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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "If you're not on his side….CHANGE SIDES." "One Man Out" is a run-of-the-mill straight to video actioner with no surprises. Erik (McHattie) is working for the government of a small South American country, the movie never says which one. The government is paying this gringo to shoot the rebels. When he develops a relationship with a reporter, and the government wants him to dispose of the friendly local printer, Erik refuses and gets in a whole heap of trouble.

    To add insult to injury, a guy who looks like a cross between Ed Begley Jr. and Drew Carey, has involved him in a deadly drug deal that goes all the way to the top of the corrupt regime. Can Erik get out of this jam alive? Also what is the significance of the painted handprints? You may or may not want to find out.

    Some of Erik's favorite activities include taking an "edge of your seat bath" which seems to entail lying on your back in the bathtub with your eyes bugged out and sitting up abruptly. It is an "X-treme" way to get clean. Practically a subplot, Erik lies on his back a lot in the movie. He stares at the ceiling for hours at a time.

    One of the advantages of living in a third-world hellhole is displayed when Erik tells some 6 year old kid to "get me a beer." When Erik is preparing to go one of his shooting missions (which there should have been more of in the film) , he makes sure to put on football quality eyeblack under his eyes. Never mind he is the only white man in the entire country with bright blond spiky hair (on the box cover it is jet black for some reason). No one will ever see him coming.

    It is so hot in this country that pants are a major hindrance. There are many male pantsless characters throughout the film. Speaking of torture, we think the filmmakers were trying to make a serious statement about the use of torture around the world. There is even an on screen message at the beginning of the film talking about it. Firstly, in the movie all the baddies do is dunk people in a tub which people pay for at any carnival. It looks like they are bobbing for apples. Secondly, anyone watching this boring tripe isn't interested in hearing about human rights abuses. They want to drink a couple brewskies and hang with their buds.

    Stephen McHattie really, really, really looks like Peter Weller. Thank goodness for McHattie, if Peter Weller is busy, McHattie is there to pick up the slack. That being said, McHattie does put in a serious performance, which is the only highlight in this dud. The director, Michael Kennedy also helmed "The Heist" (aka: "Hostile Force") with Andrew McCarthy, which is planned for a future review.

    "One Man Out" (which is not about baseball) brings nothing new to the table. It doesn't offer anything different for the action movie viewer.

    Opt "Out" of this classic tonight!
  • I was reluctant to rent this, thinking it would be like one of those Chuck Norris action flicks with cheesy titles and even worse cover art. And in some ways, this was like one of them, but really, it wasn't too bad, and proved to be an entertaining feature.

    Stephen McHattie plays Erik, a mercenary in Central America who is still haunted by his 'Nam days. Yet now he's working to get rid of those who are drug smuggling, hiding something, or just know too much. (About what does not matter.) Then one day, Erik meets Liliana (Deborah Van Valkenburgh), an American journalist doing a story on the dying rainforests. As she and Erik get to know each other, Liliana begins to delve into her topic, and Erik goes along with his assignments. Eventually, their lives intertwine not only through friendship, but through murder, when Erik is asked to kill the man Liliana is interviewing primarily for her story. But then it's realized Liliana knows too much, and Erik is ordered to kill her, too. In a struggle between honor and love, Erik and Liliana go on the run, and now both of them are to be found and killed. And thus, the chase begins.

    The movie really isn't that bad. The acting was impressive by the two leads, with the tough Erik and the endearing but capable Liliana. And the action is quite impressive, without going overboard and losing the story. Most of the movie is build-up to the last half-hour or so when the chase really begins, but first hour isn't boring, and sets everything up quite well. Also, the movie is able to generate a good amount of suspense, especially in the scenes when the killer is trying to break into the summer house where Liliana is hiding (scenes reminiscent to "Straw Dogs") and then the subsequent chase. The ending is a bit cheesy with the suitcase bomb, but the idea is utilized well, and manages to add some thrills. One gripe is that the bomb is supposed too explode in fifteen minutes, yet indicated by the time of day change, at least a few hours pass. If you can look past that, you can look past any other faults of the movie.

    I recommend this for action movie fans that still want to have to pay attention somewhat, and for those who like a good thrill.