User Reviews (24)

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  • The pic deals with the intimate friends , Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, now as two drifters who meet each other and being mistaken as thieves . But they get to escape thanks to the ventriloquist skills of Hill . Later on , while the hustlers travel by airplane are confused for two international spies , and someone give them a luggage full of million of dollars . After that, the pair become involved in several adventures , and rare situations full of risks , dangers and fun.

    The big time duo from Spahetti Western wrapped in humor as ¨They call me Trinity ¨ and its followings as ¨Trinity is still my name¨ and ¨Trouble makers¨ were run out and then they're transfered to Police and action genre . As they played the Miami series which are set in Florida , such as ¨Miami Supercops¨, ¨Crime Busters¨, and ¨Superfuzz¨ . Here Terence Hill and Bud Spencer play characters mistaken for spies in this spy spoof . Similarly, in their next movie , Miami Supercops (1985), the two play secret agents who go undercover as policemen . There are plenty of humor based on diverse personality and physical differences among them . This one packs silly comedy with James Bond influence , tongue-in-cheek , slapstick and ordinary struggles , neither blood , nor violence ; besides , including some car pursuits. It appears usual secondaries who customarily intervene on their films , as David Huddleston and Ricardo Pizutti . Average cinematography and lousy musical score composed by means of synthesizer , being composed by the usual La Bionda . The motion picture was regularly directed by Enzo Barboni who previously was a notorious cameraman as proved in ¨Django¨, ¨Hellbenders¨ , and ¨Goodbye Texas¨ and made the classics : ¨Trinity¨ and ¨Trinity is still my name¨. The tale will appeal to Hill and Spencer fans.
  • Enzo Barboni's "Nati Con La Camicia" aka. "Trinity: Hits The Road" is easily the most bizarre movie with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill, and also one of their funniest and best. The movie has everything we love about Bud and Terence flicks - but plenty of fistfights and ass-kicking, wonderful lowbrow humor, extremely dumb villains, the typical jokes and feeling - plus the most bizarre ending of any of their movies (which I won't give away).

    Bud and Terence star as the typical proletarian drifters they always are, Rosco (Hill) and Doug (Spencer). Doug is a Truck driver who makes the mistake of taking Rosco, a hitchhiker, along. After escaping a police control, the two are mistaken for criminals at first, for two secret agents named Steinberg and Mason later...

    In case you are looking for intellectual comedy no film with Bud Spencer and Terence Hill will be your taste. In case you like Bud and Terence, however, you should certainly not miss "Trinity: Hits The Road". It is admittedly silly, but so are all the Spencer/Hill comedies; for a fan of the two, this is perfect entertainment, and I personally laugh my ass off each time I see it. Out of their non-Western movies, this is one of my favorites. Spencer/Hill movies are certainly not everybody's taste, but in case you're a fan you certainly can't allow yourself to miss this one!
  • sirius_6it5 February 2006
    I've recently bought the DVD of this movie, but I remember watching it when I was a child, here in Italy they used to play a lot of Spencer-Hill movies (in the 70s 80s), unfortunately now it's a total different story...Italian comedy has gone totally bad. But this is another issue.

    I've watched it in both the versions (English,I suppose it's the original one..?) and Italian , the one I was used to. I've noticed some changes in the dialogs , like in every movie, and I'd like to quote a funny sketch, that you can see when they go to meet K1... K1 says "Mr ..... and....., I suppose" and Spencer says "You suppose right" , well in Italian is more funny because the line changes in "la supposta è giusta " where "supposta " means both the past tense of "supporre " (to suppose) and also the little rocket- shaped medicine you take when you have fever ... :) :) (got it ?...........:) ciao ciao gio'
  • Typical Spencer/Hill product, this time they get entangled into some Secret Agent stuff, all because of misunderstandings. The overall plot works fine and the movie flows well. However, I find this as a lesser good Spencer/Hill effort because of this one is too much of the same. Rather predictable, though not directly boring; there are many excellent moments here too, topped with a (bit different) big fight scene at the end. Not bad in overall, just less good than earlier efforts.

    In sum, this one is a bit uneven. I like it still, but it lacks something. Good nevertheless. Recommended mostly for fans. 3.5/5.
  • It' funny. It's like they have always been. It's Spencer and Hill as secret agents (even if they don't want to). It's a satire on CIA. The movie is very enjoyable.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wow, this movie started out right, and toward the end, it just fall apart. The movie really could had been the next 1959's North by Northwest, but somewhere, the smart gags about realistic mistaken identity, became more of an unrealistic spy parody. Directed by Enzo Barboni, the movie is Italian action comedy film that stars the comedy team of Terence Hill & Bud Spencer, best known for their Trinity, Spaghetti Western series. When the Spaghetti Western genre ran dry on them, they went into buddy cop films. The movie is similar to their movies 1977's Crime Busters film and 1985's Trinity: Good Guys and Bad Guys, in which has nearly the same concept, similar cast and settling. Spencer often always plays the dim-witted, quiet, large bear-like man with a huge appetite. Knock in action-comedies for this hammer-like blows. Hill on the other hand, plays the handsome, smart-aleck and fleet-footed partner. The movie stars a roller drifter Rosco Frazer (Terence Hill) and recently released convict Doug O'Riordan (Bud Spencer) whom from misunderstanding is mistaken for spies by the CIA. Yes, just go with right. Together, under their new names, Steinberg (Terence Hill) and Mason (Bud Spencer), both are sent out for a secret mission where they go undercover as rich Texans. Their job is to track down a mysterious secret organization hiding in Miami Beach lead by a megalomaniac criminal known as K1. Honestly, the movie falls apart, just as they accept their spy mission. First off, how did both men, really got good on being spies? Most of the movie, so far until then, both were just lucky to get away. Now, they able to do a number of unlikeable things, like fly a helicopter, or have a boat chase. I guess, they were watching a lot of James Bond movies. After all, they get their own 'Q' scene. There is also a sexual innuendo about a certain cherry, if you know what I mean. Susan Teesdale was attraction as the James Bond type assassin. I didn't like Model-actress Faith Minton's henchwoman character. Half the time, I mistake her for a guy in drags. Anyways, I didn't mind all the Ian Fleming references. The fight scenes are some of the worst fight choreography fights. It's worst and worst throughout the film. They are a few seconds off, each punch and the kicks are just awful. Watching Bud Spencer try to move around is just hilarious bad. Still, he can move alright, for a big man. He used to be a Olympic Swimmer. I have to say, the Ninjas stunt work are just the worst. The movie even spotlights a fight at the Miami Seaquarium for some odd reason. A million dollars can make you do anything, but gees… that was a bit unrealistic. Also, what happen to the regular Steinberg and Mason? Then you got K1, whom silly plan is to erase mankind's understanding of all numbers with his "K-Bomb", plunging the world into chaos. Honestly, I don't get what it has to do with blowing up the Space Shuttle and how that's supposed to stop people from using numbers. It doesn't make sense. It's a bit disturbing when you think about this plan, because the stock footage of the space shuttle feature in the movie, is the maiden voyage of the Challenger that went into space on April 4, 1983. Indeed, a few years later, the Challenger indeed blew up on January 28, 1986, resulting in the death of all seven crew members in which some people believe was a cover up on a CIA conspiracy. I have to say, the gags get sillier and sillier. The jokes got really far out of hand. Honestly, how did the elevator to a pizza place in the middle of Miami, go to a ship in the middle of the ocean near Cape Canaveral? Anyways, both Terrence Hill and Bud Spencer went great in their roles. Lots of funny moments. Mostly in the first act. The film is a bit dated and some of the jokes go flat as hell. Miami in 1983 looks pretty lame. I love the pre 9/11 airport. I don't know if Terrence Hill is a ventriloquist or not, but it's some of the best gags in the film. The opening song 'Round! Round!' was a pretty good song. Sound so Beach Boyish. The English dubbing is a bit off. The actors surrounding them are just awful. The only supporting actor that was alright was David Huddleston as Tiger, their boss. Depending on what DVD or VHS, you're watching, you have poorly lit scenes and awful dubbing. I have to say, the version, I found, was a lot better. Overall: Recommended to all fans of the Bud Spencer & Terence Hill, but just note, it's not one of their best.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When i first moved to Holland in 1981, Bud Spencer and Terence Hill were very popular, unlike now. This Movie in my opinion was their best. A harmless piece of light entertainment for young Children, which really you don't get now. Most important to me was i thought Faith Minton stole the show. She was very humorous in some of her scenes and it is a pity you only see her now in heavy bad guy roles such as Sudden Death and The Stranger.

    Bud Spencer was very good and i liked the scene in the Prison where he was reading the latest Superman Comic. Of course their Films have dated now, but they are still enjoyable to watch. You don't always want to watch heavy Films all the time.
  • What can be said about this except that it's gut busting funny! If Hitchock's North by Northwest has an interesting yet quite believable identity switch (and it has), then this one works in the same way. By answering to a certain name a new identity is given to our heroes and the plot thickens. OK, the bad guy is an ultimate idiot, but that's to be taken into the account - after all this one is a comedy.

    Quite a lot of stunts and many humorous punches. Slapstick at it's best and it meets up with a great storytelling talent. Not to mention it's actually a feel-good movie. It lifts your spirits with it's lightness and humor. Can't go wrong with this one!
  • Lot of fun this one, as Bud and Terence are mistaken for a couple of government agents. Kind of a spoof of James Bond movies with a sinister Bond Villain to go along with it.

    My only real problem with this movie is in the later stages. Sure, as with any Hill/Bud movie I can suspend disbelief, but I'm sorry I just can't buy that going into a restroom of a pizza cafe in Miami can teleport you onto a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. Come on! Surely they didn't have to get that ludicrous? I can remember even as a 15 year old watching this at the movies for the first time, being incredulous about that.

    Double Trouble was a fun movie too, but I think Go For It is the last really good movie they did together. The last where you could actually see Bud Spencer as the legitimate superhuman strong guy.
  • Bus Spencer & Terence Hill aren't well known in the United Kingdom and this is a shame as their work deserves to be seen by a wider audience. A nice mix of sight gags, slapstick and inventive fight scenes, it's closer to an Italian version of a Jackie Chan comedy than any western comedy duo.

    Go For It unites the drifter Rosco (Hill) with fresh-out-of-jail Doug (Spencer). Within the first 10 minutes they've beaten the occupants of a highway diner and stolen a truck. 10 minutes later, they're mistaken for two CIA operatives and despatched to Miami to infiltrate the mysterious K1's organisation.

    The script and budget of this film are well above their usual low-budget set-pieces, but what really makes these films shine are the stars. Hill's smooth-talking, fist-fighting charmer is the perfect counterpart to Spencer's hulking laid-back bruiser. If you've never seen them fight a group of Euro-villains, this is a good one to start with. Much of the pleasure comes from seeing Bud Spencer delivering one of his trademark slaps - a slap from a man that size HAS to hurt and the ringing sound effects foleyed in are a nice departure from the usual gunshot-type sound effect.

    Posing a rich Texan millionaires and in possession of a million dollars, these two wreak havoc across Miami. My favourite scene is the delivery of Spencer's burger; the sequence is surreal enough to have been lifted from a Leone western and will have you in stitches.

    If you like this film I'd also recommend 'Double Trouble', possibly their finest film. 'Go For It' remains a close second and a fine reminder that if there's no chemistry, no amount of stunts or CGI will make your film work. The right team, however unlikely the pairing, will turn any ordinary film into a memorable one.
  • Nati con la camicia (born with shirt on) means to be very lucky. In fact Spencer and Hill are playing two very lucky guys that pass trough potentially huge dangerous situations without scratches. We are talking about the basics of every funny situation. The strange couple is involved in situations that normal people couldn't deal with, and at the beginning, as usual, they ignore in what are involved. The scheme is simple, the laughter too. Add to this the parody of spy story genre (007s), the satire about CIA and you have a nice and relaxing movie. The story is set in Miami, the cast is mixed among Italians and Americans, lights, photography, and screenplays are simple but effective. Bud and Terence are funny as usual and if you already know them you will find this movie enjoyable. In my opinion this was their swan song. Personally I give 6 (out of 10).
  • A must have for any Spencer and Hill fan. I must say have been a fan of the duo for a LONG time. This movie should have been called, "A Series of Unfortunate Events". OK, maybe not. Unfortunately, too many people often times make the mistake of comparing older movies to modern flicks. This is just wrong. This is a funny, comedy that will keep you laughing for quite some time. This film has lots of fight scenes, usually against a bunch of baddies. With the ever grumpy Bud Spencer swatting them like flies. Definitely poking fun at the CIA. The chemistry between their two characters is so great. If you've seen any Bud & Terence movie then you know what I mean. They are just a fantastic team. One always getting the other in a jam. While the sound quality is not the best, it's definitely passable for an 80's flick. If you are a true Bud and Terence fan like I am, then you won't be disappointed. If this is your first time, then do good to check it out if you can find a copy. Because like good wine, they are hard to find.
  • After the worldwide success on western genre the duo comic Hill-Spencer decided make their pictures at American territory trying out to conquer the fabulous USA's market place, the early formula was preserved, they never seen each other, but somehow they stumbling in road's restaurant, this point stars all misunderstanding which they are confused with two best CIA's agents and a million dollar suitcase at airport, behind all this there a powerful international organization headed by a man called K1, that trying to kill them, between fights and rough jokes, unusual happening comes along, I've must to confess that I'm a big fan from these fantastic Italians comedians and my short review is easily perceived by trained readers, notwithstanding it don't bother at all, this guys make part of my youth, I really enjoy them!!


    First watch: 1987 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7.25
  • Bud Spencer and Terence Hill try their hand at the "spy spoof" genre, with so-so results. The set-up of the story is pretty promising, with an elaborate series of events that leads to Bud & Terence being mistaken for top-class CIA agents and sent to pose as eccentric Texas millionaires at a superlux Miami hotel that is suspected to be also a hideout for criminal elements. The film is well-produced and has some unexpectedly smart surreal gags (the most memorable probably being the public restroom doubling as a transportation chamber!). Unfortunately, there are also a few too many sluggish stretches for a 105-minute movie. This is probably one of the most plot-driven Hill & Spencer films, and it has fewer fight scenes than usual, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on your preferences. The only standout in the supporting cast is the Amazonian Faith Minton, playing a henchwoman. Overall a pleasant, very watchable, but only occasionally funny film. ** out of 4.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    GO FOR IT is another outing for those good ol' boys Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, a typical comedy action adventure shot in Florida by returning director Enzo Barboni. This time around, the terrible twosome play dual roles and get involved in a spy plot that seems them masquerading as Bond-style secret agents in a bid to battle crime.

    I found this comedy to be a bit less entertaining than the usual adventures of the pair, mainly because it lacks the great and enhanced action scenes found in films such as CRIME BUSTERS. There are only a couple of decent fights here and a lot of the humour elsewhere feels dragged out. The scene with Q, in which Hill and Spencer are kitted out with various gadgets including a perfume to make them irresistible to women, is a case in point. It's acceptable, but the actors have done better elsewhere and they're on less assured ground here.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Nati con la camicia" is a co-production between Italy and the United States from 1983, so this one is getting closer to its 40th anniversary now and if you don't read my review anytime soon, then perhaps it happened already when you get your eyes on this. However, there is not too much of an American impact to this film. Not a surprise though because Spencer and Hill never really made it big in America, but their biggest success happened here in Europe or, to be more specific, here in my country Germany. The film is set in America, namely in Miami and this is also not an unusual location because other Spencer films like Miami Supercops take place there as well. Some cast members we got here are American as well. The director is Enzo Barboni again and his primary job was cinematographer, but he directed many Bud Spencer films in fact. And he also collaborated with his son Marco on several occasions. This is one of them, even if they both went with pseudonyms and the son's is really nothing too different from his actual name, so some people could maybe guess that Enzo Barboni was the director here once more. As for the cast, of course this is all about Spencer and Hill and they are the ones at the very center of the film and story. But there are also some other really established actors here, faces that are easy to recognize, even if you cannot remember their names perhaps. Be it Buffy Dee, David Huddleston or Riccardo Pizzuti - they are truly charismatic folks and it is a bit for a change because there are also Spencer/Hill films in which the bad guys for example are played by actors who have never been in other films before or after ever again. Not so this one here. They are featured especially frequently in the second half, last third of the movie and that is a good thing because it made these sequences more watchable even. I personally think this film is at its best early on where it had some pretty great and funny moments even. It gets a bit weaker the longer it goes. But there was not hesitation for me if I could give this one a positive recommendation. Of course I would. The only question was if it's going to be 3 out of 5 or 4 out of 5. For now I am going with the former, maybe correct it on rewatch. Not sure yet. This film runs for under 110 minutes, which makes it maybe one of the longer Spencer/Hill films, but not one of the longest all in all. I think with the year 1983 here and thus not too long before I was born, it's one of the later collabs between this very famous duo we have here. The western elements are of course completely gone. These happened only in theur early collaborations, but this probably also had to do with the western genre losing more and more fans as the years and decades passed.

    Alright, now let me talk about individual scenes and moments that stayed somewhat memorable to me here: The one I have to mention first is really the one with the cops who are about to arrest our two heroes and Hill's character's ventriloquist ability is truly useful there. This scene was hilarious. Also how Spencer's character saw through it and took his hands down before he accepted to play along, so that they can get away once more. This was hilarious, also with the elderly couple in the car passing by and seeing these four men stand there with arms up in the air and they think everybody is ccrazy. That was awesome situational comedy. This is from the early stages of the film. Also from the early stages is the scene inside the airplane and there Spencer's chharacter was especially hilarious as he thought he would get caught now and the guy only cuffed him to the important suitcase instead and Spencer's character's face expression when he saw all this money was priceless too. Or how he did not want to leave jail early on and this talk about how he takes up too much space (and money) and thus is free to leave. Kinda fitting the image of his character here and in several other films too. He is a bit of a small time crook, but has the heart at the right place. Standing up for the underprivileged and only fighting real criminals and bullies and gangsters etc. This is what happens during the scene at the pub and there he meets Hill's character. A bit unusual that the two are neither related now friends (or "friends" at the beginning of the film) but here they get to know each other. And we find out they have no idea whose truck it is they are using to get away. Or the helicopter scene when Hill's character is so scared was very funny too. Also this film really had a touch of James Bond to it, or a much more comedic version of 007, not that Bond is not funny sometimes as well. I am mostly talking of course about the terrorist attack at the end when Hill once again interferes with his ventriloquism. But also there are parachute scenes, motor boat scenes, villains that could have been from Bond films etc. I am talking about those Chinese fellas mostly and how they introduce themselves. Also a bit unusual to see Spencer's character run away initially before he takes care of them the way he also ways does. Not much later, there is more talk about Asians, so we are led to believe a bit that it could be an Asian main antagonist. But it is not. They did not want this film to become really political I assume. Not that the Chinese would have cared or anything. Probably the slightly political note has also to do with this being an American production. Cold War was still a thing in 1983. Let's not get away too much from the story now though. Hill frequently plays character that are somewhat connected to romance, even if it is not too specific, but not so here. There was some flirting in the first scene basically and again later on with some barkeeper, but that is it. It's okay. I never cared much for this, although I can see why they did it. He is handsome with his light blue eyes. Instead, one of the bad guys always had a woman next to him, but she barely says or does anything, so maybe they did it because there were no other female characters at all basically. I still think it's a pity the movie could not keep his high level from really early on. But also in the second half it delivers thanks to the nice Spencer (and Hill) charm and I definitely enjoyed the watch overall. Is there anything to learn from this movie? Nah, I mean even the key plot that harmless crooks are mistaken for FBI agents and this way they manage to avoid catastrophe and catch some really dangerous criminals is nothing one can take remotely serious. But it was a lot of fun and I am glad this film is still on television here and there. There were certainly many other moments I enjoyed quite a bit and I don't think this film dragged too much, which is always a success for a film closer to 2 than 1.5 hours and that is the running time without commercials. But you also forget quickly about these funny moments which shows you it is nothing deep or meaningful really. But it's fun while it lasts and I also think you can watch these Spencer films five times or even more and you will still have a good time. Just keep your expectations low. This is not Bond and does not want to be Bond. It wants to be fun and it definitely is. Oh and adidas shorts were also a think already back in 1983 apparently or Hill's character was ahead of his time here. Oh yes, the lift was also really Bond near the end before the final sequence with the main antagonist. Or how the latter treats the two like guests although they are really prisoners. Early on at least. The running gag with the Q equivalent screwing up repeatedly and begging the two protagonists to not tell anybody (and how they react) was truly nice as well. Or the technical gadget board there that made it obvious when agents got killed in Havana and Rome and other locations. Yeah, this was definitely the closest to a Bond movie Spencer (and Hill) ever did and I liked it. I am a big Bond fan and no Bond fan should be offended by these little spoof moments. It's all in good spirit. Actually, it would have been so amazing to see Spencer and/or Hill in a real Bond movie. No matter if we are talking good guys or henchmen. It could have happened because their careers were really going strong during the exact decades when Bond was a thing. Well, still is obviously, but you know what I mean. But yeah, I guess the genre was just not their thing and oof course they were Italians, no Brits or Americans, which made things complicated. But it's all cool. This film here was pointless fun and I give it a thumbs-up. A good choice to start with if you want to take a dive into the Spencer/Hill universe and have not seen anything starring this memorable duo yet. Go for it! The banter between these two is always worth seeing, like for example on one occasion when Hill's character says to his buddy something like "you're not even a real agent" when he himself obviously isn't either. That's it now. Stop reading and start watching. Or thanks for having read all this if you have seen the film recently. Good outcome for sure.
  • First, i have to say that i'm fan of Spencer/Hill movies for my whole life, i grew up watching them on TV, and i'll never get bored of them. Finally, thanks to the wonder of internet, i've manage to collect all of their movies and most of their individual efforts (Flatfoot, Don Camillo...) Spencer and Hill together starred in 17 movies ('67-'94), and everything you can ask from a Hill/Spencer movie is here...all the silliness, slapstick, fights, comedy, finally with the much bigger budget than usual... Their age becomes problem but they manage to pull it off and look lively and dynamic without any problems. This movie is lighthearted fun, it is definitively not Oscar-worthy material but with Spencer and Hill around who cares. The story reminds on '70's James Bond movies and director, Enzo Barboni, manages to pull it off pretty well.

    This is how action-comedy, or Bond parody, should be made and i recommend it to everyone who wants to have good old-fashioned fun when watching old movies.
  • This film was a total laugh out loud (lolz) . The duo work well together. A gem if you liked this try some of their other films.

    Also did they call the challenger disaster in the movie 3 years before it happened? When I saw that scene I was blown away by the hilarious tone but then complete shock.
  • alf-harald6 January 2004
    This is a great movie, it is the best Bud Spencer/Terence Hill movie ever.The story, the acting it very bad, But it is incredibly funny and very entertaining. I have seen this movie about 20 times and i'm still laughing when i see it. This movie deserve 10 out of 10.
  • lex-2370210 May 2021
    Potential was great to be excellent movie, but at the end is only boring movie with terrible acting.
  • Classic slapstick action meets Hitchcock's type of plot at NATI CON LA CAMICIA (1983).If you like Terence Hill - Bud Spencer duet - this is your movie.Two country Jamesbonds vs. band of mad criminals.Little jokes around sex vs. relatively much toilet humor.As usual for Spencer-Hill movies abundance of fighting scenes (but car and stunt scenes not very much).Beautyfull big bad girl (Faith Minton) and sweet barmaid (Susan Teesdale) are good alternative to any James Bond's woman.I think budget of NATI CON LA CAMICIA possibly compare with old James Bond movies (it's my personal visual impression).Comic resources of the movie may be too much straight but result is perfect for circus culture.
  • bzoli742 July 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    Usual fun from Bud and Terence. That's what I need on boring afternoons. In addition, Go for It has a good scenery and an exciting plot for an Eastern European man who has never been in the sunny Florida-as a secret agent:-)).

    So the conversations are great, the characters are funny-as they are in other movies from Bud. I didn't write "they are boring" cause a real Bud Spencer fan can't say anything like this. The wonder of these movies is the simplicity of plot and characters. 8 out of ten among Bud Spencer films. My favorite scenes are the CIA Centre, the plane where they got the money and of course the scene at the pub where they meet first. Somebody had written that this was the last good movie from Hill and Spencer. Well, he's right...
  • This movie does impeccably what it's meant to do: deliver feel-good, light-hearted fun for an audience of all ages. This is the focus of many, if not most, Bud Spencer & Terence Hill comedies, but this movie achieves it remarkably well.

    Bud & Terence find themselves enrolled as secred agents by mistake and are sent to fight a megalomaniac villain. The two fall naturally into this role as if they were meant to be heroes from the start and go about saving the world while having a few laughs and cracking a few jokes. Violence is parodied and spies on all sides are ridiculed.

    Set in sunny '80s Miami, with an upbeat and catchy theme music written by Franco Micalizzi and spectacular stunts, this movie is perfect to lift your spirits. It's a "therapeutic" comedy you will want to watch after a stressful day.
  • lbk27 November 2022
    I love Hill & Spencer from the Trinity and Nobody movies. So I go into this with much expectation and a lot of positivness. But oh boy, what a mess.

    Bad plot, inept acting, abysmal directing, laughable casting (was massive teeth a prerequisite?). My spontaneous thought was, this is an 8th grade school play.

    Both Hill & Spencer are seasoned actors at this time so why they accept participating is a mystery. Maybe it's not obvious during the filming to get an idea of the quality of the outcome? Or they got paid well? I feel bad for my two heroes for this mess.

    I suppress the memory of this disaster; I want to keep on adoring Hill & Spencer for their good movies.