User Reviews (5)

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  • A nicely subtle parsing of the stereotypes of African-Americans that have dominated popular culture in America since the early days of slavery. The commentary on the evolution of types, and the cultural motivations for the creation of caricatures like the laughing Sambo or the asexual Mammy, is particularly interesting. Both an invaluable historical documentary and an insightful commentary on the larger impact of racist, harmful depictions in popular culture on the people they're intended to ridicule and belittle. Derisory caricatures of blacks have both inspired and justified (and helped to make legal) racism and racial violence.
  • I was greatly disturbed by the images in this documentary, es specially being an Afro-Latino. The fact that all of White America see's the blacks as the horrid images they show...angers and saddens me. This may prove to some great information to those who know nothing about the history of minstrel shows and things of that sort, but it may scare those of African descent. Watch with caution.

    Also, the narrator say's something along the lines of minstrel shows being the ascendant of todays blacks shows.....this is my opinion, is not true. Minstrel shows were made by Whites, to laugh at their view of blacks. Todays blacks shows were made by blacks who show what they think and so forth.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Ethnic Notions" focused on the what I will refer to as a history of the evolution of iconography designed by the dominant culture, "in an effort to reinforce and maintain a way of life," namely, the continued subjugation of black people.

    The dominant culture's myriad media images, and ideas linked with those images, were successful in their endeavors to continue to oppress black individuals. The primary methods used were displaying image-ideas that struck at a visceral level both the targets and the dominant culture. The relentless, ever-shifting-though-consistent-in-its-denigration, parade of false, exaggerated, distorted, deceptive pictures and ideas--while at the same time showing NOTHING to contradict their veracity in defense-- allowed the brainwashing to work upon mass media perception for at least one-hundred years.

    Back in 1932, T.D.Rice brought the caricature of Jim Crow, a white man portraying a black man, happily singing and dancing, to Ohio and Louisiana territory, places where they had never seen a black person before. The minstrel movement took off at the same time as the abolitionist movement. In order to deceive those who had little actual contact with blacks, they were presented as "happy sambo" to allay fears that slavery was bad or uncomfortable. Later Jim Crow's partner, Zip Coon, was added to the show, as a "maladjusted dandy" giving the idea that even if blacks were freed, they'd never be able to fit into "regular" society. To round out the cast, the "happy mammy" defended slavery by being docile, loyal, and protective of "the big house". The first cartoon image the video covers is from 1941, with the Mammy cartoons, reinforcing the ideas in the minds of young children. Once the slaves were freed, images were produced suggesting that the blacks were, "reverting to savagery" in movies such as, "Birth of a Nation"; and later, the "noble savage", "The Emperor Jones" in 1935; and more recently, the license-to-be-violent, "Black Rambo." The video expresses the view that, "the happy images are o.k. except when they are to the exclusion of other images." The video was excellent in organizing myriad, random images from the past and presenting analyses strongly supporting the intention and purpose behind those images.
  • I saw this doco as part of a racial studies course, and as such found it to be a fascinating and, at times, disturbing, picture of the misconceptions circulated in popular culture regarding African-American culture. While an academic study, this is by no means dry or over-intellectual - in fact if anything it comes across as a little sensationalist at times. However, interesting points are made nonetheless.
  • I think this was an excellent video. I wouldn't listen to young college kids who feel they were forced to watch it at Temple University.

    All I can say is that I saw it in college and thought it was good then and is still good today.

    It is an eye opener and anyone who has questions about why Black people are offended by certain images, movies, etc should watch and find out.

    If a person can watch this video and truly not understand why the images portrayed are indeed offensive, then I have to think that person will never understand. I noticed a previous poster thought the cartoons were funny or amusing, this shows a deep level of ignorance on that persons part.