User Reviews (11)

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  • This show was a rare gem and went off the air all too soon. I rate this right up there with the Jason Bateman comedy "It's Your Move" for funny, clever mid-80's teen comedies. My best memory of Spencer is the New Year's Eve episode, where Spencer has a date with a very lovely girl, who just happens to be several inches taller than him. That was the first time I saw 6-foot tall Terry Farrell, who later went on to play Lt. Dax in "Star Trek: Deep Space 9." Despite her being on that show for several years, I never forgot the first time I saw her. Fortunately for me, I am lucky enough to have a copy of that episode of Spencer that I taped the night it was broadcast. I wish I had others. I would gladly buy a DVD of it if one is ever released, although with so few episodes, I doubt one ever will be. But if you ever get a chance to, watch any episode. I don't remember any bad ones!
  • I loved this show when I was a kid. I was in high school and I was so in love with Chad Lowe. He was so cute! At the time I thought he might be even cuter than Rob Lowe. This show was funny and silly and smart all at the same time. At least, I'm hoping that it is still all of those things. I think this and Square Pegs were a couple of my favorite teen/high school sitcoms at the time. I wish they would release the DVD so I could see if it still holds up after all this time. Like many other TV shows that aren't already on DVD right now, I'm betting it's something like music rights that is keeping it from being released on DVD. Give us some Spencer!
  • shulma200229 January 2005
    This was a funny show. The writing was very clever. The casting was good, too.I wish it was available on tape or on DVD. Spencer was always getting into mischief. He always found a way to redeem himself.The network didn't give the series a chance. I was very disappointed when it got taken off-the air. Chad Lowe never got a break like his brother did until he co-starred on "Life Goes On". He finally got some recognition. I believe he received an Emmy for his performance. He is both good at comedy and at drama. I would like to see him star on his own series. His wife is doing well with "Million Dollar Baby". Of course, she's Hillary Swank!
  • I thought it was real funny for the short time it was on-too bad!
  • Spencer was one of my favorite shows and i taped them when it was in prime time. too bad it only lasted one season (for me) because of two things. first, they replace chad Lowe with some geeky, mopey dork that had absolutely no charisma or personality. all because Mr Lowe wanted top billing. maybe it would have been worth it. second of all, they make the father disappear. i loved Bailey and Wayne as the best friends. the mere sight of them cracked me up. my favorite episode was the new years eve one when the two goofs thought they had dates with smoking chicks, while Spencer had a date with a girl considerably taller than he was. chick from back to school. anyway, had chad not wanted STAR status, or the execs decided just to give in to his wishes, the show probably would have lasted a few more seasons. boo too you NBC.
  • I remember just enough of this show to know it was a finely done piece of work. Chad Lowe played the central character, a much beset upon student who couldn't catch a break from anyone - teachers, parents, principal, other students - yet always came out on top using his wit and guile to do so. Of course, in so doing many funny moments - sometimes some very touching ones as well - were to be had. The characters played well off of one another and the writing was excellent as well.I too, like the previous reviewer, was very much saddened to see this series which had so much going for it and so much potential not get renewed.
  • I enjoyed watching this show on Saturday nights, and was disappointed when the show left NBC's lineup. If my memory serves me correctly, Chad Lowe, who was 16 when the show started, wanted out of the demanding schedule required to make a situation comedy (in late 1984) -- during a time when this show was receiving favorable ratings. The role of Spencer Winger went to Rossie Harris after Mr. Lowe's departure from the series. Shortly after (or coincident with) Mr. Lowe's concerns surfacing, Ronny Cox voiced a similar concern and wanted to leave the show as well. The series was ultimately canceled, however I cannot remember if it was NBC's decision, or that of the show's producers.
  • I remember this show. I really enjoyed it and was sad that it did not last long. Not sure why, it was great!
  • What is it about really good TV shows centering around teens? Despite the under 25 crowd being a significant segment of the viewing population, and the given assumption that most TV programmers would be clamoring to create more shows revolving around their concerns, very few shows portraying the teen experience with any level of intelligence and/or sensitivity last for long. ROOM 222, JAMES AT 15, THE WHITE SHADOW, THE BRONX ZOO, THE MARSHALL CHRONICLES, MY SO-CALLED LIFE--none of these shows had the runs they deserved. Even the vaunted THE MANY LOVES OF DOBIE GILLIS, admittedly a hipper show than MY THREE SONS and FATHER KNOWS BEST, only lasted two or three seasons(one of the longer runs). Getting to my point, we have SPENCER, a notch or two above fare like IT'S YOUR MOVE, a concurrent offering about a teenage boy. Spencer tries to navigate the jungle of high school life with humor and a little insight, and occasionally we get some poignancy. Case in point: Spencer(who was forever getting sent to the guidance counselor by exasperated teachers)ends up visiting the G.C. in one episode with a zany new girl with multicolored hair. Come to find out this free-spirited girl is really a troubled runaway, and Spencer has the sensitivity to help her by contacting her parents against her wishes. Not earth-shattering, but better by far than most representations of teens at the time. Pity that it didn't last longer(it's demise was hastened, no doubt, by the fact that actor Chad Lowe vacated the roll of the title character mid-way through the first and only season) O Great TV Land, grant our prayer and run this show over a teen-TV themed marathon weekend. Amen
  • I remember "Spencer" in 1984 being wildly funny and after just a few episodes there was talk on shows similar to "Entertainment Tonight" (maybe it was that show) that Chad Lowe seemed to be as talented as his brother Rob Lowe. Then I heard after only about 7 episodes Chad wanted to get out of the show right away to do movies.

    I originally thought it was because he knew the critics were talking about how great he was on the show and wanted to get out while he was hot and before he was typecast as only a t.v. star, but it could be because doing a t.v. series was much more time-consuming and demanding than he wanted and figured he could get movie roles right away with his new popularity. The show had a completely different feel to it without him , I like probably many others only watched 1 of the 7 more episodes with the new actor.

    It seems like it was two years before Chad finally continued his acting with a t.v. movie. I might have seen something he was in but didn't know it was him after that, but I didn't notice him again until his wife was giving her acceptance speech for best actress in 2002. I had forgotten about his show "Spencer" until then and thought if he had stayed on that show he probably would have had many awards by then for his t.v. work and could have done movies during the summer. Hope to see it on DVD.
  • I remember waiting with anticipation every week - waiting to see that cute boy "Spencer" again. I became a Big Chad Lowe fan that year and then I couldn't believe it when they took my beloved show off the air. As quickly as he had come into my living room and blew me away with his really really charming good looks and funny character, he was gone. What would I do now without my adorable Spencer to look at anymore? This boy was as cute as they come and I only wish someone would put these precious few episodes of 80s television sit-com on DVD for us (apparently also precious few) fans to enjoy. I can't even find any pictures of Chad Lowe's character "Spencer" on the web or anywhere! And I thought you could find ANYTHING on the web!! What's wrong with this world when you can't even find a single picture of an adorable teen celebrity online. There's even the opportunity for the awesome "shirtless" Spencer, as he had his shirt off during one episode when he had a date and he was getting ready to go out. I remember he was splashing baby powder on his body and he opened his pants and looked down at them and splashed some baby power "down there" too. Aw, Babeeeeee!!