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  • I've had Disney Channel since it first premiered. I remember getting up early, before school, to exercise with Mickey Mouse in "MOUSERCISE." I also remember WONDERFUL made for TV movies, such as LOTS OF LUCK. I was a kid and I enjoyed it so much. It truly was FAMILY programming. What happened?! It was wonderful seeing Annette Funicello continuing to work for Disney, now as an adult. I miss the fun, silly humor. I miss it all. I still have Disney and I'm saddened by the loss of wonderful made for TV movies. Of course, Disney has HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL, which most likely grossed more money than anything they've created, but the "family programming" is no more. Disney Channel used to air "classic" Disney films from the 1950's-1970's. Fun ones like TREASURE ISLAND, SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON, and all those wonderful gems starring Hayley Mills. Where are they? Getting back to LOTS OF LUCK, it's fun. I doubt Disney will ever air this again, but if you can find it on an old VHS tape, please take the time to watch. You won't be disappointed.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Annette Funicello doesn't dance or sing in this one. She's a working mother of three, with a wonderful hard-working husband (mechanic on a car assembly line), and a live-in mother. Between perms (she's a hair stylist), Julie Maris (Annette's character) drops the kids off at school, chastises her mother for smoking, worries about being able to afford braces for the kids, and plays the lottery. The quick version is that she wins the money, they spend it all, and go back to being broke. No desperation or drugs, just a family working together. They pull together what they've bought and resell it to make sure they have enough to pay taxes (ugh) on what she won. Then comes the fun part! The "Econo Race!" Contestants start at the same spot but get to choose their own route, providing they pass all the checkpoints. First person to make it from here to there on a gallon of gas wins the prize money! Julie gets nominated to drive, with her son at home monitoring her route. Husband and his best friend guard against the two schmoes at work who try to cheat, and Mom and boyfriend keep an eye on the competition. I don't know if I'm making any sense. But if ever a family used its different strengths to achieve a goal, this is the movie that showcases it. It may not have witty dialogue or sparkling sets, but it sure makes the characters seem real (aka worth watching). Character-driven movies - Disney used to be good at that. Watching for this one to come out on DVD, it's worth owning.