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  • *The Dave Thomas Comedy Show* was an eclectic mixture of odd premises and celebrity impressions. I particularly enjoyed the movie in which Michael Caine (Thomas) is a passenger on an airplane that crashes, leaving him the only survivor, and still trapped in his seat. With the seat on his back, he travels the world battling evildoers and helping people. The high point was when he pushed the stewardess-summoning button and caused a stewardess to appear out of nowhere and bring him food. It was this sketch that pointed out to me that Caine will appear in just about anything. I also remember an Indiana Jones-esquire sketch in which Thomas is "tortured" by beautiful Nazi female officers with an overdose of pleasure.
  • This was a wonderful but doomed series. I loved and saw every episode and really regret that it was canceled so quickly. Either than means I have terrible taste or America just "didn't get it". I think it was the latter, as a lot of the skits had clever writing and I still laugh about them. There were a lot of high-powered guests on the show, but people just didn't know or care who Thomas was--except for some die-hard Doug & Bob and SCTV fans. I really loved the skit about the three super-scared guys who make an air flight miserable for everyone because they are scared of EVERYTHING--the punch line was priceless.
  • It is a such a pleasure to see that others remember this show. Dave Thomas' show was one of those magic moments in television, that was unfortunately to good to stay on the air. I guess the world wasn't ready for someone brilliant enough to turn Max Von Sydow into a barber. Mot every man can bring us good Max Von Sydow humor. With all of the shows headed by comedians that have come and gone this was one of the best. From SCTV to Strange Brew Dave Thomas has and still does give us something to laugh at. In this day and age isn't that what we really need? Would love to see this on DVD, especially with never before aired episodes.
  • Can anyone tell me where I might find The Dave Thomas Comedy Show (1990) in either VHS or DVD to purchase? I thought the show was excellent and particularly enjoyed the skit with "The Frightened Brothers" which I believe included Martin Short, Chevy Chase, and Dan Akroyd. I saw this show on television over 10 years ago. I thought it was one of the funniest television shows I have ever seen. Dave Thomas was undoubtedly one of the most creative comedy writers out there. I would have enjoyed watching another one of his shows. I am pleased to have found this web site for matching actors/actresses with movies and television. Two national retail chains suggested that I contact IMDb for further research. Thank you for providing such thorough research. I hope to hear back from someone soon. Thank you.
  • jmorris69 June 2006
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the He's a Mad Dad, He's a Mother song/skit? It was our favorite as parents of two kids! It begins with "Me and my posse go to work just so we can feed you jerks - with a chorus of "he's a mad dad, he's a mother" Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write! Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write! Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write! Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write!Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write! Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write! Don't know what to say for the other lines that I need to write!