User Reviews (8)

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  • ...but I think it was cool.

    Sometimes I like to surprise people by bringing up obscure TV shows from the 1990s that even I can barely recall. My two favorite programs to cite are "Nightmare Cafe" and "Covington Cross" - both short-lived, and both with a cool premise. Generally speaking, nobody I talk to has seen or heard of either one of them.

    I remember "Nightmare Cafe" better. If memory serves, it was about a creepy café (of course). People stumbled in and had weird things happen to them. Oddly enough, I recall that the café was not strictly evil - sometimes, it would help people resolve conflicts in their lives. But in a creepy, cryptic way, naturally.

    Mostly I remember the tone of the show, which was eerie, in a "Sapphire and Steel" sort of way. I also found Robert Englund very charismatic, and it was nice to see him out of mutated makeup for a change.

    Of course the show was canceled, for the usual reason - it had a lousy time slot! I wonder if, given a chance, it might've been another "X-Files."

    Apropos of nothing, one person I spoke to once did actually remember this show. And she was really, really hot. What does this say about the quality of the show itself? Nothing, but I thought it was worth mentioning!
  • dementednun14 September 2022
    Not a bad TV show cancelled during a writer's strike so you'll never know what could have been. A bit of history I found out, the show was created for a night time slot to try and lure college students into a new show! Nick at nite was very popular with reruns so the creators of Nightmare cafe wanted in. The six episodes that were produced didn't really get watched by many people and a writers strike pretty much got it cancelled I have heard from somebody that Jerry Seinfeld was a fan and wanted to try and promote the show. I guess in the 90s college students who are really high just wanted to watch Brady Bunch reruns and the Nanny.
  • I first saw Nightmare Cafe when NBC had a special Wednesday "sneak preview" some weeks before it premiered in its fatal timeslot in the graveyard of shows, Friday nights. The pilot seemed stylish and imaginative, although the effects were less than state-of-the-art even for that time. Taking place all in the span of a single night, it had a very closed-in feeling. The two leads were convincing and capable, but Robert Englund seemed just a bit too smarmy, trying too hard to distance himself from his infamous Freddy Krueger role. Still, it was a fine beginning for a fantasy show, or as one reviewer termed it, the flipside of Fantasy Island.

    The remaining five episodes were uneven in quality, but it's unfair to expect a new show to find its voice in only weeks. "The Heart of the Mystery" was one of the better ones. But by the end, the show had abandoned the night setting and the mysterious waterfront the cafe was on. It just didn't feel right to have a "nightmare" show taking place in broad daylight.

    Overall, it was a set of intriguing possibilities mostly left unexplored. I have the pilot on tape, and it's a good reminder of what could have been.
  • This is one of the most awesome, underrated shows, from the great Wes Craven. Starring Robert Englund, Lindsay Frost, and Jack Coleman, and many guest stars, it is a great sci-fi/horror series from 1992. Please sign this online petition I made and we can have Nightmare Café on DVD! Also, please spread the word around too if you could. Here is the website link: This is one of the best hidden gems from the early 90's and one I remember vividly. Right now, there are only fan made sets of the whole show available, VHS quality, recorded in 1992. If we get this released on standard definition DVD, I would be 100% satisfied. Again, please try to spread the word around if you can, thanks for reading my post!
  • I remember this show, from when I was High was awesome! Way ahead of its time...bring the same show back today, with the success of Stranger Things, it would be a hit. At least Twenty Year early.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wes Craven and Thomas Baum's enjoyable 1992 series 'Nightmare Cafe' ran on NBC for only a mere six episodes and for the life of me I cannot fathom why. With a stable cast and top writers, it had all the ingredients to be a hit.

    Two people, Frank Nolan and Fay Perovnic, both meet inside a mysterious cafe, manned by a strange man named Blackie. It turns out, they have both died after drowning in the same river as each other and it transpires that Blackie is the one responsible for bringing them back to life ( and not with C.P.R! ). The cafe normally situated near the waterfront has the power to teleport to another location. That is when Frank and Fay realise they are on a mission to help someone in danger.

    In a nutshell, the show is all about giving second chances.

    There was so many possibilities unrealised. It really did need a second season however due to dismal viewing figures it was axed. Robert Englund ( best known as Freddie Kruger ) was terrific as Blackie. It made a nice change seeing him in a role other than that of a psychotic murderer. Here one was never certain whether he was the good guy or the bad guy. Jack Coleman brought humour to the proceedings as the facetious but kind hearted Frank whilst Lindsay Frost ( who I recall as Randy, the poor girl whose body decomposes whilst she is still alive, in the underrated movie 'Dead Heat' ) serves as eye candy as the insecure Fay.

    One possible explanation for its lack of interest from viewers could be the fact that what few viewers the show had did not have the intelligence to keep up with the plots. I guess we shall never know.
  • I was 12 yrs old when this show was on. I remember it was one of my favorite shows back then. I watched it religiously. One day I realized it never came back on. It had been canceled, but I was still always looking for reruns. All I can remember from it is the sense of fantasy, and spookiness. You can only find those good, supernatural shows during Halloween season. And hardly even then these days. But with that show, you got that Halloween feel every week, even though it wasn't Halloween season.

    Looking on this website, I saw for the first time that it was created by Wes Craven. As soon as I saw that, I knew why I liked it so much. I loved how when they opened the door to the café, there was nothing but space....literally....Outerspace....nowhere. That was awesome for a young mind to fathom. I just really loved that show and I wish that I could see it again.
  • The tv-series Nightmare Cafe was one of my favourite shows when I saw it by mistake one saturday night. Great characters and one of my at the time favourite actors, Robert Englund as a mentor figure helping the dead man and woman to help other lost souls. Funny, imaginative and with this nice everyday halloween scare to it. But not totally satisfying, mostly because the possibilities are not explored enough. Except for that Nightmare Cafe is one fine treat.