty poor stuff, but actually better than some I've seen, so any film that shows Mattei in a good light has to have something going for it. As well as being a stand alone WIP/exploitation movie in itself, Mattei ties this into the BLACK EMANUELLE saga by casting Laura Gemser and her real-life lover Gabriele Tinti as the flick's two main stars.

    For the most part, this is business as usual, and it's notable that the stars are more attractive than you'll find in a film like this. Gemser is sent to a hellhole of a prison, but wait, there's a twist: she's actually working undercover for Amnesty International to look at prison standards. The usual elements are here, rather undistinguished: there's a sympathetic prison doctor; rape scenes; a sadistic warden; butch inmates; plenty of lesbianism; and an inevitable jail break come the climax. Mattei is no stranger to sleaze and the nude shenanigans are what you'd expect from this particular genre. Gemser is great value for money, as is Gabriele Tinti, but there's nothing or no one else here who stands out from the crowd. Cat fights, torture, nudity, sex and violence (although not as much of the latter as you'd expect from the title) and there you have it.
  • its true, not just anyone can! . why are they certain trashy exploitation movies we hold dear?

    Mattei did bring style/substance to his films. Watch "Violenza in un carcere femminile" There is a dark mood to this film--done by style of cinematography, the score, the right cast, great flesh, script and direction. And by the way; cheese was intentional!! I really believe this. God I love this movie; I think I'll watch it tonight.

    I like "women's camp 119" and "Night of the Zombies" aka Virus for the same reasons but "SS girls" is my favorite. Those who do not believe Mattei Cheesiness was not intentional should see this. In fact all of you who have not seen this film, should. It may be his masterpiece.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Violence in a Women's Prison provides a worthy entry in the women's prison genre. It offers all the T&A you would expect, though it is nowhere near as gruesome as the title would suggest. It also benefits from better than average use of lighting and camera work from Bruno Mattei.

    The plot is the usual. Laura Gemser, in her usual role as Emanuelle (no, not that Emmanuelle) goes undercover in a women's prison in order to reveal abuses taking place there. She encounters the usual mix of lesbianism, sadistic guards, and a corrupt yet sexy warden played by Lorraine de Selle.

    In spite of its title, Violence in a Women's Prison is not really all that brutal, with much more emphasis on nudity than gore. There is a rather infamous scene involving rats, although even that won't be all that shocking to the people who gravitate to this type of film. This is especially clear when compared to the film's companion piece, Women's Prison Massacre, made at the same time with the same cast and crew.

    This film is definitely worth a look.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The seventh film in the Black Emanuelle series - and the first to be directed by Bruno Mattei - finds our heroine, still played by Laura Gemser, investigating the Santa Catarina Women's Penitentiary for Amnesty International.

    Wow. You might think that's pretty woke for an Italian exploitation film. I am here to assure you - or upset you - and reveal that it's the very last woke or progressive thing that will happen in this movie.

    Released as Caged Women in the U. S., this film has Emanuelle pretending to be a drug dealer as she learns all about the horrific conditions within the prison, which consist of all the tropes of the women in prison genre as filtered through the demented minds of husband and wife writing dup Claudio Fragasso and Rossella Drudi.

    Of course, our heroine falls for a kindly prison doctor - it's her husband in real life, Gabriele Tinti - who is there because he euthanized his cancer-stricken wife. What you may not expect are catfights atop mounds of feces or a traumatic scene where Gemser is attacked by numerous rats. If this was an SAT answer it would be: Bruno Mattei is to rats with red glowing eyes as Lucio Fulci is to eyeballs.

    Obviously, this movie used the Italian filmmaking trick of shooting two similar films at the same time on the same set with the same crew and actors. The other one would be Women's Prison Massacre, which is just as demented.

    Lorraine De Selle plays the brutal warden. If you're like me, you'll recognize her from The House on the Edge of the Park and Cannibal Ferox. Other recognizable performers include Maria Romano (Thor the Conqueror, The Final Executioner) and Franca Stoppi (The Other Hell).

    I can't believe that this actually played U. S. theaters and drive-ins, while being unable to fathom the feeling people had when they wandered into the wrong theater and were confronted by the excesses of Bruno Mattei. One doubts they ever could eat popcorn again.
  • Moshing Hoods19 September 2001
    I enjoyed this way too much considering who was responsible for it (the lamentable team of Fragrasso and Mattei). It's certainly a superior WIP flick- plenty of funny stuff, camp dialogue, ludicrous stereotypes and sleazy exploitation. The production is surprisingly polished though, and actually manages to maintain a plausible narrative throughout, which is quite an achievement in the circumstances!

    Although Gemser appears as "Emanuelle", the character is considerably toned-down from her previous outings. In fact, she only has consensual sex once in the whole film! The "Emanuelle" thing seems to be more a commercial, tacked-on after-thought than an indication of what this film is actually going to be like.

    Anyway, it's fun, check it out.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Gutsy reporter Emanuelle (luscious Laura Gemser) goes undercover as an inmate in a women's prison to expose the corruption and brutality going on inside the place. When her identity is revealed, she incurs the vicious wrath of the sadistic staff. Veteran Italian trashmeister Bruno Mattei, working from a suitably seamy script by Olivier Lefait and Ambrogio Molteni, scrupulously covers all the spot-on essential slimy bases: abundant tasty distaff nudity, lurid lesbianism, sizzling soft-core sex scenes, ferocious rape, rough'n'tumble fisticuffs, mean and cruel guards, a grimy location, an exciting last reel break-out, a few lively catfights, a dark and gritty tone, and a simply fantastic sequence with Emanuelle being attacked by nasty red-eyed rats after she's placed in solitary confinement all add up ton provide a quite sleazy and hence most enjoyable piece of low-grade schlock. The sturdy cast of familiar Italian exploitation cinema regulars helps a lot, with stand-out contributions by Gabriele Tinti as the kindly, humane Dr. Moran, Lorainne De Selle as the wicked and depraved warden, Ursula Flores as the fragile Consuelo, Maria Romano as the snippy Kitty, Francoise Perrot as ruthless and predatory snitch Hertha, Jacques Stany as the crooked chief inspector, and Leila Durante as wise old felon Pilar. Luigi Ciccarese's polished cinematography makes all the filthy goings-on look slicker than they probably deserve. Luigi Ceccarelli's bluesy'n'jazzy pounding rock score hits the right-on groovy pulsating spot. Worthwhile viewing for babes-behind-bars buffs.
  • WIP title conceals an entry in the "Black Emanuelle" series. Journalist Em (Laura Gemser, of course) goes undercover at a women's prison to get copy for an exposé. Naturally the place is a hellhole. Gemser bares her skinny body a few times, has sex scene with Gabriele Tinti (what a surprise), dumps a bucket of feces on a guard and spends time in the hole for it, where she is rather unconvincingly chewed on by hungry rats.

    Standout inmates here are a haystack hair blonde of about 30, a little overweight but it sure looks good on her, who does a lesbian exhibition to entertain a femme guard, and a tall skinny teenish brunette who is stripped and manhandled by a couple of male guards while Lorraine de Selle, in hooker undies, voyeurs from her boudoir and gets groped by her own b.f. I don't ID either of these inmates but would not mind seeing more of their work. Dubbing is so-so and tech credits about average for an Italian Poverty Row production. This seems to have an authentic US R-rating so is probably a somewhat abridged version of the original. I saw this on big screen in the early 80s and later added a copy to my own video library but it's still just a modest entry in the WIP sweepstakes.
  • Violence in a Women's Prison (1982)

    ** (out of 4)

    Infamous Italian director Bruno Mattai takes a stab at the WIP (Women in Prison) genre as well as makes another entry in the famous Black Emmanuelle series. Emanuelle (Laura Gemser) goes undercover in a prison to see if it's true about the sadistic warden who likes to beat, torture and rape the women prisoners. If you've seen one WIP film then you've pretty much seen this one since the director doesn't try to do anything new or original here. You've got the countless lesbian scenes and constant nudity but this here grows old after a while. There's really not any shock value and the violence is rather low and contained to one scene where rats attack Gemser. Okay film but there are better WIP movies out there.
  • This WIP movie delivers all the goods in an almost plausible story. Laura Gemser, reprising her role as Emanuelle, is incarcerated in a sleazy women's prison where the warden is corrupt, the guards get excited by torturing prisoners, and the inmates use one another as pleasure toys.

    Although intended for mature audiences only, this is a film that delivers the goods in this genre without trying to hold back; even the characters are interesting and developed.
  • lor_7 February 2023
    My review was written in April 1984 after a Times Square screening.

    "Caged Women" is a shoddy women-in-prison picture, filmed in Rome in 1982 under the title "Emanuelle Reports from a Women's Prison". It's theatrical life is limited to slumming film buffs and fans of old-fashioned shock gimmicks.

    Perfunctory storyline has undercover reporter Emanuelle (Laura Gemser, who has essayed the globe-hopping character in more than a dozen films since "Black Emanuelle" in 1975) is thrown into Santa Catarina women's penitentiary, pretending to be on Laura Kendall, a prostitute, in order to gather information to expose prison corruption and brutality directed against the inmates. That she does, after dull pic runs through the usual array of genre cliches, with emphasis upon lesbianism and sadism. Dubbing is atrocious and color processing variable.

    Highlight for fans of his material is a lengthy scene of the heroine attacked by rats, notable for Gemser letting some rather repellent critters sit on her shoulders. Elsewhere, director Bruno Mattei (using his nom de film of Vincent Dawn) essays such filer as Laura's crusty old cellmate Pilar, whose only friend is a pet cockroach, and tangential action at a neighboring men's prison where the focus of attention is on a comic-relief effeminate inmate.

    Stars Gemser and her real-life husband Gabriele TInti (here playing a sympathetic inmate/doctor) have made 20 films together since 1975, more than such prolific teams as Charles Bronson-Jill Ireland and RIchard Burton-Elizabeth Taylor. Not surprisingly, they both look wornout and sullen during their turns here, even in the requisite softcore sex couplings.

    Duo found time to crank out a companion film, also in 1982, titled "Emanuelle's Escape from Hell", and also featuring the pretty Italian actress Lorraine de Selle, who portrays the wicked warden in "Caged Women". On a higher plane, Gemser (using the name Moira Chen) and Tinti were also featured that year in the Hall Bartlett-Michael Landon telefilm "Love Is Forever".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** This Italian made movie must have developed a serious identity crisis by now: over the years, it's been released in various edited versions under at least half a dozen titles, including `Chicks in Chains,' `Women's Penitentiary 4,' and `Caged Women,' a name shared by three other women in prison flicks to date. A couple of the titles, like `Emanuelle in Hell,' reveal what the others obscure: this is in fact another installment in the long running series of `Black Emanuelle' softcore sex flicks, all starring the Indonesian-born exotic beauty Laura Gemser. By the way, the original BLACK EMANUELLE (1975) itself was an attempt to cash in on the legendary adult classic EMMANUELLE (1974), which starred sexy Sylvia Kristel and spawned a string of its own sequels along with a few other racially varied imitations, including YELLOW EMANUELLE (1976).

    Once again, Gemser plays our favorite globe-trotting, free-loving journalist, this time writing an expose on the harsh conditions in a notorious women's penitentiary. She deliberately has herself arrested and sentenced on fake drug charges so she can infiltrate the institution and get the inside scoop. She certainly has no problem gathering plenty of dirt for her report. The prison facilities are especially grungy and the kinky warden (lovely Australian actress Lorraine De Selle) gets off on watching the lesbian inmates have sex with one another. When they're not in the mood, she dispatches her guards to rape them. Unfortunately, Emanuelle has neglected to notify the authorities or anybody else of her plans, which isn't exactly the brightest of ideas. With no one to vouch for her innocence, she's left trapped with no way out just like the other pisoners.

    In an ill-advised act of defiance, she dumps a bucket of sewage from the toilet on a guard and gets thrown in a dungeon where she's nibbled on by rats that inflict fake looking wounds. Later, the warden torments her with one of the weirdest torture techniques I've ever seen: a huge brass bell is lowered over her body and repeatedly clanged! In a standard cliche of the genre that dates back at least to 1971's THE BIG DOLL HOUSE, she's eventually befriended by the prison doctor (played by Gemser's regular co-star and real life husband, Gabriele Tinti). Oddly, there's also a portion of the prison reserved for men, where a shrill voiced gay prisoner provides stereotypical comic relief.

    Throughout the '70, '80s, and '90s, Director Bruno Mattei pumped out a bunch of low rent exploitation quickies ranging from Nazi atrocities such as S.S. EXTERMINATION LOVE CAMP (1977) to splatter flicks like ZOMBIE INFERNO (1981). He had helmed a couple of previous Black Emanuelle sequels dating back to 1978 and was probably running out of steam for the series when he came up with the inspired idea of injecting the popular character into the time-tested women in prison scenario. A familiar heroine in a desperate situation should have been a winning exploitation combination but oddly, the film largely fails to deliver either the violence and suspense of most WIP movies or the eroticism of the typical Black Emanuelle film. Of course Ms. Gemser does show off her pert little body in several nude scenes, including one in which she's raped in the infirmary by the corrupt prison inspector, and De Selle contributes some partial nudity during a voyeuristic sex scene. Somehow, though, the rest of the film is a bit too low key to generate much excitement.

    Nevertheless, Mattei apparently liked the approach well enough to repeat it practically verbatim the following year. Emanuelle winds up behind bars again (with Tinti and De Selle once more on hand) in the next installment of the series, WOMEN'S PRISON MASSACRE (1983). It's more violent than its predecessor but is probably the only film Gemser ever made in which she manages to keep her clothes on from start to finish.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    I just finished watching this DVD. Shocked! Yes shocked am I by the retching awfulness of it all. Buffoons who can't make a decent women's prison movie need to be sent to movie prison to do hard labor. This movie would have a tough time being any lamer. My head is throbbing in pain.

    So Emanuelle goes undercover in a prison to expose corruption. And that's that. So if there's no more plot, why not fill it with the usual breasts and beatings? No, this movie would rather be terrible. There is nudity and there is a lesbian scene. A very lame lesbian scene. The lame far outweighed any exploitative elements in this flick. Any fight scene looked incredibly fake. All of the torture scenes were weak. What I'm saying is, it stinks. Laura Gemser always looks good naked but it's not enough to save this one from the landfill.

    This movie is light on the sleaze, heavy on the awful drama. It will start to go down the right road and then hit the brakes. Don't be a gullible sucker like me. Steer clear.