User Reviews (5)

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  • This show was the best. If it was put out today it would be still on. Way ahead of its time for the drama series that were on during this time. These guys knew that they were onto something with this kind of show. Just look how far the sopranos has come. Does anyone know where I can get the videos of all six episodes? It was raw and gripping, it kept me watching, could not wait for it to come back on and when they took it off I was shocked. I guess audiences were not ready for this kind of drama. I wonder if maybe one of the reasons it was not going so good with viewers is that the cast was not star filled there were some other decent T.V. shows out during this time. Most of them were family shows and were comedies, like the Cosby Sow and Roseanne. They were big hits. So I think audiences were most likely more tuned to family lighthearted shows.
  • nino19688 December 2003
    This was filmed mostly in Hoboken, NJ. They used a lot of locals as extras and also used a bunch of sports cars from the locals. Most of the cars that were used were old hot rods from the 50's, 60's and 70's. The show was basically a bust and was canceled after about 6 shows aired.
  • I was so disappointed when this was cancelled. Hope that episodes will be released someday.
  • looking for the name of the song on dream street where dale and a girl were dancing together some of the words were "move on close to me, tell me what you want from me, put your lips real close to mine". then she asked him if he would like lipstick on his belly. then they go back to the girls apartment and he spends the night with her. during the song there are 2 guys talking and one says to the other, things like this never happen to me and something about he's married, the guy talking was a black man if u know the name of the song can you get back to my email is please when sending mail write about dream street Thanks Tina.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show had its moments. I hoped it was going to make it but it was likely to early for this kind of show on prime time. I remember Dale Midkiff as the lead but not much else. Basically it didn't have all the elements completely locked down. I do remember Lawrence Fishburne popping up in a guest role as a rival crime boss. I vaguely remember that the people responsible for thirty-something were behind it. It was supposed to be the same universe of characters just the grittier side. Peter Frechette was just starting to make a name before Sports Night hit. Again, the show was just a bit too raw for its time and there wasn't NEARLY the regular whacking that you see on THE SOPRANOS or THE WIRE.