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  • I noticed that IMDb has the runtime of this movie listed as "440 min | 90 min (movie version)", which makes me wonder: was this originally supposed to be, or maybe even broadcast in Italy in the form of, a mini-series? It certainly would help to explain why, in the "regular" 90-min version, the plot is so confusing, and why the viewer is assumed to know a lot of stuff without the movie telling him about it. It might also help the ending to make more sense, because as it is now, it seems to be shot exclusively for a cheap nihilistic shock effect - there is no reason why what happens there couldn't have happened much earlier. After an opening sequence that goes on far too long without any dialogue, the movie jumps to the other extreme and becomes all talk, talk, talk and practically no action. The cast is OK but not charismatic enough to carry this through. Best thing about "Spy Connection" is the enjoyable and funky Goblin music score. *1/2 out of 4.