User Reviews (32)

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  • For the most part, this is an enjoyable "flashback" for most folks, a look back at the wild and crazy late 1960s. I would have enjoyed it more without all the blasphemous exclamations out of Keifer Sutherland's mouth.

    For those who loved the '60s and its hippie-far Left political and cultural stances, this will be a nostalgic remembrance of those days. For those who think that period was the beginning of the end, morally and culturally for the U.S., this film will demonstrate that, too.

    Regardless of where one is politically, the film moves very fast, is very entertaining, and has almost no credibility. In parts, it's just embarrassing it is so ludicrous.

    Dennis Hopper is very believable as the ex-"hippie" and Carol Kane is a hoot as the "flower child." The rest of the cast, led by Sutherland, is nothing but irritating.

    Also, the soundtrack of '60s songs is excellent.
  • this film had all the makings of a pretty boring film. it turned out to be much better than i thought. keifer sutherland plays a straight man, with an intresting past which when revealed. turns the story around. dennis hopper plays his well as usual. and keifer continues to amaze me for playing the "nice" guy. diffrent than his usual killer role he usually plays. overall a good film. worth catching on cable. hopper plays a hippie on the run that's caught and sutherland is the FBI agent in charge to bring him to spokane to serve his jail time. they get as far as oregon, and that's where sutherland's escort goes bad. hopper escapes and sutherland is confused for hopper by a cop wannabe senator. after clearing that up , then comes the chase , capture and....well you should see the rest on your own. it has some great twists. enjoy
  • This movie has a number of great actors, and a plot that is quite interesting, with lot of opportunities for development. Unfortunately almost every sequence in the movie has to be interrupted by a camera view of a moving vehicle of some kind, together with loud popular music that distracts from what is going on. The film never manages to convince the viewer of the reality that is facing any of the characters, and just pretends like these things can happen without repercussions. There are a few fun moments, which are enough to get you to the end of the movie, but it is likely you're better of watching something else.
  • This was a great movie. Dennis Hopper brought to life Huey Walker, an outdated hippy who came out of hiding from the feds for over twenty years. Kiefer Sutherland also did a great job as the strict, stick up the rear fed John Buckner, but has a buried secret of from his past.

    This is a very funny movie, but at the same time keeps a solid plot, making this a very enjoyable movie. This is the first movie that Hopper has both played a hippy that isn't stoned on and off the screen. I really liked this movie. It's not for everyone, but for those of us who don't mind a comedy with dirty cops, foul mouthed aging hippies, a surly fed with a secret, and a whole lot of plot twists, than this is the movie for you. Also, Carol Kane was hilarious as Buckner's aunt. 10/10
  • collinsuperhero22 April 2001
    This film is light, fluffy, whimsical warm stuff. The ideas that drive it are cliched but that does not mean they are wrong. Watch if you have nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon or if you were once a hippy too. For a plot description look at the other comments.
  • Straight-laced FBI agent John Buckner (Kiefer Sutherland) is tasked to escort hippie prisoner Huey Walker (Dennis Hopper) to Spokane, Washington for trial after 20 years on the run. Back in 68, he played a prank on Spiro Agnew by uncoupling his train car. Walker convinces Buckner that he dosed him with acid and Walker switches places with Buckner. They meet up with hippie Maggie (Carol Kane) and corrupt local Sheriff Hightower (Cliff De Young).

    Dennis Hopper is great channeling both sides of his acting repertoire. He is a wild hippie on one hand and a tough agent on the other hand. It's a little bit humorous at times but I'm not really laughing hard at anything. I think the story is more compelling for people who lived through the 60s as a hippie or at least indulged in the hippie lifestyle.
  • I enjoy the 1990 movie Flashback, though mostly for it's first 45-50 minutes. That section has some extra pep, if that's the word, in a kind of double-crossing wacky comedy involving a former 60s radical rebel, Huey Walker (Dennis Hopper, at first in a sweet hippie get-up), who got arrested, escaped, went on the lam, and then got arrested again for an 'incident' involving Spiro Agnew's train in 1969. When things don't go so right at all when Buckner (Kiefer Sutherland, a sort of prototype of his character on 24 I'd wager) gets the screws turned on him when tricked into thinking he's been slipped LSD. Walker looks like he's making his escape after shaving his beard, and even with the chance of great publicity for his new book. But a wrong turn comes via a couple of average knuckleheads (Michael McKean one of them, not with nearly enough to be his usual comedic best), and then another cross turned by the local sheriff who doesn't want anything reported on the treatment towards Buckner in prison. So, in short, all of this is actually pretty entertaining, with some funny bits scattered all around, and a great flow for dialog that goes around during the train ride between Buckner and Walker (I also enjoyed, even as slight amusing stuff, the scenes in the woods at night).

    But then the screenwriter takes a sharp turn into contrivance, and the film basically never fully recovers- Buckner leads Walker to his first home as a kid, a commune where he was originally named 'Free' and gradually gets a change of heart from the middle-aged lady who resides there now. All of this might spark up a twinkle in some old hippie fogey's eye, but it just seemed like a sharp shift in the tone that wasn't needed. Maybe the writer &/or director couldn't think of a better way to keep the story moving (once it gets to its generic conclusions involving a chase and some minor violence on the train, it's only passable and at worst pretty trite), so they had to insert a fluffy commune/hippie piece with Hopper the only one making it only minutely worthwhile. A shame really, as I liked watching chunks of the film early on a totally guilty pleasure vein as an admirer of the trashy exploitation pictures of the flower power era (and, to an extent, trashy 80s FBI/cop thrillers too). Hopper and Sutherland don't make a bad odd couple either, all things considered. But it's not a puzzle either as to why I'd have not too much trouble finding it in the cheap-video bin at the store. Maybe better if you're hardcore fans of either actor; as a coda for Easy Rider, however, it's really lacking that 'something' of that film.
  • This movie is never boring. Wonderful soundtrack and the actors, ALL, were PERFECT in their role. I have read reviews of this film and the reviews were less than kind. OK, it's not Citizen Kane but it's not trying to be the greatest film in the world. Story isn't complicated... A Fed (Kiefer Sutherland) is bringing in an UNDERGROUND '60's political fugitive (Dennis Hopper.) The sidetracks are entertaining and this may seem silly BUT the story is somewhat plausible...maybe not in the real world but certainly in the REEL world. Bottom line... don't judge it just sit back and enjoy the music and the VERY adept's a fun fantastic trip.
  • BobbyGuts9 September 2020
    Weird enough 5% of the writing is very interesting and creative and the rest of the 95% is very cringy.
  • kiefer-118 July 2001
    I have seen this movie a few times now and it has nothing to do with my attraction to Kiefer Sutherland (well maybe a little to start with!) The plotline is that Agent John Buckner a straight laced F.B.I agent has to get Huey Walker (Dennis Hopper) a hippie from the 60's who has been on the run for twenty years from San Francisco to Spokane, with disastrous Consequences. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, this film is about self discovery. With plot twists around every corner it makes for compulsive viewing for all ages, and leaves you with a good feeling at heart. If like me you are not a child of the sixties it makes you wish you had a time travel machine, if you were then you'll be dusting those flairs off! A classic old fashioned feel good movie.
  • damianphelps13 March 2024
    Flashback is a lively and funny film that explores the collision of generations and ideologies.

    Dennis Hopper and Kiefer Sutherland deliver charismatic performances, injecting the movie with humor and depth. The movie may have played better if Donald Sutherland had taken Hopper's role in the film?

    The story navigates through themes of rebellion, identity, and nostalgia, resonating with throwback audiences or those just looking for a bit of fun.

    Flashback is a humerous journey but not one to be looked at too deeply. Its just a film not an examination so don't make the mistake that some obviously have, by treating the show as a documentary :)
  • Huey Walker(Hopper) is an hysterical character to watch in this film as a hippie who is very Abby Hoffman like. He is arrested by John Buckner (Sutherland), a tight-assed, republican, FBI agent. What is supposed to be a simple task of transporting a prisoner turns out a harder job than expected for Buckner. As they make their way from San Francisco to Spokane, they encounter many obstacles. From a kind hearted prostitute to a crooked sheriff to a Haight Ashbury leftover played brilliantly by the ever wonderful Carol Kane (Scrooged, Taxi). Watching Walker and Buckner try to out smart each other is fuuny as hell, and chemistry between Sutherland and Hopper is great. You see the geninue friendship between them. The funniest scene, of which there are many, is when Walker is down on his knees, covering his face in mud. Buckner instucts him to then put one hand in the air and one on his heart and sing "Mammy". The humor however is nothing more than a vehicle for the true meaning of this film : You Can't Change Who You Are or Where You Come From. That message is perhaps best expressed in the lines:

    Buckner:So you're a phony? Walker:Yeah so? Buckner:Just like me.

    I give this movie my highest rating: 10 stars!

    * * * * * * * * * *
  • w_vai20 August 2003
    Great movie! Lots of good one-liners, reference to old movies, quotables, etc... Good performance by Dennis Hopper as a "Prankster" Hippy and also by Kiefer Sutherland as an FBI Agent in denial. Carol Kane as the communal Flowerchild is a treat as well.

    As with most older Dennis Hopper films, he plays the aging Hippy like noone else can. Makes you feel bad that poor old Huey himself didn't make it to Woodstock. ;)

    Quote (by Hopper's character Huey Walker): "Did you know that all condoms have a serial number on 'em? No? Then YOU must not have had to ever roll one down FAR enough!"

    Classic.... :)
  • mathw-13 December 2005
    This is one of my favorite movies. It has all the makings of a great comedy, but it also has several deep meaningful moments that can really move a person watching it. This movie is one that can make you laugh and make you cry. It truly is one of the underrated movies out there. I'd highly recommend anyone watching this film. Dennis Hopper plays his role with near perfection, and it almost seems like he fit the part a little too well. The supporting cast does a great job as well, and overall I'd say the acting, while not Oscar worthy, is well done. This movie is no grand epic, but does carry a lot of depth and meaning for those perceptive enough to pick up on the subtle parts. Both of the lead actors play off of each other very well in their respective roles in the film. I greatly enjoyed this film and I think anyone can get something out of watching it.
  • This is one of those all around great films that anyone can enjoy. When I was young I thought it was really funny. Now I get all the deeper messages and plot details, and like the movie all the more for it. This is also one of the two movies that can make me cry. The other is Grave of the Fireflies. The other aspects of the film, besides plot, are great too. The characters play off each other really well. The filming is good, and the comedy doesn't compromise the more serious nature of the film.
  • I loved this movie. I am already a Kiefer Sutherland fan thanks to 24, so when I read that Dennis Hopper was in this movie too, I had to have it. Kiefer is adorable in this movie. His scenes with Dennis are fabulous. It is such a sweet movie. Funny and touching. I loved the way the movie made me feel. I was very young in the 60s, but it still gave me a feeling of visiting my childhood. It was great seeing Kiefer and Dennis together. If you like Kiefer, you will love this movie. I must mention the music. Just a great bunch of songs from the era. If you grew up in the 60s, or you just want to feel like you did, watch this movie.
  • A really good early 90s film (set in the late 80s) with great performances and strong, nuanced writing and humor and a few intriguing plot twists and turns. Highly underrated and barely remembered, it made its mark on me when I saw it back then and I never forgot it. Glad to see it on digital release recently.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    During the 80's and 90's home video was an unexpected but explosive new entertainment medium. (Can anyone forget regularly scanning your nearby video store for something new to rent?) It gave writers and producers much more room to produce films that never would have made it to the screen. Production money may have been spare, but sometimes B-level movies are the best of all and "Flashback" applies. It wasn't a trip back in time as the title suggests, it was a look at the Establishment winning the culture war. Yuppies had replaced the Hippies. Perhaps the most poignant line was when the wizened old hippie, Huey (Dennis Hopper), reminds the yuppie FBI agent John Buckner (Keifer Sutherland) that the 1980's (the Reagan Administration) created two classes of people - the Rich and the Poor. More true today than it was then. As the story plays out in a comical and entertaining way - Buckner escorting Huey to jail but unexpectedly fleeing from a murderous small-town sheriff - we learn that maybe Huey wasn't as much a hippie as we thought. And we also learn that Buckner was the son of a hippie commune family and his real name is 'Free'. By the end of the movie Huey finally gets his book published and loves the fame (yet keeps his brazen attitude), and Buckner realizes the hippie liberalists were pretty good after all. He quits the FBI and sets out to re-discover his roots. One downside is watching Free/Buckner ride off into the sunset on a rice-burner bike instead of a Harley, but acceptable considering the movie was to bridge the 60's to the 90's. The other is seeing Huey propound his belief that the 90's would be so radical socially that it would put the 60's to shame. Sad to learn that it would never happen. Altogether, "Flashback" is a first-rate film worth owning, not just seeing. Greats like Dennis Hopper and Keifer Sutherland are at their best, it's a clever story, very entertaining, and thought provoking enough to make you wonder what the heck happened to a once bullish youth not afraid to get nose-to-nose with a Fascist-style government.
  • Rick-5112 September 2000
    After a month of monotonous plots, this movie is refreshingly different. The characters are not predictable, the plot takes some interesting twists, you know the characters are going to survive until one of them dies. The dialog is thought-provoking, especially for this old hawk who has had time to think about the 60's and the issues that were involved.
  • kcelectronics4 December 2005
    Cold Hard Reality and a Gentle Freer Time, clash in this Gem and I wondered what happened to all the Hippies, did we really "Change the World"? Just sit back and watch, the end is well worth the wait! I did have a tear in my eye, about midway through when they are watching the "Home Movie" were we ever that young and "Free" no pun intended.

    Moves along quite well even though it does seem a little silly in places, but when the credits roll this film will leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling.

    The sound track is well chosen with a mix of old and new (for the 1990's) Even if we don't get to hear Dennis sing "MAMMY" LOL

    Well acted and the casting was spot on.

    And the "bus speech" is thought provoking! listen!

    Watch it, Go on you know you want to? Colin
  • Second that emotion

    `Flashback' is not a great film. It has a good plot with some nice twists along the way, and top-notch performances by Dennis Hopper, Kiefer Sutherland (perhaps his best work yet), Carol Kane, Paul Dooley, Richard Masur and Michael McKean. But there is too much violence and profanity for this type of film, and the ending seems unbelievable and wrong.

    What makes me recommend "Flashback" is that it did something that only one other film has done for me. It took me back in time emotionally. `American Graffiti" made me feel like I felt when I was in high school in the early 1960s, cruising the local drive-in restaurant with friends and trying to navigate unfamiliar romantic waters.

    There is a scene in `Flashback' when the Masur and McKean characters are listening to a tape of a speech delivered 20 years earlier by Hopper. At that moment I was transformed back to the late 1960s, a recent college grad trying to find my way in a confusing and rapidly-changing culture. It was a chilling moment for me, one I don't know if I'll ever feel again. And I'm grateful to Director Franco Amurri and the actors for giving it to me.
  • rubyredkcar130 October 2005
    This is the milestone movie that made me admire Dennis Hopper's versatile, but also accurate, style of acting.

    I feel he portrays a certain level of comfortable spontaneity and peaceful individuality. It doesn't matter if the character Huey Walker was real or not or if the situation he was in actually happened, the story was entertaining and it had a great plot.

    This movie almost had me in tears the first time I watched it, and it made me feel like I just wanted to be myself. It made me feel like I was important, no matter what my name was or what I looked like, or where I came from. And even if I try to hide who I am, I know who I am. It made me feel like the only true way for me to be free, is to be comfortable with myself. That's what I got from the movie.
  • sunflowerspoom14 April 2004
    I LOVE THIS MOVIE! The story! The plot! The transformation in Buckner! Their love hate relationship! EVERYTHING! I just love it. When I was in 6th grade (2000) my mom came home with the movie and I expected it to be some old boring video but I loved it. Now I get more of the jokes but whatever. In fact it's my favorite comedy movie (I like There's Something About Mary too)! I want to live at the Rainbow Zen Commune!!! I'd been searching for that movie to purchase it for 3 years but then last summer I saw it at FYE. It was pretty expensive but finding your treasure after 3 years is priceless so I scooped it. I now know you can get it for the price of a Happy Meal at Walmart but I have it now and and when you love it so much it just doesn't matter.
  • TimDbase4 February 2007
    In my opinion this is the sequel to Easy Rider, perfect mirror to the time it's made. I believe this movie carries a very important message, and it is so funny... The best thing i can say is watch it! It's great. I nearly cried towards the end. Dennis Hopper is hilarious.

    Huey Walker: Don't worry, kid. I won't give you no excuse to blow me away. John Buckner: That's good. Huey Walker: Hey, do you want to watch me pi$$ now?

    "Does it tell you when to pi$$ too?" "The 90's are going to make the 60's look like the 50's." "Know thy enemy."

    hilarious and catching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When i first noticed this movie i was unsure of what to think about it. But a few days i finally watched it and i quickly changed my mind.

    Kiefer Sutherland and Dennis Hopper are great on the screen together, this was such a fantastic movie. Throughout the entire movie they play complete opposites of each other. With Bucker (sutherland) the tough FBI Agent and Walker (hopper) the rebel hippy, they are brought together and change each others lives. In the end they end up working together, helping each other out. Bucker found out who he really was with the help of Walker and Bucker finally goes to his parents after running away when he was younger The film brought tears to my eyes, it really did and for me thats hard to do. Kiefer plays such a great role, i'm already a huge fan of his and he is very cute in this film. With the lovable humour and tearful moments it will get you hooked. And this really changes the people watching as well, with the words Walker spoke to the people, you can't help but agree.

    A 10 out of 10 film. Must see!!!
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