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  • "Dengeki Sentai Changeman": Live-action series shown in Japan between 1985 and 1986 (55 episodes), tells the story of five warriors selected by the "Earth force" to protect the planet from attacks of "Gozma", led by frightful Mr. Bazoo. These warriors are represented by five mythological animals: Dragon, Gryphon, Pegasus, Mermaid and Phoenix. Guided by Sargeant Ibuki, the Changeman will become involved themselves in many adventures against the Gozma empire.

    First of the "Super Sentai" (Super Task Force) series to be shown in Brazil in 1988, Changeman was absolute success, catching the audience by surprise with dynamic plots and heroic characters who needed use the team's work to be successful.

    Changeman comes from the productive "80's" harvest of these series, and although not to be the best, is one of most nostalgic and charismatic from his time.

    My personal rating: 4 stars of 5.
  • Hi guys

    What can I say about this sentai series? This is all my life want to see. But, unhappy this things is disappearing, I don't know why. This series was probably the best sentai ever made, here in Brazil, many sentais and metal heroes was very success, but the world has changed, now it's very difficult to see someone with 9 or 8 years old who knows what the hell was the Changeman or the Flashman. This series, Changeman, is real a bless. I'm an adult today, but I still like this thing, believe me. it was fantastic! The best saga ever made! The better end, the battles, the best robot! Everything was the best at Changeman. The queen Ahames falling down, the change of sides of Guioday, everything. I real like this man, i will never forgot. Here in Brazil we used to have many sentais at the TV, but actually at today, there's no one real sentai at TV. Off course, we have the last year of Power Rangers, but Power Rangers it's not a sentai, 'cause it's just americanization of a sentai success called Zyu Ranger. Zyu Ranger was great, Power Rangers it's a shit. I think that's enough, see 'ya guys.