User Reviews (46)

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  • A thought-provoking and intelligent film dealing with brooding and interesting deeds. The picture blends courtroom thriller, political post-boiler and domestic melodrama. It revolves around an advocate at law, Jessica Lange, defending her father , a too quiet Armin Mueller Stahl, of being a Hungarian war criminal, accused to commit grisly massacres in Hungary. The allegedly good father is a retired Hungarian blue-collar living in Chicago these last 37 years and is today framed of being head of a Hungary Special Section, a death squadron under Nazi supervision . If she loses, her daddy faces deportation charges, and then juzged at Hungary by a strict and expeditive criminal court . As the case progresses, she must struggle to remain objective, but things go wrong.

    Very fine drama with emotion, suspense, intrigue and a curiously impactanting finale. This thoughtful film provides a series of portrayals of some ethnic roles who result to be highly convincing. Awesome interpretation from Jessica Lange as the obstinate solicitor who comes to terms with the possibility his dad is culprit and adequate acting by Armin Mueller Stahl as the accused father who faces extradition counts . Most of the other interpretations are fine, as Donald Moffat, Frederic Forest as the prosecutor attorney, Cheryl Bruce, Michael Rooker as lawyer's boyfriend and a little boy, Lukas Hass, in spite his age he gives one of the best performances.

    It contains an evocative and sensitive musical score by Philippe Sarde, including Hungarian and ethnic sounds. As well as atmospheric and appropriate cinematography by Patrick Blossier, being shot on location in Chicago and Budapest, Hungary . The motion picture was compellingly directed by Constantin Costa Gavras. He is a veteran filmmaker with a long career, nowadays, he's directing still, including several provoking, political and engaging movies, such as : Z, State of siege, The confession, The sleeping car murders, Missing, Hanna K, Conseil de Familie, Betrayed, Mad city, Amen, The axe, among others. Rating 8/10. Above average. Essential and indispensable seeing. Well worth watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Jessica Lange should have been nominated for and won the Oscar as early as 1989 for this film. Beyond the superb acting of Lange and her supporting cast, however, the importance of this production is that it focuses on the little known truth that other European nationalities, in this case quite a lot of Hungarians, participated in the persecution of the Jews during and even long before the Nazi domination of Europe. Nazi sympathizers and material supporters were to be found in practically all countries of Europe, including Great Britain where prominent industrialists and even members of the Royal Family were known to promote that odious ideology. After all, England, was the first European country to expel Jews by royal legal edict in 1290. And, during the holocaust years, we now know that Ukrainian, Croatian, Hungarian, Austrian and other European peoples had their own pro-Nazi organizations that actively facilitated the deportation and extermination of the Jews.

    After Germany's defeat, many Nazi criminals fled to countries all over the world including the United States. Some of them even posed as Jewish refugees. In this movie, SPOILER: the father of the character played by Lange curried the favor of US authorities by being a rabid anti-communist who went out of his way to demonstrate at cultural events sponsored by the Soviet Union. He wasn't play acting as indeed Nazis and their sympathizers were logically anti-communist. His motive, however, was to avoid being repatriated to Hungary where he was wanted for war crimes.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    *May Be Spoilers*

    Jessica Lange has always been one of my top favorite actresses. Apart from being beautiful, she has the ability to make even dull characters seem vibrant, due to the fact that she usually just seems so fresh, unstudied, flexible. When you pair her up with a more demanding role or intriguing character, the results can be even better. Case in point is the part she plays in "Music Box": Ann Talbot, a single mother of one who happens to be an attorney. She is a woman who smiles or laughs when she's nervous or embarassed, always seems to be searching and scanning people's faces with her eyes, mentally interpreting everything they say and forming quick decisions and rebuttals. She also can "sneak up on you and clobber you", like in the brilliant, deceptive dinner conversation with Frederic Forrest that turns ugly. (You'll just have to see it, trust me.)

    Lange seems to effortlessly tune us in to all the nooks and crannies of Ann's personality, which in turn makes us riveted in the emotional scenes of the film because we feel like we're seeing an actual person who we know and care about in such dramatic circumstances.

    Armin Mueller-Stahl lends credible support as Laszlo, but this is Jessica's show pretty much all the way; we don't really know him at all as a character because the script gives him little to do, probably in an effort to make us not really know whether he's guilty or not -- until the end, of course. Frederic Forrest has the best moments apart from Lange as the prosecuting attorney who often resorts to typical arrogant machismo or petulance to prove his points, although the character also feels somewhat one-sided.

    You can tell the film is Gravas's work, due to the political overtones and a small-group-of-people-working-together-to . . .-type plot. Technically well made and never dull, often rewarding, but that's due to the acting. I suspect with lesser actors involved it could have been rather bland. Kudos to the casting director.

    See it if you're looking for a solid courtroom drama with standout performances, or if you're a fan of Lange, who gets to speak some Hungarian in the film as well -- impressive job again, Jessica!

    My rating: 8/10
  • I was astounded in reading the comments on these films to see people saying that Armin Muehler-Stall's character is flat and empty.Also, those that say his angry outbursts are not threatening.

    My father is a Hungarian immigrant who I have wondered where he has a similar "true story". I can say from personal experience that Armin's performances are consistent with my father's outbursts and for me personally were terrifying when seeing the movie.

    In terms of the generalization that the performance was "flat", there is a cold, clinical, almost sociapathic sense to some elderly Hungarians. Additionally, I found Jessica Lange's performance COMPLETELY believeable as someone raised under such strong expectations and often silent or restrained about true expressions of emotion or fear.

    That's my two cents. DO NOT underestimate the ACCURACY of this film.
  • A lawyer (Jessica Lange) defends her father (Armin Mueller-Stahl) accused of war crimes, but there is more to the case than she suspects.

    Roger Ebert gave the film a lukewarm two star review. Among his complaints were that the film was "not about guilt or innocence; it is a courtroom thriller, with all of the usual automatic devices like last-minute evidence and surprise witnesses" and that "Nazism is used only as a plot device, as a convenient way to make a man into a monster without having to spend much time convincing us of it." He is right, but I do not think this takes away from the film. Maybe not as hard-hitting as other political thrillers, it is still a strong drama.

    For me, it was great to see Michael Rooker. His role is very small, unfortunately, but it may be one of the most "normal" roles he has ever had to play. He is not a killer or an alien or anything weird, just a member of the family.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    An amazing film. I found myself hoping against hope that the accusations of murder against the Hungarian immigrant was false, and the slow realisation that he was actually a cold-blooded murderer (or had been) was devastating. The story unfolds in a satisfying and well narrated way, and we identify with Lange's character as wanting to believe (in the face of all evidence) her father is innocent. We go with her on the roller-coaster ride of the courtroom trial, and as each sobbing victim comes to the pedestal, her confidence fades and fades. The film features amazing performances by Lange and Mueller-Stahl, and the bitter resolution of the daughter disowning her father, and having to explain to her little boy (who loves his grandfather) is heart-wrenching but never sentimental. Costa-Gavras at his best.
  • The film won the Golden Bear for the Best Film at the Berlin Film Festival.

    The film rests on the original screenplay by Joe Eszterhas, the commendable performances of Jessica Lange (Oscar nominated performance), the enigmatic Armin-Mueller Stahl, and the wonderful Hungarian actress Mari Torocsik (best known for her lead role in Karoly Makk's 1971 film "Love") playing a brief but important role in this film, and of course the typical Costa-Gavras direction that relies on editing and music to a subtle perfection.

    The importance of the script of this film will not be obvious to many because the importance came to the fore long after the film won the Golden Bear. Mr Eszterhas' own real life father was a Hungarian who migrated to the US and was found to be a Nazi collaborator just as the film's story presents its lead character. The scriptwriter arguably knew or suspected this when he wrote the script. Many of the original scripts of Eszterhas,("Basic Instinct", "Sliver," "Betrayed," "Jade," etc.) deal with a hidden personality in people that we trust/love. He has been conferred with several Razzie awards but his work needs to be appreciated as important works of a tormented mind that provided entertainment for us without the viewers realizing this.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Music Box" poses an interesting dilemma: If your parent was guilty of a horrific crime, will you do everything to defend that parent? Ann Talbot (Jessica Lange) faces this problem when her father Michael Lazlo (Armin Mueller-Stahl)is being charged with war crimes during World War II in Hungary. Despite pleas from her co-workers, friends and even the prosecuting attorney (Frederic Forrest), Ann pushes on to defend her father. But as the trial progresses and the witnesses testify, Ann begins to have serious doubts as to her father's doubts.

    The most heartbreaking scene is when Ann finds out just how horrible her father truly is. When she retrieves a music box that was left in a pawn shop by a now deceased friend, she finds the proof of her father's guilt. The look on Ann's face says it all: her father had betrayed her and that he is truly a monster.

    Costa-Gavras's direction and the screenplay by Joe Eszterhas is wonderful (The ultimate irony being that what happened to Ann would soon happen to Eszterhas, when he found out after the film's release that his own father was accused of war crimes). However, the brilliant work of Lange and Mueller-Stahl is excellent. The viewer is Ann, wanting to believe the innocent of her father, but are incredibly hurt when you find out the truth.
  • ragosaal18 November 2006
    Greek director Costa Gavras is the one that gave us such strong and impressive films as "Z" (based on the kidnapping and murder of CIA agent Dan Mitrione by pro-Cuban Tupamaro's urban guerrilla in Ururguay in the late 60's) and "Missing" (about the disappearance of a young American citizen during General Pinochet's military government in Chile in the 70's). No doubt the man liked to enter compromising and complex movies.

    In "Music Box" he delivers a sort of court film drama about a lawyer in Chicago that defends her father when he is accused of being a war criminal in his youth as a member of the Hungarian branch of the German SS troops. Though perhaps sort of predictable, the film is intense and catching right from the start. Jesicca Lange renders one of the best performances of her career and so does Armin Mueller-Stahl in the main roles both most convincing.

    With no major bumps along its 2 hours run, "Music Box" is an enjoyable and highly recommendable product in its genre.

    Just for the record: in Argentina "Music Box" was renamed as "Mucho màs que un crimen" ("Much More than Just a Crime").
  • This film is of course a dangerous experiment with ingredients like: a court drama, holocaust 40 years after and absolute no action at all. But because of the great performances by the actors, it ends up as a deeply moving experience.

    And at the very center, Jessica Lange does a tremendous job as the lawyer and daughter of a Hungarian war criminal - or is he? She appears in almost every picture of the film, and I find her very convincing in her emotional ups and downs throughout. She does it with no glamour, but alone her incredible personality.

    Most of the other actors does a great job as well, and the only reason for not voting it in top is, that the plot is not too convincing - but it first became obvious some time after I watched the film, simply because of the fine acting.

    I voted 9/10.
  • Lejink1 September 2009
    A well-made, interesting and thought-provoking film on two main subjects - the specific subject of recriminations against war criminals detected in their old age (and given the times in which we live, a subject which will always be topical, if from more recent wars) and the wider, more general topic of how well we know our own parents - after all we weren't around when they did their growing up and of course only know the settled down, usually loving and caring mother or father from our childhood onwards.

    The film straddles a difficult line of time's witness into the past of war criminals, in particular the depiction of the anguished recollections of the physically and even more so, emotionally scarred witnesses of the perpetrator's horrific deeds - brutal rape and murder, as ever, prominent, if that's the right word, amongst them, against the conventional suspenseful requirements of a mainstream Hollywood thriller. Whilst I'm not sure the balance struck is always quite right - some of the scenes come off as if straight from a contemporary TV legal drama and the device of the fortuitous "reveal" twist which finally decides the guilt of the apparent loving father and grandfather "Papa Mishka", seems a little too pat, but the whole is elevated by the careful pacing of the movie, fine cinematography and in particular quality ensemble acting.

    Jessica Lange has the difficult task of carrying the movie - we pretty much see the events unfold from her point of view, starting with her incredulous denunciation of the initial accusation but moving on eventually to a reluctant concession that her doting father could be the monster outlined in court, under the weight of ever more convincing testimony, especially that of an elderly Hungarian woman recounting her horrific rape at the hands of Mishka and his secret police elite.

    In the end, a film to make the viewer pause and reflect on their own relationships with those they love and whether they/we would ever cover up their misdemeanours at the expense of truth and justice. There's little doubt here that Lange does the right thing in belatedly exposing her father's guilt, even after his official acquittal, although that's perhaps easy when the parent in question is/was so obviously a monster. What would you forgive?
  • dbdumonteil12 July 2005
    Warning: Spoilers
    This is one of Jessica Lange's best parts and one of Costa-Gavras 's finest achievements.I have a tendency to prefer his American works to his French ones such as "Z" and "l'aveu".

    Lange portrays a brilliant lawyer,but unlike so much Hollywood trial stuff,she has got something to lose in this case:she has got to defend her father ,accused of high crimes during WW2.Besides, "High crimes" starring Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman stole its screenplay from "Music Box".

    The movie has a terrifying dramatic progression.At the beginning of the movie,we side with the father ,but,little by little,doubt worms its way into us.Absorbing from start to finish,I recommend this film to anyone who is sick and tired of these trivial trials where the actors overact.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have always wondered who came up with the title. As son as a music box appeared in the movie, it was clear it has hiding the solution to the plot. WTF.
  • mjneu5913 December 2010
    Director Costa-Gavras is only a hired hand for this topical thriller, which asks the question: what do we really know about our parents? But, in answer, the film serves no real purpose except to force audiences to wait 130 minutes for Jessica Lange to find out what should have been obvious from the start, that her father is a brutal, sadistic ex-Nazi war criminal. Lange portrays a lawyer defending her dad in court, but because the question of a possible conflict of interest is never raised it's difficult to put much faith in what follows, mostly repetitive testimony and surprise witnesses (plus a scenic detour from Chicago to Budapest). All the airtight evidence against him won't shake Lange's illogical conviction that her old man is innocent, but hack screenwriter Joe Eszterhas makes a fatal mistake for any mystery scenario by letting the audience know more than his characters on screen. The film is a more a disappointment than a failure: a merely humdrum drama inflated by a false sense of its own prestige.
  • Awright, I don't approve of all your politics, Mr. Costa Gavras, particularly in "State of Siege" and "Hanna K.", but in this one you truly excel, both in terms of authenticity and a willingness to stay unprovocative when dealing with a sensitive issue as the Holocaust.

    The movie is supposed to have been inspired by the real-life case of John Demjanjuk, an Ohio resident accused of war crimes at Treblinka and Sobibor, extradited to Israel for trial in the mid 80's. The movie even has a brief reference to this Demjanjuk guy when someone tries to pronounce his complicated last name in a conversation with Jessica Lange. Costa Gavras seems to be intrigued by our very perception of the Holocaust and our ambivalent approach toward it. Lawyer Ann Talbot's Hungarian-born father is accused of war crimes, her ex-father-in-law is somewhat scornful towards the inviolability of the Holocaust, and even had drinks with "those monsters" when the West used ex-Nazis as spies against Communism. Not to mention the difficulty of prosecuting war crimes 40 odd years later when justice can be won by either concocted evidence or the cunning of legal argument, and historical truth becomes less important.

    The courtroom scenes and dialogues are truly remarkable in their restraint, and give the viewer just enough background as is needed about the atrocities of Arrow Cross in Hungary between 1944 and 1945. Specially the testimony of one Mr. Bodai is awesome, that of man so much ravaged by horror that his delivery is almost a monotone, with little emotional difference between responding a "yes" and a "no".

    But it is Jessica Lange that outshines everyone else in performance, may be one of her best ever.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Contary to popular opinion, I think that the second Costa Gavras - Joe Eszterhas collaboration is inferior to their first ("Betrayed", 1988). The two films are very similar thematically, but "Betrayed" chose to reveal the secrets of Tom Berenger's character early, which actually worked in its favor, as it allowed it to focus on other things. "Music Box" tries to sustain the "did he or didn't he?" question until the end, but the answer is plainly obvious from the start. And Gavras' direction lacks style: the film has a peculiarly bland and uncinematic look. But some of the material is still powerful, and the performances are top-notch. **1/2 out of 4.
  • mls41825 March 2023
    Excellent writing and top notch actors doing their best. Lange plays an attorney defending her Hungarian immigrant father against war crimes. There seem to be conspiracies on both sides.

    Over the course of the trial there are brutal stories of his sadism from the remaining living victims. They are the most powerful courtroom scenes I have ever seen. Lange does a good job of underplayimg when it would be very easy to overact.

    Thrown in are some stunning scenes of modern day Hungary.

    In the end, the revelation is handled quite cleverly. This film is disturbing, but worth seeing for the subject, writing and performances.
  • John Demjanjuk's death a few days ago makes Costa-Gavras's "Music Box", based on the case of Demjanjuk, all the more significant. It's about a Chicago lawyer (Jessica Lange) having to defend her Hungarian immigrant father (Armin Mueller-Stahl), charged with collaborating with the Nazis. He claims that it's a plot by Hungary's Soviet-backed government to target him. She believes him and uses the trial to call into question the credibility of that government. But then there's a little trip to Budapest required...

    Criticism of the movie is apparently that it too closely mirrors the plot of Gavras's previous movie "Betrayed", while not delving too deeply into the characters. I didn't see that. What I saw is the question of how well we know our own families. I certainly found the courtroom scenes intense, and in the end I recommend the movie. Also starring Frederic Forrest (Chef in "Apocalypse Now"), Lukas Haas (the boy in "Witness") and Michael Rooker.
  • steve-22975 November 2005
    This is a fantastic film. I live here in Budapest where part of the story is told. From what I have learned by talking to many people who witnessed the events of the 1956 Revolution, this film accurately depicts the situation, as grim as it is. This was the type of things that really happened. In this film you are spared the gory details, but what is told and the photos that are shown are vivid enough. The buildings on the street where I live today are riddled with pock marks from machine guns. I was here between 90 and 95 just after the country shed communism and witnessed the suspicion on the people's faces on the public transportation. Today (2005), since my return to Budapest, I have found the society to be much different, although the effects of communism can still be seen. People are not so suspicious, although many of those who lived through that horrifying time (late '40s well into the 'mid '50s), still believe that the secret police are a part of the system. This is the degree to which it effected the people. I have been to the places where evil things took place. I was here before the statues of Lenin and Stalin were removed, before the red star was removed from the Parliament, when the Soviet soldiers were still here. Creepy! If you want to know what the history of Hungary was like during this time, you MUST see this film. It is chillingly accurate to history.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Don't see this film if you want a deep insight into war crimes or if you wanna see a great mystery. You can pretty much guess what is to come after the first 10 minutes.

    Just to repeat the plot for no reason: Jessica Lange plays a Hungarian-American who happens to be a lawyer, which comes in handy, when her father, a seemingly benign, good man, is accused of war atrocities.

    The crimes he is accused of, are absolutely disgusting. Luckily, they are never shown on-screen but are only described by witnesses in his trial.

    Costa Gavras, the director, tries very hard to keep the audience guessing what is to come, but I am afraid that the resolution just isn't that exciting. There is one crucial moment at the end of the trial, when the prosecuting attorney calls a surprise witness, that feels like a giant cheat on the audience. I won't reveal it. Watch it yourself and make up your own mind.

    The best thing about this is Lange's performance. This is probably a part which most actors would kill for and Lange plays it without a false note. It would probably be easy to play it overly dramatic, but I think that Lange does it with super restraint and subtlety.

    Not that this a bad film but just very unsatisfying. It's kind of like Gavras' earlier exploration of a similar theme in Betrayed (a movie I thought was dismal). This is a little better but I felt that I learned nothing about the evil of those who committed these crimes and that I wasn't really engrossed in the outcome.
  • I just finished watching this with my wife. The gut-wrenching detail is a slow-cooker of agony that is rivoting to experience. Not with special effects, but a mental crucible. Tugs on your ability to separate yourself completely from the story line. Excellent movie I highly recommend. We were very impressed. Sobering adult fair. Not for casual viewing. Lange is fabulous and thoroughly convincing.
  • Ann Talbot (Jessica Lange) is a hard-charging divorced Chicago defense attorney. She's in disbelief when her Hungarian immigrant father Mike Laszlo (Armin Mueller-Stahl) is accused of war crimes and threatened with deportation. Prosecutor Jack Burke claims that he's the cruel death squad commander Mishka. There are witnesses and documents. However, Mike claims the communist government had manufactured the evidence to retaliate against Mike's anti-communist activity.

    This is not much more than a courtroom movie. The problem is that it could be much more with the acting combo power of Lange and Mueller-Stahl. This would be more interesting if Ann discovers her father's guilt halfway through the movie. Instead, it gets bogged down with the back-and-forth of the trial. When the reveal comes, it allows Lange to do one big acting scene which she parlays into an Oscar nomination.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Costa - Gavros has never been afraid to voice his political views, come what may. This includes indicting the U.S. Government in MISSING for collusion in the behavior of the Pinochet regime's killing an American citizen. He also has spoken harshly about Greece's junta in Z and other governments. In MUSIC BOX he looks at the issue of open collaboration in Eastern Europe by right wing governments from 1938 to 1945 with the Axis governments of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

    Hitler at his death in April 1945, and the trial of his leading minions and cut-throats in the immediate post-war years, did a favor of sorts for their allies in Hungary, Roumania, and other Eastern European states (as well as Western European states) who gleefully assisted in the Holacaust for their own reasons. Hungary was able to prevent the liquidation of the Jews there until 1944, due to the reign of the anti-Semitic but careful "Regent" Admiral Horthy. Horthy was unwilling to shed blood, as he was aware that Germany might not win the war and not be able to rubber stamp such a massacre in the future. But in September 1944 Horthy's regime was shattered when S.S. Colonel Otto Skorzeny kidnapped Horthy's son as a bargaining chip. Horthy basically retired from office, and a more pro-Nazi regime came in. It only lasted until the Russians came in the following March, but most of the Hungarian Jewish community ended up in the death camps. Several thousand were rescued thanks to the work of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenburg.

    Hungary's newly installed Communist Government quickly tried and executed the leading Hungarian fascists (Horthy was imprisoned until he died). The Hungarians had had a pretty sophisticated and successful capitalist society in the inter-war period. They did not take kindly to the Communist regime, and in 1956 they revolted (see the film THE JOURNEY). That revolt was smashed due to western indifference. Hungary did not try it again, but as the decades slid by it practiced more and more capitalism - and closer ties to the west. When the iron curtain finally collapsed, Hungary was very quick to reemerge as a "western" style country (with the "Czech Republic").

    But the fall of the Soviet empire also released tons of material for the West to read, not only about Communist collaborators, but also Nazi collaborators. The problem was that the west had to consider if the attacks on "Nazi collaborators" were honest reporting or attempts to smear innocent people.

    That is the theme of this Costa Gavros film. Jessica Lange is a lawyer, whose beloved father is Armin Mueller - Stahl. He was a refugee from Hungary who came to the United States in the late 1940s, under the wing of Donald Moffat, a Army intelligence officer. Moffat's son married Lange, and they had a child, before the father died. Mueller - Stahl has grown close to the boy, and Lange is happy about this.

    Then, one day, charges are filed against Mueller - Stahl by the Federal Government's prosecutor (Frederick Forrest) that Mueller - Stahl was an active, high ranking Hungarian Fascist who assisted the Nazis in the murder of Hungarian Jews. Lange is angry at this and becomes her father's attorney. Unfortunately as the case progresses, more and more documentation turns up that forces Lange to re-evaluate her father. She fights as long as possible - aided by the questionable people who supply the "proof". But as it builds, the facade of kindness and love by her father cracks. Mueller - Stahl has repeatedly appeared in films showing a lovely restraint in his acting. Look at his work as the immigrant to America in AVALON. But here he is playing against his normal type - when he finally shows Lange his basic repellent manner and fury he is chilling. He basically tells her to keep her thoughts to herself, or he'll take her kid away from her.

    But even more chilling is Donald Moffat. He apparently found that saving Mueller - Stahl from a deserved trip to the gallows was quite useful for his own career in military intelligence. He certainly did well in that sphere. But it helps him immensely that he either does not care about the fate of the Jews, or that he openly questions the Holacaust (in one scene he even tries to start indoctrinating doubt into Lange's son, who is his grandson too). That such a character did so well in our country is a bitter pill to swallow, and yet it probably is not far from the truth in many cases.
  • Obviously Costa-Gavras decided it was time to deviate from his usual denouncing style and make a more "sentimental" movie. It might have a political background but it is a court drama. As it shows, this is not his strong point. Overall it is not a bad movie, but it wasn't what I was expecting from Gavras.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When i watched this movie, i did really enjoy the first 90 min. However, after the visit to Hungary and the too neat discovery of the pictures of Mishka Laszlo in the music box, i just could not believe that the movie was going to go in the direction it actually went.

    What we actually see is a movie about a daughter who betrays his own father, sends him to prison, compromises the life of her own family, destroys her own reputation and stains the future of her only son. Not at any time the old Nazi Criminal is questioned by her daughter as to his motives, as she never tries to understand what drove the old man to commit those atrocities 40 years ago. The daughter's behavior is unrealistic, and it makes you wonder who is the actual monster.

    The movie is an effective courtroom drama, with a good plot, good script, and excellent actors. Jessica Lange plays well the daughter, and Armin Mueller Stahl is excellent, as usual, in his role of ambiguous Nazi criminal.

    The pity is that all is too obvious. The old man never stood a chance, as it was her own daughter who tried him and convicted him. Also, there is no explanation or attempt to understand the old man, his convictions, his motivations, his feelings, or the context in which he supposedly committed those atrocities. The movie assumes from the very beginning that the old man is a bad guy, and that's it.

    The main question that was in the mind of everybody, and the question that every reputable, sane, caring and loyal daughter would have asked is never answered, and it is a big, big elephant in the room: why did you do it, Dad?? She never asks that. As far as we know, the old Nazi worked 30 years in a Factory, gave a good education to his daughter, and was a good provider. The movie shows very well that the old man indeed took care of his family, and shows great affection and love for her daughter, son and grandson. But the daughter betrays him without even asking the only reasonable question a son or daughter could ask: Why the hell did you do it?? So, the daughter assumes that daddy is a monster after all, does not try to understand his behavior or motives, life or context, and in a very merciless gesture she herself betrays him.

    The old man is not to pity, as he was a Nazi criminal. However, it is just unbelievable that a daughter "would do the right thing". Family is family. The courageous end for this movie would have been her daughter asking him for his motives, and either accepting it or not. But the righteous crap end is totally unacceptable and lacks credibility. If not, just think for yourself and ask yourself this question: If you knew that your dad shot some people in "Nam" in some questionable circumstances, would you go to the district attorney or military prosecutor straightaway and try to get your own dad convicted, or would you ask him to explain himself and give him an opportunity?? The movie is rubbish and takes the easy way out. I give it a three only because Jessica Lange and Armin Stahl are great actors.
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