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  • By the reviews and all, this movie sounds like a great,

    sure-not-to-miss type of movie. Well, at least that's what I thought. This movie is about a single mother(Dianne Wiest)who must come to terms after being raped in her own home while her two young children slept in the next room. Months later, she still hasn't recovered and still can't remember what the rapist looked like. She decides to go into a rape crisis program where other rape victims talk about their experiences. They all end up going to a state prison and talk face to face with real rapists on why they do what they do(sure, like they'd really let rape victims do that in the real world). Wiest did a great job but that was about it. Everyone in the movie talked too much and it dragged alot and you couldn't help but feel sorry for the director of this film, who should've done a better job involving such difficult subject matter. I give it one and a half stars out of five.
  • I appreciated an attempt to explore difficult subject matter without much sympathy or sugar coating. Some may have not liked it for a lack of resolution. But for the victims of rape, day-to-day coping may be the best resolution. Dianne Wiest was great in one of her first TV/screen roles. Graham Beckel was perplexing as the face of rage. This film includes some well-known actors in early career roles.